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Old Girl Scout Songs


Related threads:
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Help: Barges (2) (closed)
Req: Cowboy song - 'Web like a spider's web' (7) (closed)
(origins) Origin: Barges (9) (closed)

In Mudcat MIDIs:
Brownie Smile Song [Harriet F. Heywood]

Wendy 21 May 99 - 11:46 PM
John Hindsill 22 May 99 - 10:19 AM
catspaw49 22 May 99 - 12:09 PM
bet 22 May 99 - 06:51 PM
Sandy Paton 22 May 99 - 09:06 PM
Banjer 22 May 99 - 09:31 PM
Susan of DT 23 May 99 - 01:30 PM
bet 24 May 99 - 01:22 PM
Indy Lass 24 May 99 - 01:59 PM
sharon 24 May 99 - 02:54 PM
Indy Lass 24 May 99 - 03:37 PM
Terry 24 May 99 - 04:50 PM
dick greenhaus 24 May 99 - 05:09 PM
Bert 24 May 99 - 05:30 PM
Susan of DT 24 May 99 - 06:35 PM
bet 24 May 99 - 07:13 PM
sharon 24 May 99 - 09:54 PM
okscout 24 May 99 - 10:19 PM
katlaughing 25 May 99 - 12:00 AM
Night Owl 25 May 99 - 12:50 AM
Joe Offer 25 May 99 - 02:50 AM
bet 25 May 99 - 01:18 PM
Indy Lass 25 May 99 - 01:34 PM
okscout 25 May 99 - 08:21 PM
Susan of DT 25 May 99 - 08:26 PM
bet 25 May 99 - 10:22 PM
katlaughing 26 May 99 - 12:34 AM
Susan of DT 26 May 99 - 07:58 PM 27 May 99 - 12:02 AM
bet 27 May 99 - 06:24 PM
Susan of DT 27 May 99 - 08:22 PM
catspaw49 28 May 99 - 12:32 AM
bet 28 May 99 - 01:23 PM
bet 28 May 99 - 10:36 PM
bet 29 May 99 - 11:27 AM
SINSULL 29 Jun 00 - 03:33 PM
MMario 29 Jun 00 - 03:38 PM
GUEST,Allan S. 29 Jun 00 - 04:10 PM
GUEST,open mike 29 Jun 00 - 06:22 PM
Melani 30 Jun 00 - 02:09 AM
ivy b* 30 Jun 00 - 05:45 AM
Allan C. 30 Jun 00 - 10:35 AM
Hollowfox 30 Jun 00 - 11:48 AM
GUEST,Vikki Appleton Fielden 05 Oct 03 - 08:35 PM
Susan of DT 06 Oct 03 - 10:43 AM
Susan of DT 06 Oct 03 - 10:58 AM
NH Dave 06 Oct 03 - 11:55 AM
PageOfCups 06 Oct 03 - 04:46 PM
Tinker 06 Oct 03 - 08:32 PM
LadyJean 06 Oct 03 - 08:32 PM
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Subject: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Wendy
Date: 21 May 99 - 11:46 PM

If anyone remembers a song/chant that was for a group of at least 6 people that had parts to it and it started with one person then each new part was added on top of it. Some of the parts were Coffee,Tea or me's your little bag(blach) also Come on Bessie give the baby's got to live and Window washer with something to do with a spot. Each part also had motions to do with it and by the end it was very funny.


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: John Hindsill
Date: 22 May 99 - 10:19 AM

How old do you have to be to be an Old Girl Scout?

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: catspaw49
Date: 22 May 99 - 12:09 PM

Obviously I haven't kept pace with current Girl Scout philosophies.......Lemme' see if I got this:

You get 6 Girl Scouts together for some form of ritual chant about coffee, tea, or ME??? They're passing bags of some unknown substance around and everybody is playing with different parts and are somehow involved with a window washer who gives the one named Bessie a baby? And somehow by the end this thing is really funny possibly having something to do with spotting or the window washer?

You know this just confirms that all the Cookie Crappola has been just a clever front for some devious and deviant perverse organization that is ruining our youth and stealing away the values of Mom, Apple Pie, and AK-47's which we hold dear.


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 22 May 99 - 06:51 PM

Boy Wendy, that's one I didn't learn and I spent over 30 years in theScouts as a scout, counslor, leader and state board member. It sounds cute, I'll keep watching and hope to learn it. bet

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 22 May 99 - 09:06 PM

When my dear Caroline was a Girl Scout (she was so gung ho she was also a Campfire Girl!) they sang about "white wings" and canoe paddles "flashing like silver," or "walking at night." None of this "coffee, tea or ME" stuff! She suspects that her scouting days were a few decades earlier than those suggested by this song. Barf bags, indeed! Not in her day!

Sandy (folk fogey)

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Banjer
Date: 22 May 99 - 09:31 PM

Am I just a pervert in a class by myself or does the title and content of this thread conjure up the vision of a group of elderly ladies sitting around in Girl Scout uniforms singing bawdy ballads for any one else as well?

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Susan of DT
Date: 23 May 99 - 01:30 PM

While we don't have the song you are requesting, there are several songs that have filenames beginning with GS, so try searching for gs* (gets a mix of scouts and other songs that happen to contain gs), @scouts, and @camp.

I was a girl scout in the 50s & 60s. Cadets had not been invented until after I passed that age group - it was Brownies, Intermediates, and Seniors.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 24 May 99 - 01:22 PM

Banjer, I'm just thinking a bunch of 'old' gray haired ladies sitting around the campfire singing would be great. Memories would realy start. bet

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Indy Lass
Date: 24 May 99 - 01:59 PM

Catspaw--I was a girlscout back in the days when the Monkeys were "cool." I got in the worst trouble ever because of a girlscout camping trip. Our troop was staying in a barn on some girl scout council property one rainy night, up in a hay loft. We had our lanterns for light so things were a bit dim. Anyway, some of us decided to play strip polker. Nothing really different from our girls locker room at school and we were all best buddies anyway. But we really caught heck when another girl scout ratted on us. We became th talk of the school and church. "And to think they were Girl Scouts!!"

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: sharon
Date: 24 May 99 - 02:54 PM

I was a girl scout back in the 50's. I could sing you many-a -song that we sang at camp, but never the one you requested. Now if you'd like "Each campfire light anew. or Girl Scouts Together (I loved that one) or Our Chalet... Or Peace, I ask of Thee Old River... Oh, wouldn't it be fun for a bunch of us old Girl Scouts to sit around a campfire today, and sing all those good old scout songs! What other songs could we sing?

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Indy Lass
Date: 24 May 99 - 03:37 PM

Here are some songs I dug up from my old "girl scouts" songbook: Ruthie's Place--Canadian Wilderness--Dona,Dona,Dona--Here We Are--Land of the Silver Birch--Oleana--Border Trail--any other girlscouts remember these?

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Terry
Date: 24 May 99 - 04:50 PM

Along with "Our Chalet," we sang a lot of rounds in my girl scout troop. "White Coral Bells" and "Make New Friends" were our leader's favorites.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 24 May 99 - 05:09 PM

If they're not in DigiTrad, POST 'EM, DAMMIT!

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Bert
Date: 24 May 99 - 05:30 PM

I notice that some of you gals have been Girl Scouts since the fifties, and NONE of you has admitted to singing Kumbaya!!


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Susan of DT
Date: 24 May 99 - 06:35 PM

Bert - would you believe that when my troop sang Kumbaya, it had hand motions.

Several of the songs mentioned are in the DT - Our Chalet, When Ere You Make a Promise, Make New Friends, etc.

Sandy I used to know that one with paddles flashing like silver, but I don't think I can resurrect it.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 24 May 99 - 07:13 PM

Boy do these bring back memories!!! How about Yosha and Josha, Been Ridin', Winkin' Blinkin' and Nod, IKnow A Place, Wa' Saw, Tall Timbers Calling, The Seine, Roll Ye Covered Wagons, Been Ridin', Desert Silvery Blue, The Ash Grove. Boy I could go on and on and on! My days as a Scout started in the late 40's I'm still a Scout, dues payed and all. That makes me REALLY old but young at heart. bet

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: sharon
Date: 24 May 99 - 09:54 PM

My paddle's keen and bright,
Flashing like silver,
Follow the wild goose flight.
Dip, dip and swing.
Dip, dip and swing her back.
Flashing like silver.
Follow the wild goose flight.
Dip, dip and swing.

Do you remember "I'm happy when I'm hiking?" And Sarasponda, with the boomta, boomta in the background. And "I Zigga Zumba, Zumba, Zumba", with "Chief, Chief, Chief" in the background.....supposed to be a Zulu song.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: okscout
Date: 24 May 99 - 10:19 PM

in a public response to Dick's "POST 'EM, DAMMIT!" I have to say, I sent them to you Dick. They never appeared. I sent probably 200 of those GS songs. Where did they go?


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: katlaughing
Date: 25 May 99 - 12:00 AM

Bet! Your NOT old! You can't be, 'cause then I'd be getting up there and don't you know "little sisters" never age?*BG*

So, Bet just posted half of our repetoire for the Wyoming Culture Fest on June 12th! The other half are old cowboy songs our dad and mom sang.

I wasn't in scouts until the 60's, then I was a co-leader for a short time in CT, in the later 80's, early 90's. Lot of fun, same, great songs.


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Night Owl
Date: 25 May 99 - 12:50 AM

Should we wear our old uniforms around the campfire???? Geeze I love this place....great memories from childhood. you have the rest of the words to "I know a place...." I only get as far as "where the sun is like gold"....and then BLANK!!!! What's the name of the song??

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Joe Offer
Date: 25 May 99 - 02:50 AM

Say, Nancy - it takes time for songs to get into the database, but they're immediately available to all the world if you post 'em here in the forum. If you have the time, please post them.
-Joe Offer, always looking for good Scout songs-

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 25 May 99 - 01:18 PM

Night Owl,I'll send words this evening, lunch time doesn't last long enough. Joe, I met to post some last night but spent 3 hours paying BILLS, AAUUGGGGGG! Will work on some tonight. bet

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Indy Lass
Date: 25 May 99 - 01:34 PM

"I Know a Place" may be the same song we called "Ruthie's Place"

I know a place where no one ever goes
There's peace and quiet, beauty, and repose
It's hidden in a valley beside a mountain stream
And lying there beside that stream I find that I can dream
Only of things of beauty to the eye
Snow peaked mountains tow'ring in the sky
Now I know that God has made this world for me...etc.

Is this the one you're thinking of? 'Cause if it is I can send the rest of the words if you'd like. Does it match the music you know? I don't know how to send the music.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: okscout
Date: 25 May 99 - 08:21 PM

Hey, Joe,

I wasn't complaining. DT is the neatest thing I've found on the internet. It was several years ago when Prodigy was #1, AOL had no ads and I thought I was really hot 'cause I could code in QBASIC.

Girl Scout songs, hmmm.

Before I start typing, I'm gonna make sure that they aren't part of DT, okay?


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Susan of DT
Date: 25 May 99 - 08:26 PM

Nancy - I wonder if we ever got your 200 songs. Did you send them to Connecticut? I donn't remember Dick mentioning them and if they were clearly girl scout related he probably would have delegated them to me.

Sharon - Thanx for the canoe song. I checked the DT for Zulu for Zulu warrior and did not find it, but I think there was a thread about 6 months ago on it.

Bet - At least a few of those are in the DT.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 25 May 99 - 10:22 PM

Susan of DT, I wonder what I am doing wrong. I went to the DT to see which of the songs was not in there, tried all capitals, first letter capital and did not find a single one of the songs. Can you help me? I'll bug kat when she gets home if I need to. thaks bet

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: katlaughing
Date: 26 May 99 - 12:34 AM

Hey, bet! As far as I know capitals don't matter in the DT. If you are looking for a whole title, it helps to put brackets around it like this: [been ridin].

I went through your list and just looked with putting in the titles and came up with just two: Tall Timbers and four versions of Ash Grove (not sure which one you know, cause I don't remember that one). So.....maybe after our "gig" on June 12th we oughta post some of them?

See ya later,


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Susan of DT
Date: 26 May 99 - 07:58 PM

Under GS* I found:
When E'er You Make a Promise
We Are Called The Girl Scouts
Mariners' Taps
Our Chalet and
Make New Friends
I also found Tall Timbers (not under GS). The version of Ash Grove I sang in scouts (no one is buried beneath the ash grove) is in. I did not find Swinging Along the Open Road or I Love the Daffodils, so I guess I had better enter them. I was sure The Seine was in, because it was in one of my handwritten notebooks that eventually became the DT, but I guess not.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
Date: 27 May 99 - 12:02 AM

One of my favorite scout songs, probably sung first in California kid camps.
Moon on the meadow,bugs in our ears,
Smoke in our eyes,wet wood and tears,
On up the meadow,water somewhere,
We were the only ones there.

Wild Horse and Slushy, Dry Lakes, the peaks,
Finding the love there everyone seeks
Hiking to rainbows, sunsets and stars
Just finding out who we are.

We will return here one lucky day,
Our hearts will guide us, they've learned the way
People in cities can't understand
Falling in love with the land.

Mooon on the meadow, bugs in our ears,
Smoke in our eyes, wet wood and tears,
On up the meadow, water somewhere
With you my friend, I am there.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 27 May 99 - 06:24 PM

Thanks Susan, I guess I missed something. I didn't know to look under GS. thanks bet

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Susan of DT
Date: 27 May 99 - 08:22 PM

Bet - I cheat a little, because I know how we set up the filenames. You can search for any phrase in a song between [square brackets] to keep the phrase together. A search for [girl scout*] gets 10 hits. If you fine a song with a number at the bottom, either Child #xx or DT #xxx, you can also search for that # to find its cousins. I mentioned the GS* because others would not know it.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: catspaw49
Date: 28 May 99 - 12:32 AM

OK...So Susan, if I type in BS do I get Boy Scout songs or songs that are totally BS? Just askin'.........


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 28 May 99 - 01:23 PM

I like that question, catspaw. If I type it in I will probably get the BS. bet

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 28 May 99 - 10:36 PM

1. One night along the river at St. Germainde Pre
I first met my beloved at a small side walk cafe
We walked along the river the shadow passing by
But we only saw each other, the shinning water and the sky.

chorus: The Seine, the Seine, when will I again,
meet her there, greet her there
On the moon light banks of the Seine.

2. Standing there across the river mid sound of horn and tram
In all her quiet beauty the Cathedral Notra Dame
And as we passed beside her, I said a little pray
That when this dream was over, I'd awake and find you there.

3. We walked along the river 'till dawn was coming nigh
Beneath the Eiffel Tower we said our last good-bye
Then on that splendid morn' I saw you all in tears
And the beauty of that hour will shine within me thru the years.

really like this song bet

Click here for related thread.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: bet
Date: 29 May 99 - 11:27 AM

Joe, thanks. I did check it out. bet

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
Date: 29 Jun 00 - 03:33 PM

This brings back fond memories of a "banned" Nixon campaign poster showing a very young, very pregnant pigtailed Girl Scout in uniform pointing to her protruding tummy and declaring "Nixon's the One!" (His campaign slogan)

Coffee, tea or me??? I had a troop for years and never heard it.


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: MMario
Date: 29 Jun 00 - 03:38 PM

I have a vague memory of this being done by a gaggle of teenage girls at a summer camp. They claimed they learned it through Girl Scouts.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: GUEST,Allan S.
Date: 29 Jun 00 - 04:10 PM

COuldn't resist this thread. Being an old BOY SCOUT 47 years. OLd friends are the best so........... Start an alumni assoc.start searching for people who were in your troop. Go back to the camp for a walk around Sing the old songs and watch the tears start. We have an Alumni assoc. for Camp Sequassen in CT and get together 2 times a year at camp help out with the kids, or just kick back and relax. Sing the old songs and teach them to the new kids, keep the traditions going. Keep those old friends they were the best. good luck Allan

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: GUEST,open mike
Date: 29 Jun 00 - 06:22 PM

how about rise up oh flame and peace i ask of thee o river? Rosalie sorrels has a tune she does about her grandmothers' gardens which reminds me of white coral bells the chorus goes:^^

These are the bells of ireland
Which in my garden grow
My great grandmother brought
Those seeds from Ireland long ago
Their music it is sweet and sad
Like orphan angels sing
If you listen in your heart
You'll hear those bells of Ireland ring

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Melani
Date: 30 Jun 00 - 02:09 AM

I learned half the folk songs I know in Girl Scouts. It's where I first heard the chantey "Donkey Riding", but had no idea what it was about, with verses like "Was you ever in Quebec, stowing timber on the deck...Riding on a donkey." I had a vision of a small four-legged gray animal carrying a load of long boards...I'd never heard of a donkey engine.

There actually are bunches of gray-haired little old ladies sitting around campfires in uniform singing these songs. Some people really are Girl Scouts for life.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: ivy b*
Date: 30 Jun 00 - 05:45 AM

perhaps its something about the difference between 'girl guides' and 'girl scouts' but i never sang any of these songs in any of the troops i was in. we did do 'everywhere we go' which was nice and loud on coaches and on brownie camp we used to sing mild hymns but thats about it. maybe ive been a victim of 'modernisation' and trying to appeal to 'young people nowadays' or maybe it was just something to do with being a guide in south essex... pity because some of these songs sound great. just for the record the 'coffee tea and me' sounds vaugly familiar but i couldnt add anymore lines to what you already have. was it a clapping game or just a song?

ivy b*

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Allan C.
Date: 30 Jun 00 - 10:35 AM

Open mike, "Rise Up Oh Flame" is a real favorite of mine. I nearly always sing it when in front of a campfire - whether anyone else is there or not!

Oh, and in case nobody else has done so, open mike, Sharon, Allan S., Terry, Annieglenn, okscout, Wendy and ivy b* : I would like to say, welcome to the Mudcat! Glad you are here! Those of you who are still posting as guests - go ahead and do the Membership thing. It costs nothing. You will not be spammed with crap from who knows where. And you will quickly discover the joys of Personal Messages and the ability to put a "Trace" on a favorite discussion thread so that you can easily find it again long after it has drifted off the list. But one of my favorite features is the "Messages since last visit" which is (for me) the "home" page which pops up whenever I get online. For those of you who are already members and haven't taken a look at these features - I urge you to do so. Send me a personal message just to check out that feature if you want. It is fun!

Allan C.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: Hollowfox
Date: 30 Jun 00 - 11:48 AM

Folks, the original question seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle. I wish I knew the song, myself,and I'd love to learn it. I wonder if the Girl Scouts website has a place to opst questions?

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Song
From: GUEST,Vikki Appleton Fielden
Date: 05 Oct 03 - 08:35 PM

What I remember from my Girl Scout days (in the 60s) is:

"Here's your coffee, here's your tea, here's your paper bag (bleah!!)"

It had hand motions that went with it. The other bits mentioned don't ring a bell.

As I think more about it, I seem to vaguely remember this being part of a skit some of the counselors presented on a sort of talent show evening.

Each "verse" was prefaced by a chorus (is it still a chorus if it comes *before* each verse rather than after?) that went:

If I were not a counselor
Something else I'd rather be
If I were not a counselor
A (fill in the blank) I'd be

So the verse I mentioned went with
"A stewardess I'd be" (of course).

I can't remember many of the other "verses", except for
"A chicken-plucker I'd be.

"Pluck a chicken, pluck a chicken, wring its little neck! (Squawk!)"

If any more verses come to me, I'll post them.

I suspect that the chicken-plucker verse may have been "written" that very evening... it strikes me (now -- it didn't then) that it might well be one of those songs where there are a few standard verses and then people come up with their own -- especially if they have more people than verses.

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Songs - coffee/tea...
From: Susan of DT
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 10:43 AM

A lot of songs have been mentioned in this thread, many of which are already in the DT. Some I can easily enter, but many others I do not know, so I need you to post them. A summary:

Coffee Tea of Me                partial version posted, can someone
                                    finish it?
Canoe Paddle                   posted, harvested
Girl Scouts Together            I'll enter it
Our Chalet                      already in
When e're you make a promise    already in
Peace I ask of thee o river    already in
Ruthie's Place                  partial version posted
                                  Can someone finish it?
Canadian Wilderness             Is this Canadian Traveler??
Dona dona                      already in
Here we are                     don't know it, so ??
Land of Silver Birch            please post
Oleanna                         already in
Border Trail                   please post
While Coral Bells               please post- I know some of it...
Make New Friends                already in
Kumbayah                        I can't believe it isn't there
                                  I'll enter it
Yosha & Josha                   please post
Been Ridin'                     please post
Winkin, Blinkin & Nod          I must have somewhere, but...
I know a place                  partial posting, please complete
Tall timbers calling            already in The Seine harvested
Roll ye covered wagons please post
Desert Silver Blue please post
Ash Grove already in, version 2
Happy when I'm hiking please post
Zulu Warrior I'll post what I know and you can add
I love the Daffodils already in
Swinging Along the Open Road I'll post what I know
Rise Up o Flame please post
Bells of Ireland harvested
Donkey Riding already in

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Songs
From: Susan of DT
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 10:58 AM

Here is what I remember of some of the somgs mentioned, which may not be complete, so please post additions.


Swinging along the open road
Swinging along under a sky that's clear
Swinging along the open road
All in the Fall, in the Fall of the year
Swinging along, swinging along the open road
All in the Fall of the year


I give a zumba, zumba, zumba
I give a zumba zumba zay

See him dance, the Zulu warior
See him dance, the Zulu chief, chief, chief...

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Songs
From: NH Dave
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 11:55 AM

Rather than posting all the songs here, why not do a Google search for Girl or Boy Scout Songs, or check here Scouting Songs

a NH Scouter

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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Songs
From: PageOfCups
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 04:46 PM

Back to the original question again - I saw this song done in college, as entertainment for a group. It went something like:

If I wasn't in (group name)
Something else I'd rather be
If I wasn't in (group name)
A (fill in the blank) I'd be

The verse about Bessie was for "A farmer's wife I'd be":
Give, Bessie, give - the baby's gotta live! (miming milking a cow)

Another verse was: "An ice cream maker I'd be":
Ooshy gooshy, ooshy gooshy, good ice cream! (miming churning, then licking a cone)

I remember the window washer verse only vaguely and don't recall the words.


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Subject: Lryic Add: Old Girl Scout Songs
From: Tinker
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 08:32 PM

Desert Silvery Blue has a thread here.
I've got a different version

I Know a Place
I know a place where the sun is like gold
And the cheery blooms burst with snow--ow
And down underneaath is the lovliest nook
Where the four leaf clovers grow

One leaf is for faith and one is for hope
And one is for love we know-ow
And God put another in for luck
If you search you will find where they grow.

But you must have faith and you must have hope
You must love and be strong and so--oo
If you watch if you wait you will find the place
Where the four leaf clovers grow.

White Coral Bells has a thread here.

That's all I can find for now...Susan, maybe we can cornor JUdy Cook and do Girl Scout Songs at Getaway???


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Subject: RE: Old Girl Scout Songs
From: LadyJean
Date: 06 Oct 03 - 08:32 PM

I encountered the chant first mentioned at Freshman Talent Night, at Transylvania College in Lexington Kentucky, 20 years ago. A group of the girls did it. My roommate's verse was, "A drunk me, pop a cork and take a swig and spend the night in jail." As she was a class A lush, of the most annoying kind, it was singularly appropriate.

Zumba Zumba was a Marais and Miranda song, I think. (Mom had their 78s.) The second verse is "See him there beside the fire! See him there beside the flame!"

At that same Freshman talent night, I sang Ewen McColl's "The Maid's Gang Tae the Mill and Back". Most of the audience didn't understand it. Which is how I got away with singing that song at a small, southern, denominational college.

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