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Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)

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GUEST,Pete LeRoy 10 Dec 23 - 02:19 AM
GUEST,Peter Herring 02 Oct 23 - 01:46 AM
GUEST,MTB 31 Jan 22 - 11:52 AM
GUEST,Pete LeRoy 10 Aug 17 - 09:41 AM
GUEST,John in Cornwall 18 Apr 17 - 12:02 PM
GUEST,Pete LeRoy 17 Apr 17 - 12:39 PM
eddie1 18 Jan 13 - 04:24 AM
GUEST,Earl Denmore 09 Jun 12 - 02:29 PM
GUEST,Martin Beeton 16 Jan 12 - 05:46 PM
Kernow John 15 Apr 01 - 05:25 PM
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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: GUEST,Pete LeRoy
Date: 10 Dec 23 - 02:19 AM

The Chapter 3 album is still available on-line at Select vinyl....Folk....type in Chapter Three Ramble Away........ Different prices for different conditions

good luck...

ALSO....on YouTube.....type in: Ramble Away Chapter Three


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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: GUEST,Peter Herring
Date: 02 Oct 23 - 01:46 AM

In 1967/8 I was at Poplar Tech., London and we ran The Kerouac folk club at the Green Man pub, Blackheath. We booked the Chapter Three and Jonny Silvo for our opening night on 27th Feb. I still have the advertising poster which we plastered all over that area.
The club didn‘t do too well and we spent a lot of student‘s union funds!

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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
Date: 31 Jan 22 - 11:52 AM

I can't remember if we saw Chapter 3 live but my friend's fiance bought an LP of theirs called Ramble Away. This was the late 60s. I tried to buy it soon after but it had been withdrawn and was no longer available. I have the list of songs:
Devil's Land / Ramble Away / Irish Rover / Bells of Rhymney / Darcy Farrow / Two Brothers / Bonnie Ship the Diamond / Cold and Lonely Hours / Marco Polo / Rue / Wrecking Crew / I Loved a Lass / Early Morning Rain.
WAS THAT YOU GUYS? In my book, first class folk performers, real quality. Would love to hear those songs again. Our friends are no more and the LP has long gone.

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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: GUEST,Pete LeRoy
Date: 10 Aug 17 - 09:41 AM

How the group got together was beyond strange.
I moved from South Africa to London with my friend John Kongos in April 1966.
He took up with a bird who had a posh flat in Chelsea.
I had to get a job: ended up at a tractor factory near Heathrow on night shift. Crap Job.
Got a letter from my mother in South Africa, enclosing a letter she had received, addressed to me. It turned out to be from a Scottish folk singer named Alex Malcolm I had run into now and then in Johannesburg folk clubs. He wrote: I'm here in Nice (France) with John Rice ( a bass player) drop me a line or call me at this number. So I called, said: I'm in London.
He said : why not come on down to Nice. I said OK. Then he said: Could you just collect John's double bass in London, and also my 12 string guitar...OK?
Thus began the journey through hell...a bass, a guitar case and my to the boat...Le Havre to Paris...across Paris to Gare St Lazare...train to Marseille...onward to Nice...
Just to add insult etc...I had a ticket but the train was I had to stand in the corridor from Paris to Nice...about 8 hours... played in Nice until mid-September, when all the tourists disappeared overnight. Got a lift to Paris. Onward to London. Arrived with no money and nowhere to stay. Looked in Melody Maker for a fok club open that night. Ended up at the Black Bull in Barnet. Asked the man in charge if we could do a set. He liked us. Stood up and said: Can anyone put these guys up? A singer called Dave Lipson said: My gran just died, you can stay in her house free as long as you like...a long strange wishes....

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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: GUEST,John in Cornwall
Date: 18 Apr 17 - 12:02 PM

Good to hear from you Pete. The group played at our club in Leytonstone (run by Terry Mundy) a couple of times. Didn't you buy your 12 string directly from the makers in Italy?

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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: GUEST,Pete LeRoy
Date: 17 Apr 17 - 12:39 PM

I was in Chapter Three in 1966/67. I sang harmonies, played 12-string guitar and autoharp. We were based in a squat in North London.

We had an old Commer van we paid 30 quid for at the Ally Pally auctions.

Most of our gigs were in the north although we also played Brighton a few times. Didn't make enough money a afford a beer at gigs.
Alex Malcolm was the lead singer...a Scot. Bass player was John Rice who came from Durban in South Africa.
Basically, we starved for 12 months, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
I left the group in August 1967. They carried on for a few months with a girl singer, then chucked it in.

I'm a full-time songwriter for the last 17 years on a small farm 20 miles north of Cape Town, South Africa.

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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: eddie1
Date: 18 Jan 13 - 04:24 AM

Never very sure of my long-term memory these days but did this group not come from Stirling?


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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: GUEST,Earl Denmore
Date: 09 Jun 12 - 02:29 PM

I wonder what ever happened to "Big Fun" a young British group of the 1980's.


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Subject: RE: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: GUEST,Martin Beeton
Date: 16 Jan 12 - 05:46 PM

I remember that group - they had some great songs on an Album. Was wondering myself what happened to them, and if any albums exist.

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Subject: Where are they now Chapter 3 (group)
From: Kernow John
Date: 15 Apr 01 - 05:25 PM

Back in the 60s there was a group around the UK folk clubs called Chapter 3.
Does anyone have any knowledge of them or what happened to them?
Appreciate any help you can give.
Regards KJ

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