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Info/Opinions Re: Guild Guitars

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Roger in Baltimore 21 Feb 99 - 09:08 AM
Art Thieme 21 Feb 99 - 10:09 AM
catspaw49 21 Feb 99 - 10:37 AM
Margo 21 Feb 99 - 11:08 AM
rick fielding 21 Feb 99 - 12:06 PM
Roger in Baltimore 21 Feb 99 - 01:32 PM
dwditty 21 Feb 99 - 01:57 PM
lesblank 21 Feb 99 - 02:24 PM
Sandy Paton 21 Feb 99 - 02:50 PM
Ole Bull 21 Feb 99 - 03:32 PM
rick fielding 21 Feb 99 - 05:51 PM
Big Mick 21 Feb 99 - 08:20 PM
Banjer 21 Feb 99 - 08:31 PM
catspaw49 21 Feb 99 - 09:26 PM
dwditty 21 Feb 99 - 09:28 PM
Don Meixner 21 Feb 99 - 11:42 PM
rick fielding 22 Feb 99 - 12:47 AM
katlaughing 22 Feb 99 - 01:15 AM
Banjer 22 Feb 99 - 06:53 AM
harpgirl 22 Feb 99 - 08:32 AM
Mountain Dog 22 Feb 99 - 08:41 AM
rick fielding 22 Feb 99 - 11:29 AM
mountain tyme 23 Feb 99 - 03:18 AM
Rick Fielding 23 Feb 99 - 11:12 AM
Willie-O 23 Feb 99 - 04:00 PM
rich r 23 Feb 99 - 06:13 PM
catspaw49 23 Feb 99 - 08:42 PM
ddw 24 Feb 99 - 12:33 AM
BK 24 Feb 99 - 12:46 AM
Rick Fielding 24 Feb 99 - 11:58 AM
mountain tyme 24 Feb 99 - 12:54 PM
catspaw49 24 Feb 99 - 12:58 PM
Rick Fielding 24 Feb 99 - 06:07 PM
mountain tyme 24 Feb 99 - 06:46 PM
catspaw49 24 Feb 99 - 10:41 PM
Sam Hudson 25 Feb 99 - 11:17 AM
harpgirl 04 Mar 99 - 11:27 PM
Sandy Paton 04 Mar 99 - 11:56 PM
Sandy Paton 05 Mar 99 - 12:01 AM
catspaw49 15 Mar 99 - 07:12 PM
Mark Roffe 16 Mar 99 - 01:04 AM
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Subject: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Roger in Baltimore
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 09:08 AM

Catspaw promised a series of these pages, one guitar maker at a time. I don't think the Martin thread will ever die, so I think it is time for a new one and this is it.

It is also inspired by a recent purchase. I have grown wary of taking my vintage Martin every where I go. If I lost it I would be heart broken, not so much over the money, but rather over the 30+ years of memories it carries.

I have been shopping around for a guitar I feel everyday travel; song circles, open mikes, etc.

I was in a local shop recently and there was a Guild D-25 in the consignment section. I tried it out. It wasn't a D-28 (although modelled as one I suspect), but it was a decent guitar for the price. It sounded dead in spots, but I suspected it was the old strings (and they appeared quite old). I went to the Internet that day and found that it was manufactured in 1974. Except for the strings it looked nearly new (perhaps the strings were originals). The end result was a purchase. I nosed around the used guitar sites on the Web and the price seemed quite reasonable. I bartered just a little. I did not get the original case (is there a market for original cases?).

This guitar is not as loud as my Martin D-28 and perhaps has more of the boomy base of the dreadnought style. I am happy so far.

If others post, I will talk later about my Guild 12-string.

Roger in Baltimore

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Art Thieme
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 10:09 AM

Guild -- drdnght.-size(from my experience):

NECK TOO NARROW. Hard to finger and to grip. Not enough BOOM! Too quiet for the large size. Might as well play a smaller guitar for what ya get.


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: catspaw49
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 10:37 AM

Thank you Roger!!! Sorry I hadn't gotten around to a new thread yet. This was #3 on my list (#2 which we can do next is Gibson/Epiphone). Then we can combine a few like Taylor/Collings/Lakewood. Anyway...Thanks.

I've always liked Guild, why I'm not sure. That is often the situation whether we want to admit it or not. Nothing you can put your finger on, just a sound/feel comination that we like or don't. Guild has built very fine guitars over the years and even with the recent Fender merger, continue to build quality instruments. I'd say that the trebles are strong and the bass is solid but they lack a balanced mid-range. Like Art, I find the necks to be a little uncomfortable.

Roger, I'm anxious to hear about your 12. Here I think we are probably in total agreement as I believe Guild, not Martin, builds the benchmark 12-string. I've had 2 that both were stolen as part of the Martin jinx!! Interestingly, I spent 6 months a few years ago looking hard for a 12, specifically a Guild, and never found one that I thought was good enough to be worth the money asked. But that search is another story.........


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Margo
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 11:08 AM

I have a guild F30. My father bought it new for the family years ago. I have always likes the narrow neck because I have little hands. I am a singer and never play guitar for more than accompaniment. For my purpose, it's a great guitar.


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: rick fielding
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 12:06 PM

Jeez "paw" I've had two Guild 12s stolen as well! Is there some conspiracy out there. Maybe some "James Bond" type villain is trying to corner the market and will stop at nothing till he's wallowing in big Guilds.

I've always loved their sound but hated the thick purple paint finish on their necks. (not sure if they still do that though) Their little mahoganny model has always been hugely popular and when old ones come up in the stores, they get sold faster than anything I'm told. After owning many 12 strings over the years (and being allowed to use Stan Rogers' Laskin 12 on the new album) I'm still in love with my Japanese Takamine (mid 80s vintage) It's a "hoss" and despite a few cracks is one powerful guitar.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Roger in Baltimore
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 01:32 PM

Maybe I shouldn't talk about my Guild 12 String. And I probably should drop my location from my signature.

I have had mine about 12 years (never had a guitar stolen, knock on wood :) ). It was a divorce present to myself. I've always liked it better than the woman I divorced and it has treated me better than she did.

The tone is pretty balanced with only a slight emphasis on the bass. It is loud without being boomy. I haven't picked another 12 that I would swap for.

Roger in Baltimore (well, not really in Baltimore)

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: dwditty
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 01:57 PM

I play a Guild F50R pretty much exclusively. This jumbo sounds great. It was modified by Jonathan Edwards when he used it for his stage guitar (installed an "under the saddle" pick-up). This guitar is about 30 years old. Two of my favorites also play an F50 - Dave Van Ronk and Dan Hicks. I play with bare fingers, but still manage to move enough air to get a big sound from this monster.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: lesblank
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 02:24 PM

I own a Guild F-20, the oft besmirched "li'l flattop box". I also own three others, but the f-20 was my first acoustic. I wasn't very good then, but it didn't seem to care much, and it eventually became my favorite. I still play it for the kids and grandkids and at the monthly meeting of the Montgomery County Spit and Holler Club. It has served me well, even though it has undergone nearly every transplant it can, from pegs to bridge to rod. I treat it like an old girlfriend, now. For a 37 year old, it still pops a nice sound.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 02:50 PM

Ed Trickett used to have the most amazing D-40 I ever heard. It, too, was stolen. Whoever ended up with that guitar got a real prize! Ed replaced it with a Taylor. I played a D-50 for a long time and loved it. I recently acquired a mint D-25 from a fellow who got it about ten years ago in exchange for a painting job, and never got around to learning to play it. I liked it a lot, but I'm unable to afford all my addictions, so I sold it to a fellow in Rhode Island. I've never found the Guild necks too narrow, and I generally like a pretty wide neck. (Fat fingers that grew up on nylon strings back in the dark ages.) I haven't played a Guild since the takeover, but I'm glad to hear from Catspaw that they are maintaining their quality.


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Ole Bull
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 03:32 PM

I was happy to trade my Gibson J45 for my Guild D44 some 20 years ago. No regrets for playability and sound. Love the Gibson electrics but don't care at all for the flat tops. But what do I know. I would never buy a Martin either! Nor a Strat.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: rick fielding
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 05:51 PM

Roger, hmmmm, a divorce present eh? Don't get me thinking! Seriously though rarely have any of my guitars ever asked me to take out the garbage, do the vacuuming, or earn a decent paycheck. I can see the appeal.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Big Mick
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 08:20 PM

I play a 60's vintage Guild 12 string, and try though I might, I have never found another 12 string that has the voice of this one. I regularly try others at Elderly and every other guitar shop that I wander into, but have never found another that has the action my ould beaut has, nor that has the voice. I will say this, the strings you use make all the difference. I am currently using Elixirs, and I like them so far. When I play Planxty Irwin on my Guild, it is like angels singing. If I were unfortunate enough to go through a divorce, I would rather go to jail than give up my Guild.


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Banjer
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 08:31 PM

Everyone seems to be having a great time applauding their Guilds and Martins....Can't wait till we get to the part of Harmony guitars and banjos....Does anyone have any experience with either of them?..

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: catspaw49
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 09:26 PM

I'm not sure about anything else, but Guild seems to be the preference of discerning thieves...5 in this thread!


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: dwditty
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 09:28 PM

Then there's Richie Havens who beats the hell out of his guitar - Guild, of course.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Don Meixner
Date: 21 Feb 99 - 11:42 PM

I like my Guild F-30 fpr all the reasons Art doesn't. After reaaranging my fingers with a table saw I've found the narrowness of the neck a blessing. I love the sound because it doesn't sound like a martin. Mine was ,made when Guild took over the Gretch factory in NJ. This one has a Guild body with a Gretch neck and headstock. An oddity but its my oddity.


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: rick fielding
Date: 22 Feb 99 - 12:47 AM

Banjer, Who could forget their first banjo? Chances are it was a "melmac" Harmony. Infinitely superior to the Korean crap sold these days as entry level banjos. I sold mine at the age of 20 and got a Vega FW5 which lasted a couple of years until I heard of a "deluxe Vegaphone" from the '30s going for 300 bucks! I travelled 400 miles by train to find out that it was a tenor!! On the way back to Toronto I learned my tenor banjo chords and ended up as part of a hell of a fun jam session with some expatriate Newfoundlanders on the train. Didn't take long though to get a five string neck made for it.

Harmony 12 strings were wonderful instruments, and along with my two Guilds had one of them stolen as well. Trivia Question? What's the connection between Harmony and Vega? Answer: Harmony made the guitars that Vega sold under their brand name.(at a much higher price.) This was in the sixties...I don't know about later.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: katlaughing
Date: 22 Feb 99 - 01:15 AM

Thought you all might like to know, I've two friends who work at Guild in Westerly, Rhode Island, whom I have forwarded most of these messages to. Last I knew, which was a while ago, he was head of repair and she was sanding and shaping the fine, thin necks some of you like so well and others don't. They've both been involved there for a number of years and I know he is a wickedly good instrument maker on his own - he's a got a mandolin that is beautiful and sounds exquisite.

Maybe he'll join us.

Oh, by the way, Banjer, my dad has an old Harmony banjo with full ivory back, etc. saw one like it at Elderly a couple of months ago at about $3,000. He's been very happy with it ever since he got it at a hock shop in the fifties or sixties.



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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Banjer
Date: 22 Feb 99 - 06:53 AM

My inventory includes four guitars, all of which have a story. Unfortunately I cannot play any of them well. The original guitar I received for Christmas at age 13, which was 37 years ago! It came from Montgomery Wards, their private label Old Kraftsman. I am told it was probably made by the Kay folks. The second one I received from my sister after she decided music was not her cup of tea. It is a Rexina, maker unknown. I imagine it is probably a private label name for someone. My third acquisition is a early sixties Harmony. My latest guitar was given to me by my brother in law. He has had it since the late 50's. It is a GUILD electric. It took quite a bit of repair, having spent much of its life in his attic or garage. Banjos I have two..One is an aluminum body Kingston. The resonator has been removed and it is fitted with nylon strings. It goes with me to our Civil War Reenactments and is used mainly for, besides Civil War songs, minstrel and old time music. The other banjo is a Harmony melmac body with the brand name "Ridgeland" on the tuning head. It sports steel strings. Last, but not least, my home made Mountain Lap Dulcimer rounds out my motly collection of instruments. I have wrapped up in all of them about $300, but the pleasure they have brought me over the years is priceless.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: harpgirl
Date: 22 Feb 99 - 08:32 AM

Geewhiz, I got my Harmony resotone banjo for 25 bucks at a garage sale in St. Clair Michigan. I love it! What's it worth? harpgirl

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Mountain Dog
Date: 22 Feb 99 - 08:41 AM

I really love just about everything about my Guild D-4, from neck to natural matte finish to well-balanced tone. It was the instrument I settled on after playing and "test-driving" a wide variety of acoustics, from Martin to Seagull to Harmony to Gibson, Takamine, Larrivee and a host of custom lines. Mine was built in the Rhode Island shop in about '96, so I have no complaints about post-merger quality.

I love to play it and it loves to be played; what more could one ask in a relationship such as this?

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: rick fielding
Date: 22 Feb 99 - 11:29 AM

Harpgirl, I'm afraid your "mother of tabletop" Harmony banjo is not worth a whole lot. (dollar-wise) They have gone up to the 100-200 dollar range, but esthetically they're priceless!

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: mountain tyme
Date: 23 Feb 99 - 03:18 AM

I was playing a gig Sun. Feb. 21 and someone brought in an old Guild to sell for $200.00. Yes I bought it. It is a great box....but...upon looking in the blue book today to see just how well I did...(I collect Martins) found no listing for it. Maybe here I can get an educated guess. Guild, X200, Ser.# 1372, Made in NY NY before they moved to NJ, Arch top, Two black adjustable pickups, Lyre tailpiece, Sunburst finish, five ply pickguard, 17 1/4 in. body width, 3 1/2 body depth, Kluson Tulip Tuners, Rosewood adjustable bridge....any help would be appreciated.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Rick Fielding
Date: 23 Feb 99 - 11:12 AM

Mountain, ya done GREAT!

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Willie-O
Date: 23 Feb 99 - 04:00 PM

I'm seriously thinking of picking up a used Guild flattop, probably on my next "in-laws" trip to New England. Saw a pretty nice one for $400 US, a plain natural dreadnaught with a nice mellow feel, and a gorgeous cutaway for $700 (too much). Whereas here at Steve's which has generally pretty decent prices they're all $1200-1700 Cdn now.

The apparent robustness and quality appeals to me, and that they're a little down from the top of the snob appeal scale seems to be reflected in the prices.

I bought my daughter a $100 80's Harmony guitar last year, which was probably pretty mean of me. It's an only adequate, not very easy to finger plywood-topped beast. However I'm happy to report that her calluses are coming along very nicely, we're almost through the initial torture-test period of guitar initiation. Pretty soon I'll get her a better one (hmmmm...perhaps a half share in a Guild would interest her ;)= ) and make her fingers happy. The poor kid needs some encouragement.

Rick, while no guitar has ever told me to vaccuum, mature or earn income, I have frequently been instructed by one to "put me back in the case", "go to bed", and "lay off the booze" ...


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: rich r
Date: 23 Feb 99 - 06:13 PM

I have a Guild G-37 Bld that I bought back about 1976 with insurance money I got because someone stole my Gibson J-50. Maybe this helps reverse the theft trend. I guess I never thought of neck as being narrow, maybe because my fingers are kind of skinny (would that the rest of me were the same). The guitar is flat top with slightly arched back. I've always liked the sound of it. The "bld" is for blond, not bald. The wood is attractive maple, although not of the fancy "curly", "bird's eye" or "flame" maple variety.

rich r

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: catspaw49
Date: 23 Feb 99 - 08:42 PM

Say there mountain tyme...See now I think that Fielding boy is jes' havin' some sport with yuh...I mean you probably didn't get no case or nuthin' with that thing and as a Martin collector you know that there ain't nary archtop gonna' sound much more like a fart in a bucket compared to any Martin. As a fellow 'catter, I hate to see one of the brethren take so bad a beatin' on a dead box like that there Guild. Now kinda' recent like I found myself in possession of some barterin' material that I share with my buddy Cletus. We got this here pick-up that's a little rough, but it'll git around real good, especially in cold weather. The heater core leaks so it could stay a tad warmer in the cab, but at least the carb don't catch fire as often in this weather. The best thing is that we had a buddy get us a new title to her after the untimely demise of Cletus and me's good buddy Buford, the former owner...or at least driver. Then we got this Ithaca 12Ga. that is a right fine piece, 'ceptin' for that downward shell ejector. About 1 in 5 will clip your gonads if'n you ain't careful.

Now we was thinkin' maybe you could use the pick-up and the Ithaca a helluva' lot more than some archtop Guild, so we was thinkin' that you could do a little swappin'...if you was a mind to. We just don't wanna' see you get taken so bad and since we could git you some real value for your dollar, well...jes' let us know and we'll be happy to oblige.

'Paw and Cletus

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: ddw
Date: 24 Feb 99 - 12:33 AM

I just read through this thread with some interest, being that I'm a dyed-in-the-wool fan of at least one old Guild -- a D-40 I've had since 1967. Like Rich, I've never found the neck too small, but I have pretty short digits. Unlike some of the earlier commenters, I've never found it dead in spots either. I've played a lot of Martins and other Guilds and lots of others, but so far I've never encountered but a couple I would have considered trading for. One was a Gallagher (Sp?) that a friend had in Hamilton, Ont. about 25 years ago. It was the heaviest beast I've ever picked up, but had a sound that would just knock your ears off. One other thought on Guilds. A friend in Windsor bought a new one about two or three years ago and I played it a little a couple of weeks ago. At a glance it looked a lot like mine except it had a matte finish, but when I started to play it I was amazed at how thick and wide the neck was compared to mine. Is this their new direction?


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: BK
Date: 24 Feb 99 - 12:46 AM

OK: I loved the necks on my two guild flat-tops but thought the sound just wasn't there, so sold them; have heard Guilds I thought were great, particularly 12-strings but never owned one. If my untrustworthy memory is not too far out, I believe I saw Steve Gillette w/a very good, deep voiced Guild a few years ago.. I too like toting around in public something w/less snob, & presumably theft, appeal than a Martin. (maybe not!) Used an old Martin case for my last Guild dreadnaught. It fit perfectly. (Kept the case when I sold the guitar.)

Had an old real-wood Hrmony Sovereign; actually had several over the years, but the one I had while a Peace Corps Volunteer in India, bought off a home-bound volunteer, was by far the best sounding. They always (&I mean ALWAYS!) got neck warp, & if you tightened the rod enough it ALWAYS broke. It was a free-floating design; the tension just forced the distal end of the rod to arch; couldn't possibly stop warping outward, down near the 12th or 13th fret. So, since I was a volunteer at an industrial training institute, I designed my own rod, had it manufactured by my friends in the machine shop, took off the neck, re-worked the joint w/the body, etc. when I was finished I had a very straight neck which stayed straight in tropical weather, etc, & could be adjusted from ether end (I retained the far-end arching feature).

My friends still have some cassette tapes we made at parties & I'm struck by it's good sound. Sold it when I left; for all I know it (or what's left of it) is still there; had no room to bring it home. Instead I bought a small "tube-type" german mandolin in a small shop in Bombay. has a hollow tube running the length of the neck. Anybody ever heard of one of these?

Cheers, BK

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Rick Fielding
Date: 24 Feb 99 - 11:58 AM

Can't say I've heard of the "tube" mandolin, but the Germans have come up with some amazing (and amusing) designs. It strikes me how different one instrument can sound in two sets of hands. I'm a fan of Guild guitars right across the board, but I'm listening carefully to the points made by folks in this thread. One phenomenon not talked about much is how sometimes a guitar sounds wonderful to the player (because of it's resonance against your body,) but may not cut it to someone standing 10 feet away. I've always tried to get someone who plays in a similar style to myself to test an instrument that I've been thinking of purchasing. It's amazing how different they sound from a different vantage point. From my experience the ones that consistantly project are Martins and Yamahas. Wonder if they're braced the same?

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: mountain tyme
Date: 24 Feb 99 - 12:54 PM

I is jus so enamored ta get some attention bout mi Guild archtop. Thanks Rick for the encouragement. Now ta set the record straight 49 cats, the original brown leather case did come wif that Guild, an it's got mighty pretty red velvet all over the inside o'it. Now wen I plugged it inta my gyrophonic projector it sure made some sweet sounds. Now has that pickup got a muffler or not? An it jus beter be a Ford cause I cant risk that Delco virus roun heres. I done got me a good ol monkey ward varmit blaster so's ya better up the auntie if'n ya want this'a here GUILD! Jus cause the blu book dont list that guild dont especially mean it aint worth much...maybe it be so rare them blu book folks neber herd of'n it...s'pose? aaann when yer thinkin on that anti I jus got ta tell ya this box gets out a'much beter then my 58 Frammus arch box. Be interestin ta see wot think. Thanx 4 now..

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: catspaw49
Date: 24 Feb 99 - 12:58 PM make a fine point. I've often been surprised by the "back turned" test myself.

However, in your case, I'd also think about doing the "Drop It, Punt It, Crash It, Fling It, Zing It, and Overstring It" series of tests as well.

Just a suggestion......catspaw

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Rick Fielding
Date: 24 Feb 99 - 06:07 PM

Looky here Mountain, don't let that Catspaw talk you out of anything. He's a silver tongued devil though ain't he? Trade him your Framus for his brother Cletus.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: mountain tyme
Date: 24 Feb 99 - 06:46 PM

Yea Rick....I thinks I is inta somthin here wif 49 cats. He be jus bein koy i figure. I got 18 cats so's I no sumthin bout barterin. I didn't jus bring that Guild home on no turnip wagon. I also collect belt buckles so 49 cats if'n them wot demised of late don't be needin' theirs no more how bout uppin the auntie an throwin in a buckle or too. That fella wat runs New Hope Guild in TN says maybe I got a hum-dinger. Says 1954 with no cut-a-way mite be a barterin point. Any body?

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: catspaw49
Date: 24 Feb 99 - 10:41 PM

Well anybody in New Hope, sittin' at the base of Monteagle is jist askin' for an 18 to squash his place plum to smash...but I reckon he knows a few things. So if he says yuh got a deal......Hey, is ole Tooter Moss still in South Pittsburg?

But listen here Mountain, if'n you should ever want to do a little huntin' further north, just let me and Cletus know, we'd be happy to oblige......and bring that Guild 'cause we'd sure like to see it. We could have us a brew or two and Clete and me will take you to a spot we like a lot. It was a favorite of our late friend Buford too. I think Rick remembers sumpin' about it but don't pay him no mind. Hellfire, livin' in Toronto, he's probably seen that Phantom thing 30 or 40 times...and how can you trust somebody like that?


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Sam Hudson
Date: 25 Feb 99 - 11:17 AM

I've enjoyed having my D25, though Art's comment about it being too quiet I tend to agree with. Though of course miked for recording or on stage with some reinforcement, it's fine, as the sound, though quiet, is sweet.

It seems to be ageing nicely too!

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: harpgirl
Date: 04 Mar 99 - 11:27 PM

Rick, Just read your comment. I value your opinion since I know you are a full time musician with many road miles under your belt. My little Harmony is fun to play. Where do you do most of your gigs? harpgirl

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 04 Mar 99 - 11:56 PM

Take a look at Rick's web page, Harpgirl. You ought to find the answers to your questions there. Rick Fielding

Or, you're welcome to look through the "tour" section of Folk-Legacy's web page. Go to the opening page and click on "tour," then on Rick's name in the list.


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 05 Mar 99 - 12:01 AM

Sorry, folks. I've been neglecting that little ol' slash mark before the final "a" -- and Joe's off to Washington for a month and won't be around to correct my foolish errors. At least I've discovered what I've been doing wrong. My next try will be better, I promise!


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: catspaw49
Date: 15 Mar 99 - 07:12 PM

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: Mark Roffe
Date: 16 Mar 99 - 01:04 AM

In NY, 1976, an israeli guy I knew had a job cleaning people's garages. He brought a 1962 Guild M20 to me, explaining that he had asked a lady what to do with the guitar in her garage, and that she had told him to throw it away. So he gave it to me because he didn't play guitar. This garage cleaning guy had a deep reverence for clarinets, although he'd never played one, and had asked a few days before if he could hold my clarinet. When he gave me the Guild, I presented him with the clarinet. He said "Don't make joke like that," but I made him take it. The Guild is a very small bodied instrument with mahogany top/sides/back/neck. Its sound has changed over the years - first for the better, and then for the worse. It's currently sounding good again, but a bit thin. Changed recently from lights strings to silk & steel. It's so small and light as to all but disappear from your notice when you play it. Good writing guitar.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: catspaw49
Date: 06 Apr 99 - 07:03 AM

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: gillymor
Date: 20 Feb 25 - 07:46 PM

My M-36 Martin has overtaken my small Lowden for lap time. An embarrassment of riches.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: gillymor
Date: 20 Feb 25 - 07:48 PM

Whoops. Don't know how I did that.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinios Re: Guild Guitars
From: gillymor
Date: 20 Feb 25 - 08:08 PM

I will say though I once owned a Guild F-50 and it was a fine sounding and well made instrument, but when I discovered OM string spacing it had to go. Also owned a F-30, like Mississippi John.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinions Re: Guild Guitars
From: Bat Goddess
Date: 22 Feb 25 - 10:02 AM

Nice to see this thread resusitated, but, I have to admit, I checked in hoping to see a comment from Curmudgeon back in 1999...

Tom played the Guild D35nt that he bought in Boston in 1965.

Late in 2018 I sold it to another member of our musical Press Room family who will appreciate it not only as a fine instrument but as Tom Hall's guitar.


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinions Re: Guild Guitars
From: Brock
Date: 24 Feb 25 - 06:58 AM

I have the same Guild as rich r (upthread) a G37 Bld. Serial no.207696 makes it mid 1970s I think. First thing to say about it is; it's bullet proof! It weighs a ton and has taken a lot of hard knocks since I bought it 2nd hand in Andy's guitar workshop, London, c1984. The low e string has always sounded dull to me (whatever strings I've tried) But it takes '13' strings and I love the neck for fingerstyle folk. Some of the tuners are slipping a bit and I don't know what to do about this.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinions Re: Guild Guitars
From: gillymor
Date: 24 Feb 25 - 07:23 AM

It's pretty easy to swap out tuners. I wasn't happy with the tuners that came with my F-30 so I installed a set of Grovers. You just need to make sure the replacement tuners match the size of the bores on the head stock or come with adapter sleeves if the holes are over sized. The supplier should help you with that.

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Subject: RE: Info/Opinions Re: Guild Guitars
From: Brock
Date: 24 Feb 25 - 03:39 PM


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Subject: RE: Info/Opinions Re: Guild Guitars
Date: 25 Feb 25 - 07:09 PM

I used to have an F 30 and an F20 about 30 years ago. Wonderful camp guitars with the traditional mahogany sound. Sadly the fretboards were too narrow so I sold them and got a Larrivee. Word is that when Richie Havens played his guitar out Guild would send him a new one. Guess he was good advertising.

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