Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 30 Jun 20 - 09:04 PM I and my friends well champion surfers when we were growing up. Unfortunately, the surf on the Mississippi River wasn't and isn't exactly "all-time" and boards (and full sized logs) tended to dissolve upon contact with the water. The river's cleaned up a lot since then and now you can drop a glass bottle in and pull it out only slightly etched. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 30 Jun 20 - 09:18 PM Stilly, I remember reading about one of the towns in the "Hill Country" of Texas, to the south of you, and I am thinking of those German-American farmers. Was it New Braunfels? Fredericksburg? They had their homesteads out in the country; they had to come to market often enough, and of course they were church-goers, so they would come to town on Sunday, and didn't they have 'Sunday-cottages' or something in town, with outdoor showers -- that's why you reminded me of them -- and just the basics for sleeping overnight or something. Then it was back to the farm for another week of hard work. And when times changed and the town changed and developed, eventually there were only a few of these little sunday-houses still standing, and now they are the real-estate version of collector's items, historical artifacts. I probably scrambled this up in recalling. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 30 Jun 20 - 09:42 PM I've sail boarded, power belly boarded and did ice flow hopping but never surfed. The biggest adrenaline bang for the buck was ice flow hopping, especially when they tip by 45 degrees in a place called Chokonut Creek that feeds into the mighty Susquehanna. There is nothing like the feeling when your push branch no longer reaches the bottom and you can see the river ahead. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 01 Jul 20 - 09:41 AM Underground below the slime the air grows stale but folks feel fine. In the sun the wind is death if in the end you lose your breath. C'mon down, the catacombs are fine made in times when memories end. In all plagues some were worse, some were not It took only one to come in and change the plot. Stacking bones with great thought few remember who it was who brought death underground Or what they thought of what they caught until their den was without a sound of cries sighs or cough |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 01 Jul 20 - 10:31 AM Who puts the shish on your kabob or relish on your hot dog Who puts a pinch of salt on your egg or some sauce on your gonzofazoul The Randy man can the randy man can and has a secret rhthym that you can't understand but the randy man knows Who shaves so close his cheeks glow it feels like peachy fuzz What the randy man does with a can of whipped cream few have ever known Who finishs the ice cream but leaves a little bit for you spills chocolate syrup on the waxed kichen floor but cleans it all up The randy man knows all the perfect ways to cure your weary woes... |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 01 Jul 20 - 09:25 PM My fitness tracker, phone and office clock all give the same time. I guess my watch is off. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 01 Jul 20 - 10:11 PM For the record while we chew the fat and shoot the breeze there is an historic lack of federal response to the national quadrupal threat of disease, unemployment, police murders and financial security. Its not just the pandemic, its the tradjedy of calling it a hoax and waging war on science itself. Every President since WW2 has had to respond to a crises of war or natural diaster and have done so with varying degrees of success until now. We're not just talking about Covid 19, or racial inequality that gone on for 400 years, or a financial crises without tax funds available to save lives and jobs, we have a leadership crises. I have never seen a President and administration fail to take any respondsibility at all until now. I know I have avoided respondsibility but at least I have given warnings. We are trying to step up and do the right thing but a third of us don't or won't, and can drag the rest of us under. Once again so few can cause the death of so many. Now back to our regularly scheduled banter. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 02 Jul 20 - 09:42 PM THE MOSCOW RULES 1. Assume nothing. 2. Never go against your gut. 3. Everyone is potentially under opposition control. 4. Don't look back -- you are never completely alone. 5. Go with the flow. 6. Vary your pattern and stay within your cover. 7. Lull them into a state of complacency. 8. Don't harass the opposition. 9. Pick the time and place for action. 10. Keep your options open. Mom taught these to me at her knee. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 02 Jul 20 - 09:45 PM Russian election law #1 Elections are determined by those who count the vote, not the electorate. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 03 Jul 20 - 10:02 PM Tomorrow I shall bunker up. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 03 Jul 20 - 11:55 PM You know that cartoon "Someone is wrong on the Internet" ? I ran into a bunch of those folks on a favorite site today and was disappointed that management wasn't corralling the kids. If there was EVER a source of BS, it is The Internet. Just sayin'. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 04 Jul 20 - 04:49 PM Bunker safely, Rapparee, whether up, down, or sideways, and have a good Independence Day. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 05 Jul 20 - 12:23 AM Eventually they have to run out of ammunition. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 05 Jul 20 - 08:46 AM The Earth 9, mankind 0, |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 05 Jul 20 - 11:17 AM Zoonoses. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 05 Jul 20 - 11:28 AM Eventually, but that time hasn't come yet. There seems to have been an unspoken consensus in the region that no fireworks laws would be enforced. Lucky we had a good rain a week or so ago, it helped with grass fires. From dusk until many hours later it sounded like a reenactment of a battle scene from the Civil War. Canons, pistols, and the occasional Gatling gun discharge of strings of firecrackers. I fear they have simply stopped to sleep and eat, and will resume the assault at dusk today. MOM liked the sparklers at the house, but said the boys had better watch those explosives down by The Legion Hovel or the thing will go up like an exploded ammo bunker. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 05 Jul 20 - 10:12 PM The Legion Hovel IS an ammunition bunker. Just the alcohol there would make it such! |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 05 Jul 20 - 10:23 PM So that's why there's a sign on the front door No Lit Matches Allowed |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 06 Jul 20 - 02:53 PM "Look at the crowd at this Great Trump Rally despite the Kung Flu hoax. *large cheer* There must be 10,000 in this tiny old theatre. The virus is 99% harmless so lets have applause for the 10 people who are going to die for this rally *feeble applause* and for all the old folks we can do without *applause from a couple dozen* and my daughter Ivanka for modeling her new line of bikinis * large cheer *". :^/ "The communists and fascists are attacking and disfiguring our great Confederate heros and generals. *sparse applause* , The blacks and brown people will to go to prison for murdering our confederate statues * large cheer * And Lock Hilary up with Biden *THUNDEROUS CHEER*" |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 06 Jul 20 - 09:01 PM We are all Puerto Ricans now. We all saw Trump throw paper towels at Islanders devastated by a natural disaster. Now we have a viral disaster and are experiencing the results of the same cavalier leadership. Donald did not throw toilet paper at us but he has done worse, he made the pandemic the worst on Earth right here in the USA . Lives will be lost, "get used to it", but statues must be saved. We are one named hurricane away from seeing the Trump FEMA response. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 07 Jul 20 - 01:21 AM That works for me—"We are all Puerto Ricans now." Too bad that in the next month or two the world will commiserate and instead of Je suis Charlie Hebdo it will be Je suis Américain. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 07 Jul 20 - 04:07 PM It's your middle dog Pepper who is unhappy, Stilly, about the fireworks? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 08 Jul 20 - 05:34 PM Every one of my canine friends is unhappy about fireworks. So am I, for that matter. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 08 Jul 20 - 06:32 PM The only laugh today came from a Freudean slip by Pense when he said "Today's Covid 19 task force briefing is about opening our schools unsafely". |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 09 Jul 20 - 04:29 PM The only one around here who isn't concerned by the fireworks is the Labrador retriever who is just about completely deaf. There was a string of m-80s that went off last night, but otherwise I think most of those jokers shot their firework wads on July 4, through the early hours of July 5. I have concluded that the puppy gets into the most trouble during those times that the middle dog beats up on her the most. Dog correction can be brutal, but it does work. So I'll let Pepper handle the discipline for a while and see what happens. MOM says it's mostly just noise, though she has threatened them with the garden hose a couple of times. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 09 Jul 20 - 09:57 PM Our four neighbors have been gone nearly a week now. The toys lay in yard unused, waiting for the touch of slobbery mouth. It's so sad. However, the treats await. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 10 Jul 20 - 07:22 AM HURRICANE GONZO IS HERE. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 10 Jul 20 - 07:46 AM Hurricane Gonzo set to music |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 10 Jul 20 - 10:42 AM hypothetical hurricane gonzalo |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 10 Jul 20 - 12:15 PM Bullshit and a mighty wind, they are part of the foundation of this and the original thread (that still won't open—I tried it again the other day.) |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 10 Jul 20 - 07:21 PM We don't get them storms! |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 11 Jul 20 - 10:58 AM They say these are uncertain days. BullShit! I am certain these are days. They say these are challenging days. Aren't they all. They say these are dark days. Well I concur, sort of. Especially at night when you look up at the heavens. Some of us know that the universe is getting dimmer. As the everlasting know it all, for the last 2 billion years the universe is dimmer because of expansion, less star formation and more black holes. Because of the Sun during the day you won't notice any dimming. But at night it is significanly darker than it used to be. In our neihborhood out here in the suburbs of the Milkey Way where there are not street lights on every corner, the darkness is even more obvious. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 11 Jul 20 - 12:42 PM It only seems darker because the Galactic Overlord bought Galactic Gas and Electric a few light-years ago and has been dimming the lights ever since but still charging the same rates. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 11 Jul 20 - 03:48 PM Guns sales are higher now than in the Obama days. Our Sheriff is feeling like a spider on a Coleman stove. There is talk of the 'night of the coughing dead' this October in an effort to get rid of the infected. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 11 Jul 20 - 10:01 PM Not out here. Everybody already own guns. Some ammo is in short supply, but .50-100 is still plentiful, if you own an old buffalo gun. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 12 Jul 20 - 10:19 AM We haven't heard from the Galactic Overlord for a while. I wonder what he's up to (other than shorting gas company customers). |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 12 Jul 20 - 09:12 PM I'll be going to the LILP (Legion Intergalactic Listening Post) this evening and should be able to browse the files then. Usually the LILP Runner (LILPR) brings everyone copies of all documents marked "Burn Before Reading" and "Really, Really Secret Stuff" by the GO's Security Orifice. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 13 Jul 20 - 09:37 AM Galactic Overlord should be plural like Senators or Congressmen. But as a Congress it is singularly a disaster. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 13 Jul 20 - 06:36 PM Below the line is chuggin along with 8 folks |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 13 Jul 20 - 09:06 PM I suspect that the GO is composed of several Overlord wannabees, much like a jellyfish is composed of multiple organisms. I wonder -- if you poke his/her/its fat little belly, would he/she/it giggle? My zoology courses didn't cover jellyfish giggles. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 13 Jul 20 - 09:19 PM Jellyfish are immortal. When adult populations are under threat they revert to tiny juveniles and they regrow. Without dieing they grow young again and start anew. It is a strange immortality to be sure. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 14 Jul 20 - 05:13 AM I don't know what a jellyfish giggle looks like but many of them produce colorful light shows in their bodies that could very well be communication. I have yet to find a Babbel course on how to speak jellyfish. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 14 Jul 20 - 09:01 AM Obviously you need a Babelfish. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 14 Jul 20 - 09:46 AM . . . which reminds me: what is the deal with the "Translate" feature built into Mudcat posts, which just takes you to a page at Yahoo dot com and a message that says uh - oh, this doesn't work ... the URL has babelfish in it ... |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 14 Jul 20 - 08:57 PM Got me. I didn't know it did that. Being fluent in English, Profane, Obscene, and Blasphemous I rarely need to translate anything. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 14 Jul 20 - 10:10 PM At one time Babelfish was a robust translation feature that was purchased by the old It was killed off a long time ago and Max never got around to taking it out of the line or redirecting it to Google Translate. Yahoo has been purchased by Verizon. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 15 Jul 20 - 06:40 AM Sounds reasonable, as long as I don't get redirected to Hell |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 15 Jul 20 - 08:24 AM Neither Michigan nor Minnesota are bad places this time of year. Except for the mosquitoes. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 15 Jul 20 - 12:36 PM Same with Washington (State). |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 15 Jul 20 - 06:28 PM Or Oregon, home to the Armillaria solidipes. |
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