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Lyr/Tune Add: Der Wasserfall / The Waterfall


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John in Brisbane 03 Oct 99 - 08:54 PM
John in Brisbane 03 Oct 99 - 09:42 PM
Joe Offer 04 Oct 99 - 07:30 PM
Wolfgang 13 Oct 99 - 12:59 PM
Wolfgang 20 Oct 99 - 01:52 PM
John in Brisbane 20 Oct 99 - 07:17 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: DER WASSERFALL
From: John in Brisbane
Date: 03 Oct 99 - 08:54 PM

This may be an odd question (but) how are the songs Der Wasserfall and The Green Hills of Tyrol (Scottish Soldier) related? The tunes of the chorus are clearly similar - I'll post the tune to Der Wasserfall a bit later. I had not previously realised that the green hills the Scottish soldier sings about were (presumably) in Bavaria. Which tune came first?

Regards, John

Der Wasserfall/The Waterfall

Zwischen Berg und Tal
Rauscht der Wasserfall
Hoidirio diridirio
Und mei Hütt' danebn
's is a lustig's Leb'n
Hoidirio diridirio

Dieses schöne Land
Is mei Hoamatland
Dort vom Attersee
Bis zum Dachsteinschnee

Wann der Kiahbua singt
Und die Zither klingt
Hoidirio diridirio
Man hörts von weiter Fern
Da kunnt's oan anders wern
Hoidirio diridirio

Bei der Hüttentür
Da schiab i's Riegerl für
Hoidirio diridirio
Aft leg i mi ins Heu
Ganz ruhig und sorgenfrei
Hoidirio diridirio

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From: John in Brisbane
Date: 03 Oct 99 - 09:42 PM

And here's the Bavarian tune.

MIDI file: waterfal.mid

Timebase: 120

TimeSig: 3/4 24 8
Key: C
Tempo: 089 (666667 microsec/crotchet)
Name: Der Wasserfall/The Waterfall
0000 1 67 080 0072 0 67 000 0018 1 67 080 0024 0 67 000 0006 1 64 080 0048 0 64 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 64 080 0096 0 64 000 0024 1 67 080 0072 0 67 000 0018 1 67 080 0024 0 67 000 0006 1 65 080 0048 0 65 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 65 080 0096 0 65 000 0024 1 67 080 0072 0 67 000 0018 1 67 080 0024 0 67 000 0006 1 67 080 0096 0 67 000 0024 1 71 080 0048 0 71 000 0012 1 74 080 0048 0 74 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 77 080 0048 0 77 000 0012 1 76 080 0048 0 76 000 0012 1 72 080 0048 0 72 000 0012 1 67 080 0096 0 67 000 0024 1 67 080 0072 0 67 000 0018 1 67 080 0024 0 67 000 0006 1 64 080 0048 0 64 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 64 080 0096 0 64 000 0024 1 67 080 0072 0 67 000 0018 1 67 080 0024 0 67 000 0006 1 65 080 0048 0 65 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 65 080 0096 0 65 000 0024 1 67 080 0072 0 67 000 0018 1 67 080 0024 0 67 000 0006 1 67 080 0096 0 67 000 0024 1 71 080 0048 0 71 000 0012 1 74 080 0048 0 74 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 77 080 0048 0 77 000 0012 1 76 080 0048 0 76 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 72 080 0096 0 72 000 0024 1 72 080 0072 0 72 000 0018 1 72 080 0024 0 72 000 0006 1 72 080 0048 0 72 000 0012 1 69 080 0048 0 69 000 0012 1 72 080 0096 0 72 000 0024 1 71 080 0072 0 71 000 0018 1 69 080 0024 0 69 000 0006 1 69 080 0048 0 69 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 67 080 0096 0 67 000 0024 1 67 080 0072 0 67 000 0018 1 67 080 0024 0 67 000 0006 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 77 080 0048 0 77 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 77 080 0048 0 77 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 77 080 0048 0 77 000 0012 1 76 080 0048 0 76 000 0012 1 72 080 0048 0 72 000 0012 1 67 080 0096 0 67 000 0024 1 72 080 0072 0 72 000 0018 1 72 080 0024 0 72 000 0006 1 72 080 0024 0 72 000 0006 1 72 080 0024 0 72 000 0006 1 69 080 0048 0 69 000 0012 1 72 080 0096 0 72 000 0024 1 71 080 0072 0 71 000 0018 1 69 080 0024 0 69 000 0006 1 69 080 0048 0 69 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 67 080 0096 0 67 000 0024 1 67 080 0072 0 67 000 0018 1 67 080 0024 0 67 000 0006 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 77 080 0048 0 77 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 77 080 0048 0 77 000 0012 1 67 080 0048 0 67 000 0012 1 76 080 0048 0 76 000 0012 1 72 080 0096 0 72 000

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:

T:Der Wasserfall/The Waterfall

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Subject: RE: LYR/TUNE ADD: Der Wasserfall/The Waterfall
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Oct 99 - 07:30 PM

Can't comment on the German, John. It sure ain't Hochdeutsch, but it's fairly understandable. I don't know the grammar and vocabulary for the various dialects. Nice song. Great tune.
Or was it just the message title you were interested in, to make sure it would be searchable? I fixed that.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: LYR/TUNE ADD: Der Wasserfall/The Waterfa
From: Wolfgang
Date: 13 Oct 99 - 12:59 PM

John, I hadn't seen this but for your remark in the Tunnel Tigers thread. Both songs were not familiar to me and I can't hear tunes on my computer now. I'll post if I find something. However, Tyrol is a part of Austria, just neighbouring Bavaria (same dialect, for my ears).


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Subject: RE: LYR/TUNE ADD: Der Wasserfall/The Waterfa
From: Wolfgang
Date: 20 Oct 99 - 01:52 PM

Sorry, John, no help from me. I found no trace of Der Wasserfall in my books, nor did I find any trace of a German precursor to Green Hills of Tyrol (you never can be sure of that, for most older German books only have indexes of first lines and how should I know what the first line could be in German). Perhaps someone else comes up with more information in the other thread (Scottish soldier). Tyrol, I know know, might well have been a part of Bavaria at the time of the writing of this song. It isn't now. I hope you'll get a response, for I'm most curious by now.


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Subject: RE: LYR/TUNE ADD: Der Wasserfall/The Waterfa
From: John in Brisbane
Date: 20 Oct 99 - 07:17 PM

Wolgang, I found this at one of the Volkslieder sites (I get them confused) at

This URL also provides a MIDI of the tune. The chorus to my ears seems a very close relative of Scottish Soldier.

There was a cross reference to it(somewhere?)as the Bavarian Yodelling Song, but alas I cannot now locate it.

I hope that we can eventually shed some light on this. Regards, John

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