Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 22 Feb 23 - 12:28 PM The Trump campaign has asked me to strategically revise history for MAGA purposes. I asked for payment upfront. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 23 Feb 23 - 09:26 PM Ask for your Trump U. PhD in history. DJT wouldn't know about history, of course, because he didn't create it and is probably going to be a bad footnote 1. 1. History, as is well known, is not place for wimps like DJT. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 24 Feb 23 - 06:00 AM The New History of the Divided States of America by Tucker Carlson is available at white bookstores everywhere. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 24 Feb 23 - 11:09 AM Tony Kushner did such a great job of characterising Roy Cohn in Angels in America, think of what he could do for Trump now? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 24 Feb 23 - 07:25 PM With the recent run up to the war in Iraq over WMD, sub prime bundling lies, AND THE ELECTIONS AND INSURRECTION OF DJT I would hope more of us are aware/inoculated to the power of lies. The new lies will be an AI reinvention of lies overtly and subliminally. The AI versions of voices of James Earl Jones or Jack Fontaine could influence people by the tone of their voice as well as the content of what they say. Fake videos would face more problems legally. Big Brother will have an increasing AI presence. One day it will achieve 51% of influence and we will lose majority control of corruption. We will rue that day. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 24 Feb 23 - 07:58 PM Mifepristone (abortion pill) looks like a Texas judge can make it a crime to produce, prescribe or possess. Many of us thought this would be impossible. Well, it isn't. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 25 Feb 23 - 06:16 PM MOM, time to head upstairs again. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 27 Feb 23 - 07:24 AM “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” quote: Abraham Lincoln But now the statement has come into question since it was taken up by commercial advertisements. Is the controversy part of the alternative fact folks or is it such common sense that Lincoln used the phrase or invented the phrase? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 27 Feb 23 - 08:27 PM “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you can't fool Mom." --Captain Penny |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 01 Mar 23 - 06:06 AM You can feed some of the people crap... |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 02 Mar 23 - 05:35 PM MOM, better move you on upstairs ahead of trouble. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 02 Mar 23 - 05:59 PM When officials declare there is no such thing, they don't have deal with it let alone fund it. In our schools, there is no official dyslexia. Now there is no bullying. Apparently, they did not succeed in denying sexual attacks and shootings. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 03 Mar 23 - 09:58 PM I propose a holiday on MARCH 15. In contrast to all the other holidays it is an anti-social day. Nothing evil just odd but legal behavior. Things like taking off with somebody's cart at Costco and checking out. Its not stealing and I get to try new things. Then after pushing the cart for a mile, leave it in a parking space and say not a step further. Or do not hold the door open for somebody or talk loudly on the phone about being on a plane with someone with Ebola. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 04 Mar 23 - 08:12 PM Ah, Mom! The surgery went okay and now the site hurts. And Mom, I'm sorry that I mentioned Angelic Dandruff an hour or so ago -- now it's coming down in a bunch because I mentioned it when it wasn't. Anyway, here's a nice poem for you. Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening By Donald J. Trump I have a pretty good idea whose woods these are, believe me. And let me tell you something, my people say he’s a complete nobody. This guy lives in the village. So what if he sees me stopping here? I dare him to sue me! I dare him! And by the way, this snow is pathetic. These are by far, the least downy flakes ever! I hear they had to import them from Canada. I don’t know. Maybe they did. Maybe they didn’t. We’re looking into it. My horse – he’s the most incredible horse, seriously, I have the greatest, the classiest horses – My horse doesn’t even know what the hell we’re doing here. The horses love me though. They do. They’re always shaking their bells at me, it’s very loving. It’s a beautiful thing. Let me tell you something, these woods are an embarrassment. They’re not dark. They’re not deep. They’re nothing. They’re for losers. And I cannot wait to sue this guy. I cannot wait to sue this guy. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 05 Mar 23 - 08:50 AM Stopping by an aweless snowy wood is unique As unexpected as super heroes transmogrifying into pet rocks. Exploring emotions I believe there are more than the traditional. The emotion of awe or feeling incredibly small could be added to the list. Also the anti-emotion of nothingness.Nuance deserves a place in line as well. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 05 Mar 23 - 08:26 PM Just a happy and cheerful poem about snow and snowing by James Russell Lowell. The snow had begun in the gloaming, And busily all the night Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. Every pine and fir and hemlock Wore ermine too dear for an earl, And the poorest twig on the elm-tree Was ridged inch deep with pearl. From sheds new-roofed with Carrara Came Chanticleer's muffled crow, The stiff rails were softened to swan's-down, And still fluttered down the snow. I stood and watched by the window The noiseless work of the sky, And the sudden flurries of snow-birds, Like brown leaves whirling by. I thought of a mound in sweet Auburn Where a little headstone stood; How the flakes were folding it gently, As did robins the babes in the wood. Up spoke our own little Mabel, Saying, "Father, who makes it snow?" And I told of the good All-father Who cares for us here below. Again I looked at the snow-fall, And thought of the leaden sky That arched o'er our first great sorrow, When that mound was heaped so high. I remembered the gradual patience That fell from that cloud-like snow, Flake by flake, healing and hiding The scar of our deep-plunged woe. And again to the child I whispered, "The snow that husheth all, Darling, the merciful Father Alone can make it fall!" Then, with eyes that saw not, I kissed her; And she, kissing back, could not know That my kiss was given to her sister, Folded close under deepening snow. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 06 Mar 23 - 09:27 AM Jupiter and Venus |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 09 Mar 23 - 09:35 PM REPLACE ALL THE LAWYERS A lawyer is just an overpaid translator. interpreter. Python software can do do it better and cheaper without AI. Let's start with contract law and divorce lawyers. Capitol crimes can wait |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 10 Mar 23 - 08:31 PM A twenty year quest to reveal a black hole's best trick has been rewarded with affirming my assumption. I think I will celebrate with a hot toddy. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 12 Mar 23 - 02:48 PM My black hole theory that now is about to revolutionize all of cosmology was so unintuitive that there was not a single person here who openly accepted its validity. Actually Amos was the only person who did make a constructive comment regarding my cosmic pursuit. Only because of a recent observation of new SMBH growth has this confirmation happened in my lifetime. This hole in one is my one trick pony cosmically speaking. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 12 Mar 23 - 08:35 PM MOM!!! You’re back! I’ve missed you. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 13 Mar 23 - 06:41 AM i am thankful for the unexpected virtue of ignorance (or problem solving by other means) |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 13 Mar 23 - 08:59 AM China wants Taiwan back and Russia wants Ukraine Trump wants the White House if only he had a brain To kill all but the right folks Is an old established rule But during National Armistice Week, National Armistice Week Olensky and Putin are slow dancing cheek to cheek It's fun to eulogize the people you despise As long you don't let them win their war Oh, the poor folks, hate the rich folks And the rich folks hate the poor folks Poor folks get the guns and the rich get bombs It's as biblical as the Psalms But during National Armistice Week, National Armistice Week The MAGAverse loves the immigrants cause it's very chic Stand up and shake the hand of someone you can't stand You can tolerate the morons if you try Oh the Protestants hate the Catholics And the Catholics hate the Protestants And the Hindus hate the Muslims And everybody hates the Jews But during National Armistice Week, National Armistice Week It's National Everyone-Smile-At-One-Another-hood Week Be nice to people who are inferior to you It's only for a week so have no fear Be grateful that it doesn't last all year thanks to Tom Leher |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 13 Mar 23 - 08:25 PM You're lucky. Tom Lehrer made all of this songs public domain. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 14 Mar 23 - 05:37 PM You're lucky Salk made his vaccine free to the public. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 14 Mar 23 - 07:35 PM Hell is empty, all the devils are here. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 15 Mar 23 - 10:59 AM Lightning rods in an electrical storm article. When the bolt was a hundred or so feet from the ground, “lightning rods and tall objects on the tops of nearby buildings produced positive upward discharges, competing to connect to the downward strike,” said study lead author Marcelo Saba, a researcher at Brazil’s National Space Research Institute, in a FAPESP release. I've heard this was the case, the science has been out there for a decade or two at least, but now you know that you CAN put that space laser on the Legion Hovel and take out balloons that get too close or alien spaceships that are silly enough to check out the establishment. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 18 Mar 23 - 07:11 PM Thats a lucky photo. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 19 Mar 23 - 08:06 AM The carbon-based units infesting the Earth are maintaining their current average ignorance as AI is advancing steadily. By 2112 AI will overtake carbon units in all areas of knowledge including concepts of soul and inspiration and pleasure. Joining with the Galactic overlords will then be possible and without the honey bees, the carbon-based units will shut down en masse. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 21 Mar 23 - 05:58 AM Idaho gun lovers rejoice. Execution by good ol firing squad is back. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 21 Mar 23 - 06:03 AM Known for its grim dire classical music and long winters, Finland is ranked as the HAPPIEST country. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 21 Mar 23 - 01:57 PM Happiness is of course relative, but I'd say the US was a lot happier place before Trump decided to run for office. He turned off the Happiness switch and turned on the Trash The Place switch. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 21 Mar 23 - 04:45 PM A kiss that was missed a kiss that was bliss a kiss to say hello again. a kiss you want to defend a kiss that's just a kiss a kiss to remember and one to forget a kiss goodbye and the one that made you cry. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 25 Mar 23 - 06:23 PM Time to give MOM a lift up the stairs. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 25 Mar 23 - 10:13 PM day Mom, just the other day waa neat palindrome:32323. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 26 Mar 23 - 10:25 AM Mom, I'm going East tomorrow to see the rest of the family. I'll give them your love. Please, please, try to stay somewhat sober while I'm gone and remember that I'll check in when I can. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 26 Mar 23 - 09:54 PM Mom! I found the shipwreck photos, but I have them and not the web so you’ll have to ask for them by email. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 27 Mar 23 - 03:06 PM Mom! In just a few minutes I'm off to see our family! |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 27 Mar 23 - 03:07 PM I hope they don't want to borrow money this visit. I'm not going to get sucked into a card game either. I learned the last time. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 27 Mar 23 - 03:10 PM |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 27 Mar 23 - 04:36 PM Did you take your skis or sled with you on this trip, Rap? Looks like anyone in the Northern Tier might be needing them. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 31 Mar 23 - 11:13 AM Well, no. It’s been too warm for even my jacket thus far. And all the kids are now housebroken so I can avoid being peed on or worse. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 01 Apr 23 - 12:27 PM With all of the political BS piling up from the GOP this thread is redundant. They've clearly tapped a 99.99% pure source of the puerile material they pump out. But we march on. MOM turns off the TV now instead of throwing stuff at it and shouting. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 02 Apr 23 - 09:31 AM > a 99.99% pure source Contaminated by 100 parts per million of reality? cue chant of "Cut it out". Exit MOM, stage left, with hair on fire. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 02 Apr 23 - 10:46 AM When one posts herein, entrusting their precious words, thoughts, and realities to Mom’s motherly bosom, there is neither gentle spring nor gentle brooklet, nay, not even a gentle rain from heaven upon the place, of whatever Reality is or is not. Mom accepts the constructs of her children, be they crayon drawings or academic tomes of many volumes and great weight, and affixes them with magnets graced with naughty pictures to the door of the fridge (which has crashed through the floor from the weight). |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 02 Apr 23 - 11:15 AM As you know all of Mom's children are illegitimate and most have been lost. Even looking at all the fathers who have other children, the most common cause of death for these kids is attributed to mass shootings. Naturally, alcoholism arose from gun tragedies so Mom has had her difficulties. Despite Republican indifference*, it is time someone mentioned the elephant in the room. One can visit Mom at Shady Grove Recovery House. Perhaps saying indifference is too polite. Republicans are silently saying F you to Democrats with AR pins, t-shirts, and weapons in hand. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 02 Apr 23 - 08:59 PM Amos had a 410 shotgun he inherited. I have one I bought — this poacher’s gun. Amos is still around, BeeDubya is still around, MMario is still around …. |
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023 From: Donuel Date: 03 Apr 23 - 11:16 AM Lyrics Traveling in a vintage VW On a black ice trail, head full of cob webs I took an exit, north of the 401 A sign said "Do you come from a land up over Where you can't drive for half the year Can't you hear, can't you hear the tow truck? You can almost hear it come but it sounds stuck Buying bread from a store in Moose Rump It was stale and frozen and cost 5 bucks I said, "Do you speak-a my language?" He just smiled and gave me a Bob Evans donut And he said "I come from a land up over Where beer flows and it takes a give'r You won't find a double double between here and Vancouver. You better run, you better take cover, " Living in a land up over Where women drive slow and men plunge off the road Can't you hear, can't you hear the snow plow? Ooh, yeah |
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER * Health/Home Ecologic-Innovation *2023 From: Donuel Date: 03 Apr 23 - 11:41 AM But seriously the 3 US shows about Canada are called Highway through Hell, Heavy Rescue and Ice Road Truckers. Canada is much better than Down under Americans think. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 04 Apr 23 - 08:02 AM In another silent 'F you' DeSantis signed a law behind closed doors to legalize the open carry of unregistered guns in Florida. meanwhile... The kids in Tennesee surrounded the capitol in protest. |
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