Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 16 Jun 22 - 06:44 PM MOM!! Skarpi is suffering from COVID-19!! |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 17 Jun 22 - 07:19 PM You didn't drive thru Montana I hope. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 19 Jun 22 - 11:18 PM Hi, Mom! I'm home now. All seems to be well around here. Most of the laundry is done. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 20 Jun 22 - 11:09 AM Here ya go, Mom! Complete with a song! Something I learned. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 21 Jun 22 - 10:46 PM Well, Mom, this day has gone well so far. I'm about to trundle off to my trundle bed and go beddy-by now. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 22 Jun 22 - 08:04 AM Schuffle off to truffle bite dreams, good knight and may you soar o're the good fight saving damsals by the score. The knight now emporer is in the twillight of evermore in the footnotes of the book of ages by the galactic Overlords. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 23 Jun 22 - 05:19 PM I discovered there is a beer garden and nightclub for your dog nearby. Maybe an older dog is a good idea after all. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 23 Jun 22 - 10:19 PM Mom! Yesterevening our ISP had problems and we were left sans Internet access for damned near 24 hours. All sorts of trucks flying around the neighborhood last night and today, trying to fix the problem. But, Mom, I haven't lost my touch. I had to reconfigure our in-house network and it's up and running like it oughta. There are a couple small things left to finish, but we're back online. While this was down, we had a local fiber optic company come see if we could be fibered. The install is next Wednesday, severing a 18 year association with what had been the local cable company. Bye-bye, Sparklight (formerly cableone). |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 24 Jun 22 - 11:06 AM I love the glass tube highway. Too bad we are now A PATCHWORK NATION. In a climate of culture wars and tremendous economic uncertainty, the media have often reduced America to a simplistic schism between red states and blue states. Using on the ground reporting and statistical analysis to get past generalizations and probe American communities in depth. The result of Our Patchwork Nation is that the constitution is not merely divided over abortion states and gun loco states but in multiple diversities that often defies conventional wisdom. Looking at the data, it looks like the country breaks into twelve distinct types of communities, and old categories like "college towns" and "working class towns" (Town and Gown) don't matter as much as we think. Instead, by examining Boom Towns, Evangelical Epicenters, Military Bastions, Service Worker Centers, Campus and Careers, Immigration Nation, Minority Central, Tractor Community, Mormon Outposts, Emptying Nests, Industrial Metropolises, and Monied Burbs, the subtle distinctions in how Americans vote is more varied than science/antiscience. Every State will have their own confusing laws that cover investment, shopping, reproduction and otherwise the belief of people who may be a minority in some way. What people experience on their local streets and in their daily lives is not going to be about Rights and Freedoms but more about enforced local shared hatreds. imho UNITED WE STAND - Don't count on it. It could take 3 or 4 generations for the people to realize what a friend they had with the Constitution. That those who called themselves patriots unwittingly destroyed the dream of America. Thats my story and I'm stickin toit. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 25 Jun 22 - 04:53 PM There is a big sign for the FAT golf tourney just outside my yard. This one promotes "Big Dog Solar", a company a friend of mine started and has since sold so he can concentrate on his fiber optic business. FAT is the Football Alumni Team of Idaho State University. It appears that many of the FAT are just that. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 25 Jun 22 - 09:24 PM IBM, STANDARD OIL/FARBER, MOBILE, ESSO, FORD, ~GM and other huge corporations sold products, resources and built factories for the 3rd Reich before AND after the US declared war on Germany. Shell company strategies were rampant then and now to do the most unpatriotic things the founders of the Constitution could never have imagined. Follow the $, not the honor if you want to be the Republican American. They say honor is for boy scouts. No wonder they don't teach civics anymore. Teaching the truth is problomatic for the kids and teachers. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 26 Jun 22 - 08:07 PM BEING ATTACKED by our own 50+ year old technology is nothing new. While I won't explain why I can tell you that our microwave rifles can dissuade, disable, damage and even kill. What is different is the variety and size compared to 50 years ago. Rap said he knew what I was talking about but I can't know for sure. Using these weapons indiscriminately is horrendous. Yes I know what they feel like, sound like and how they effect people at different settings almost like a phaser. Morality aside these rifles can change the result of anything from a sporting event to a political event. It may not be too soon to weite a thriller about the ultimate result of these acurrsed things. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 26 Jun 22 - 09:01 PM Try this. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 26 Jun 22 - 09:22 PM I've spent the last two years, and a little bit more, staying in Massachusett's Berkshire County, where the county seat is the largest city/town, Pittsfield. On the real estate market in Pittsfield is an enormous estate with a brick mansion which is the real deal, built before 1900 and loaded with character. It was bought and built back then by relatives/descendants of Samuel Colt. Samuel Colt himself was a Connecticut man, born and died there. But his extended family, especially those who ended up with some of his wealth after he died, moved about to other areas like Pittsfield. Mister Colt is the inventor, obviously, of the Colt '45. And I looked up biographical info that touched on his family background. Good Lord, what an awful dysfunctional mess. Two of his siblings were suicides (no, I don't know how they killed themselves). There were a couple of brothers within the family, who formed a triangle with a woman married to one of them, and there are things about the succession and estate planning which suggest that the father of the woman's son, is her husband's brother . . . it just gets worse and worse. The price of staggering success and of making it so easy to kill? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 26 Jun 22 - 09:30 PM Take heart humankind, reexaminating your mistakes, accidents and failures can sometimes find a measure of success in an application in another land and time never imagined for the original application. For example you may remember how I was inspired by a deaf guitarist to find a way for him to hear his performance and more. Independantly I was seeking a means to directly stimulate the cochlea and brain to transmit hearing. Later I joined with projects under Kodak and Litton Ind. I came up with an external approach that proved inferior to an implanted Cochlear device. However the effects of transmitting music from the outside of the skull to temporal regions caused synthesesia. Basicly I had invented electronic LSD one could turn on or off or explore new sensations like inventing colors never before seen. With this device sense signals are sent to unexpected sensory areas of the brain and allow a person to experience switched senses depending upon where receptors and transmitters are placed. In real world terms a taste could be sensed as feeling with your hands a 3D object with texture, color and temperature. Wierder interpretations by the brain are infinite. It is an interesting experience and might not be everyone's cup of tea. I can't say it makes you think differently but you can imagine how you can feel and process perspectives differently. What to call it matters. I want to emphasize creativity and minimize simple scrambling. As an open source code machine the evolution of this device is both infinite and unknown. While it feels normal in a new way it is also extreme in its different interface with the world. :Bogartes :Da Vinci :Andromeda by what name would you call a synthesesia machine? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 27 Jun 22 - 07:47 AM The taste of peppermint was changed to a vertical cool smooth 3D object so there is a relative truth to sensory changes. Hearing Beethoven's 9th with new 'ears'/brains is quite an experience. Turning Pink Floyd into a visual experience is daunting and alien. A tasty burger may change to a feeling of savory pointedness that can be enjoyed by their total pointedness. Of course every tranmission area and person is different. Meta virtual reality is thirsty for a new unique immersive experience. Most likely Facebook's Zuckerberg will steal this tech like Bill stole his original OS. I do wonder about potential dangers among borderline psychotics. This device may be lumped in with direct brain stimulation but there are distinct and fundamental differences. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 27 Jun 22 - 08:00 AM Remember what is being transmitted are electrical signals of simolar frequency and amplitude of nerve cells in most cases. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 27 Jun 22 - 08:42 AM Modulation, a kind of volume, is under the control of the user as well as on off. Additional insights can be found here |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 27 Jun 22 - 09:12 AM The most important precaution is among MS folks who are demylinated. The motor nerves are mylinated in healthy people so your muscles will not be effected or stimulated as long as a modulation limiter is correctly attenuated. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 27 Jun 22 - 09:48 AM Volunteers are needed to investigate limbic system stimulation to see if signals will activate all the systems that border the limbic vesicles including memories/ hippocampus, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, amygdala, and pituitary gland. It is hypothesized that a pan neural experience may result with unknown outcomes. Lighting up Alzheimer patients like a search light would be an unexpected outcome. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 27 Jun 22 - 10:02 AM The weather has been so hot that MOM had the screened-in porch ceiling fan running and was sleeping on the porch swing last night when a rain storm blew in out of the blue. At first she thought the dog was licking her face when she felt the moisture, but it was just rain blowing in through the screen. She realized (with a huge crash of thunder) that it was something else. You should have heard her stomping through the house to change night gowns and go sleep in her own bed. She was already a bit out of sorts after a friend told her that his drink of choice these days was Budweiser over ice. That would piss me off also! |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 27 Jun 22 - 10:25 AM Ivermectin punch (Big can of Hawaiian Punch with 3 crushed up pills) over ice sound like a Texas cocktail too. At least the Mexican version uses Sangria. I made a drink yesterday, half 100 proof peppermint schnaps and half drambuie. Not as minty as I thought. Serve in tall shot glass. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 27 Jun 22 - 08:50 PM We await with bated breath the coming of the fiber optic line. Sometimes when I went fishing I used baited breath. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 28 Jun 22 - 02:16 PM Go with 12 lb. strength |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: MaJoC the Filk Date: 28 Jun 22 - 02:31 PM Can you string a banjo with it? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 28 Jun 22 - 03:50 PM I actually use acoustic steel and tune the uke like a mandolin. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 29 Jun 22 - 12:23 AM I tune everything but a trumpet in a minor key such as G minor. It helps prevent controversy later. A diminished A7 is also good. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 29 Jun 22 - 08:12 AM Very late last night I was talking with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. He was expounding on the moment when an Emporer of Rome discovered that the Pretorian guard was not his personal Army or loyal bodyguard. He had a half dozen examples and concluded at long last with the instant when Trump grabbed the steering wheel from the backseat of his limo and with his other hand grabbed the driver by the throat screaming "I'm the fucking President now take me to the Capitol" Secret Service did not relent. "Take your hand off the wheel, we are going to the White House". Senator Byrd continued, "The Emporer discovered in that backseat that his Pretorian Guards were not his own but he was not dispatched with a short sword and was slowly driven back to the residence." Senator Byrd on Rome |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 29 Jun 22 - 08:46 AM In conclusion, I told you so. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 29 Jun 22 - 09:05 AM When Donald was the President, Let My people in Deceived so deep they could not think, Let My people in! Refrain: Go down, Proud Boys, Way down in the Capitol; Then Trump told them all To let My people in! No more damn democracy, Let My people in! Let them go with guns and knives, Let My people in! Oh, let them in with every sin, Let Congress lose their lives! Let us all for Trump be free, Let My people in! You need not always mourn and weep, Let My people in! And wear these slav’ry chains for me, Let My people in! Your foes that are before you run, My people have just begun to fight! And don't forget your great big gun, My people are always right! |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 29 Jun 22 - 09:11 AM Next? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - aw comon cheer up From: Donuel Date: 29 Jun 22 - 11:32 AM Follow the Capitol Road. Follow the Capitol Road. Follow, follow, follow, follow, Follow the Capitol Road. Follow the Capitol, Follow the Capitol, Follow the Capitol Road. We're off to see the Congress, and Vice President Pense. You'll find he is a son of a gun If ever a gun there was. If ever oh ever a son there was The Vice President is one because, Because, because, because, because, because. Because of the loyal Trump things he does. We're off to hang the Congress. The Congress and pussy wimp Pense |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 29 Jun 22 - 06:19 PM The Donald doesn't get it. Trump is ~tweeting~ on Truth Social "I am not an insurrectionist, I was just taking a mulligan". |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 29 Jun 22 - 09:32 PM In the dark damp corners in the basements of American History libraries are the 4 or 5 accounts of white insurrectionists overturning the electoral results of the then multi racial republican candidates right after the civil war in Louisiana, North Carolina and elsewhere. Yes election fraud was rallying cry back then as well. The Federal government put right all but one result. As Mark Twain said history doesn't repeat exactly but rhymes. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 01 Jul 22 - 12:15 AM I said I had dibs on 2992! Spank him, MOM! |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 01 Jul 22 - 09:35 AM The history of American expansionism or racism is actually a diplomatic history to make it palatable for our kids. The history of MOAB is a dead pale ghost of its original purpose, democracy, personalities and contributions beyond palindromes. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 01 Jul 22 - 09:49 AM Of course, we just had it backwards |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Stilly River Sage Date: 02 Jul 22 - 11:55 AM MOM says it's getting to be too noisy at night to sleep on the screened-in porch; fireworks make a heckuva racket. She's thinking about getting one of those sensory deprivation tanks set up in the corner of the living room. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 03 Jul 22 - 08:03 PM Thata one blowed up good! Yup it was bettern than Cletus's m-4 |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 03 Jul 22 - 08:04 PM Well, oh yeah? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 03 Jul 22 - 08:14 PM At some point in time I got sensory deprivation tanks mixed up with hyperbaric chambers . |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 03 Jul 22 - 10:36 PM Whoo! (Uhh, welcome) Ohhh! I'd like to welcome everybody, welcome everybody (yo y-yo yo yo) To the motherfucking Metaverse Chat Room (yo, y-yo, yo) [Rappin Joe Biden] How many Muricans fell victim in the streets Rest in peace young victims, it's a death by big lie Eyes still open reflecting the grey blue sky Fish belly up above the bleached reefs The lure of cash emptied out the oceans and poor The elite experts in charge used to be all creeps It'd be a lie if I told you that they were not thieves Every deal the government made for me went out the door Its not just ketchup on the wall! Those who want to rule want to outgun the constitution They are afraid they will be poor after restitution How many that were taught the dream of America must fall? The end of civilization begins with too many of us and just enough of the big lie believing them Cause to the elite world earners you ain't worth phlegm The world is infected with a CO2 wound oozing puss What men have done to this living planet is beyond vulgar Endings are by their nature always sad and full of suffering But done by the hand of man somehow makes this smothering the most evil kind of ulcer we call a culture Through lies, theft, shootouts, stick-ups and invasions The world is full of suckers but don't worry, some dream of good No matter how they are disbelieved and misunderstood They are always on the brink of solving the equation Call his pops, pick the phone up So he can come find his son lyin in his own blood On that block that patriots shot up Near the house we grew up in before the flood 50 bullets made that sound that goes thud The first 10 made the kid scream The number of bullets were not as extreme as the tradition that makes red mud |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 04 Jul 22 - 08:32 AM Some will say the kid in Akron had it comin. The only judgment I make in any encounter is motive be it assault here or in the streets. What is the motive for shooting someone 60 times? It sounds like anger but I'm sure the cops will have time to explain. Mom isn't sayin, she just says "its their way". |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 04 Jul 22 - 10:24 AM Holy crap another palindrome 3003 ! I will watch Tenet, Arrival... |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 05 Jul 22 - 11:01 AM I don't do diaries but I do make memo books. This mornings collection will be transferred here verbatim; The Court sez Corporations are people, does that make the NRA and GOA people of interest? Please observe a momment of silencers. Come for the holiday mass shooting stay for the funeral snacks. AMERICA'S GAME take me out to the gun store get me one maybe 2 buy me some ammo a couple stacks then off to the park to start the attack shoot, shoot shoot its a gun thing mental illness we'll blame and its one more mass shooting here its a US game Teachem yung make 5 year olds shoot People armed with information are dangerous buy guns Guns a' Gore Ammo Store. Guns and Butter: All mass shooters ate butter. BAN BUTTER All abortions start with sex, BAN SEX Your kid was an honor student. ban AR 15s oops brb |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 05 Jul 22 - 01:23 PM Guns are sold Hands are shaken Hearts go out If guns were as erratic as people they would miss If Elon Musk made guns we would be dead by now There is a question about the mental health of red Senators Slippery slopes are dangerous Guns are cool RELAX' it was a legally purchased mass shooting AR 15 Silencers for sale in Congress whew brb |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 05 Jul 22 - 02:34 PM Remember when AR15S really were banned??? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Rapparee Date: 06 Jul 22 - 09:11 PM Mom, it's settled. This time next week I'll be Sitka. All seems well now, much was settled today. I'll knock back a few brew and things for you, and eat lots of reindeer sausage and halibut and stuff. No, we're not driving up. |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: keberoxu Date: 06 Jul 22 - 09:17 PM . . . you'll be IN Sitka? |
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex] From: Donuel Date: 06 Jul 22 - 09:44 PM You'll get a couple more hours of sun. |
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