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Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's


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GUEST,Max 12 May 07 - 04:14 PM
MudGuard 12 May 07 - 04:22 PM
Little Robyn 12 May 07 - 04:32 PM
Little Robyn 12 May 07 - 04:35 PM
oldhippie 13 May 07 - 08:35 AM
Wolfgang 13 May 07 - 03:39 PM
John on the Sunset Coast 13 May 07 - 11:35 PM
Little Robyn 14 May 07 - 01:02 AM
Little Robyn 14 May 07 - 04:07 AM
Brakn 14 May 07 - 09:29 AM
Wolfgang 14 May 07 - 09:39 AM
John on the Sunset Coast 15 May 07 - 07:34 PM
rich-joy 16 May 07 - 12:53 AM
GUEST,leeneia 16 May 07 - 12:24 PM
GUEST,leeneia 16 May 07 - 12:36 PM
GUEST,john schneider in australia 17 May 07 - 09:50 AM
Leadbelly 17 May 07 - 10:19 AM
Leadbelly 17 May 07 - 10:33 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: GUEST,Max
Date: 12 May 07 - 04:14 PM

The song "Morgan" was one of a few German songs like "Wooden Heart" that was played on the radio in the 1960's in the U.S. It was in 4/4 time and the only two lyrics I know are "morgan" and "gestern".

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: MudGuard
Date: 12 May 07 - 04:22 PM

Could it be "Morgen" instead of "Morgan"? "Morgan" is not a German word, "Morgen" is (meaning "tomorrow" or "morning", depending on context, but "tomorrow" is more likely with the context of "gestern" which means "yesterday".

Might be very hard to find the lyrics with so little to go on - the words "Morgen" and "Gestern" are quite common ...

Do you remember the artist's name?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Little Robyn
Date: 12 May 07 - 04:32 PM

The words in english were "one more sunrise".
It was widely played on NZ radio in the 60s but I never learnt it - it was not to my taste.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Little Robyn
Date: 12 May 07 - 04:35 PM

Found it.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: oldhippie
Date: 13 May 07 - 08:35 AM

Ivo Rovic

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Wolfgang
Date: 13 May 07 - 03:39 PM

German lyrics

Ivo Robic. Must have been the time I learned dancing.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: John on the Sunset Coast
Date: 13 May 07 - 11:35 PM

I remember a song during that period, give or take, "Seeman" (Sailor).
Sung in German, the only words I remember are,"Deine Heime ist dein Shiff, deine ( ) sind die Sterne." Roughly, "your home is your boat, your ( ) are the stars." It was quite popular for some weeks.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Little Robyn
Date: 14 May 07 - 01:02 AM

Didn't Connie Francis sing that -
Sailor, stop your roaming,
Sailor, leave the sea.
Sailor, when the tide turns,
Come home safe to me.

As you sail across the sea all my love is there to guide you....

I forget the rest. Should be easy to find.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Little Robyn
Date: 14 May 07 - 04:07 AM

Nope, it was Petula Clarke, here


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Brakn
Date: 14 May 07 - 09:29 AM

And Anne Shelton.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Wolfgang
Date: 14 May 07 - 09:39 AM

John, whom you (and I) recollect singing this is (most likely) Lolita in the very early sixties. But the song is older:

Seemann, Deine Heimat ist das Meer


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: John on the Sunset Coast
Date: 15 May 07 - 07:34 PM

Hey Wolfgang, that is the song! I'm actually surprised I got the lyric somewhat right.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: rich-joy
Date: 16 May 07 - 12:53 AM

Definitely Lolita, in the 60s!!
My Mum (in West Aussie), still has her recordings of both Lolita's "Seemann" and Ivo Robic's "Morgen" and also that number that Dean Martin recorded in English as : "Memories Are Made of This" - but I can't recall the German title and artist ...

Ah, memories .......

Cheers! R-J

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: GUEST,leeneia
Date: 16 May 07 - 12:24 PM

In my opinion, the last thing the world needs is another love song. Therefore, I'm pointing out that the words to the Connie Francis song mentioned above are all wrong as a translation of "Seeman."

"Seeman" acknowledges that the sailor has no desire for a home or a lover. His home is the sea, his goal is the horizon, and his friends are the stars.

It is a refreshing change.

I studied German in high school and we sang this song. It was so exciting to be able to understand "a real song"!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: GUEST,leeneia
Date: 16 May 07 - 12:36 PM

(I am not a guest.)

On to "Morgen."

The translation at Little Robyn's link is nothing like the song.

Morgen, morgen
Morgen, morgen, lacht uns wieder das Glück
Gestern, gestern, liegt schon so weit zurück
War es auch eine schöne, schöne Zeit

[Tomorrow fortune will smile on us again. Yesterday lies far behind us. That was also a beautiful, beautiful time.]

Morgen, morgen, sind wir wieder dabei
Gestern, gestern, ist uns heut' einerlei
War es auch eine schöne, schöne Zeit

[Tomorrow we'll be ready. (?) Yesterday is monotony.

Sind wir heut' auch arm und klein
Sind wir heut' auch ohne Sonnenschein
Sind wir heut' auch noch allein
Aber morgen, morgen, morgen, morgen, morgen

[Today we are poor and small. We are without sunshine. We are still alone. But tomorrow....]

Morgen, morgen, wird das alles vergehn
Morgen, morgen, wird das Leben endlich wieder schön
[Tomorrow, all that will be done with. Tomorrow life will be beautiful again.]
The song caught on, mostly I think because the singer was good. He stood head and shoulders above the likes of Little Richard and the Everly Brothers.

When I learned enough German to understand the words, I came to dislike the song. What's it about? Who's "we"? What exactly are they planning to do "tomorrow"?

The most disturbing part is hearing that strong, vigorous voice sing "We are poor and small" in a belligerant manner. It triggered faint alarm bells that said "Hypocrisy!" "Manipulation!" "Beware!"

Now I'm older and the alarm bells are easier to hear. I'm glad the song has died a natural death.

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Subject: sailor and morgen
From: GUEST,john schneider in australia
Date: 17 May 07 - 09:50 AM

these 2 songs are my favourites of all time ...i was born in australia 1950... i only wish we could still make music like that ...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Leadbelly
Date: 17 May 07 - 10:19 AM

Memories are made of this was a german hit in 1956 sung by Freddy (Quinn). T'was called "Heimweh". And here it comes...

So schön, schön war die Zeit, so schön, schön war die Zeit...
Brennend heißer Wüstensand;
fern, so fern dem Heimatland;
So schön, schön war ...
Kein Gruß, kein Herz,
kein Kuss, kein Scherz.
Alles liegt so weit, so weit

Dort wo die Blumen blühn,
dort wo die Täler grün,
dort war ich einmal zu Hause.
Wo ich die Liebste fand,
da liegt mein Heimatland.
Wie lang bin ich noch allein?

So schön, schön war ....

Viele Jahre schwere Fron,
harte Arbeit, karger Lohn.
Tagaus, tagein,
kein Glück, kein Heim:
Alles liegt so weit, so weit.

Dort wo die Blumen blühn ....

Hört mich an ihr goldnen Sterne.
Grüßt die Lieben in der Ferne.
Mit Freud und Leid
verrinnt die Zeit.

Dort wo die Blumen blühn

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: German pop songs of '60's
From: Leadbelly
Date: 17 May 07 - 10:33 AM

Hmm, he comes a slightly modified version which seems to be the true one:
(Chorus): Schön, so schön, schön war die Zeit
          Schön, so schön, schön war die Zeit

(Freddy):Brennend heißer Wüstensand,
fern so fern dem Heimatland,
kein Gruß, kein Herz,
kein Kuss, kein Scherz,
alles liegt so weit so weit.

Refr.: s.b.

Viele Jahre schwere Fron,
harte Arbeit, karger Lohn,
kein Glück, kein Heim,
alles liegt so weit so weit.

Refr.: s.b.

Hört mich an, ihr gold'nen Sterne,
grüßt die Lieben in der Ferne,
mit Freud und Leid
verrinnt die Zeit,
alles liegt so weit so weit

Refr: s.b.


Dort, wo die Blumen blüh'n,
dort, wo die Täler grün,
dort war ich einmal zu Hause.
Wo ich die Liebste fand,
da liegt mein Heimatland -
wie lang bin ich noch allein?

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