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Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?


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itsRena 09 Feb 06 - 03:12 PM
Joe Offer 10 Feb 06 - 12:25 PM
itsRena 10 Feb 06 - 04:04 PM
Janie 10 Feb 06 - 04:43 PM
open mike 10 Feb 06 - 05:43 PM
Joe Offer 18 Jul 06 - 03:12 PM
GUEST,Robin 'Arty" 09 Jan 07 - 10:59 PM
GUEST,itsrena 10 Feb 07 - 10:44 PM
Peace 10 Feb 07 - 11:15 PM
GUEST 13 Feb 07 - 11:43 AM
Joe Offer 14 Feb 07 - 02:48 AM
GUEST,Robin 'Arty' 14 Feb 07 - 06:39 PM
Joe Offer 30 May 07 - 03:20 AM
GUEST,Jeanne 01 Jun 10 - 12:23 AM
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Subject: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'
From: itsRena
Date: 09 Feb 06 - 03:12 PM

I just signed up as a member yesterday after reading through all the 'Old Girl Scout Songs' thread. All the information has been very helpful with the song research that I'm doing. I'm not a girl scout but a 1960's campfire girl from Camp Nawakwa in So. Cal. But as a campfire girl I see that we all love & sing many of the same songs.

One of my favorites that I need info on is a song I remember calling: 'River in my Heart". . .

I go down to the river in the hill,
it pools and splashes making little rills
that will flow through the years. . .

the river seems to sing within my heart,
day is quickly past and soon we all must part,
the pine tree tucks its head benith a cloud and says a loud,
this is my home. . . .

Although the river seems to rush away
I'll come o this green spot another day and I'll say
this was my home. . .

the river seems to sing within my heart,
day is quickly past and soon we all must part,
the pine tree tucks its head benith a cloud and says a loud,
this is my home. . . .

what's next????? I remember that we sang 3 verses but this is all I can come up with

I really would love it if anyone knows any other verses and/or info on where these originally come from, or author or Pub. or anything. ..

Thanks in advance
glad to be aboard!

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp s
From: Joe Offer
Date: 10 Feb 06 - 12:25 PM

refresh - this one has me befuddled...

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
From: itsRena
Date: 10 Feb 06 - 04:04 PM

has me befuddled too!

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
From: Janie
Date: 10 Feb 06 - 04:43 PM

No help from me, itsRena. But welcome aboard!


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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp s
From: open mike
Date: 10 Feb 06 - 05:43 PM

welcome to another fire circle singer..
the flames do inspire the muses!
rise up oh, flame.....

camp fire is co-ed now.

sorry, the river song is not familiar to me, either.

one of my favorite song workshops
was one at camp harmony, a new year's gathering
of the s.f. folk music society where we sang
river songs for hours!!

Laurel (former girl scout and leader of camp fire group for my kids)

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp s
From: Joe Offer
Date: 18 Jul 06 - 03:12 PM


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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
From: GUEST,Robin 'Arty"
Date: 09 Jan 07 - 10:59 PM

My dear itsRena~ I hope you find this message. I was a camper, and later a counselor, at Camp Nawakwa in the Angeles National Forest for 10 summers in the 60's and early 70's. I would love to know when you were there. Maybe you know me or vice versa!

I compiled a music book of all the songs I knew from camp, plus some songs of the era that I played on my guitar. Flipping through the book, I find a couple of personal favorites, like "Flicker of the Campfire", "Sweet the Evening", "Barges", and "Moon on the Meadow".

During one summer at Nawakwa, I took a bus tour of other local mountain camps in a special series of camping experiences for teenage girls. We found that many of our songs were sung differently at the other camps. (shocking to us!) These are the lyrics as we sung them at Nawakwa...

My Home

My home is by a river in the hills
It's pools and splashes making little rills
That will flow through the years

The river seems to sing within my heart
Days quickly pass and soon we all must part
A pine tree tucks it's head beneath a cloud
and says aloud, "this is my home"

The river that we passed just yesterday
Is different for it's gone along it's way
To the sea, from you and me


Although the river seems to rush away
I'll come to this green spot another day
and I will say "this was my home"



Guitar chords:
verse: G - C - D7 - C - B7 - C - D7
chorus: G - C - D7 - G - B7 - Em - B7 - Em - D7


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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
From: GUEST,itsrena
Date: 10 Feb 07 - 10:44 PM

Robin, hello

Thank-you so much for the 3rd verse lyrics. . . I have since finished recording my album of campfire songs but when and if i update I can include this lost verse. When I was at camp nawakwa I used the name Sam and my sister was Stan. we always went together but never were in the same unit at the same time she is a year younger than I. your name is familiar. .. I was at camp in the mid to late 60's and never was a councler or CIT but always longed to be. Stan my sister was a councler in I think 1972 (why does that sound like yesterday??) anyway, Thank-you again and hope you find this reply, tardy, but heart felt. check me out on an independant's dream come true. . . 'Firefly then and now' by Rena Radich. . . .tell me what you think!? you can sample the music right there. hope this is cool with mudcats?!

bye, for now, itsrena

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
From: Peace
Date: 10 Feb 07 - 11:15 PM

This is way beyond cool. What a great two posts.

About Rena and the CD.

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
Date: 13 Feb 07 - 11:43 AM

Rena~ That is SO wonderful that you have made such a delightful recording of our old songs. Wow, that is one CD full of song memories. I know almost all of them, although you managed to find a couple I am not very familiar with. Great job! That should make a lot of old campfire girls happy. I already have shared it with an old camp friend.

I have a little anecdote to share about the River song, but I could not figure out exactly which camp I was visiting when I heard this story. It was one of the camps on Seven Oaks Road along the Santa Ana River... Wasewagan, Yalanni, or River Glen, where we heard a different version of the song. They said that it was their song, their river. This might be total camp mythology, but they claimed the song was written by one of their alumni. I doubted it then, and I doubt it now, but perhaps it could be true, who knows? That's the best I can do about the origins of the song.

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 14 Feb 07 - 02:48 AM

You can hear Rena's CD here (click) at CDBaby.
Wonderful job, Rena. You bring back memories of my sister singing songs she brought home from Girl Scout camp.
No self-respecting male campler would sing them, but we're still allowed to secretly like them....

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp song?
From: GUEST,Robin 'Arty'
Date: 14 Feb 07 - 06:39 PM

Rise! (Up O Flame) is awesome. Wow. I'd love to hear that sung by a group. Very renaissance.

I barely remember Paddle, but I love it!

You sing Gypsy Rover like a sweet love song to a special guy. I like it that way. If you don't already have them, I have 4 other verses in my book.

Thanks for the link, Joe. I should have done that earlier.

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp s
From: Joe Offer
Date: 30 May 07 - 03:20 AM

Still looking for information on this song. Rena Radich has a very generous clip of the song here (click). -Joe-

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Subject: RE: Origins: & Lyr Req: 'River in my Heart'-camp s
From: GUEST,Jeanne
Date: 01 Jun 10 - 12:23 AM

These are songs I never expected to hear again. I was a Nawakwa camper in the 60's, my sister was a camp counselor and my Mom even subed for one of the cooks for five weeks one summer. Thank you Rena.

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