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'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2

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The 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga (161) (closed)

GeorgeH 09 Jul 01 - 05:56 AM
GUEST,Guest - Jim McDonald 13 Jul 01 - 06:45 AM
Kjell 13 Jul 01 - 07:18 AM
GeorgeH 13 Jul 01 - 09:13 AM
Ralphie 14 Jul 01 - 06:50 PM
GUEST,Andy - Isle Of Man 10 Aug 01 - 03:50 AM
pavane 10 Aug 01 - 04:14 AM
GUEST 10 Aug 01 - 07:25 PM
GUEST,Andy, Isle Of Man 12 Aug 01 - 04:12 AM
pavane 12 Aug 01 - 05:45 AM
GUEST,Andy 12 Aug 01 - 05:52 AM
GeorgeH 13 Aug 01 - 08:22 AM
pavane 13 Aug 01 - 08:45 AM
GUEST,GavDav in Sheffield 13 Aug 01 - 10:18 AM
GUEST,Max in Louth 13 Aug 01 - 10:21 AM
GeorgeH 13 Aug 01 - 10:39 AM
pavane 13 Aug 01 - 10:41 AM
GUEST,Max in Louth 13 Aug 01 - 12:52 PM
pavane 13 Aug 01 - 01:08 PM
pavane 13 Aug 01 - 01:09 PM
Ralphie 13 Aug 01 - 06:15 PM
Gareth 13 Aug 01 - 07:59 PM
Ralphie 13 Aug 01 - 08:07 PM
GUEST,Dita (at work) 13 Aug 01 - 08:12 PM
GUEST,Max in Louth 14 Aug 01 - 01:58 AM
Ralphie 14 Aug 01 - 02:57 AM
GeorgeH 14 Aug 01 - 09:03 AM
Gareth 14 Aug 01 - 02:02 PM
Richard Bridge 14 Aug 01 - 06:55 PM
Gareth 14 Aug 01 - 07:17 PM
GUEST 14 Aug 01 - 09:19 PM
GUEST,FRIEND! 15 Aug 01 - 04:13 AM
Gareth 15 Aug 01 - 02:49 PM
Gareth 22 Aug 01 - 06:14 PM
GUEST,FRIEND 23 Aug 01 - 02:59 AM
GUEST,Max in Louth 04 Sep 01 - 06:02 AM
GUEST 04 Sep 01 - 11:21 AM
GUEST 04 Sep 01 - 12:25 PM
GUEST,FRIEND 04 Sep 01 - 01:04 PM
GUEST 04 Sep 01 - 01:24 PM
Gareth 04 Sep 01 - 02:19 PM
Gareth 04 Sep 01 - 02:20 PM
GeorgeH 06 Sep 01 - 07:36 AM
Geoff the Duck 06 Sep 01 - 08:42 PM
GeorgeH 07 Sep 01 - 07:42 AM
GUEST,Andy, Port Erin,, Isle Of Man 16 Sep 01 - 04:25 AM
Gareth 16 Sep 01 - 01:33 PM
GUEST,Max in Louth 18 Sep 01 - 02:36 PM
GUEST,Max 18 Sep 01 - 02:38 PM
Noreen 18 Sep 01 - 05:47 PM
Ralphie 18 Sep 01 - 07:17 PM
GUEST,Max in Louth 19 Sep 01 - 09:14 AM
Ralphie 19 Sep 01 - 08:41 PM
GeorgeH 21 Sep 01 - 06:19 AM
GUEST,Max 21 Sep 01 - 10:16 AM
Ralphie 21 Sep 01 - 11:35 AM
pavane 21 Sep 01 - 03:23 PM
GUEST,Andy, Isle Of Man 23 Sep 01 - 03:46 AM
GUEST,graham 15 Oct 01 - 11:43 AM
GUEST,Dita (at work) 15 Oct 01 - 05:55 PM
Tyke 15 Oct 01 - 06:30 PM
GUEST,Dita (at work) 15 Oct 01 - 06:58 PM
Ralphie 15 Oct 01 - 10:23 PM
Ralphie 15 Oct 01 - 10:53 PM
GUEST,Andy, Port Erin 16 Oct 01 - 10:39 AM
Tyke 16 Oct 01 - 06:23 PM
GUEST,Manitas 16 Oct 01 - 06:34 PM
Gareth 16 Oct 01 - 06:38 PM
Dita 16 Oct 01 - 07:01 PM
Ralphie 16 Oct 01 - 07:13 PM
GUEST,MC Fat 17 Oct 01 - 04:27 AM
GUEST,FRIEND 17 Oct 01 - 10:18 AM
pavane 17 Oct 01 - 01:02 PM
pavane 18 Oct 01 - 03:08 AM
GUEST,Andy, Port Erin 18 Oct 01 - 03:30 AM
pavane 18 Oct 01 - 03:39 AM
GUEST,Andy, Port Erin 18 Oct 01 - 04:11 AM
GUEST 18 Oct 01 - 05:03 AM
GUEST,Andy, Port Erin 18 Oct 01 - 05:16 AM
pavane 18 Oct 01 - 07:06 AM
GUEST,John Hamilton, Noordwyk , S.A. 19 Oct 01 - 03:55 AM
GUEST 19 Oct 01 - 04:36 AM
GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser) 19 Oct 01 - 04:53 AM
GUEST,Friend 26 Oct 01 - 07:02 AM
GUEST,Andy, Isle of Man 16 Nov 01 - 12:44 PM
Ralphie 16 Nov 01 - 03:11 PM
GUEST,Guest 16 Dec 01 - 08:10 AM
GUEST,Guest 27 Mar 02 - 03:19 AM
pavane 27 Mar 02 - 12:50 PM
Ralphie 27 Mar 02 - 01:07 PM
pavane 28 Mar 02 - 04:29 PM
Ralphie 29 Mar 02 - 01:43 AM
Bonnie Shaljean 29 Mar 02 - 05:39 AM
Jon Freeman 29 Mar 02 - 06:04 AM
GUEST 29 Mar 02 - 11:35 AM
Jeri 29 Mar 02 - 11:48 AM
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Subject: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GeorgeH
Date: 09 Jul 01 - 05:56 AM

Started as a new thread because this was requested, because of the size of the original.

In this article Click here

I posted a summary of the "Dave Bulmer/Celtic Music saga.

With the exception that I have no firm knowledge that the man is litigatious I continue to believe that everything I said there is true, and that the article is as fair as it is possible to be . . .

Clearly I reject the summary of the article courtesty of Guest (Janet Ryan, I believe) which appears towards the end of that thread.

While there are Guests in that thread who have contributed constructively, there is one who has posted totally speculatively (she acknowledges that she knows nothing of the facts of this matter) to "argue" against what I posted.

That said, I do apologise for the loss of temper in the original thread.

However, I've said all I usefully can . . If anyone wants me to comment directly on any aspect of this they can either "personal message" me or email me . . . ghawesatadvaopticaldotcom.


George ps Don't forget this thread . .

Click for New Nic Jones (Double) CD

It's altogether more worthwhile!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Guest - Jim McDonald
Date: 13 Jul 01 - 06:45 AM

Has anyone thought of doing a 'belt and braces' job on these recordings i.e. re-recording them from vinyl onto CD direct them marketing them and waiting for Bulmer to sue for breach of copyright? Prhaps the original owners of the works could do this themselves. It strikes me whilst the quality might not be as good it would get the material back out where it belongs and at the same time stick two fingers up to the fecker. Jim

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Kjell
Date: 13 Jul 01 - 07:18 AM

Jim, I suggest you read through the first part of this thread, it has been mentioned before. I agree with the finger thing.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GeorgeH
Date: 13 Jul 01 - 09:13 AM


I sympathise with the sentiment . . but those I know who are involved in this feel they'd rather stay COMPLETELY on the right side of what's legal . . Which I think is entirely the best decision.

Certainly it's not a risk I'd take (and I'm less of a gentleman than those who are more closely involved) . . I might be prepared to risk getting myself sued if I thought there was a better than 59% chance I'd come out on top . . here, if I were to duplicate the stuff in this way I think, legally, I wouldn't have a leg to stand on . .


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 14 Jul 01 - 06:50 PM

George...Quite correct.
Don't ever go there....not even in your thoughts.
Please hold yourself in check on all these matters in public forums, although your sentiments are much appreciated by me.
Regards Ralphie.....Keep hitting "Guest" though...Hugely funny!!!!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy - Isle Of Man
Date: 10 Aug 01 - 03:50 AM

Dont forget that artsits have rights as well. Although bootlegging might be considered a dangerous route to take, the courts might well have sympathy with those who Bulmer has ridden roughshod over. Anyway, from what I read about this guy is that he is no stranger to illicit practice and might just open a big can of worms if he were to proced against people like Nic Jones. Surely Nic has a right to be heard on disc - that's what he does. Bulmer has very little justiication for "restraining" Nics trade. What do you think?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 10 Aug 01 - 04:14 AM

Andy - I am not a lawyer, but I can't see how refusing to release old recordings would ever be classed as a restraint of trade.

I am firmly on the side of those seeking to get the Bulmerised recordings released, but I think we need a stronger case.

Unfair contracts can in some circumstances be overturned, but it would probably be difficult and costly, especially for contracts made over 20 years ago. Since he doesn't appear to paying royalties in some cases, there may be possibilites of breach of contract, but once again, it is one for the lawyers.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 10 Aug 01 - 07:25 PM

I agree that getting the Bulmer recordings re-released on CD would be great.

Has anybody tried approaching Bulmer and asking for what price he would consider selling the rights to some of these recordings would be ?

Surely a big bag of money would motivate the bloke.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy, Isle Of Man
Date: 12 Aug 01 - 04:12 AM

I appreciate all that has been said about this guy who is by all accounts (allegedly) simply a crook. But all your letters, with some exceptions, seem to have a problem for all solutions! Certainly Nic Jones' trade HAS been restrined. Nic has been effectively incapacitated for many years and his earning power has been his recordings. Anyone acquiring rights, in turn has a duty to exploit those recordings for the benefit of all involved????? You're gonna have to meet Bulmer head on, that's for sure and very soon, so I hear, he may not have quite the power to commence litigation that he formerly had. Keep your eyes on the UK Legal Gazette!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 12 Aug 01 - 05:45 AM

Nic's income has been restrained, not his trade. The fact that he is unable to continue in his trade due to accident is quite separate from his rights to income from recordings made previously (IMHO). Sadly, no leg to stand on there, I think. Will you post any links to the Legal Gazzette when appropriate?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy
Date: 12 Aug 01 - 05:52 AM

Sure will.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GeorgeH
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 08:22 AM

Andy IOM - it's not true to say Dave Bulmer is a crook, leastways not in legal terms, which is all the courts recognise. Please believe me when I say that a number of those involved have explored all possible avenues.

I posted the account of Dave Bumer/Celtic Music for people's information as it was clear that some 'catters were not aware of the situation. The information may affect whether or not you want to do business with Celtic Music (which company appears not to be registered at Companies House, by the way . .) It's why I don't own Bright Phoebus, for example.

Things have got very heated in the discussions (yup, I'm heavily at fault there - sorry). However the artists most significantly involved accept the situation as it is and we must do the same. Failing to do so has served to increase the anguish for some of those involved more closely than me, which is where I do feel guilty . .

That said, at Sidmouth it was wonderful to see Nic Jones on stage, with Tony Rose (and Tony's family), for the final song of the Tony Rose benefit concert. Sometimes, life really does seem good.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 08:45 AM

GeorgeH, if it is not a UK limited company or PLC, then I don't think it has to be registered at Companies House. But in that case it does't have the benefits of limited liability either.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,GavDav in Sheffield
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 10:18 AM

on an alternative tack, if Dave B reckons he'll reissue when all the old stock has gone, how much does he want for the lot on vinyl? how many copies does he have? a few hundred of each?

some philanthropist or group of entrepreneurs could call his bluff on that one and just take all the stock off his hands...

except I think it may indeed be bluff...still, it would be another hole in his argument.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Max in Louth
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 10:21 AM

The trading term Celtic Music is used by Bulmer for his company Celtic Records Ltd - they are most certainly a limited company and accounts are freely available at Companies House. It may be interesting to see what they reveal! I heard that the company is nearly bankrupt and with few assets. If this is so, how has he hived off the value of all the copyrights that Celtic own? Perhaps they were actually "sold" to another Bulmer/Sharpley company!!! Trawl thr the Companies House database, for free, and you may find some interesting companies with similar names owned by him/them.

Also interested Intrigued to know that Bulmer may be soon to be less than relaxed at litigation. Can you give more clues??

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GeorgeH
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 10:39 AM


With many of the sought-after titles there's no vinyl stock remaining, and hasn't been for many years. And, indeed, some releases have "trickled" out from the Bulmer vaults in recent years.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 10:41 AM

As I understand company law (although not a lawyer, I have been running a Ltd company for 19 years), you cannot just transfer assets between companies, they have to be valued and sold at a fair market rate. Depending on the circustances, undervaluing assets in order to sell them cheaply to another company (whether you own it or not) may come under the heading of tax evasion, which is illegal, or fraud, if it is in order to remove them from the reach of creditors.

But it would all depend who values them. I imagine there is some uncertainty in the value of a copyright. I can imagine an arguement running as follows 'We haven't sold any for x years, therefore the copyright is worthless'.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Max in Louth
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 12:52 PM

CM Records Ltd is the actual name of the company. Its owned by Bulmer and Sharpley and the accounts - qualified by their auditor, make grim readng. The "qualifiction" means that the auditor is unable to warrant the accuracy of the document. The auditor, strangely, uses the word fraud, as does pavane!!

Assets cn be striped effortlessly by "businessmen" who care not for the niceties which pavane creditably relates to. Copyrights have value, and I understand, an increasing value over time. Where do these valuable assets vanish to at CM, I wonder?????

Rest assured they have been hived off.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 01:08 PM

I get enough grief from the IR when trading normally and legally. So where are their inspectors when we need them?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 01:09 PM

Silly question. Like the Trffic cops, they are picking the easy targets.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 06:15 PM

Need to talk to you

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 07:59 PM

I have been following this saga with some interest.

We have statements that all possible avenues have been explored - fine I an sure that the suits have done their digging - for various non folk music reasons I am going into Companies house Cardiff in the next week or two to do some digging. Could I have some info from catters on Celtic Music / Dave Boulmer.

It doesn't matter how trivial or petty or disconnected it may be. Its when you put it all together that the result may come on top

Question - Boulmer ?? known associates and thier rough addresses ???

Qustion - Celtic Music ?? Known associated companies or organisations.

Question - Celtic Music known bankers ??

Question - The Scotish shop ?? Name ?? Address ?? Rough date of closure ??

If confidential or embarrasing or libelous please use PM - if need be request that I Incinerate off my hard disc. I have a couple of very good file shredders.

I can not promise a result but lets see what there is, and see if it can be legally used.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 08:07 PM

Gareth...For far too many reasons, I can't get involved.
But I wish you luck..Let me know what occurs.
Regards Ralphie

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Dita (at work)
Date: 13 Aug 01 - 08:12 PM

The Scottish shop was called

Real Music, 23, Parnie Street, Glasgow, G1.

Closed between Oct & Dec 2000, most likely late Nov.

love, john.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Max in Louth
Date: 14 Aug 01 - 01:58 AM

To Gareth: You don't need to go to Companies House. Go to the Company House Web site. Go to SEARCH, type in CM RECORDS, click on Reg Number when it appears and you will get basic info. You may then order direct from their site. You can get (a) accounts (b) Annual Return and Directors Reports. These can be downloaded in a few moments for payment by your Credit or Switch Card. You will be AMAZED by what you will find! You will discover the companies that your man is involved in, and on checking further you will find how many of them are doing OK - not many. Again, where have the assets and cash from these companies been going?

To Ralphie: Gie me a contact phone number and/oe e-mail please.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 14 Aug 01 - 02:57 AM

See Ya

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GeorgeH
Date: 14 Aug 01 - 09:03 AM

A note of caution, guys (and with all respect to Gareth) - please be very careful you know who you are communicating with before you divulge anything to anyone. Mr Bulmer has been known to monitor newsgroups, etc. - and I suspect he was feeding information into an earlier discussion here.

Of course he already knows whatever you may know about him . . . but it's still probably better that he doesn't know how much you know . . .



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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 14 Aug 01 - 02:02 PM

GeorgeH - concur - but lets go fishing first, see what we have and then decide how and when it might be used/disemenated. Caution is a must which is why I ask anything that might be confidential be PM'ed.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Richard Bridge
Date: 14 Aug 01 - 06:55 PM

Department of Trade has power to wind up companies for a numebr of reasons if you can persuade them. Saves doing it yourself. THen you can buy assets from someone who deals fairly transparently.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 14 Aug 01 - 07:17 PM

Agreed Richard, but we need proper cause !!!

Info still wanted.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 14 Aug 01 - 09:19 PM

That's grand of you Gareth.

And to think Nic has George and Ralphie to thank for all this.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 15 Aug 01 - 04:13 AM

Company Details To display those company products available to purchase, please select the order button. (£50 max. order limit) Name & Registered Office : C M RECORDS LIMITED C/O WEAVER WROOT PAWNSHOP PASSAGE MERCER ROW LOUTH LINCOLNSHIRE LN11 9JQ Status :Active Company No. :01695834 Date of Incorporation : 01/02/1983 Country of Origin : United Kingdom Company Type: Private Limited Company Nature Of Business (SIC(92)): 2214 - publishing of sound recordings 2231 - reproduction of sound recording 5170 - other wholesale 7484 - other business activities Accounting Reference Date : 30/04 Last Accounts Made Up To : 30/04/1999 (SMALL) Next Accounts Due : 28/02/2001 OVERDUE Last Return Made Up To : 05/05/2001 Next Return Due : 02/06/2002 Last Members List : 05/05/2001 Fiche Weeded On : 26/03/1998 Previous Names No previous name information has been recorded over the last 20 years. Branch Details There are no branches associated with this company. Oversea Company Information There are no Oversea Details associated with this company. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 15 Aug 01 - 02:49 PM

Guest Friend

Noted in the navt term good bracket


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 22 Aug 01 - 06:14 PM

Last call for info before I spend my day in Companies House. If it confidential please PM me

regards Gareth

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 23 Aug 01 - 02:59 AM

For Gareth:


All are companies owned by Sharpley and Bulmer as partners or independently. There are also many other partnerships that are not Ltd Co's so you may have trouble with these. Try: GOLDEN OLDIES LTD as well, and another called FOLKMENT LTD

You might note that whilst one company appears to be losing money, others seem to acquire funds almost to the same value!

Good luck

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Max in Louth
Date: 04 Sep 01 - 06:02 AM

I thought that Mudcat subscribers might like to see an item that appeared in our local paper last weeek. Mr N Sharpley is a Director of CM Records Ltd and the poisonous end of Mr Bulmers love of litigation. The article, is of course, in the public domain: THE LOUTH LEADER 29th AUGUST 2001

Solicitors to face accounting tribunal

Solicitors Neil and Jeremy Sharpley are facing a disciplinary tribunal on September 18.

The inquiry will be held by the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors, which deprived the Sharpleys of their Louth-based firm Allison and Helmer in June last year.

Neil, who is the Louth district coroner, said they would be answering several allegations of breaches of accounting rules. "We understand none of the allegations arise from complaints by clients," he said. The Sharpleys may also raise human rights issues about the way their case has been handled.

The OSS made an intervention order in May last year which resulted in the Sharpleys transferring Allison and Helmer's business to Thimbleby Fisher of Spilsby.

An OSS spokesman said then that intervention orders were made only when they were thought necessary for the protection of the public and there was serious ground for concern, but the Sharpleys were "technically innocent" until a hearing was held.

The Sharpley's immediate response to the order was to condemn it as "grossly unfair", describing it as "the equivalent of summary execution without a trial".

The case does not concern Mr Sharpley's role as coroner.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 04 Sep 01 - 11:21 AM

Sure, and doesn't that explain everything?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 04 Sep 01 - 12:25 PM

Celtic Music Records Ltd
North Works
Hookstone Park
North Yorkshire
(D. Bulmers Direct Line 01423 888979)

David L Bulmer
63A Beech Road
North Yorkshire
Tel 01423 879353

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 04 Sep 01 - 01:04 PM

To the guest immediately above, your Mr David L Bulmer is NOT our man! Our man is Mr David Robert Bulmer who lives in Knaresborough!!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 04 Sep 01 - 01:24 PM

David R Bulmer
Roskilde House
York Road
North Yorkshire
Tel 01423 866538

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 04 Sep 01 - 02:19 PM

I have the records - I am slowley wading through them.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 04 Sep 01 - 02:20 PM

I have the records - I am slowley wading through them.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GeorgeH
Date: 06 Sep 01 - 07:36 AM

Good luck . . our good wishes (and gratitude) are with you!


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 06 Sep 01 - 08:42 PM

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GeorgeH
Date: 07 Sep 01 - 07:42 AM

Sorry, Geoff, didn't quite catch that!! ;-)


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin,, Isle Of Man
Date: 16 Sep 01 - 04:25 AM

Gareth - any conclusions from your trip to Companies House?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 16 Sep 01 - 01:33 PM

Not yet for publication.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Max in Louth
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 02:36 PM

18 September 2001

My solicitor has just called to say that in proceedings today against Mr Neil Sharpley brought by the Law Society, Mr Bulmers' partner has been STUCK OFF as a solicitor!!!

Amongst several very serious complaints against him (and his brother) was DISHONESTY. In short they had, it has been proved, the "dipped the till" of many thousanbds of pounds of clients money.

Take heart all you musos who have been screwed around by Bulmer and his pernicious, dishonest solicitor. Now he will be forced to put his hand in his pocket - and we all know he's allergic to doing that sort of thing!


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Max
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 02:38 PM

Sorry everybody. In my delerium I wrote that Sharpley had been STUCK OFF. It should read STRUCK OFF.

Perhaps STUCK OFF is better!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Noreen
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 05:47 PM

Oh! Thanks, Max, for letting us know... that's a surprise.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 07:17 PM

We'll speak.....
Busy tomorrow, but soon
Regards Ralphie

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Max in Louth
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 09:14 AM


By Joe Lumley

The Louth District Coroner and his brother, the deputy coroner, have both been struck off as solicitors. Neil Anthony Nicholas Sharpley, and his deputy Nigel Jeremy Peter Sharpley, were both found to have acted dishonestly at a tribunal yesterday (Tuesday).

The ruling could lead to both men being axed as coroners.

At the hearing before the Solicitor's Disciplinary Tribunal, in London, the brothers, partners in Allison and Helmer, of Mercer Row, Louth, denied they had acted dishonestly in relation to their dealings with two estates.

The brothers also faced a string of allegations including withdrawing money from client accounts other than in accordance with account rules, paying client funds into office accounts and failing to maintain properly written-up books.

It was also claimed they misapplied funds held in their client account belonging to an estate in which they acted as executors, and acted improperly where there was a conflict with client interests.

The tribunal heard the Louth firm was intervened in by the Law Society on May 30, last year, on the basis of an inspection of the accounts and suspicion of dishonesty.

Geoffrey Williams, for the Law Society said: "In a nut shell, the respondents admit everything in this matter that I allege save that they deny having behaved dishonestly."

In one case £25,000 was transferred from the estate of a client named as "L" to enable Neil Sharpley to qualify for Halifax shares.

Neil Sharpley, the tribunal heard, said he had the agreement of one of the estate's two executors (both of whom the firm was acting for) to the loan and the money was repaid quickly.

But Mr Williams told the tribunal: "These funds were there without proper formalities being observed, thus rendering the transaction improper."

Two months later another loan of £22,000 came from the estate to Neil Sharpley, which Mr Williams described as "even more sinister".

He said: "The loan was taken out on May 30, 1997 and remained outstanding for some considerable time."

The tribunal heard that initially Neil Sharpley said he could not remember what the loan was for other than for use in his "other business activities".

Mr Williams told the tribunal the loan had been used by Neil Sharpley "to repay a bank which had threatened to repossess his own house".

Mr Williams, who pointed out that everything done by the brothers was done deliberately, added: "The question for the tribunal is does an honest solicitor behave like this?"

Peter Ross, representing both solicitors, told the tribunal: "Here are two partners, brothers who have taken on a family firm and had to bring it through some exceedingly difficult times."

Following the tribunal's decision, Mr Ross said the solicitors would almost certainly lose their office as Coroner and deputy Coroner.

Chairman, Jeremy Barnecutt, said the tribunal found Neil Sharpley (50) of Westgate, Louth and his brother Jeremy (46) of Swift Avenue, Manby, had acted dishonestly.

He said: "The order will be that in the case of each respondent that they will be struck off."

The brothers were also ordered to pay the Law Society's costs to be assessed if not agreed.

A spokesman for The Lord Chancellor's office said any allegation of misconduct or complaint against a coroner would be investigated by the Home Office

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 08:41 PM

In these dark times in which we live....
There is still some hope.
Thanks for the the info....I'll pass it on.
Will call soon
Best Wishes Ralphie

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GeorgeH
Date: 21 Sep 01 - 06:19 AM

Thanks for bringing a smile to my (job-hunting!) face!


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Max
Date: 21 Sep 01 - 10:16 AM

The guy seems to have so much misplaced self-importance. Get this which appeared in the local paper:

Louth coroner resigns

Louth district coroner Neil Sharpley has resigned from his position of coroner, after being struck off the roll of solicitors. A hearing in London on Tuesday found Mr Sharpley and his brother Jeremy Sharpley to have acted dishonestly at their former solicitors' practice, Allison and Helmer, in Mercer Row, Louth.

Money had been borrowed from clients' accounts and the solicitors failed to keep properly written up books.

Neil Sharpley told the Telegraph/This is Grimsby today: "Being in public office, it is right I should not embarrass the county council. The proper thing to do is do what a lot of politicians fail to do."

He said he would continue to pursue a number of commercial, charitable and community interests in Louth. He said he will continue as a consultant on a number of matters.

In a statement from both himself and Jeremy Sharpley he said they will never accept there is any justice in the decision of the tribunal that struck them off.

"The position remains that no-one save ourselves has lost anything and the tribunal proceedings did not come about as a consequence of any complaint from a client.

"We have been privileged to serve the Louth area community as solicitors and will undoubtedly continue to do so in other capacities."

and my letter to the editor:

Louth Coroner Resigns - item in THIS IS GRIMSBY

What good luck for the people of Louth and district that we have managed to rid ourselves of two dishonest solicitors who also held public office as Coroner, and Deputy Coroner.

I was nauseated to read that Neil Sharpley feels that he has not had justice. He seems to think that just because he broke many accounting rules of the Law Society that ensure solicitor conduct and was not caught as a result of a complaint by a client, it was OK to break the rules. Quite incredible. He was caught as a result of internal investigations by the Law Society - which is what they do. They seek out dodgy solicitors. They have a nose for it and who knows why they homed in on the Sharpley's - but they did! Ask yourself why?? The Sharpley's seemed to feel that it was OK to plunder client accounts and trusts. But it isn't OK - and justice most surely has been done.

Have you ever known any person found guilty to utter anything other than to protest his innocence? The Sharpley's would have earned a tad of respect had they simply said "Fair cop guv" and gone quietly into oblivion.

That Neil Sharpley then has the audacity and gall to say he will pursue charitable and community interests should set those altruistic bodies running for the hills. There are also very strict rules relating to the composition of charitable trusts which could be prejudiced seriously by any "assistance" from the likes of the disgraced solicitor, Neil Sharpley. To use the old Groucho Marks quote: I wouldn't want to join a club that would have me as a member", and neither presumably would the Charity Commissioners want to have anything to do with a Charity that had Neil Sharpley in it!

As he has been proved to have a fondness for making "loans" to himself from money held for clients, to be used for his "other business interests" perhaps the Charities and hard pressed communities he wants to help should ensure he is distanced from the coffers and collection boxes.

Goodbye and good riddance.

To all Mudcatters: I have enjoyed being part of this thread for the last three months or so. I have had a particular mission to see Sharpley exposed. You guys still have the partner Bulmer. The way is open to you to go for him and stop moaning. If Sharpley is Bulmers trousers, they must be now down round his ankles!

Good luck. I shall watch and read the thread with interest but Big talkers are usually just Big Talkers. Go for action!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 21 Sep 01 - 11:35 AM

Point well made, and well taken...!!
See you on the beach...!
Must meet up sometime......want a new Nic Jones CD ???!!!
Cheers Ralphie

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 21 Sep 01 - 03:23 PM

Let's have the old Nic Jones albums too! I could do with copies on CD - my vinyl is worn pretty thin.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy, Isle Of Man
Date: 23 Sep 01 - 03:46 AM

What great news. It seems as if at least one of the buggers has been banged to rights. I also agree with Max - what enorous pomposity of Sharpley to say he will contine to do Charitable work! God help the Charity. It never ceases to amaze me how thick some fols skin seems to be. The important one is Bulmer, I think, and again Max, perhaps you are right about great talkers. Time will tell and I too hope that Nic and others that have obviously been screwed by Bulmer with the help of his bent solicitor may at last see some justice.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,graham
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 11:43 AM

Forgive me if this has been aired elsewhere as I have only just discovered this site, but one point that was made somewhere along the string but does not appear to have been picked up on is that at least some, if not all of CM's reissues are burnt on recordable CDs rather than pressed. I don't know what the current estimation of the lifetime of a "burnt" CD is, but I assume that it is less than for a pressed one. If you bought one of the CDs from the now closed Glasgow shop you were informed of this but I wonder if other retailers and purchasers are aware. I know that some artists who do not have recording contracts sell there own "burnt" recordings at gigs but did not think it true of recordings of labels available through shops, am I mistaken?

Incidentally, how did the New Victory Band liberate One More Dance and Then?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Dita (at work)
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 05:55 PM

graham, your source of information was obviously the same as mine, with respect to Bulmer's CD burning, (twas I who mentioned it earlier), I know later copies of Clan Alba's CD was one of them, and I presume The Traveller, Under the Rain, Bright Phebous, No More Forever, and others reissued in the last couple of years, were amomg the rest. It seems no-one was left who would press them for him.

The New Victory Band's "One more Dance and Then?" came out on Topic 12TS 382, and therefore never got Bulmerised,

love, john.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Tyke
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 06:30 PM

Hmmm 1983!

Company Details To display those company products available to purchase, please select the order button. (£50 max. order limit) Name & Registered Office : C M RECORDS LIMITED C/O WEAVER WROOT PAWNSHOP PASSAGE MERCER ROW LOUTH LINCOLNSHIRE LN11 9JQ Status :Active Company No. :01695834 Date of Incorporation : 01/02/1983

When did Nick Jones have his road traffic accident? I thought it was 1982 on his way back from a gig in glossop! I presume that the recordings in question were made befor that date!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Dita (at work)
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 06:58 PM

Tyke, Bulmer's speciality was buying up other record companies back catalogue, and their rights, when they stopped trading, ie Leader/Trailer, Rubber, Black Crow, Highway etc, so in Nic's case, all four Trailer albums before Penguin Eggs, which was on Topic have been Bulmerised. Nic however is just a case in point, many, many artists' back catalogue has disappeared into the black hole known as Bulmer/Celtic Music.

love john.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 10:23 PM

To all friends of the artists....
Buy "Unearthed"...Nics latest waxing
As for the rest.....It's not, and will never be, forgotten.
As long as I have breath in my body, I WILL see justice for Nic
Regards, and stay safe

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 15 Oct 01 - 10:53 PM

And by the way
All recent releases from CM Seem to be CD-Rs
Need I say more??
Are the artists concerned getting any royalties?
Should you buy them?
The answer is in the question
Nuff Said
Off to me bed now

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 10:39 AM

Like Gareth I have done some delving at Companies House. I think that, unless I'm totally wrong, Bulmer may be about to bust CM Records. The last accounts were for 1999 and the ones for 2000 are shown as being OVERDUE. I then had a look at some other companies and discover that the record pressing factory in Wimbledon, PR Records originally had CM Records as a Shareholder. In April this year Bulmer apparently transferred ALL the CM shares in PR to himself, making him the majority Shareholder.

With CM appearing to be all but bankrupt, and with serious critcisms being made of the Directors by the company accountant (who was unable to audit the accounts properly)my guess is that Bulmer removed the shares so that any incoming insolvency accountant or receiver would not have the benefit of shares in another company to "play with".

The problem for the artistes signed(!!!) to CM would seem to be that their works will disappear down the Bulmer/Sharpley Black Hole - royalties with them.

To anyone affected by this probable scenario, do something about it fast.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Tyke
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 06:23 PM

Have I got this right? So Nick Jones signed a deal with Topic records (Bill leader?) and when they went bust which was after Nick Jones had his accident. Dave Bulmer through Celtic Music bought all the assets.

Now Celtic Music is thought to be financial difficulties one of the partners in Celtic Music is no longer a solicitor having been struck off? After he tried to stop his home being repossessed by the fraudulent use of his client's monies.

If I were correct in my simple understanding all this Dave Bulmer would now alegidly seem to have little money to place into the production of Albums. Which is quite different from sitting on the master tapes if they are to stop Nick Jones from earning a living. As implied in this thread!

The Leader/Trailer, Rubber, Black Crow and Highway Labels have already stopped trading. Not I suspect because they were profitable concerns! So artists signed away their rights for a record deal with these companies. It was Celtic Music who then bought the assets and the rights. Celtic Music did not get the artists recording with those companies to sign away their rights. Celtic Music seem to have bought those rights when no one else would or had the money to do so. What would have happened to the Leader/Trailer, Rubber, Black Crow and Highway assets if Celtic Music had not bought them all those years ago?

Sorry I'm just not in to kicking people when they are down solicitors included! Certainly this rather public one-sided witch-hunt seems wrong to me. I have already said that musicians, singers; songwriters should not sign contracts unless they have their solicitor check it out! The truth is that every year people sign these contracts against the advice of their solicitors. Because it is the only way to a record deal! What ever Dave Bulmer has or has not done he has a love of "Folk Music" and he is not the only one to have done it or in some cases he was when no one else would take the chance!

Take legal advise befor signing a contract if you do not or ignor it! Who's fault is it?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Manitas
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 06:34 PM

I think Celtic Music could recoup some of their money by selling the rights back to the recording artists. I don't suppose they're expecting to get them back for nothing?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Gareth
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 06:38 PM

Guest Andy.

We can only hope that the Law Society will go for the putive assets of Sharples to meet any shortage for the compensation fund , and the DTI inspectors will look carefully and at depth using the Powers they have to see wether or note offences have been committed, including "insider trading", and possibly making a false market.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Dita
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 07:01 PM

I know it's a very long and convoluted story, going through many threads, but if you take the time to read them Tyke, you will see that Topic never went bust, the Topic album, Penguin Eggs is the only one issued during Nic's prforming period that is available. The recordings in question are the Trailer recordings.
The whole point of the issue is that Bulmer, having bought the rights to these recordings for, in many cases a pocket full of small change, will neither release, or sell the rights to the recordings, to the performers who made them.
A bastard is a bastard when he is living high on the hog and also when he has fallen on hard times, or maybe economic santions are finally paying off.

love, john

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 16 Oct 01 - 07:13 PM

Dita Thank You
It's not that we are even talking about huge amounts of money here!
Please Mr Bulmer, just give the tapes back to Nic, and it will be over....They're not exactly earning you much, are they, and you can't release them anyway!!!
Why are some people so perverse??
Do the decent thing.......(why do I feel the urge to re-arrange the phrase "In wind Pissing The")
Oh Well...It's been running for a while, but, this one seems destined to continue...Regards. Ralphie

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,MC Fat
Date: 17 Oct 01 - 04:27 AM

Ralphie, have just found that a guitarist in Sheffield ceilidh band used to work for Bulmer perhaps he may be able to dish up some dirt ? Would that be of any help ?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 17 Oct 01 - 10:18 AM

Tyke - when I read that you thought Bulmer and his solicitor had "fallen on hard times" I had a double take! This pair honed their personal wealth off the backs of artistes for whom their cared not a damn. I doubt if the contracts contained any suggestion recommending that legal advice was saught before signing. With one half of this dastardly duo being a solicitor, you would imagine that this would have routinely been applied to all contracts.

Between them over the years they have disestablished people from their homes and used all the tricks you can think of, and many more besides, to screw all and sundry they have dealt with.

They have not fallen on hard times, they steered themselves into whatever predicament they may now be in.

They do not in any way represent the likes of people who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own - to suggest otherwise is insulting.

Have no sympathy for Bulmer and Sharpley - they desrve everything they are now reaping.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 17 Oct 01 - 01:02 PM

If any artists in question can prove that they are owed royalties, then they are creditors and can take action to recover the amounts due.

As CM have obviously sold CD's, I imagine there must be some proof that royalties are due. If CM doesn't have any records of such royalties, then they haven't been keeping proper records, which is an offence under company law.

The Inland Revenue could probably have a field day with their books, or lack of, if only they looked. (We can be hopeful that they will if the accounts are overdue)

But it would need an interested party to make a complaint, not an bystander.

And did DB pay CM a proper market price for the shares in PR? This is another area where the IR would have some serious questions. I had to get my car valued so that I could buy it from my own company for a fair price!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 18 Oct 01 - 03:08 AM

Also note that ANY creditor can petition for a company to be wound up, on the grounds that it is unable to pay its bills.

You just have to find one!

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin
Date: 18 Oct 01 - 03:30 AM

Very interesting pavane. Are there any Inland Revenue officers who read this thread?? If so, ladies and gentlemen, please do something. The books, if there are any, of CM and other enterprisese owned by Bulmer would surely make for a duck shoot! When I looked at the CM Records Ltd acoount for 1999 (the last filed) there was, if I recall correctly, more than £40,000.00 in unaccountable cash sales!!! Come on Inland Rev. - strut your stuff.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 18 Oct 01 - 03:39 AM

Very interesting, these cash sales. Is it perhaps possible that they are recordings on which royalties are due, but have not been accounted for or paid? Would the Musicians Union be able to check? or the MCPS?

What safeguards are present to ensure that artists know that royalties are due? Can anyone provide details of all CD's (CD-R's, I understand) which have been sold on the CM labels(s)? In terms of titles and quantity sold? Where are they being retailed? The retailers should have records (Unless sold direct, I suppose)

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin
Date: 18 Oct 01 - 04:11 AM

I am told that the problem with the two policing bodies you mention is that Mr B. is a member of the MU!!!! MCPS appears to be impotent and is more concerned with collecting monies for it's shareholders than writers etc.

The real answer is for the IR to get their act together - I thought ALL UK accounts were submitted to the Inland Revenue. If so, I wonder why they havn't picked up the unaccountable cash sales??? I think we should be told.....

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 18 Oct 01 - 05:03 AM

Accounts are apparently overdue... But it does rely on the relevant inspector in the IR picking up on something suspicious. Cash sales are perfectly normal in business.

Also, companies with turnover below a certain limit no longer need their accounts audited - so they could file any old rubbish, as long as no-one investigates. Same as self-assessment income tax, they take your word for it, but investigate a sample (Randomly, they SAY).

HM Customs & Excise are another matter, but as long as you declare what looks like the correct VAT on sales, they are happy.

Surely the MU could take action on behalf of one member, even if it is against another member?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin
Date: 18 Oct 01 - 05:16 AM

As I understand it, all company accounts are lodged with the Inland Revenue. That is how and why Corporation Tax is raised/checked. In the instance of the CM Records accounts, their accountant has been unable to audit the accounts and therefore they are Qualified and only certified by the Director ,,,, guess who that is!

The I R SHOULD always be interested in Cash Sales, but when the accountant to the company has been unable to verify the correctness of the accounts (including cash sales)they should sit up higher (the Inland Revenue that is). Of course cash is a basic part of any trading business but, as with everything, it must be able to be accounted for. CM apparently is unable to do this and equally cannot, it would seem, account for "stocks".

VAT also SHOULD be interested because it is made plain in the accounts that accounting records have not been properly maintained. But again Bulmer slips the noose - what justice is to be had against operators like him and his cronies?

Like nearly everything involving Bulmer, it stinks.

As far as the MU is concerned I imagine its simply politically incorrect to proceed against another member. I used to be a member and quit many years ago when it was very obvious that the MU are more concerned about players in the pit orchestras - not that that's wrong - but they always seemed blinkered to the excesses of the industry cowboys amongst whom I put Bulmer.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 18 Oct 01 - 07:06 AM

Most unions have rules which allow members to be disciplined if necessary, or expelled. Just got to catch them out first, therefore collection of evidence is a necessary activity. If one member is clearly acting against one or more other members, it is open to those members to complain.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,John Hamilton, Noordwyk , S.A.
Date: 19 Oct 01 - 03:55 AM

I happened on this very interesting scenario some months ago but have now read quite enough about the characters involved.

As a former police officer in the UK I fail to see why the Police are not interested in the nefarious matters alleged by your contributors. What I read appears to be mainly fraud and at the very least false accounting seems to be very high on Mr Bulmer and Mr Sharpley's method of doing business.

I am unable, obviously, be become involved but with the high levels of aggravation to so many people, why has nobody though to bring the matter to the attention of the Police? Just a thought you might find worthy of consideration.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 19 Oct 01 - 04:36 AM

Too busy catching speeding motorists, I suppose.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)
Date: 19 Oct 01 - 04:53 AM

I don't know enough about the background to this case to comment but there seems to be a real concern that one of the effects of this case (however it is finally resolved) is that a lot of recorded music from the 60s, 70s and early 80s is likely never to be commercially available again. I suspect that most of these records never sold more than a few thousand in the first place.

Perhaps there needs to be some sort of register of where they are and who has copies so that when the legal and financial questions are sorted out it might be possible to re-master them and at least preserve them on permanent media (if not actually re-release them). Obviously it would be better to do so from the original master tapes but looking through this thread I get the impression that they are unlikely to become available in the near future at least. I imagine it's possible to preserve the music given current technology but I'm not qualified to comment on that.

Similarly I don't know what the legal implications would be at the moment but if Mr Bulmer's business does become insolvent or gets wound up I'm concerned that the assets (ie the music) should not disappear with the company. I think there's a case for arguing that if a receiver is appointed the tapes should be bought for the nation to prevent this irreplaceable cultural resource from being lost. Letters to MPs may be in order, I think.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Friend
Date: 26 Oct 01 - 07:02 AM

Chris B. Good idea but it may be too late. I think that you will find that the asset value within the copyrights has probably been personally divested amongst the shareholders of CM Records a long time ago. If this company does end up liquidated, its a pound to a bucket of pig s..t that there will be nothing available. Probably though these titles will "appear" on some new enterprise founded by our resilient and irrespressible chums Blunder and Shagnasty.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Andy, Isle of Man
Date: 16 Nov 01 - 12:44 PM

It's gone all quiet out there! What's happening. Has Celtic Records actually paid up?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 16 Nov 01 - 03:11 PM


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Guest
Date: 16 Dec 01 - 08:10 AM

So much heavy material has been placed at the feet of the great entrepreneur Bulmer that I thought you might like a little light relief. It's pretty likely that CM, along with perhaps his record pressing factory PR Records, is on the skids. He is prone to "liberating" assets and word on the street is that CM is in danger. PR has already been well and truly Bulmered and it seems record presses and assorted manufacturing machinery has been slowly moving from Wimbledon to Harrogate. Now record pressing equipment, I am told, needs a good and constant head of steam in the process and this steam is generated by steam boilers. Our entreprenuer, the Steptoe that he is, has tried to do on the cheap(of course) and purchased six huge boilers at auction. Now these are not domestic boilers but big enough to hold a football team inside each one. The problem is that our brilliant businessman has bought "water" heating boilers that cannot and are not designed to raise steam. Totally and completely useless! These are now sitting at the Hookstone Works unit in Harrogate and if anyone is interested in acquiring one (or six) may I suggest you contact: David R Bulmer Roskilde House York Road Knaresborough North Yorkshire HG5 0SW Tel 01423 866538

as there may well be a bargain to be had. Ergo.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: GUEST,Guest
Date: 27 Mar 02 - 03:19 AM

I hear that Bulmer is pre-selling a Nic Jones CD in the United States. Typically for this cheapskate, the CD is actually a CD Rom, not a professionally manufactured compact disc. Presumably it will carry Bulmer-print labelling and inlay card.

You have been warned. This one is probably best not touched and it is absolutely certain that Nic will benefit not a jot from this issue.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 27 Mar 02 - 12:50 PM

Please let us know if you find out any more about this Bulmer issue. How can we mount a campaign to warn people against it - any ideas?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 27 Mar 02 - 01:07 PM

Dear GUEST,Guest
Thanks for that info, It was inevitable I suppose...
He must be getting desperate for cash
And, Yes, Nic won't get a penny.
I won't be buying a copy....anyone like to join me ?

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: pavane
Date: 28 Mar 02 - 04:29 PM

He must have noticed the success of Unearthed! (Mike Harding is still playing it, I notice. I may have been too hard on him before.)

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Ralphie
Date: 29 Mar 02 - 01:43 AM

Thanks....Yes, Unearthed is selling really well.
I still haven't given up hope re the lost albums, but,
I'm still hoping to get Nic to record a new CD!!
Don't hold your breath though!
Happy Easter Y'all

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Bonnie Shaljean
Date: 29 Mar 02 - 05:39 AM

HELP!! I can't get the blue clicky in George H's original post to work - all it gives me is an error notice. Don't know if it's my puter or a cyberspace glitch, but will some kind soul please re-submit this link? Or (if it's not too long) post the article? I'd be SO grateful. Thanks!


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Jon Freeman
Date: 29 Mar 02 - 06:04 AM

The link looks fine but shorty/www is down. Try this link.


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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Date: 29 Mar 02 - 11:35 AM

Why not a Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer Pt III thread with a link to the previous two instead, rather than refreshing a thread so close to the 100 mark? For those whose computers will time out before the thread loads, and won't be able to read the latest contributions?

Just a thought.

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Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
From: Jeri
Date: 29 Mar 02 - 11:48 AM

Part 3 of the Celtic/Bulmer thread (click)

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