Subject: Mudcat CD From: GUEST,Harper Date: 28 Feb 03 - 05:41 PM I've been intending to order one of the Mudcat Blue Plate Special CDs. A couple of weeks ago I decided it was time to do it. Then I realized there were 5 of them to choose between. I looked at the lists of tunes/songs on each. Seemed that each one had several that I wouldn't want to miss. Actually the price was better, ordering all five, so I went for it. Just received them yesterday. I've been playing them all day. I couldn't be more impressed. Such variety! Such talent! Such a bargain. If you haven't ordered yours, Order them all!! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: DMcG Date: 28 Feb 03 - 05:47 PM I've just played Orchid for the first time (having received them all yesterday). They are simply astonishing. If anyone is in doubt whether to buy these or the latest CD from your favourite "name" - there's no choice. Get these. You won't regret it. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Ebbie Date: 28 Feb 03 - 05:56 PM Absolutely. I'll never tire of them and there isn't one I'd want to give up. Not only are they astonishingly good but Amos did a wonderful job with the order in which he presents them. I particularly remember Hesperis's 'Skylark', which creates a mood you wouldn't believe- then there is a pause, and then comes a perfect next cut. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: michaelr Date: 28 Feb 03 - 08:33 PM Thanks, Harper! We appreciate your purchase which helps keep this forum on the air. So why don't you join? Membership is free, and has its privileges. Cheers, Michael |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 28 Feb 03 - 09:15 PM And don't forget to print out the liner notes, with lyrics, to go with your CDs! Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: WFDU - Ron Olesko Date: 01 Mar 03 - 12:45 AM Where are the liner notes??? |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Joe Offer Date: 01 Mar 03 - 02:46 AM Hi, Ron - for liner notes, check the crosslinks up at the top of this thread. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 01 Mar 03 - 03:28 PM Wow!! I just heard from some local friends who have never been on the 'Cat that they ordered theirs and they arrived yesterday. This is wonderful! A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Sorcha Date: 01 Mar 03 - 05:39 PM Whooppeee! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Tweed Date: 01 Mar 03 - 10:26 PM Whooopeee is right Mz.Sorchy, and if any of you've forgotten where and how to order these things then go **HERE**Christmas is gone but there's a vernal equinox or something coming up soon, so get those orders in. Yerz, Tweed |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: WFDU - Ron Olesko Date: 02 Mar 03 - 12:41 AM Joe, Unless I'm missing something, I checked the threads above and could not find "liner notes". Sure, I found several threads with the name "liner notes" in the topic, but the threads revealed a series of unconnected replies that vary in style and content. I hope I am just overlooking it. Is there any ONE file that contains ACTUAL liner notes for this magnificent series? Ron |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Stilly River Sage Date: 02 Mar 03 - 01:00 AM I've had the Mudcat CD's playing all afternoon. It's nice with a 5-CD changer, to put all of them in and put it on random play. They blow me away, how great these performances are! And what a lot of work it was to produce such excellent disks. My hat is off to all of you! I haven't printed out the liner notes, but if you look at the perma thread at the top of this thread, Ron, you should find them. Five of them, one for each CD. SRS |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: WFDU - Ron Olesko Date: 02 Mar 03 - 10:33 AM Maybe I'm not explaining myself correctly or I am missing the thread you are pointing to. I went to the perma threads and found a series of disjointed messages that are not liner notes by any stretch of the imagination. Each thread (for each CD) has a number of messages, out of sequence and in no real uniform style. I am looking for a printable text - in some sort of order. Something that I can print out in a readable form. I see in one of the threads that Genie was planning to do this. Any word? Ron |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Tweed Date: 02 Mar 03 - 10:38 AM Dere Mr. Olaska, I think it's still a work in progress and perhaps not all the singers have contributed liners for all the songs yet. I expect Genie may be waiting to get all completed before arranging them into a final order. Yerz, Tweed |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Stilly River Sage Date: 02 Mar 03 - 11:16 AM Oops. Looks like it's cut and paste until someone comes up with the definitive thread. I should'a looked closer first. I noticed at the thread for the North Texas Irish Festival that they had a link to their schedule in Word format. It appeared on the browser page without opening a Word window, and when you printed it, it came out by default in the landscape format. Though it takes more work to prepare a document to load and print in a special way, it should be possible to prepare these liner notes to come out with small fonts the size of the CD cases. SRS |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 02 Mar 03 - 11:19 AM The material is still being gathered inthose threads, ron and they are all we have in the way of real line notes just now. Once the final information is complete there should be no problem laying them out in a PDF file for each CD. We could even impose on weed to post them on his web site perhaps if he was willin;? A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Tweed Date: 02 Mar 03 - 11:31 AM I kin do that Amos. I iz still willin' and a staunch supporter ov this enterprize. I'd have to put it up there in standard html format though, at least til I figger out how to do PDF, but that ain't no big deal. Whar's our Genie? We haz one last wish fer her to grant ;~) Yerz, Tweed |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: treewind Date: 02 Mar 03 - 11:52 AM Creating PDF's in Windows is as easy as printing with the free PDF995 utility which installs itself as a Windows printer. I vote for PDF and HTML, and not Word, which certainly won't display on my browser! Anahata |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 02 Mar 03 - 11:55 AM Word prints to PDF in most versions anyway. They can be displayed in HTML surely. Treewind couuld probably tell you, Tweed, exactly how to add the link that downloads the file in PDF to the client's disk. A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 02 Mar 03 - 11:57 AM Genie's at her folks' house here in SD and I'll be seeing her at the Park hoot at noon today, along with bold Naemanson who is driving all the way from Point Hueneme! Yeehaw! So I'll mention this thread to her. A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Stilly River Sage Date: 02 Mar 03 - 12:04 PM It wasn't a true Word file, perhaps some sort of Word reader. I'm not a fan of Word if something else is available. The distiller program for making PDF files is also available in Adobe Pagemaker. Has anyone used that little free program? How does it work? (I could use something like that! I don't have the $$ for Adobe Pagemaker). SRS |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 02 Mar 03 - 07:37 PM How it works essentially is it puts the postscript output that most printdriver produce into aviewable form using a reader. (Acrobat reader). So most good WPrs will be able to save to PDF directly and if they can't you can print to file in Postscript and Adobe Acrobat will generate a PDF from the .ps files. A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 02 Mar 03 - 07:51 PM I hate PDF - you can't search it, at least I can't. I'd much sooner it's put on the Cat in Html. It's easy enough to print it out, or move it to word and use whatever sort of format anyone wants. But the basic thing is, whatever is most convenient for Genie. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: WFDU - Ron Olesko Date: 02 Mar 03 - 09:03 PM Isn't it easier to just make it as a word doc? |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 02 Mar 03 - 11:50 PM Ron, here is an example of liner notes (as much as I've been able to collect to date) from the Violet CD. And here is a nearly complete set for Strawberry: And here the smaller-print version of the Violet CD liner notes, formatted to fit into the CD case (width-wise) if you print them directly from the thread and fold or cut them to fit (length-wise). (If you try to copy and paste, you will lose the formatting, I think.) The song notes that were submitted for Violet after I posted those "printable" liner notes are here: As I've said in a couple of the Perma Threads, I'll post complete notes, in proper sequence and in the small print for each CD as soon as we get notes for all the songs on the CD. Trying to insert the missing pieces one at a time within the HTML jungle is really tedious. The good news is that we're really close to being complete on a couple of the Perma Threads. If you know any of the folks who haven't submitted important parts of their liner notes (e.g., who's playing what instrument, who wrote the song and when, or what the lyrics are), please feel free to light a fire under them. Genie PS, I could email them to folks as a Word document, I guess, but the best way I know to make sure the formatting stays the same is to print them directly from the thread. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Night Owl Date: 03 Mar 03 - 12:04 AM Genie Having trouble here with the link for the "smaller print liner notes". The other links you posted work ok, but I get "page cannot be found" for the third link. Just a problem with my computor?? |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 03 Mar 03 - 12:24 AM Naw, Night Owl, it's a bad link. DK what went wrong. Let's try it again:
Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Stilly River Sage Date: 03 Mar 03 - 12:26 AM Genie, On the first of several links you posted, on violet you need to close your underline html (at the end of "Teasin')--it's underlined throughout the document after that.
(trad.- arr. Alice Flynn) The printable version looks excellent. I couldn't open the "small print" one. Looks good--and like a lot of work! SRS |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 03 Mar 03 - 02:57 AM SRS, the amended link right above your post should take you to Part I of the small print liner notes. Thanks for catching that formatting error, too. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 03 Mar 03 - 03:02 AM Funny thing, SRS, I just went to the links on Violet, and the formatting looks OK - no extended underlining that I can see. Is it possible for that underlining to show up on one computer and not on another? Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Barbara Shaw Date: 03 Mar 03 - 08:49 AM Genie, the upper part of the Violet permathread is all underlined as mentioned, but the later (smaller) font is OK. For Connecticut Waltz, you have my liner notes on the upper (underlined) part but nothing later in the smaller font. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Stilly River Sage Date: 03 Mar 03 - 11:10 AM It was just one of the versions that had the underline on it, the first link in the message. The others all look great. I didn't go look at the source code because I could see where the typo must have taken place without it. (I get lots of practice going back to fix my own html typos!) SRS |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Night Owl Date: 03 Mar 03 - 11:37 AM thanks for the repairs Genie..... |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 03 Mar 03 - 11:56 AM Genie: Just wanted to say THANK YOU!! for you persistence and goodwill in taking ont he liner notes work. It was more than either of us reckoned on, I guess, and you're carrying forward like a true trouper. Thanks! A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Stilly River Sage Date: 04 Mar 03 - 01:23 AM I'll add my thanks, free of editorial comments, so you are assured also that appreciation of your work was intended in my earlier post. I've bided my time, waiting while they're being perfected so haven't printed any of the notes, but each time I put the Mudcat CD's on to play and particular songs resonate strongly, I know I'll have to get those notes soon. My ears prick up and I think "Wow! I want to sing along!" SRS |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Mudlark Date: 04 Mar 03 - 02:57 AM Just want to add my thanks, Genie, for the liner notes work. And also to say of my friends that appreciate, tho don't play, acoustic music have ordered CD's and are very impressed with them. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 04 Mar 03 - 03:39 AM Well, folks, Lin from Kansas has graciously offered to take over the Plum CD liner notes and format them in PDF!! Thanks, Lin! Amos, be warned -- if Lin gets near you, you're gonna get smothered with hugs and kisses for all your work on these great CDs! ;-D ) Understatement of the year: "It was more than either of us reckoned on, I guess ... ." I seem to recall saying that formatting the liner notes would probably take two or three hours. (Pardon me while I indulge myself in a fit of hysterical laughter.) Anyway, the liner notes ARE shaping up, and more folks like Bardfordian and Ebbie and Lin are pitching in. We'll get 'em done soon. Lin asked why I hadn't included "fold here" or "cut here" lines in the "printable/insertable" liner notes for the Violet CD. That's because a) I can't post a vertical border in the forum, and b) I don't want to post horizontal divider lines until I get ALL the lyrics and other liner notes gathered for a given CD. We still need a couple of songs for Violet. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 04 Mar 03 - 05:17 PM Formatting them? Yeah, but that was supposed to be after they had all been collected completely! :>) A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 04 Mar 03 - 05:34 PM Yup. The "cut" or "fold" lines will be in a different place if you add one or more lines to the liner notes. G BTW, Strawberry, Plum, and Violet liner notes are nearly done. We have all the lyrics for Violet but are missing a few credit items (e.g., who all is singing). I think we need lyrics for only one song on Strawberry (Bold Jackie Tar, IIRC) and one or two (Braes Of Yarrow, e.g.,) on Plum. The composite Plum notes, to date, are now in order and posted close to the end of the thread. Look for Lin's PDF files to be available soon for Plum. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 04 Mar 03 - 05:43 PM Composite liner notes for Plum CD (to date): |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 04 Mar 03 - 06:35 PM Lin: I'm right down here in the SW corner. PM me for driving instructions!! :>) A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: treewind Date: 05 Mar 03 - 08:51 AM Just an afterthought about formats: My support for PDF was based on the assumption that this would be in a form that could be printed out and turned into a CD sized booklet to go in the jewel case with the CD. If it's not for that, and it's just to go on the web somewhere, HTML with CSS will do me just fine. By the way, Kevin (McG of H): PDF can be searched, or at least searchable versions of PDF are possible. Anahata |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD - liner notes From: Genie Date: 08 Mar 03 - 12:36 AM Just got the Plum CD liner notes formatted in small print so they can be printed directly from the CD liner notes thread and folded to fit into the CD jewel case. (Why do they call it that, anyhoo?) The post with the composite liner notes is close to the end of the thread, and there's a link to it in the first post of the thread. We're still missing lyrics for one song and a few odd bits of other info, but take a look and tell me what you think. Lin's PDF file notes look great, too! Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Art Thieme Date: 09 Mar 03 - 06:11 PM Genie, Thank you so much. You are amazing. Art Thieme |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 10 Mar 03 - 09:10 AM Amazing? Not really, Art. Just a glutton for punishment, I guess (or too dumb to know when not to stick your hand up when they ask for volunteers). But thanks. Also, too dumb or too lazy to download Netscape 7 until a few days ago. When I finally did (because my main email at won't open any more with the older versions), I discovered all sorts of new features and capabilities for composing, editing and posting things to the net. With Netscape 7.2, the job of doing these liner notes is much, much, much easier and faster! Anyway, the small print liner notes are ready now for Violet and Plum and we're just an inch or so away from done for Strawberry. Lin has been helping a LOT (as did Bradfordian, Ebbie, and several others). And I found that run-on underscoring you folks were talking about. It was on Violet, not Plum. It's fixed now. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 11 Mar 03 - 08:57 PM Keep watching those Mudcat CD Liner Notes PermaThreads, folks. The printable liner notes are shaping up fast! Violet & Plum are ready now (though we may yet get info added) and Strawberry's not far behind. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Alice Date: 11 Mar 03 - 10:51 PM Thanks for all the work you've done, Genie. Good job. Alice |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 11 Mar 03 - 11:02 PM Genie: If I understand it aright, the notion is to open the Permathread and send it to the printer and then the output can be trimmed and folded to CD size -- is that the scheme? Or am I missing a piece? A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Alice Date: 11 Mar 03 - 11:04 PM By the way, if anyone wants to hear one of my tracks, Green Fields of Amerikay, you can listen to the mp3 free on my site. Nothing to sign up for, no cookies, no popups, nada, just music. Alice |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 12 Mar 03 - 11:23 AM Yes, Amos, If you open up the post that contains the small print liner notes, you should be able to print directly from that and trim and fold to go into the CD case. (If it's a hair too wide, just set your printer for, say, 97%.) Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 12 Mar 03 - 07:00 PM PS, the horizontal divider lines in the printable liner notes are between songs. They aren't meant to be "cut or fold" lines. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 14 Mar 03 - 10:51 PM The liner notes are ready to print for Plum and Violet. I think Strawberry lacks lyrics for only one song, and Orchid and Rose are almost done. I have tried to set it up so you can print directly fromt he Liner Notes threads, without downloading. In my next post, I will supply the links for the "Printable Liner Notes" --to date. You can, if you wish, convert those to other formats. And Lin from Kansas is making them available as PDF files. Please remember that these liner notes are WORKS IN PROGRESS. Folks may make corrections and/or add info (e.g., links to Mudcat Photos) at any time. Now, let's hear a big "HUZZAH!" for all the folks involved in the Mudcat CD project -- a real community endeavor! Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: MMario Date: 15 Mar 03 - 08:03 AM HUZZAH! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 15 Mar 03 - 08:34 AM Way to go, Genie! A real important job, and well done.!! Here's to all of youse who buckled down and got it done! A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 15 Mar 03 - 08:46 PM Folks, if you are finding some of the Liner Notes PermaThreads disjointed, I should tell you that Violet, Strawberry, and Plum all have complete or nearly complete lyrics in printable form. If you look thru the whole PermaThread, you'll find them. Orchid and Rose are not as complete -- we still need some lyrics -- but I have recently posted what we have in composite form (all the songs in one post, instead of just in separate posts). I hope we can get all the song lyrics and credits in by the end of this month. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: dick greenhaus Date: 16 Mar 03 - 08:46 PM Well, the second printing (only 20 sets) of the Mudcat Blueplate Special is sold out. I guess there'll be a third printing; I hope not to be stuck with left overs. Keep on flooding! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: michaelr Date: 16 Mar 03 - 11:14 PM That's great news, Dick! I'd guess if you can keep ordering them in 20-set increments, you shouldn't have to worry about not selling out. When the demand flags, we can always have a special promotion to flog off leftover inventory. Cheers, Michael |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 17 Mar 03 - 12:25 AM Yeeeehaaa!! Flood Dick! Dick-Flood!! Yay!!!! Y'know -- I mean -- why not?? Flood Dick!! A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 17 Mar 03 - 02:55 AM So, how many sets have been sold altogether, Dick? |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: MMario Date: 17 Mar 03 - 07:53 AM first printing was 60, second was 20 - so I would venture to guess that close to 80 sets have been sold. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 17 Mar 03 - 08:07 AM Which is a decent piece of change to pay the ISP and maintain Tao. Minus a couple of review copies to radio stations. A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: dick greenhaus Date: 17 Mar 03 - 09:14 AM I'll sort out the statistics and post them here within the next couple of days. One thing I'm sure of--to date, the series has resulted in over $3200 going to support Mudcat. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: michaelr Date: 17 Mar 03 - 07:46 PM YES!! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 18 Mar 03 - 12:30 AM Fan-frolickin'-tastic, Dick! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Áine Date: 18 Mar 03 - 07:21 AM Yee-haw! Way to go, Catters! And here's another chance to say 'thank you' to all those involved in the project -- THANK YOU!! -- Áine |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 18 Mar 03 - 04:13 PM Hell, TGG, I dunno about the others without whom this could never have happened, but for my wee part, you're more than welcome -- especially since you were part of the inspiration for it! A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 19 Mar 03 - 02:14 PM Hey, Dickie! How 'bout posting a link to the liner notes with each CD cover shot and playlist in the promo box for the CDs (above the forum threads)? It'd be great if everyone who ordered (or considered ordering) Whaddya think? Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: MMario Date: 19 Mar 03 - 02:18 PM genie - mention it to Pene... |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 19 Mar 03 - 02:26 PM I just noticed you do have a link to the "Liner Notes" on the "Ordering Info" page, but it's only to the insert blurb that Amos did. There is no link to or mention of the liner notes that have lyrics, etc. BTW, Dick, why is Strawberry all blurry? (The track listings are really fuzzy for Strawberry--which obviously is the BEST CD, since Amos, Áine, and I are all on it!*--but not for the others.) Genie (ducking and running for cover) |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Genie Date: 19 Mar 03 - 03:22 PM Gawd, computers are strange! I opened the tracklists for all 5 CDs several times this morning (at the top of the forum where it invites you to "Order Mudcat CDs." and each time the Strawberry track list came out blurry and the other 4 looked fine. Now Strawberry looks fine, too. Did somebody fix it, or are there gremlins in this here computer? (I'm not on my regular powerbook; I'm on an iMac with high-speed DSL connection via Safari--which usually works beautifully.) Anyway, it's all better now. So order the CDs, y'hear? Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: dick greenhaus Date: 19 Mar 03 - 07:13 PM As promised: here's the summary accounting for the Mudcat CDs gross sales Postage adj. Gross COGS VIOLET $46.50 PLUM $213.00 ORCHID $76.50 ROSE $108.00 STRAWBERRY $135.00 SET $5,110.00 SUM $5,689.00 $526.00 $5,110.00 $1,900.00* NET Profit: $3,210.00* *COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) includes payment for third printing. We also will have an inventory of 20 sets, plus several individual CDs. These(IMO) impressive figures are the direct result of volunteer performers, recording and mastering, printing, cataloging, shipping and handling. Thanx to everyone! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 19 Mar 03 - 08:30 PM Way cool, Dick. And thank you for your direct and timely help, especially! And for your open book policy!! This is really a community "win", IMHO. We should do it again! :>) A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Alice Date: 19 Mar 03 - 08:48 PM Fantastic. A pat on the back to everyone. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: MMario Date: 20 Mar 03 - 08:37 AM You volunteering Amos? *grin* |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Amos Date: 20 Mar 03 - 08:39 AM Aw, thanks, MM. But I'm a little busy right now... A |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: Tinker Date: 20 Mar 03 - 08:44 AM Wow! Thanks for the info Dick. The music itslef was a great accomplishment, but knowing that it worked as a fund raiser too is extra icing on the cake. Kathy |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: MMario Date: 17 Apr 03 - 08:15 AM well - after much delay (my fault) I finally got around to purchasing the set for *myself* and have started listening to them. Wow! I'm still partial to 'Plum' - but 'Rose' and 'Strawberry' have both blown me away as well. Can't wait to get the chance to hear the other two. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD From: dick greenhaus Date: 17 Apr 03 - 11:00 AM The third printing arrived recently, so there will be no delay in filling orders. So order, already. |
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