Subject: Photo of Bulmer required From: sinpelo Date: 23 Feb 06 - 06:28 PM Not yet another Dave Bulmer thred, I promise. However, I'm trying to get hold of a photo of DB. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be eternally grateful (well, grateful for ages anyway). |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: Bernard Date: 23 Feb 06 - 08:32 PM Why? Is your old dart board not good enough any more?!! Hee hee! |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Happy Snapper Date: 24 Feb 06 - 02:54 AM It is almost impossible to capture Bulmer on camera. Being a shy, retiring and kindly type he would, of course, resist being photographed. Once in 1961 he was photographed, and may we now present the MK.1 innocent schoolboy DAVE BULMER............ |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: Little Robyn Date: 24 Feb 06 - 06:23 AM A great photo. I've just been listening to his old school song. I guess it didn't influence him much - here's the last bit: "Then through all the coming ages Bring forth men of good renown Saying, as they turn life's pages, "Honour! that's the highest crown." Robyn |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST Date: 24 Feb 06 - 06:44 AM The question remains - why? [ I actually do have a photo from a 70s folk festival, but I can't think of any reason why I should pass that on to anyone. ] |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser) Date: 24 Feb 06 - 08:05 AM I thnk the unnamed guest above has asked a perfectly good question. I remember one of the previous threads carried a posting suggesting people turn up at one of the sessions Bulmer plays at and give him a hard time. Is this the kind of reason that lies behind this request? Given the sort of venom that Bulmer (rightly or wrongly) has had directed towards him on this forum I don't think it's unreasonable to ask. If, on the other hand, Sinpelo simply wants the picture for journalistic purposes (like writing an article on Celtic Music) that's fine - as long as the relevant provisions of the Data Protection Act are observed. |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Bruce Baillie Date: 24 Feb 06 - 10:01 AM I've got one of him taken in 1975 at the Hartshead Moortop Folk Club in West Yorks but its veeeeeery tiny! give us yer email address |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: sinpelo Date: 24 Feb 06 - 06:28 PM "The question remains - why? [ I actually do have a photo from a 70s folk festival, but I can't think of any reason why I should pass that on to anyone. ] " No. Not a dartboard nor a new liner for my toilet bowl (actually, that might be quite a marketable idea). I'm thinking of featuring him in an online 'journal' (although this is to journalism what a tent is to architecture) called Bloody Bastards. A photo would be useful. If anyone could help out, I'd be grateful. |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: sinpelo Date: 25 Feb 06 - 12:33 AM I forgot to add my email address to the above post: |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Bastards) Date: 25 Feb 06 - 05:22 AM Sinpelo, Thanks for the information. I had a look at your 'journal'. Mildly entertaining in a 70s college rag mag sort of way. It's nice to see 15-year olds being so creative but shouldn't you be studying for your GCSEs? |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: sinpelo Date: 25 Feb 06 - 12:04 PM Re: GCSEs: Yes but I'm doing OK. I'm taking sarcasm. My Sarcasm tutor says I'm brilliant. |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: Ron Davies Date: 25 Feb 06 - 12:24 PM "The prettiest place on earth is Bulmer at night." |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouse Bastard) Date: 26 Feb 06 - 01:29 PM You taking Irony with that? |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Irene Normand. Date: 26 Feb 06 - 08:27 PM I am sure that many members of this forum know, and play with Mr. Bulmer, despite his reputation. The rest of the world in ignorance have no idea of the man, although he seems to be a very unpleasant person. Many of my favorites have been stolen from by him, and I need no photo to despise the guy. |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: pavane Date: 27 Feb 06 - 07:01 AM I never heard of the Data Protection act applying to photos. However, to display it labelled Bloody Bastard would probably be libel (unless you could PROVE his parents were not married). |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST Date: 27 Feb 06 - 07:30 AM sinpelo - not good enough. You'll get no help from me in this. |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Captain Birdseye Date: 17 Apr 06 - 12:24 PM I think this must be him: gallery/images/dave2.jpg |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,dave bulmer Date: 06 Aug 06 - 04:54 PM Sorry to throw confusion into the thread, but whilst playing with "google" I came across this thread. My name is also dave bulmer (not much of a coincidence) but I also live in Harrogate. Am I to understand that there are hourdes of music fans out for blood. This has come as a bit of a shock as the last time I came across the other "Dave Bulmer" was when we shared the same doctor in Harrogate about 15 years ago and confusion abounded. I think I should be told. |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: Desert Dancer Date: 06 Aug 06 - 05:04 PM other Dave -- click on the links to "Related Threads" at the top of this page for the discussion here. The root of it is his handling of finances and rights to recordings from several small record companies. |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,dave bulmer Date: 06 Aug 06 - 05:32 PM Thanks Desert dancer. I have been trawling the previous posts and noticed that in years gone by some kind person had posted my addressas being his. Thankfully someone else immediately corrected them. Sounds like a right shark to me....... |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: The Sandman Date: 07 Aug 06 - 03:17 PM I would like to state categorically that guest captain birdseye, 17 APRIL 06 is not me. I am Captain Birdseye, Its bad enogh having two DaveBulmers without this tomfoolery. DickMiles |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Captain Birdseye the second Date: 30 Aug 06 - 02:50 AM Sorry Captain - its just that being of the fishing persuasion I always keep a nose open for fishy smells. I have smelled no stroger fishy smell than when I read about Mr Bulmer. Rather like rotten shark. |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: GUEST,Captain Birdseye the second Date: 30 Aug 06 - 02:53 AM ** stronger** |
Subject: RE: Photo of Bulmer required From: The Sandman Date: 30 Aug 06 - 04:48 PM I agree shark is right. |
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