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Hedge & Donna: Where are they? (2019 Obit: Donna)

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Wesley S 18 May 04 - 01:41 PM
Mark Cohen 19 May 04 - 01:43 AM
wysiwyg 19 May 04 - 09:12 AM
wysiwyg 19 May 04 - 11:52 PM
GUEST 20 May 04 - 04:34 PM
GUEST,Tony S. 19 Feb 05 - 06:18 PM
GUEST,Fetjet 08 Mar 05 - 01:34 AM
GUEST,Judy 11 Mar 05 - 01:35 AM
GUEST,dondonn 21 Jul 06 - 03:32 PM
GUEST,Guest kjm 14 Aug 06 - 12:05 AM
GUEST,Yolanda 24 Aug 06 - 09:02 PM
GUEST,TMAC 28 Sep 06 - 12:03 AM
GUEST,a librarian and fan from the 70's 03 Oct 06 - 10:29 PM
GUEST,Sharon 18 Oct 06 - 04:10 PM
GUEST,Guest - Stu 21 Dec 06 - 08:48 PM
Scrump 22 Dec 06 - 05:10 AM
GUEST,Eric 22 Dec 06 - 02:56 PM
GUEST,chris 28 Dec 06 - 12:20 AM
GUEST,Diana - guest 31 Dec 06 - 04:57 PM
GUEST,rjtucker 29 Jan 07 - 03:58 PM
GUEST,rjtucker 15 Feb 07 - 04:53 PM
GUEST,DJ 19 Feb 07 - 11:08 PM
Stilly River Sage 19 Feb 07 - 11:51 PM
GUEST,bridget 23 Feb 07 - 12:20 PM
GUEST 24 Feb 07 - 04:26 AM
GUEST 24 Feb 07 - 10:51 AM
wysiwyg 24 Feb 07 - 04:58 PM
GUEST,GUEST 24 Feb 07 - 10:48 PM
GUEST,Donalda Mosby Lovelace 26 Feb 07 - 10:14 PM
GUEST,ginger_gower 08 Mar 07 - 01:56 PM
GUEST,ahimsakid 15 Mar 07 - 01:57 PM
wysiwyg 15 Mar 07 - 02:50 PM
GUEST,Hippups 20 Mar 07 - 11:17 PM
GUEST 20 Mar 07 - 11:20 PM
mrmoe 21 Mar 07 - 07:13 AM
GUEST,kmarnyc 22 Mar 07 - 07:57 PM
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GUEST,ric 24 Apr 07 - 12:51 PM
GUEST,Guest WWB 02 May 07 - 08:09 PM
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ClydeIII 13 May 07 - 11:07 AM
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GUEST,Tom 19 May 07 - 01:38 PM
GUEST,Mike 02 Jun 07 - 02:56 AM
wysiwyg 02 Jun 07 - 10:42 AM
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GUEST,cflpeace 07 Aug 07 - 09:53 PM
GUEST,Guest *Julie Hines* 09 Aug 07 - 09:37 PM
GUEST,Janice K. 16 Aug 07 - 02:08 PM
Wesley S 17 Aug 07 - 01:43 PM
GUEST,Tom 20 Aug 07 - 06:25 PM
bobad 20 Aug 07 - 07:17 PM
GUEST 21 Aug 07 - 04:15 AM
GUEST,Bill in Kansas 31 Aug 07 - 09:52 PM
GUEST,Trish 01 Sep 07 - 06:32 PM
GUEST,Michael in Portland 06 Sep 07 - 07:17 PM
wysiwyg 06 Sep 07 - 09:46 PM
GUEST,Michael in Portland 07 Sep 07 - 10:59 AM
wysiwyg 07 Sep 07 - 12:29 PM
Bill D 07 Sep 07 - 12:36 PM
wysiwyg 07 Sep 07 - 12:47 PM
GUEST,Michael in Portland 07 Sep 07 - 03:46 PM
GUEST,TomH 08 Sep 07 - 02:26 PM
GUEST,Sister 10 Oct 07 - 06:29 PM
GUEST,Tamina 11 Oct 07 - 06:00 PM
Murray MacLeod 11 Oct 07 - 06:40 PM
GUEST,Kat 13 Oct 07 - 01:43 PM
GUEST,Guest, richaard 21 Oct 07 - 04:19 AM
GUEST,Guest- Natjo 08 Nov 07 - 01:16 AM
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GUEST,ggrumpy 02 Dec 07 - 07:16 AM
wysiwyg 02 Dec 07 - 12:47 PM
GUEST,Caleb5412 10 Dec 07 - 11:30 PM
GUEST,Veronica 13 Dec 07 - 11:50 PM
GUEST,Kat 18 Dec 07 - 04:21 PM
GUEST,Beth 25 Dec 07 - 12:04 AM
GUEST,Sharmagne 08 Jan 08 - 05:19 PM
GUEST 08 Jan 08 - 05:42 PM
GUEST,Sharmagne 10 Jan 08 - 07:33 AM
Sharmagne 10 Jan 08 - 08:02 AM
GUEST,LeeAnn 14 Jan 08 - 09:26 PM
GUEST,Rita Mcknight 18 Jan 08 - 05:10 PM
GUEST,Chas 29 Jan 08 - 04:45 PM
GUEST,Sharon Fisher 31 Jan 08 - 02:52 AM
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ratliffj 24 Feb 08 - 07:07 PM
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GUEST,Mark 25 Mar 08 - 01:55 PM
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GUEST,Eric 28 Nov 08 - 08:57 PM
bobad 28 Nov 08 - 09:16 PM
GUEST,SCott 21 Jan 09 - 12:22 AM
GUEST,Hedge 10 Feb 09 - 11:32 PM
wysiwyg 10 Feb 09 - 11:40 PM
GUEST,Fred 16 Feb 09 - 01:43 AM
GUEST,donna fletcher 16 Feb 09 - 06:35 PM
GUEST,Roger 07 Mar 09 - 05:50 AM
GUEST,donna 31 Mar 09 - 01:27 AM
GUEST,Judy 11 Apr 09 - 03:46 AM
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GUEST,Charlie 04 Jul 09 - 01:28 AM
dog66 16 Jul 09 - 11:54 PM
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GUEST,Mahkis 27 Jul 09 - 08:23 PM
GUEST,RP 29 Jul 09 - 11:53 PM
GUEST 14 Aug 09 - 02:42 PM
GUEST,Roger 13 Nov 09 - 05:07 AM
GUEST,Marilyn 03 Jan 10 - 12:41 PM
GUEST,Terces 03 Jan 10 - 01:28 PM
GUEST,Billy Batson 09 Mar 10 - 05:13 PM
GUEST 20 Mar 10 - 01:48 PM
GUEST,hammerhead 02 Jun 10 - 07:16 PM
Larry The Radio Guy 02 Jun 10 - 07:32 PM
GUEST 17 Jun 10 - 08:01 PM
GUEST,guest 27 Jun 10 - 06:05 PM
GUEST,ratliffj 04 Jul 10 - 12:36 AM
GUEST,Guest, Patty 07 Jul 10 - 01:35 AM
GUEST,Michael Chapman, KC, MO 09 Jul 10 - 11:46 PM
GUEST,Dani Settle from St. Croix, VI 25 Jul 10 - 01:08 AM
GUEST,Belfastboy in Seattle 05 Sep 10 - 02:44 PM
GUEST,Billy Batson, singer & song writer 19 Sep 10 - 09:17 PM
GUEST,Billy Batson 19 Sep 10 - 09:22 PM
GUEST,Billy Batson, author of "Please Understand M 19 Sep 10 - 09:35 PM
GUEST 21 Oct 10 - 11:17 PM
GUEST,Roger 18 Jan 11 - 08:12 PM
GUEST,TheHammer610 26 Feb 11 - 02:54 PM
GUEST 29 Mar 11 - 01:33 AM
GUEST,SC connection 22 Apr 11 - 11:50 PM
GUEST,Emily 07 Nov 11 - 11:37 AM
GUEST,Sherry 31 Oct 12 - 12:36 AM
GUEST,jmark 23 Feb 14 - 09:22 PM
GUEST,DION 10 Sep 14 - 09:42 PM
GUEST,Martha Wahlberg 02 Oct 14 - 10:23 PM
GUEST,Sharon 23 Dec 15 - 12:30 AM
wysiwyg 04 Oct 18 - 07:13 PM
GUEST 20 Dec 19 - 01:54 PM
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Subject: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Wesley S
Date: 18 May 04 - 01:41 PM

Does anyone remember Hedge and Donna ? They later changed their performing names to Capers and Carson. They were active in the late 60's to early 70's - released several fine LP's - recorded some of the early Jackson Browne songs. I was wondering what happened to them ? Are they still active in the music biz ? Selling used cars ? Retired on the hundreds of dollars they acquired during their career ? Just curious. Thanks.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 19 May 04 - 01:43 AM

I saw them at the Main Point in Bryn Mawr, Pa. (near Philadelphia) in 1970 or 71. After that...nada. A Google search turned up a rambling interview done in 1974 by their former bass player, Arnie Moore, here, in which he talks a bit about Hedge and Donna and why he left them, but doesn't mention what happened to them. The interview has some interesting moments and is a fascinating glimpse back at 1970 seen from the perspective of 1974! He describes Linda Ronstadt thus: "She's a very sweet girl and has a hard time keeping a band."

Sorry, though, Wesley, can't give you any more than that. The hits I found on Google are mostly old concert lineups from their brief heyday.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 19 May 04 - 09:12 AM

Oh, I liked them! I'd like to know what happened to them, too.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 19 May 04 - 11:52 PM


Also, apparently Hedge did some "acting," starring in and getting really bad reviews for:

Who Fears The Devil? (1972)
(edited and re-released as The Legend of Hillbilly John, 1973)
Category: Action/Adventure
Director: John Newland
Cast: Severn Darden, Denver Pyle, Susan Strasberg, Hedge Capers

After seeing his kin struck down by evil during a ritual, Hillbilly John vowed to seek out the devil wherever he might hide his wicked countenance. When last seen, Hillbilly John was headed toward Washington, D.C. to take care of all the devils there. Good luck, Hillbilly John.

In other words-- after some serious rehearsal time, Hedge turned into Catspaw and is hiding in plain sight, right here at Mudcat.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 20 May 04 - 04:34 PM

I met Hedge and Donna when I worked on a daily variety show called The Jim Nabors Show in LA around 1978 and they were guests. (JS appeared on that show once; his former manager Cort Casady was a fellow writer on that show, and John sang "July" in a solo performance.)

All of THAT you can believe probably, but the weird part is ... in "Hedge and Donna" ... Donna Capers was "Hedge." And Hedge was "Donna." I know that seems pretty bizarre. Even THEY didn't know what to make of it. And I think they got so confused they broke up.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Tony S.
Date: 19 Feb 05 - 06:18 PM

First saw Hedge and Donna in 1970 at the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach, CA. An old girlfriend was a waitress there and got me backstage to meet them. I've only found old vinyl searching the net. Would love to get a hold of some mp3 files. Thirty-five years later I can still hear their tunes in my head.....

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Fetjet
Date: 08 Mar 05 - 01:34 AM

Tony S: I think I might be able to help you. I went to college with Hedge & Donna and knew them quite well back then. We went to Whittier College together ( along with severka othe rfriends who still regularly see each other). I graduated in 1969 and H edge & Donna were a couple years ahead of me. I have three of their albums (their first one, "2", and "Revolution"). I have digitized these and then converted them into MP3 format. I'm happy to share these with you. If interested, email me at

Tom Dovidio

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Judy
Date: 11 Mar 05 - 01:35 AM

I did a google search awhile ago and found a site that said their son was a musician and that Hedge and Donna had been divorced a long time ago. Hedge was some kind of businessman near San Diego. I will try to find the info and post it here. I've had one of their albums since the 70's and loved it. I checked on eBay a year or two ago and someone had 3 of their albums and I think I was the only bidder. But they look like they have never been played. Now all I have to do is get a record player! Too bad they didn't stick together and find greater popularity. I loved them,

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,dondonn
Date: 21 Jul 06 - 03:32 PM

don't know about hedge, but Donna is a lovely person and a wonderful friend..................didn't know them when they sang, but just got one of their vinyls from ebay.
Donna is wonderful and i feel fortunate to call her "my friend"

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Guest kjm
Date: 14 Aug 06 - 12:05 AM

Dondonn, if you ever read this post I hope you will share more about your friendship with Donna. Anything you can share about her post-recording life will be greatly appreciated and treasured by her fans, including of course me.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Yolanda
Date: 24 Aug 06 - 09:02 PM

Ha! You guys made me go look to see which albums I have! I knew Hedge and Donna like most others back in the 60'and 70's I have pictures when Donna was pregnant with Ethan!

I was wondering about them today when I saw something online about Shawn Phillips, and that led me down memory lane....I typed in "Hedge & Donna where are they now" and your posts came up!

I last saw Donna years ago when I went to spend the weekend with her up in Los Angeles, and although we kept in touch for awhile, I lost touch with her and Ethan. Over the years I've thought of her often as her soul was wonderful...I'm sure it still is.....

What feels strange is the fact that I'm now 52 years old, and met them when I was probably about 15 or 16! Where DID the time go???

The albums I have (well that I found upon first look!)are
Hedge & Donna
All The Friendly Colors
Hedge & Donna 2
Capers & Carson
New Spirit of Capital ( It had Jamie on it with other artists as well)
Thanks for sharing and allowing me to share!

dondonn, when you see Donna, please tell her Yolanda from Oceanside is still around and thinks of her often...thanks!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 28 Sep 06 - 12:03 AM

I was looking around for Hedge and Donna albums - hoping that someone had the foresight to capture their work on CD, but no luck. I, too, saw them at the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach in 1970. I still sing "Hannah" to myself to this day. I miss their sounds and was glad to find this thread that gave me a little information re their whereabouts

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,a librarian and fan from the 70's
Date: 03 Oct 06 - 10:29 PM

see Hedges' bio at

note his name is Hedges Capers

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Sharon
Date: 18 Oct 06 - 04:10 PM

I think I was their biggest fan. I transferred all my vinyl to tapes back in the late 80s, with predictable poor results. Also picked up copies at garage sales of some of the same vinyl I already had -- hoping to make it last longer. Sadly, some are badly scratched now. Hannah was also my favorite. It is a beautiful, powerful, soul wrenching song. I will definitely be contacting for some MP3s, although the quality of MP3s is nothing like vinyl IMHO. I have searched for them frequently before, and am so glad to find this thread!!

I wish I could hear them live again!


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Guest - Stu
Date: 21 Dec 06 - 08:48 PM

I just played golf with Hedge today in San Diego. Real nice guy and a fine golfer. He got a degree in clinical psychology after 10 years in the music industry and was a clinical psychologist before doing some consulting for businesses.

I just met him today - googled him when I got home. Like I said, nice guy with some good stories to tell.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Scrump
Date: 22 Dec 06 - 05:10 AM

Didn't Hedge join U2?

... I'll get me coat.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Eric
Date: 22 Dec 06 - 02:56 PM

Arnie Moore also played bass for John Stewart and still mails to the John Stewart list; Bloodlines. I think he may be a teacher now. He has some interesting posts and I have to confess I have only heard of Hedge and Donna through Arnie mentioning them on the 'lines - they seem to have been a US only item. I can email the list and ask him to respond to this query on Hedge and Donna if anyone wants, though things will be a little quite over the Christmas period I guess so I may not get a response.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,chris
Date: 28 Dec 06 - 12:20 AM

They were the coolest and helped me get through hard times in the late sixties. I too still hear their music in my head after all these years.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Diana - guest
Date: 31 Dec 06 - 04:57 PM

I used to go out to this coffee house in La Mesa to listen to them. Dring way cool hot apple cider drinks - smoke strange things in the parking lot, and listen to Hedge and Donna play and sing so sweet. One of my great girlfriends, Gayla, dated Hedge for a long while before he hooked up with Donna Gayla sang too and wrote songs - a couple of hers are on one of the albums. Does anyone know if there is a way to get any of their song for download - ipod or other format? My vinyls are WAY too thrashed from the day - too much fun if you know what I mean. I think I have them all somewhere though!
Diana - reminishing and wishing in some ways it was 1966 again...can you hear me?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,rjtucker
Date: 29 Jan 07 - 03:58 PM

They were a great duet! Jamie is still my favorite song of all times. Their Any Day Now was great, Hannah was one of the best. I have been looking for CDs or downloads for them for years - which is how I ended up on this website. If anyone knows of a source, please post it!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,rjtucker
Date: 15 Feb 07 - 04:53 PM

BTW - Hey Marc, I love your music too!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 19 Feb 07 - 11:08 PM

Saw them at the Troubador. I still have "Can you hear me?" running thru my head. I'd like to hear the real thing again.

That night Hedge broke a guitar string, bothered him so much he couldn't finish the song. Hard to think of him as an actor

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 19 Feb 07 - 11:51 PM

Now this thread needs to ask "Mark Cohen - Where is he now?" It has been almost exactly one year (Feb. 22) since his last post. I hope he's doing well at the new practice.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,bridget
Date: 23 Feb 07 - 12:20 PM

still looking for a digitized version of their music - or a CD - any ideas?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 24 Feb 07 - 04:26 AM

Okay, When I was sharing a house on Ridpath in Laurel Canyon, with Paul Rothchild and Fritz Richmond,who was dating Linda Ronstadt. Hedge and Donna lived up behind us. We could hear them fighting a lot. They had a son together.   Many years later I somehow/somewhere met Hedge and we began to write together. I think I may have looked him up in the phone book. I am a lyricist.

This was around 1976-1978. Hedge was living on Stnaley Hills Drive off Lookout Mountain. We were dating, but everytime I took him anywhere he would collect the phone numbers of any attractive female in the room and I'd find them just leaving his home when i'd show up to work with him on a songthe next day. He was doing trance therapy on the side, and for some reason I believe he had a contract with A&M records as a staff writer.

I tracked him down in the 80s looking for a copy of a song we had worked on together. He had jsut left a very bad marriage ( from his ex wife's point of view) They were living in Santa Monica and he had a couple of kids with her.

After he left her he moved to La Jolla to work in Trance Therapy which he had been doing previously with his father (also named Hedges Capers)

He married a woman named Nancy Locke aka Nancy Hauser who was previously married to Wings Hauser. ( divorced 1999)

They presently live in La Jolla California.

I believe I have 3 Hedge and Donna vinyls I know I have the one with Lace Child on it and Can You Hear Me.

Their albums include:
Hedge & Donna (1960) -
Evolution (1960) -
Hedge & Donna 2
All the Friendly Colours (1969)
Special Circumstances (1970)

I would love to have an MP3 and can make my vinyls available here in So. Cal for someone to transfer them to an cds.

Sharmagne Leland-St. John

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 24 Feb 07 - 10:51 AM

Sorry wanted to clarify. Nancy divorced Wings in '99 not Hedges. As far as I know they are still together.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 24 Feb 07 - 04:58 PM

Dick Greenhaus of CAMSCO records (a Mudcatter) has done re-issues such as Sharmagne describes. I'll send a PM.

Who will make a commitment to a purchase, among us? I don't think small-scale would be a problem.

I'm in.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 24 Feb 07 - 10:48 PM


I just googled H&D on a lark because my kids wanted me to name a group they'd never heard of before and I've missed hearing their music for 35 years. If their albums are re-issued on CD, I'd certainly buy! and another for the friend who introduced me to them as well.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Donalda Mosby Lovelace
Date: 26 Feb 07 - 10:14 PM

I went to high school with Donna in San Diego. If anyone is in touch with her ask her to email me.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,ginger_gower
Date: 08 Mar 07 - 01:56 PM

I would buy H&D CDs!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,ahimsakid
Date: 15 Mar 07 - 01:57 PM

I would buy a reissue. The lyric still floating in my head and apropos to today: "The crooked king was crawling/His courage left behind/He couldn't keep up with himself/His army won the battle but the enemy was blind/They lost their pride and nothing else."

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 15 Mar 07 - 02:50 PM

Are any of those interested in reissues in a position to contact the copyright holders to try to get permission for a reissue?

I should have said earlier, sorry-- I DID NOT mean to suggest that Camsco would, could, or should do anything remotely like bootlegging. I just was hoping, like any other fan, that a deal could be put together that could result in a reissue plan, and it seemed to me that maybe we had enough pieces here to venture in that direction.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Hippups
Date: 20 Mar 07 - 11:17 PM

I have 3 of their albums transferred from vinyl to cd. If anyone is interested, post here.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 20 Mar 07 - 11:20 PM

Correction: I have 4 albums. Everything except Evolution.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: mrmoe
Date: 21 Mar 07 - 07:13 AM

Hippups.....I would be VERY interested in your transferred albums

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,kmarnyc
Date: 22 Mar 07 - 07:57 PM

I also would be interested in CDs of H&D. Made me "cry" a bit just reading on this list everyone else's comments and memories of the lyrics and the smooth contrast in vocal tones of H&D. I think I was in 10th grade in high school in Detroit area (I'm 53 now); friend of mine had two or three albums of theirs and let me borrow them. Think I must have seen them on the Smothers Brothers or something (there were a lot of great variety shows on regular TV at the time featuring the most challenging bands/vocalists. Pretty amazing, given the drivel that's on now).

Anyway, let us know about CDs if possible.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,GUEST:mhsgbrown
Date: 08 Apr 07 - 04:47 PM

I would be very interested in CD's of Hedge and Donna. I thought I was the only one that couldn't get their music out of my head. None of my current friends has ever heard of them. Anyway, let me know if any cd's or songs become available to buy or download.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,jgh
Date: 17 Apr 07 - 12:39 PM

I found this thread because I, too, am one of those who still dreams of H&D music. I have several badly treated vinyls... would love to get the music on CD!

Hippups - I'd love transferred music until someone finally sees the light and reissues a CD collection.

Hedges Capers, Sr. was actually a quite famous humanist psychologist in the Transactional Analysis field. La Jolla was ground zero for this movement.

From the bio, it sounds like Hedges, Jr. followed in dad's footsteps. Those of us who were part of the humanist psychology movement of the 70's aren't surprised by the description of his behaviors by the GUEST above - not saying the description is true or accurate.

But many of the people in the movement felt that sexual repression was a core source of mental/emotional disfunction - and that the answer to unhealthy dependency was sexual freedom and freedom from jealousy ala'the popular book, Open Marriage.

The experiementation that followed often ended badly - the authors of that famous book later divorced - and many therapists were guilty of crossing what are now clearly defined ethical boundaries. Fritz Perls was a brilliant therapist, the pivotal character in Gestalt therapy, but his "therapy" sessions in hot tubs are legendary. Trance therapy and sexual promiscuity would not have been seen as oddities in this milieu... they would actually have been seen as positives.

I hope Hedges Jr. is one of those that survived the craziness, learned from it, and established a healthy life full of real commitment. I also hope Donna found happiness.

As is the case with one of my other favorite duos from the same era, Ian & Sylvia, I'm sorry about the difficulty of the relationship but that doesn't take away from the beauty of the art they created together.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,jgh
Date: 17 Apr 07 - 12:51 PM

and my favorite H&D song? (Often associated with Richie Havens)

Jerry Merrick

Let the river rock you like a cradle
Fly to the treetops, child, if you're able
Let your hands tie a knot across the table.
Come and touch the things you cannot feel.

And don't mind me
for I ain't nothin
but a dream

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,ric
Date: 24 Apr 07 - 12:51 PM

a friend of mine saw hedge and donna in LA, as some small club, in what turned out to be their final performance. farewell! he talked with them briefly after they finished their set and they told him they were quitting the music biz to begin a marriage counselling practice! perhaps, being an interracial couple, they felt they had some insight into the challenges of marriage? in any case, bizarre as it sounds, that's what THEY said they were going to be doing. this was in the mid 70's. maybe 76-77-78?

i wonder if its true...

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Guest WWB
Date: 02 May 07 - 08:09 PM

I lived next store to Hedges in Monterey in 1963. His dad was the chaplin at th Naval Post Graduate School. We next saw he and Donna in 1969 at the Celler Door in DC.

I woLet the river rock you like a cradle
Fly to the treetops, child, if you're able
Let your hands tie a knot across the table.
Come and touch the things you cannot feel.

And don't mind me
for I ain't nothin
but a dream uld love to get a copy of the song (my brother lost the LP!)

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Clyde
Date: 13 May 07 - 11:00 AM

Have all five of their records and am copying two each per cd still love them after all these years

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: ClydeIII
Date: 13 May 07 - 11:07 AM

Have all five records and am copying them on cd's. Anyone interested let me know. Seems I can get two records per cd. Still love their music after all these years

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Kathy
Date: 13 May 07 - 08:27 PM

My sister had one of their albums back in the mid-70s. We let someone borrow it and never got it back. Thirty years later I still regret the loss. I would love an opportunity to get copies of their music.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,jmad
Date: 15 May 07 - 09:04 PM

I am very intrested in getting the lp's on cd, can you help?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Tom
Date: 19 May 07 - 01:38 PM

Has anyone on this thread obtained any of the digital copies mentioned above. I have made digital copies but alas my LP's (the first 5) have seen some hard days so the quality is poor - hence I am looking for better quality digital than I have.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Mike
Date: 02 Jun 07 - 02:56 AM

I imprinted on Hedge & Donna 2 in about 8th-9th grade when it was current and my older sister had a borrowed copy. She had seen them at the Main Point, probably the same show or shows as an earlier entry mentioned. The album meant a lot to me and is deep in my psyche. I can still hear "Please Understand Me" in my head, word for word, in it's entirety, and WOULD LOVE ANY WAY TO BUY/DOWNLOAD, etc. THAT ALBUM and check out any of the others. I google them every couple years or so just to check in. Not sure how this link thing works, but if anyone can hook me up with aforementioned digitization(s), please contact me: mike's address

I saw a used vinyl copy of H&D2 for sale on the internet a few years back and didn't move fast enough on it. Drat.

This is a nice thread. Thanks for all the inputs & updates.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 02 Jun 07 - 10:42 AM

Y'all will have to join Mudcat to be able to exchange PMs (personal messages) to get some results on this.

I wish someone would get artist permission to do a re-issue. There is clearly a market for it!


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,hedgehog2
Date: 08 Jun 07 - 02:37 AM

Hey Clyde III

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,hedgehog2
Date: 08 Jun 07 - 02:38 AM

Hey Clyde III:

I'd love to get some burns of the H&D albums.

Lemme know.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,coldjam
Date: 08 Jun 07 - 12:29 PM

Me too me too! Clyde can you contact me?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Peg
Date: 12 Jun 07 - 05:36 PM

I knew Hedges when he was living in La Jolla in the 1980' and 1990's.
I knew his wife and saw her last at the Del Mar Fair. They were divorced by then. Nancy was his wife then.

Hedges was singing at the "Old Time Cafe" located in Leucadia California
a town located in North County San Diego.
Hedges was still writing and singing but working as a therapist at that time.

I have some tapes of his work that is not on CD or albums.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Barry Zimmerman
Date: 13 Jun 07 - 08:13 PM

I believe there are enough loyal fans to encourage the re-release of the albums. I love the guitar work on the earlier albums. My favorite was "(I've got a) Long Way to Go."

I rode the train from Philadelphia to see them at a coffee shop called "Main Point" in Bryn Mayr about 1970. The small group of fans would have stayed all night. After many encores, the show ended. It ended after the last train returned to Philly. We walked back Lancaster Ave however far it was to 34th and Powelton Ave. We had our own "long way to go."

If either Hedge or Donna are reading these replys, we miss your songs and harmonies.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Sandi
Date: 19 Jun 07 - 05:17 PM

I would just love to get CDs of their albums. Yes, their songs STILL ring in my head -- one line especially "just can't breathe here" still haunts me.....
Years ago, I let my teenage brother, who at that time was going through his first puppy love breakup, go through my extensive record album collection to cheer him up and he walked off with over half of them (including my beloved Hedge and Donna records)...........
If there's any way to get copies of their CDs, please contact me!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 10 Jul 07 - 10:36 PM

Clyde III I am VERY interested in the CD's - how do I contact you?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Judy
Date: 03 Aug 07 - 04:29 AM

Have you guys tried ebay? Two years ago I got 3 albums in perfect condition. they are packed away someplace, as we moved from San Diego to another state shortly after tHat. And, our stereo, record player or whatever we used to call them, is also packed and in need of a needle. I also just went to ebay and bought an album after they change their profession name to Capers and Carson. Thanks to whoever posted that. I never knew they recorded under a different name. Anyway, if you check ebay, don't forget ebay has several place to look, they have      ebay express, ebay stores and regular ebay. Some of them might overlap, but just know that sometimes ebay isn't as simple as you thnk.
Always loved H & D after a friend told me about them in the early 70's. Always wondered about them. I checked the internet as soon as we got a computer. Hardly any mention at all back then. Now interesting to see how many people remember them.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,cflpeace
Date: 07 Aug 07 - 09:53 PM

I just googled "hedge and donna" and was amazed to find all these aficionados for a duo that I thought I only knew because I went to Whittier College with them; yes, of course, I knew they had sold seven albums on a major label and, yes, I knew (because I was there) that they once opened for Nina Simone at the Troubadour, but I have so rarely found others who knew them that I was delighted to find so many asking the same question - How do we get their music?
(By the way, you know that amazing solo Donna does on H/D2, "Four Women"? That's Nina's, and Nina and Donna each sang it that night at the Troub.)
Also anyone of you who has their albums on mp3 or cd - especially the first three albums - I would love to get it from you. (How do I contact you?) But I also want someone who knows how to do it to get them made into commercially available cds. I have every one of their records stored away but no functioning record player.
I was a freshman in the senior year of Hedge Capers and Donna Carson. Because Hedge and I were both in the theatre arts department (Donna was sociology/psychology), I met him and hung out with a group he often hung with in the on-campus lunch place. I was fortunate to be asked by a student to be in her one-act play - with Hedge playing my daddy. This student director had never seen me act and had barely met me, so I couldn't figure out how I got the honor till I found out I was to play a fourteen-year-old brat (part of the benefits of looking fourteen when you're nineteen.)
I was aware of Hedge for two reasons before I met him: He did campus concerts, sometimes with Donna and sometimes with the group called "The Capers," which had two other guys, including Arnie Moore (who was mentioned earlier in this thread); and also because I saw him play the young Buddhist priest in the student-directed "Rashamon" - with the same Arnie Moore as the wigmaker. Both were phenomenal. Arnie's bass is also heard on Richie Havens' stunning "Richard P. Havens 1983" which came out in the 1969.
Anyone who knows Hedge or Donna, please tell them I said "hi."

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Guest *Julie Hines*
Date: 09 Aug 07 - 09:37 PM

Another person who saw H&D at the Troubadour who still has "Please Understand Me" running around my brain. I loved their sound and have been looking for old albums for years. I'd love to have a CD or DVD or even MP3 files of their stuff. I keep hoping it will turn up on the newsgroups.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Janice K.
Date: 16 Aug 07 - 02:08 PM

I was one of the early H&D fans from shows at the Main Point (they crashed at a neighbor's who was a manager at the club). When my husband and I spent 10 days in San Francisco in '69 before he shipped out to VietNam and I returned to Bryn Mawr, we were excited to see that H&D were playing at(I think it was) The Hungry I. Because the audience that night was small they couldn't have helped but notice we knew the words to every song they performed. We went backstage after to say hello and one of their backup musicians sold us a little weed which made our last days together even sweeter. Husband didn't make it back from V.Nam--well, he came back in a box (we were so naive)-- and I've always been thankful we could share that beautiful music together. It's bitter-sweet to hear, but I still play their records; bringing back good memories of a romance that ended too soon.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Wesley S
Date: 17 Aug 07 - 01:43 PM

All the Friendly Colors

Special Circumstances

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Tom
Date: 20 Aug 07 - 06:25 PM

I had thought about uploading a couple of Hedge and Donna mp3's that were mentioned in prior posts (recorded from vinyl) but the site does not allow it and besides there may be copyright issues.

In any case it appears the vinyl is available from ebay and possibly other sources. So get the vinyl. Obtain a good turntable (quality matters). Buy good quality cables from Radio Shack or elsewhere that have RCA type plugs on one end and computer (mini) plug on the other - looks like the smaller type plug on the end of headphones. Your computer must have a sound card for this to work. Plug the RCA into the sound out of your stereo rack system with phono selected. Plug into your sound in on your computer. Obtain sound recording software if you don't have. I like Audacity which is free -
Now the software may seem imposing - but don't use any of the bells and whistles - leave that for a sound engineer. Just record. It takes a while to even get how to do that - but worth it.

While you are at it - check out Compton and Batteau and also Tim Dawe all on vinyl but not didgital.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: bobad
Date: 20 Aug 07 - 07:17 PM

Three Hedge and Donna LP's available here.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 21 Aug 07 - 04:15 AM

However, you may wish to use Music Match or Nero Wave Editor as you may find them easier to use than Audacity at least for the line in recording. Audacity still works best imo for splitting the tracks. I record one side of the LP at a time and then split with Audacity.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Bill in Kansas
Date: 31 Aug 07 - 09:52 PM

Incredible read! A friend recorded them to cassette tape for me back in 1978 when we were living in Crete, Nebraska. I've lost most everything since, but I KNOW where that tape is! Time to listen to 4 Women again. When I had a cat named Peaches, I thought of that song constantly. The song about the young man (?) who couldn't keep living (?) still haunts me. I loved their harmonies.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Trish
Date: 01 Sep 07 - 06:32 PM

Didn't one of their kids die?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Michael in Portland
Date: 06 Sep 07 - 07:17 PM

OK everybody - found 3 albums in mp3 format!

Back in the 70's when my brother decided to give away all his belongings to simply his life, he gave away a bunch of mine as well . . . including all my H&D vinyl. Never forgot and did occasional Google searches. Until today nothing had turned up.

But, as of today, I'm revisiting some very old familiar memories and music.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 06 Sep 07 - 09:46 PM


I got two of 'em OK but not sure how to get the third.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Michael in Portland
Date: 07 Sep 07 - 10:59 AM

Third is on a link from the same page as the other two - - from this site choose the free download, enter the free user code and click on download.

The albums are;
All the Friendly Colors
Special Circumstances

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 07 Sep 07 - 12:29 PM


Never saw that .RAR format before. How do I split it into individual MP3s?


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Bill D
Date: 07 Sep 07 - 12:36 PM

The is a program called WinRar...but it is not free...

I think there is a free thing called UnRar...and maybe more than one that will do it.
here is one link I found:

You usually just point the program to the .001 file, and if there are others in the list...(.002, .003) it will find them automatically.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 07 Sep 07 - 12:47 PM

The albums play fine as .RAR in KMP Player, BTW. Drag, drop, and watch KMP automatically load the audio player which displays album and track name.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Michael in Portland
Date: 07 Sep 07 - 03:46 PM

RAR is a compressed (zipped) file format. I use 7-zip to unzip them into individual mp3 files.

You can find 7-zip here;

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,TomH
Date: 08 Sep 07 - 02:26 PM

Great links! I'm a great fan of the first album, which seems to be the least known. It was mostly just acoutic guitar. Anybody have a line to that one? BTW they appeared at my high school circa 1969.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Sister
Date: 10 Oct 07 - 06:29 PM

Hey, Just accidentally found this website. I'm Donna's youngest sister. Just wanted to let you all know that Donna is alive and well. She lives and works in Los Angeles, and though singing is no longer her line of business it still remains a vital part of her soul. She remains a talented, lovely, dear person.
Her son has grown up well and is married with children of his own.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Tamina
Date: 11 Oct 07 - 06:00 PM

I saw Hedge and Donna regularly in the early 70's at the Troubador.
I have 4 of their albums, Hedge & Donna, Special Circumstances, All the Friendly Colors and Evolution, and would LOVE to have them on CD.
Jamie was my favorite song

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 11 Oct 07 - 06:40 PM

GUEST,Sister - PM
Date: 10 Oct 07 - 06:29 PM

I am from the other side of the globe, and until I read this thread I had never heard of Hedge and Donna.

Obviously they were very special in the folk community in the US, do you think you could persuade your sister to come onto this thread and communicate with some of the people who were so moved by her music ?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Kat
Date: 13 Oct 07 - 01:43 PM

Hedge & Donna were and remain my favorite all-time duo! I had the great joy of seeing/hearing them at The Folk Center in San Clemente, CA eons ago! Sad they broke up, but still love to play their music!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Guest, richaard
Date: 21 Oct 07 - 04:19 AM

CD re-issues of H & D's albums would be the cat's pajamas!
I would like it to be nice and legal though, that is,
where the artists receive royalties and all.
   It's great to come across so many fans of Hedge and Donna.
CD's are a good thing. However, would there maybe be some video
out there in googleland? Perhaps a DVD release of extant
performance footage? ... (a nice dream).
   Artists release an energy into the world. Like ripples in
a pond, the energy expands, weaves, and blends into the fabric
of our being. It is clear to me that Hedge and Donna sang not
merely memorable and moving songs but they as well released
something of themselves into the world. It is because of that
"something" that we are all here harmonizing on this thread.
   I have never met either Hedge or Donna. I was not fortunate
enough to have seen them perform. However, just as you, I am
forever touched by them.
   A good thought for Hedge and for Donna...

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Guest- Natjo
Date: 08 Nov 07 - 01:16 AM

What a revolation to find this site! I first learned of Hedge @ Donna from an awesome performance they gave on the Smothers Brothers TV Show about 40 years ago.It remains in my memory as perhaps the most inspiring and passionate music video I have ever seen, and have been trying to find a video copy of that performance for years. I wrote reviews of their albums for my college paper in the early 70's, and have turned on a lot of people to their music over the years; but had never encountered another soul who heard of them except through me. Now, I am not alone anymore. Their music continues to stay with me wherever I go, and I have sung "Always and Endless" from the mountaintops of the Swiss Alps, to the deserts of California. If the highest virtue is to add goodness to life, they have certainly done that to mine.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,stick
Date: 08 Nov 07 - 10:33 PM

Used to see them at the troubador and golden bear. Can't think of anyone who could impress me more. Just hearing them now and then gives me goose bumps. Great blog by the way.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,jeanne_in_florida
Date: 14 Nov 07 - 04:52 PM

Hi Folks. Thank you all for the info. I went to and downloaded the 2 albums. Then went to and got UnRar for a free trial (5 file limit) and now I'm listening to this beautiful music!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,ggrumpy
Date: 02 Dec 07 - 07:16 AM

I'm listening to Hedge and Donna on a LP I've had for a very long time. So I thought I'd look them on Google. I had Hodgkins disease back in 89 stage 4 (terminal). I spent a lot of time listening to music that I loved. Hedge and Donna was one I played constantly. I believe the music helped cure me, obviously I didn't die :-)To Donna's sister the next time you talk to her, please pass along my thanks for the music.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 02 Dec 07 - 12:47 PM

I'd like to encourage all the guests who have found Mudcat (and who WILL find Mudcat) via a search for these great artists, to look around the site a little more fully and join us if you like what you find. In the same way Mudcat has made it feasible to extend H&D's legacy, there are many, many more treasures sprinkled through the place, and new ones added every day.

And you may be the next one to bring some other long-ago "great" back into people's ears and minds.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Caleb5412
Date: 10 Dec 07 - 11:30 PM

Wow...I saw Hedge and Donna at the Celler door in Washington DC. Fell in love with them and still have their vinyl. Great duo but as always it is ashame when good things have to come to an end.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Veronica
Date: 13 Dec 07 - 11:50 PM


I too have been a Hedge and Donna fan for years. I saw them 3 or 4 times in Los Angeles at the Troubadour. They were wonderful. She was so sweet and gentle and he was just loving and adorable.

I have all five albums - not in bad shape. However, I did just purchase a Audio-Technic turntable from Costco for $70.00. What is great about this...the turntable hooks up to your computer and you install the software for the tabletable on to your computer. It converts the music into MP3's and other files. Then one can transfer them into their Ipods.   This is the best solution that I could find to still hear their music until Capitol finally issues their music onto CD's if they ever do.   

It's great hearing all of their music...and how their music was so important to me and how it affected my life. I have often wonder where they are today as well and would check on the internet once a year to see if anyone has heard from them.

Great reading all of the above messages!!!


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Kat
Date: 18 Dec 07 - 04:21 PM

LOVE Hedge and Donna! My fave duo of all time! I saw them more than once at the Folk Center in San Clemente, CA. No others like them.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Beth
Date: 25 Dec 07 - 12:04 AM

It gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes to hear Hedge and Donna again (downloaded from links above.) After so many years without a turntable I'd forgotten how deeply their music has affected me.

Like many of you, for years I imagined that knowing about them was my precious secret, and I tried to share them with anyone who would listen. Then, sometime in the 90s my friend Mike mentioned how much he'd always loved H & D, too, and our relationship revealed a deeper layer we hadn't previously known about. I can't explain it, but that's what this music does.

Now I join the others in expressing my wish that these songs could be remastered for cd and the royalties could go where they should, to the artists.

To Sister - tell Donna I love her music beyond description -- and always will. There's something heavenly about it. Thanks a million!


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Sharmagne
Date: 08 Jan 08 - 05:19 PM

hippups I am interested!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 08 Jan 08 - 05:42 PM

I went to the website but i don't understand how to download? There is no info there on how to do it..

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Sharmagne
Date: 10 Jan 08 - 07:33 AM

Someone just sent me a MP3 of Sunshine!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Sharmagne
Date: 10 Jan 08 - 08:02 AM

I noticed a lot of sites which offer CDs made from the vinyl, but you have to buy the vinyl and then they make a CD copty of the "record" you bought.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,LeeAnn
Date: 14 Jan 08 - 09:26 PM

Also interested in CD's of their work...particularly Special Circumstances.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Rita Mcknight
Date: 18 Jan 08 - 05:10 PM

Please tell Where to get a copy of "Four women", and if Ican play a sample to friends?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Chas
Date: 29 Jan 08 - 04:45 PM

Very interesting thread. Read a lot but not all. Stumbled across the thread because I am in the process of digitizing to mp3 three of their albums that I've had in storage for ever. (Special Circumstances, 2, and All The Friendly Colours) I may have a forth but haven't come across it yet.I use the internet to date the music so I can include that in my iTunes library.

The three albums still have the plastic wrappers on them and probably were only played once or twice way back when. I have a lot of LP's. Even if there's a snap or pop the software will clean it up Just finished doing Paul Siebel's Woodsmoke and Oranges (for those that can remember that far back).

Thanks for all the information. It sure is good music.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Sharon Fisher
Date: 31 Jan 08 - 02:52 AM

"Oh, I love you," said the sparrow to the tree. "I will always let you be what you would be." "In the autumn, in the spring, I will give you songs to sing."

This was a H&D lullaby that I sang to my children as they were growing up. There are more verses that I forgot... I lost my vinyl moving from Canada back to the States. I'm encouraged by this thread to FIND their wonderful songs again.

Thanks for everyone's sharing,

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,guest--dc
Date: 16 Feb 08 - 09:25 PM

Just found this. H&D helped me through a troubled year as a teen. I would love to find the first album on cd and I'd love it to be legal and pay royalties. does anyone know of a way to contact their label to request that?

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: ratliffj
Date: 24 Feb 08 - 07:07 PM

Wow-- let me add to those who have said how wonderful it is to find this thread. And let me add my own H&D experience/connection:

My father was a psychology professor at Whittier College in the early/mid-60's and became aware of Donna's talent. I actually still have two reel-to-reel tapes of Donna and Steve Hennesey (on guitar) recorded in our living room, including a beautiful version of "who can I turn to" with just Donna singing. I believe this was intended as a demo tape. (This is also a neat personal recording for me-- listening closely I can hear our dog's collar jingling and the ice cream truck's tune playing from outside.)

I grew up listening to Hedge and Donna and even got a chance to vist backstage when I was 8 years old at the Troubador in LA (about the time the Special Circumstances album was released). I've introduced countless people to their music over the years and my own kids fell in love with 'Jamie' the same way I did. [My personal favorite song is 'Please Understand Me' ('yes your birds of stone are still resting in my hair / I do not mind')-- the song always brings tears to my eyes.]

I did an Internet search years ago to try and find either or both of them just to say "thank-you." This is the first time I've encountered a thread with posts by people who have been touched the same way. If those of you on the list who know either Hedges or Donna and are able to pass along this note, I'd appreciate it.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,2gr8gifts
Date: 16 Mar 08 - 11:02 PM

I did a search for Headge and Donna quite some time ago, but never found this thread. My sister and I saw them at The Golden Bear in Huntington Beach. Weren't they playing with Seals and Crofts? Or was that another visit? "Jamie" is the only one that has never left my head. I also remember a "Guava Jelly" song. I can't figure out all the downloads mentioned above. I would love to own their CD's. My turntable is in dire need of a needle and speakers. Somehow I just can't seem to part with it however. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions. I too would like to do this in a ligit manner.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,mulvaney
Date: 19 Mar 08 - 11:08 PM

I first heard Hedge and Donna on the Smothers Brothers, and was fortunate to hear them in concert and listen to their albums after that. The albums are long since gone, but I still remember bits and pieces from them. I have often wished that their music would be reissued -- I think I wore out the first couple of albums even before they disappeared. I had heard about Hedge, but am glad to read in this thread that Donna is doing well.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 20 Mar 08 - 01:48 PM

I had the opportunity to work with Hedges as a consultant in 2005. Unfortunately this was a difficult time for him since his son (who he was very close to) had just died in a sporting accident. I have not spoken to Hedges since shortly after that incident.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Mark
Date: 25 Mar 08 - 01:55 PM

I was a fan of Hedge and Donna in the early 70's, and used to play and sing many of their songs with a female friend.

We used to see them regularly, once in an informal setting outside on one of the lawns at University of California at Irvine (UCI) in the OC (Orange County, Ca) probably 1970 or 1971.

Many on this thread have said there favorite song by them as Jamie, certainly my favorite as well. I've posted the lyrics, here's the link:


- Mark

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,SueG
Date: 04 Apr 08 - 01:34 AM

I saw Hedge and Donna every time they appeared at the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach. So long ago! They're voices were pure heaven, as were the words to their songs. I can still hear Donna sing "Four Women." What wonderful memories. I've lost track of my vinyls. Would love to hear their voices again.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Deborah S.
Date: 17 May 08 - 03:55 PM

I can't believe I found this thread...finally. I also google for them every so often. I also just bought the Audio Technica Turntable to go from LP to digital from Costco and probably only bought it because of Hedge & Donna. All my other LPs I've been able to find except for them. Unfortunately, I'm having hardware/software problems and can't yet digitize them. But I can hear them!! For the first time in so very long. I got the turntable hooked up to speakers and it is just wonderful. I have Hedge & Donna and -2. And thanks to this site, I downloaded All the Friendly Colors and Special Circumstances. I'd be glad to pay for CDs but they don't exist.

It is just so lovely to hear them again, and also to know that they aren't forgotten. That they have so many who remember them still. I'd love to get the rest of their albums if any know a way.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: bobad
Date: 17 May 08 - 04:34 PM

There are a few listed here on ebay.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Mary Connor - New Zealand
Date: 28 May 08 - 01:01 PM

We had the honor to share a taxi with Donna in mid-April 2008. She lives in Pasadena, CA. She got a degree in Psychology I think and has worked for about 20 or 30 years for the courts assessing the needs and solutions for kids in trouble of one kind or another. I probably have a bit of this wrong, but it was a gas to meet her and hear some of the stories of the old days. She's probably in the phone book!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Discdon in East Sussex
Date: 29 May 08 - 03:55 PM


I'm from England and was sent a free 33rpm ep by Rolling Stone way back. On it was a track by Hedge and Donna which I thought was GREAT. Never heard anything else and don't know if any albums were released in the UK.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Duncan House Concerts
Date: 30 May 08 - 01:00 PM

Great thread!   I did a similiar post on a list about 8 years ago and ended up trading a few e-mails with Hedge's wife. I was hoping that either of them still played a little. I had a House Concert series near LAX then and would have loved to have hosted either Hedge or Donna. Note: We just moved to Ventura, CA, and are currently creating a new Ventura list to start a new folk series here.

I also saw H&D a few times at the Four Muses in San Clemente, and then saw there last show in LA. They were responsible for my love of the folk/singer-songwriter form of music that I'm still active in.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Ann Foland in Oregon
Date: 10 Jun 08 - 07:21 PM

I have all of the LP's and am transferring them to CD's. I wish the quality was better. My LP's are okay and I even use a depopper program but I wish Capital would reissue the albums. Anyone know how to have that happen? My albums will be for sale after I copy them.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Liz
Date: 18 Jul 08 - 05:59 PM

Indeed...what a fun thread! I'm another Whittier grad, and was in the same class with them..1967. I met Hedge during our first week at school, and was knocked out by his version of "Just Departees." Donna was already known as a great singer, and had toured with, I believe, Stan Kenton. In a speech class where we had to sell something, Hedge blew everyone away when he put Donna on a block and "sold" her. In, I think, '69 they opened for Harry Belafonte at the Greek Theater...a great performance once Hedge finally got his guitar tuned....Harry glowingly introduced them, emphasizing that they were married, which was still radical at that time. A few years ago a client of mine (hypnotherapy) brought his name up as her past therapist in La Jolla...what a small world we live in. I did not get the impression it was trance therapy... more like group therapy.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Rhonda
Date: 30 Aug 08 - 05:55 PM

OMG, I can't believe I found this thread! I heard an LP of Hedge & Donna at a music store in Madison, WI in 1969 when I was a voice major there and just before I moved to Texas. I could hardly break myself away from it, but didn't have much time and figured I'd check it out when I got to Texas. But alas, no Hedge & Donna in Texas! By the time I got back to Madison, there were no LP's around of Hedge & Donna there either. But I have never forgotten the impact the voice had on me! And I always remembered the names Hedge & Donna, even though I am terrible at remembering names. I have looked many places, ebay searches at times, and google searches periodically. WOW! Now I can't wait to hear the sounds again!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,GUEST,Chickenbones
Date: 13 Sep 08 - 10:40 PM

Saw all their concerts at Golden Bear @ Surf City and Troubador in LA. Great to read others' love of this great folk/rock duo. Reading all the threads reminded me of their unbelievably great rendition of Jackson Browne's "From Silverlake". Took a gal to see them in 1970, we've been married since 1971. Their isn't a year that has gone by these past 37 that we don't speak fondly of our remembrance's of H&D.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Nancy up north in Alaska
Date: 22 Nov 08 - 03:02 PM

Like others, I am wonderfully happy to find this thread and even see some recent notes in it. I first fell in love with Hedge and Donna's lyrics and voices and spirits in '69 or '70 when they performed outside on the grass at Cal State Long Beach. I was still in high school, but those words carried me through college and inspired, I believe, my social and anti-war activism.... Put my favorite album of theirs on a tape but then lent it to a friend who never returned it. My favorite song was "Becoming" ("Go on becoming...all becoming one....") How fun to hear others reminisce about the Golden Bear and Troubador. Throughout years have found that many of the musicians I have met played those places and the Ice House...and whether in CO, OR, WA, or AK...many of them knew each other and played together. Doc Don Schultz, Tom and Theresa Demarest (now no longer married), John Denver, Denny Brooks, and more. Just shows the importance of music. Peace.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Eric
Date: 28 Nov 08 - 08:57 PM

Does anyone here know if a song called The Rising Sun (or that was the key line in it) was a H & D song? This isn't House of - it was a simple but memorable song from the mid 60s. I learned it back then but lost the memory of who did it somewhere along the years.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: bobad
Date: 28 Nov 08 - 09:16 PM

A couple of Hedge and Donna albums available for download here:

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,SCott
Date: 21 Jan 09 - 12:22 AM

lol, like others just googling around and stumbled onto this fantastic thread. I heard Hedge & Donna on tv as a college freshman in Texas in '68 and picked up an album or two. They were so very sweet and their songs simple and true. All the best (peace) to them and all their fans.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Hedge
Date: 10 Feb 09 - 11:32 PM

I read this thread about 2 years ago and it made me smile at the memories.... tears ...laughter... surprise... I wanted to respond then but somehow couldn't .....but ggrumpy, this is for you:

If music can help survive loss or hold your soul in hard times then it ought to be readily available, "free and easy."

"Give me one day of light in this life and I will be free and easy."

Over the next few weeks I will post the works of Hedge and Donna on You Tube including a wonderful selection of things never released. Wonderful to see all your comments. Someone has already begun putting things on You Tube and created an interesting Facebook Fan Club. (It's Hedge & Donna on Facebook:

So much love to hold.....thank you.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 10 Feb 09 - 11:40 PM

Thanks, Hedge. You are among friends here.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Fred
Date: 16 Feb 09 - 01:43 AM

Well, I read the entire thread and was a tad surprised that no one has mentioned the Friends Church and the Friendly Cup (especially you WC types). I was a high school student at the time, later graduated WC but was one of the original teens that put together the Friendly Cup where H & D were routine performers in the folk room. Just that I would add to the overall mystique. Love their music!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,donna fletcher
Date: 16 Feb 09 - 06:35 PM

Wow, was scanning Mudcat for another reason and ran across this mention of Hedge and Donna. I loved them, saw them at Main Point in Philly back in the 60s. I often think of a favorite line from one of their tunes (album long since gone) -- "I thought I'd buy some licorice 'cause I know how much it pleases, and I ran all the way from downtown and I only ate three pieces." Only in my case, it's chocolate that never quite makes it home....

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Roger
Date: 07 Mar 09 - 05:50 AM

I'm happy to tell you there's now a myspace site I hope to be updating with music (all albums) and as much on H&D as I can get... Hedge has been very helpful and generous with this idea...

Hope you enjoy it!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,donna
Date: 31 Mar 09 - 01:27 AM

Just had my own little Hedge&Donna moment and wanted to share. I had a couple of their albums back in the very early 1970s, listened to them all the time, but never saw H&D in person, never saw them on tv, never knew anyone else who had ever heard of them. The records are long gone, but the music and lyrics stayed in my head and heart. In recent years I've searched the internet but never found anything about them or the music. Then tonight I googled them and bingo! I hit the mother lode! Found this thread and the music on you-tube and myspace, started playing "Jamie"...and my husband of 23 years says, "I know that song!" I reply, "Well, yes, I've sung that to our daughter for years." Then I play "Hannah" and he says the same thing! And every H&D song I play, he already knows and loves. Turns out he had a friend in the 70s who had these albums, he just didn't remember the names Hedge and Donna; so when I would mention them, he had no idea who I was talking about. Can't explain just how lovely it feels to know we were connected by this beautiful music years before we ever met. Thank you to all who have posted comments and especially to those who have made the music available once again.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Judy
Date: 11 Apr 09 - 03:46 AM

You can hear several of their songs on You Tube, and Hedge has a page on My Space and you can hear several of their songs there.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,buckaroo
Date: 06 Jun 09 - 11:37 AM

I would love to have any of them, how do I get in touch with you to buy? Been a fan since there first album came out.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Charlie
Date: 04 Jul 09 - 01:28 AM

I've just listened to Hedge & Donna for the first time. Yesterday in fact. I hadn't heard of them until I read Janis Ian's autobiography and she mentioned that she was friends with both and that they recorded her song 'He's a Rainbow'. She also received style advice from Donna.

Anyway, I'm enjoying it a lot. Nice to find this thread and learn more about them.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: dog66
Date: 16 Jul 09 - 11:54 PM

I first heard Hedge and Donna sing from a flatbed truck in the streets of Berkeley, closed by student action, in the summer of 1968.

Later I heard them at a club in Denver and after that in San Clemente.

Terrific lyrics, harmony and voices. I still have at least four of their albums in storage, but they are well worn as I listened to them constantly.

Many thanks for this blog.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,vachilders
Date: 21 Jul 09 - 02:29 AM

Many, many thanks for this blog. My ex-husband recently pointed me to the link with Special Circumstances and All the Pretty Colors. When I listened for the first time after so many years, I was so moved. I nearly cried when Hannah started. I so loved these albums back then and still do. Their music plays in my head all the time. I am so moved by how special the songs and voices and harmonies are. Thanks to H&D for such lovely music and to all you for this wonderful blog.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,vachilders
Date: 22 Jul 09 - 10:57 PM

Sorry, I got the album name wrong: should be "All the Friendly Colors"!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Mahkis
Date: 27 Jul 09 - 08:23 PM

Saw H&D at the Unicorn Coffee House in Boston in '66 or 67. A freightend gay teen escaping the suburbs for the safety of the city. I remember seeing Rosalie Sorels, Dave Van Ronk at the Unicorn too and I had absolutely no idea who any of these folks were. I just knew they were singing to me. WOW, what a long time ago that was.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 29 Jul 09 - 11:53 PM

Summer of '69. Woodstock (the town, not the festival in Bethel - for those who may not know, there is a difference).

Never did two voices make love like these two. The passion and the pain were in them, and in everyone who, having a life and soul, shared the moments. If either of them visit this thread again:

Lady, you are not a black woman whose voice and soulful being (care) was (is) beyond forever. You are every woman, and always will be.

HC - your arrogance was tempered by true talent to interpret the chords of a 12-string, the notes of meaning, and the power of the music.

There are two beginnings that resonate in me most:

"Child, child, child, of my mind..."

"Once I ran the rocks, down to the seashore..."

A lifetime has passed, full of sorrows and happiness, sweetness and pain.

When so young, you knew of these things. Of a kind. Now, of the years, you know them, of a kind.

Now, may you share them again. That would be wise and good - beyond yourselves. Your journey, briefly together, was not to profit - it was to teach. Lessons must be renewed.

Peace, gentle souls.

PS - I agree with the others of you - the greatest duet in "recorded" history. Period.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 14 Aug 09 - 02:42 PM

Dear Clyde III,

My older brother turned me on to Hedge and Donna and I am now turning my kids on to them. I have "Special Circumstances" and "All the Friendly Colours", but, I would love the rest on CD. If you could share them with me I would be delighted. Let me know what the cost would be.

My email address is
Snail mail is Liz Farrell
             1922 S SUnrise Rd.
             Spokane, WA 99206

Many Thanks

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Roger
Date: 13 Nov 09 - 05:07 AM

Hello everyone!...

Just wanna tell you there's a facebook page on H&D where for the moment
the 3 first albums are posted and more will be coming soon...some rarities as well...please share whatever you may have with the fans!

check this link:

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Marilyn
Date: 03 Jan 10 - 12:41 PM

My two Hedge & Donna albums were lost, and now I'm listening again, thanks to Hedge's You Tube lead.

Hedge's dad was my Chaplin at MPGS when I was in junior high school, and his son (a few years older) had a "minister's son" reputation (translation: bad boy)! I was totally "in love" with Hedges in those formative years, so I'm glad to see that he has great gentleness, and that he is reading of how he has touched lives.

I ran across H&D, completely by accident, in Huntington Beach. I didn't know he was married or singing professionally. I was completely jealous of Donna for snagging my "dream". I just sat in the back and remembered his "life-guard" days, still too shy and smitten to even introduce myself. I later purchased two albums and played them to death.

Thanks to Hedge's posting, now I can again listen to the music that always made me smile. Thank you again for your beautiful music, and for the wonderful day dreams of a teen. So saddened to hear about your son. Your dad was a great man, (my dad was Cdr. Ariel Lane).   I'm hopeful that you have found joy and happiness. You have obviously touched many people's hearts.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Terces
Date: 03 Jan 10 - 01:28 PM

Wow such a great thread, even connected my sister Marilyn and myself in a new way. Loved reading it all, and so happy Hedge wrote as well. Life is full and there is light and I am so happy that music brings us all together. Thanks everyone for sharing. Terces

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Billy Batson
Date: 09 Mar 10 - 05:13 PM

My name is Billy Batson. I was friends with Hedge & Donna during the 60's and they recorded several of my songs; "I Got A Long Ways To Go", "Can You Hear Me", "Please Understand Me", "Is It Love Lady"? and what I believe Hedge called "Long Dark Road" but my original title was "I Ain't Mad At Anyone". You can contact Hedge through Facebook. It's free to join. Once you join you just put in a "Friend" request. Or, type his name in the "search box" and follow directions. If you would be interested in knowing & hearing what music I've been writing and producing over the last 40 years, please contact me at: I'd love to hear from you. And to those of you who said some very nice things about my songs, thank you very much. I left California in 1965 and formed a band known as "Holy Moses" in the infamous town of Woodstock, New York. We were "discovered" by Jimi Hendrix and his manager, Michael Jeffery. We recorded at Electric Lady Studios and were distributed by RCA Records. Later in the 80's, a German "Thrasher Band" by the same name emerged on the scene. Hope you don't get our music confused with theirs. Our music is available in CD form on line through and Barnes & Nobel. The cover is of 5 long haired mountain man types in profile. Good to find this link. All the best. Billy Batson

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 20 Mar 10 - 01:48 PM

Played golf with Hedge the other day

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,hammerhead
Date: 02 Jun 10 - 07:16 PM

It's been a long life. Feels like I know less now than when I started. Jack London boiled it down to this. He said that each of us somehow says "I Like."

I can look back and say I Like Hedge and Donna.

Now, I look back.   I don't think it's wrong to look back.

I think Hedge and Donna will read this.

Thanks Hedge and Donna. You succeeded in giving us something beautiful that we cherish and carry with us. Each person who made an entry on this thread represents 10,000 others who don't know about this thread.


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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: Larry The Radio Guy
Date: 02 Jun 10 - 07:32 PM

Billy Batson, are you the same one who wrote Uncle Jed Say" (I think that was the title) from the first Happy and Artie Traum LP? A friend and I used to sing that song.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 17 Jun 10 - 08:01 PM

hammerhead, You made my day!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,guest
Date: 27 Jun 10 - 06:05 PM

I am now listening to my old H&D albums, decided to look them up and found this link. It is great. Use to live near The Main Point(what memories) Sadly never saw them in person, in fact I do not remember how I did get into their music. So far albums in good shape,but would love cd's. It is so good to see that people are still listening to them and have an interest in them and their wonderful music.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,ratliffj
Date: 04 Jul 10 - 12:36 AM

Billy Batson: Wow-- 'Please understand me' exists as one of my favorite songs and one that still brings tears to my eyes everytime I listen to it. A fabulous set of lyrics and beautifully interpreted by H&D. I'll have to check out your other works.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Guest, Patty
Date: 07 Jul 10 - 01:35 AM

Hedge became a successful corporate consultant and remarried Nancy Locke. They've been together for about 15 years and have a great marriage, from what I hear. I don't know if he sings anymore. I know he tragically lost a son a few years ago. Very talented guy!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Michael Chapman, KC, MO
Date: 09 Jul 10 - 11:46 PM

It's so wonderful to find this thread...I've had some old songs on my mind these past few weeks...the only H&D song I ever knew was Hannah. It used to be played on a KC "underground" station and I'd hear it every morning around the time I got up. It was so hauntingly beautiful, and I can still hear it in my head. That was back in 1971, a few lifetimes ago it seems. I tried to get hold of some H&D albums some years back, but it seems like I was told their stuff was no longer available...Sometimes the feeling that I want to touch things from my past is so overwhelming to just makes me so happy to find this thread tonight and connect with so many others who were touched by that music. I'm going to try to find a recording of Hannah right now..I've heard it in my head so many times in the last 39 years. From reading this thread, I can see there is a lot more stuff by H&D that I need to hear. Thanks to all of you. I feel connected to you all!
P.S., another song that had a tremendous effect on me was "Western Wisconsin" by the group Rosebud, which featured Judy Henske and Jerry Yester. Thanks to the internet I found a recording of it last week, but not the one I was familiar with. These songs are greater than the sum of their parts... for me, thir power is just unexplainable, but so very real and wonderful! Again, thanks to you all!!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Dani Settle from St. Croix, VI
Date: 25 Jul 10 - 01:08 AM

I worked in the 60ʻs at this great place called the Vanguard in of the records that was played during breaks was Hedge & Donna, when I moved to San Diego and heard them some friends were neighbors of the Vanguard, we had entertainers, Brewer& Shipley, Danny Cox, Chuck Mitchell (Joniʻs husband) damn that is when the music was good...happy I found this site will check it out again...I am on FaceBook if you remember me an want to be in contact... dani

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Belfastboy in Seattle
Date: 05 Sep 10 - 02:44 PM

I played in a band called The Brethren from 1969-1973. We used to go see H&D at a nightclub in Seattle called the Trojan Horse. We were broke musicians and would listen to them all night, we nursing a single drink. They were emotional performers who gave their audiance 100% regardless of the size.
The back up band was tremendously talented and allowed H&D to sound better live than on their vinyls. We met them both and talked between sets...they were very accomodating. Our band sang several of their songs from the Special Circumstances album. Great memories....

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Billy Batson, singer & song writer
Date: 19 Sep 10 - 09:17 PM

Hedge lives in La Joya, So CA. You can contact him on Facebook. It's free to join. Then just enter his name in the search box. Also, many of their songs are on YouTube.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Billy Batson
Date: 19 Sep 10 - 09:22 PM

Yes...that's me.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Billy Batson, author of "Please Understand M
Date: 19 Sep 10 - 09:35 PM

Hedge & Donna's music can be found on You Tube Music.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 21 Oct 10 - 11:17 PM

Hi my name is Randy Burns and I am a singer/songwriter and was good friends with Hedge and Donna, would love to say Hi to your sister.
I'm on facebook and myspace or at
Randy Burns

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Roger
Date: 18 Jan 11 - 08:12 PM

All Hedge & Donna albums are available for free download at the
facebook site!
Also an unreleased live recording from 1971!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,TheHammer610
Date: 26 Feb 11 - 02:54 PM

I saw Hedge and Donna many times at The Main Point outside of Philadelphia. I owned several of their LPs, but, sadly, sold my entire collection when I moved.

Louden Wainwright III opened for them once. He sang one song about his time in Delaware ("In Delaware, when I was younger..").

At one H&D concert, my (future) wife got the giggles. Hedge spent much of the concert trying to make her laugh.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 29 Mar 11 - 01:33 AM

The last time I saw Donna, it was in Los Angeles with her son Ethan, that was in 1990.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,SC connection
Date: 22 Apr 11 - 11:50 PM

Saw them in 1970 at the Main Point in Bryn Mawr, PA with my then girlfriend ( now my wife of 38 yrs ) Have three of their albums and their music is just as great as it ever was. But you had to see them in concert to really appreciate them.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Emily
Date: 07 Nov 11 - 11:37 AM

Hedge and Donna have a Facebook page now, with links to mp3 downloads of most of the discography. The two links that didn't work, I scrounged by searching. So pleased to hear this wonderful music again. As for so many, it was the soundtrack for my formative years.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Sherry
Date: 31 Oct 12 - 12:36 AM

How I loved them
Gentle beauty
Memories that are pure

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,jmark
Date: 23 Feb 14 - 09:22 PM

interested in hedge and donna cds

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 10 Sep 14 - 09:42 PM

I'm visiting Burbank, CA for business, I happened to be a guitar player and so this lady just loved my acoustic playing. Said reminded her of the Troubadour. That lady is Donna!
It happens that she is staying in the building where I'm staying, in fact she is sitting right next to me! Donna says "hi!" To everyone.
She tells me that she's still in transition and she's not sure where she wants to go, so she's here for now.
She thanks everyone!! She excited to know that there is still so many great fans!!

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Martha Wahlberg
Date: 02 Oct 14 - 10:23 PM

I would like to connect with Donna's mother if she is still on this planet. She did me a huge favor many years ago (40 or so) and I would like to let her know how it has impacted my life for the better.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Sharon
Date: 23 Dec 15 - 12:30 AM

Donna Carson is on Facebook. So is Hedges Casper, jr.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: wysiwyg
Date: 04 Oct 18 - 07:13 PM

This may be a recent update on downloadable songs-

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
Date: 20 Dec 19 - 01:54 PM

Just wanted to let everyone know. Donna Carson passed away on November 21, 2019. We lost another good one.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,cms
Date: 11 Apr 20 - 10:29 PM

A terrific thread!
Hedge and Donna were first heard by me in Vietnam in 1971 where I was a DUSTOFF pilot (air ambulance pilot.) Their music was introduced to me by a fellow pilot and I have been a fan for the last 50 years. The song, "Can You Hear Me?" is haunting for me as this fellow pilot shared that song as he was putting on his flight gear to flight night missions. We departed his room with record still on his turntable. He died that night and the job I had was to pack up his stuff. I listened to the record while doing that sad task and cried. He was 21.

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Subject: RE: Hedge and Donna - Where are they now ?
From: GUEST,Guest
Date: 21 Oct 20 - 03:30 AM

Hot link added and text shared below, for reference.
Donna's obituary

It is with great sadness that the family of Donna Marie Carson announces her passing. She took her last breath peacefully, listening to her music on the morning of November 21st, 2019.

Donna had a transcendent voice of smoke and honey. In her early life she shared her gift with us all, releasing 6 albums as a part of the folk duo, "Hedge & Donna" from 1967-1973. While music remained a constant part of Donna's life, the duo split in the early 1970's and she moved on with her degree from Whittier College. Her heart ever open, she eventually went on to work with special needs children at the California State Diagnostic School, and ultimately as a protector working for Los Angeles County Courts as a Child Advocate Supervisor. She found joy in helping kids and believed in supporting them so that no child would fall through the cracks of the court system. She worked tirelessly until she retired in 2004.

Donna was also a senior leader in the lay organization for Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, and helped introduce and guide countless other Buddhist members through their practice of the Lotus Sutra, sharing the benefits of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and remained connected to the Head Temple in Japan throughout her life. Donna had a captivating and infectious smile and lived a kind of joy that turned everything a celebration. She was exuberant and her laughter filled any room. When she smiled, everyone around her would join in.

Donna was born to U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Harry "Kit" Carson and his wife Dorothy in November of 1946. She was preceded in death by both her mother and father. Donna will be lovingly remembered by her sisters: Paula, Cynthia, Rita, and Jana. She is dearly missed by her son Ethan and his wife Sara. She will also be fondly remembered by her grandchildren Allen (Kaida), Kenjin, Hunter, and Scarlett.

The legacy of her music is still celebrated to this day by Hedge & Donna fans around the world. The message they had to offer the world and sweet harmonies they created remain as potent now as it was when it was first released. We invite any reader to celebrate her life by searching for and listening to their music. In this way, she may continue to touch the world with her joy and beauty, for as long as we listen.

A private service for family will be held in celebration of Donna's life in San Diego.

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Subject: RE: Hedge & Donna: Where are they? (2019 Obit: Donna)
From: GUEST,Nancy
Date: 08 Apr 24 - 07:59 PM

Hello, Sharon,
I am Nancy, Hedges' wife. I also knew Donna from their
Laurel Canyon days. Unfortunately, Donna passed away in 2019. She was an
amazing singer. Holy.   
    I'd never heard the lullaby, but I just asked Hedge about it
and he sang it to me. Wonderful!
    He's now writing a memoir so we hope to let everybody know when it's complete.
Hedges email is Send him a msg. and he'll send "The
Sparrow and the Tree" to you. Enjoy...

Best, Nancy

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