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Tech: Feedback Range for Whistle

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Leadfingers 19 Jun 03 - 07:10 PM
NicoleC 19 Jun 03 - 04:56 PM
UB Ed 19 Jun 03 - 04:22 PM
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Subject: RE: Tech: Feedback Range for Whistle
From: Leadfingers
Date: 19 Jun 03 - 07:10 PM

I have been playing whistle in various sorts of groups for forty years
and NEVER had a feedback problem.This includes Generation,Clark,Tony
Dixon,Shaw and Chieftain whistles with Shure SM Mics and Cheapo Tie
Tack mics.And I will not play a whistle that does not work on at least the first note in the third octave.I know this is not very helpful if YOU are getting feedback problems,but look first at the
settings for your mic.

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Subject: RE: Tech: Feedback Range for Whistle
From: NicoleC
Date: 19 Jun 03 - 04:56 PM

It depends on why it's feeding back; it could be any frequency it's capable of making. If you have really good pitch and can tell the note it's feeding back on, you can look up that note's frequency. Also, it could be another mic altogether that's picking up the sound.

If you have monitors, those are generally the culprit causing feedback. Less monitors overall, less of those instruments in the monitors, or moving those mics away from the monitors is one solution. If you have no monitors, move the mics further away from the throw of the speakers. (I.E., behind them, not in front of them.)

If you have an EQ on the channel that allows you to select the specific frequencies (as opposed to ones that say "bass" "mid" "treble") -- start with the highest knob. Turn the filter knob (somes times labelled something like "-30db" at one end and "+30db" at the other) all the way to the left, then use the knob that specifies the frequency and sweep through them until the feedback goes away. If you don't find it, go to the next higher set of frequencies. After you find it, turn the filter knob back up until it's just before the point where it feeds back. Whatever is feeding back is probably very important to the way the instrument sounds, so you don't want to cut more than in necessary.

(It may be more than one frequency feeding back, BTW. Same principle applies.)

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Subject: Tech: Feedback Range for Whistle
From: UB Ed
Date: 19 Jun 03 - 04:22 PM


Would anyone know offhand the general frequencies on the EQ that would make the whistle and recorders stop feeding back? I'm thinking its to the high end of the mid-range.


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