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Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward

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cptsnapper 10 Jul 07 - 04:35 PM
Big Al Whittle 10 Jul 07 - 06:14 PM
GUEST 10 Oct 13 - 05:33 PM
Vic Smith 11 Oct 13 - 06:40 AM
MGM·Lion 11 Oct 13 - 07:24 AM
MGM·Lion 11 Oct 13 - 08:13 AM
GUEST,Derek Schofield 11 Oct 13 - 09:01 AM
breezy 11 Oct 13 - 12:23 PM
MGM·Lion 11 Oct 13 - 12:34 PM
GUEST,Dave Ward 12 Nov 16 - 05:25 AM
Big Al Whittle 12 Nov 16 - 12:05 PM
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Subject: Dave Ward
From: cptsnapper
Date: 10 Jul 07 - 04:35 PM

Does anyone remember Dave Ward? There's been a thread concerning a song   aabout Lady Chatterley's Lover & I seem to remember him singing it & also a song about a triffid: I think that this would be in the seventies He also ran the Gateway School of Recording, Music Technology and Music Business Studies, c/o The School of Music, Kingston University & I was just wondering if he's still singing or involved with music.

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Subject: RE: Dave Ward
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 10 Jul 07 - 06:14 PM

I went to one of his courses at Gateway about 1984. He was doing a cabaret gig at the time at night, dressed up as a yokel - he'd had a bad gig one night of the course.

The secretary at Gateway was Jennifer McNulty, wife of Hugh McNulty, of Peabody and McNulty fame. So using 'ma leetle grey cells', perhaps Dave Peabody would know about Dave Ward.....

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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
Date: 10 Oct 13 - 05:33 PM

Whatever happened to Jean Ward from Walsall Wood? she used to sing at The Hazel Slade Inn folk night in the 1960s. she had a fabulous voice.

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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
From: Vic Smith
Date: 11 Oct 13 - 06:40 AM

Dave Ward did a couple of gigs for us when we ran a folk club in Blackheath in the late 1960s. The only thing that I really remember about them is that he arrived at the club with his fingers white without any blood in them because of the poor circulation - like me he suffered from a form of Reynard's Syndrome. I remember rubbing his fingers vigorously to get the circulation back into them.

Didn't he write for "The Guardian" for a time?

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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
From: MGM·Lion
Date: 11 Oct 13 - 07:24 AM

Yes, Vic: I think you are right. I initiated the Folk review column on the Guardian's monthly records page in 1970, I think it was; until then they had only done classical, pop/rock, & jazz columns: but I suggested Folk to the Arts editor of the time & he took it up. I wrote those columns for about 7 years, till a new Arts editor took over who appeared to be a friend of Dave's, & gave the column to him. That's the way they do things on papers; I am not complaining, esp maybe 35 years later. & I kept on doing theatre reviews, folk fests &c for them for years anyhow. I think I only met Dave once at a London Folk Fest on the S Bank. Not very affable, IIRC ~~ perhaps he was just a bit embarrassed. Tony Rose took over from him a bit later, I recall, but I have no idea what went on to bring this about.

What might have happened to Dave now I have no idea.


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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
From: MGM·Lion
Date: 11 Oct 13 - 08:13 AM

Occurs to me that might not even have been the same David Ward the thread is about ~~ not a unique name, I have known at least one other namesake. But that's the one Vic ref'd to, & that I remember.

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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield
Date: 11 Oct 13 - 09:01 AM

I am not sure the two David Wards are the same. The Guardian one worked for the Guardian as a reporter in the NW - he lived in Cheshire. Now retired to Cumbria I think, where he is involved, I think, with some arts organisation. He does occasionally write for the Guardian.
I think this might be him:

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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
From: breezy
Date: 11 Oct 13 - 12:23 PM

He sang Botany Bay at Downe 1964-5

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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
From: MGM·Lion
Date: 11 Oct 13 - 12:34 PM

Indeed, Derek; the Arts editor who gave the job to him had previously worked in the Manchester office of The Guardian, and so knew David who was a local correspondent for the Northern editions. I OTOH had long been their regional theatre critic for Cambridge & E Anglia, so all my dealings had been with the London office.

But I really don't think he was the same one who sang referred to in the OP, who seems to have operated in the South and been connected with Kingston University, which is in Surrey.


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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
From: GUEST,Dave Ward
Date: 12 Nov 16 - 05:25 AM

Hi from Dave Ward the singer not the journalist. Greetings from Finland where I now live. I just googled myself (i've been doing it since I was 12) by accident and found these posts.

I can't remember who wrote the Lady Chatterly song but the triffid snippet was written by Dave Turner from Nottingham.

I have done very little singing over the past few years but am looking forward to doing more soon.

Check out I would love to do some songs with them.

I started the Gateway School which was mainly financed from the Cabaret work.

Al the   the night you mention was when I turned up for a gig in London and there was a deathly hush everywhere instead of the usual bustle. I looked in the hall and there were the Daughters of the American Revolution. The scariest gig ever. They thought Scarborough Fair was a dirty song because of The Graduate.

I have continued the Gateway work as Executive Director of JAMES

You can see my other work at This work I am planning to bring to UK soon.

Vick can't remember the Reynard's Syndrome but did have cold hands mainly through an excess of Youngs.

All old friends please get in touch with me through

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Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to: Dave Ward
From: Big Al Whittle
Date: 12 Nov 16 - 12:05 PM

Interesting - are you still in touch with Peabody /McNulty lads? Lat t saw DP,   was about ten years ago playing The Musician in Leicester with a version of Mungo Jerry.

Finland...that sounds like a place, you'd need an interesting reason to go to!

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