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MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....

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Amos 15 May 02 - 10:32 PM
Amos 15 May 02 - 11:00 PM
Áine 15 May 02 - 11:05 PM
Amos 16 May 02 - 12:21 AM
wysiwyg 16 May 02 - 08:27 AM
Amos 16 May 02 - 09:58 AM
wysiwyg 16 May 02 - 11:49 AM
Amos 16 May 02 - 08:42 PM
Celtic Soul 16 May 02 - 10:08 PM
Stephen L. Rich 17 May 02 - 02:08 PM
MMario 17 May 02 - 02:27 PM
khandu 17 May 02 - 05:56 PM
RolyH 17 May 02 - 06:07 PM
Áine 17 May 02 - 06:28 PM
Amos 17 May 02 - 06:49 PM
Celtic Soul 17 May 02 - 09:58 PM
WyoWoman 17 May 02 - 10:51 PM
Cappuccino 18 May 02 - 02:51 AM
Amos 18 May 02 - 03:01 AM
hesperis 18 May 02 - 03:11 AM
Lonesome EJ 18 May 02 - 12:17 PM
Amos 18 May 02 - 02:53 PM
MartinRyan 18 May 02 - 06:22 PM
Lonesome EJ 18 May 02 - 07:10 PM
Amos 18 May 02 - 08:40 PM
Llanfair 19 May 02 - 06:30 AM
wysiwyg 19 May 02 - 04:09 PM
GUEST 19 May 02 - 05:43 PM
Amos 19 May 02 - 10:24 PM
Amos 19 May 02 - 11:21 PM
Amos 20 May 02 - 07:37 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 02:29 PM
greg stephens 21 May 02 - 02:58 PM
Lonesome EJ 21 May 02 - 03:12 PM
greg stephens 21 May 02 - 03:21 PM
Mudlark 21 May 02 - 03:26 PM
greg stephens 21 May 02 - 03:28 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 03:59 PM
GUEST,Wes 21 May 02 - 04:04 PM
greg stephens 21 May 02 - 04:31 PM
Lonesome EJ 21 May 02 - 04:32 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 04:48 PM
MMario 21 May 02 - 04:49 PM
Áine 21 May 02 - 05:11 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 05:16 PM
GUEST,Wes 21 May 02 - 05:21 PM
Sorcha 21 May 02 - 05:30 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 05:36 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 05:53 PM
Sorcha 21 May 02 - 06:13 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 06:16 PM
Tweed 21 May 02 - 06:23 PM
GUEST 21 May 02 - 06:37 PM
Tweed 21 May 02 - 07:23 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 08:04 PM
Midchuck 21 May 02 - 08:52 PM
Art Thieme 21 May 02 - 08:57 PM
Amos 21 May 02 - 09:05 PM
hesperis 21 May 02 - 11:53 PM
Amos 22 May 02 - 01:02 AM
Amos 24 May 02 - 05:56 PM
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Subject: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 15 May 02 - 10:32 PM

Section Four of this wondeful planetary proposition can be found over here. We are ONTRACK and ON SCHEDULE!! Yeahhhhh TEAM!.

For those who have forgotten what the top of the last thread even looked like (!) here's the schedule for producing the planet's first ALL MUDCAT SAMPLER CD:

Collection of Candidates  ---- up to end of May

Review and Prelim Selection --- May-June
Final Selection-------------------------- ------June
Initial Build- ------------------------------July
Quality Enhancement/

Normalization -------------------- -----July - August
Final Build---------------------------- ---------- August
Organize Logistics for Distrib: June--- ----- August
Final QA---------------------------- ---------------- - -- August
Release  --------------------- ---------- ---- ----------- Early September.

Make it over the finish line with your own best songs on tape, MP3, WAV, AIFF, CD or call me up and sing to me over the damn telephone!!

We're gonna bring this one through in style, guys and dolls...thanks to your help in so many, many ways.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 15 May 02 - 11:00 PM

Yayhooo!! Rick's stuff is on the way!! Callie's sending songs! Rollo's sending songs! Lonesome EJ is sending a Gangsang tape. You know the famous soloist, Dee Hoal Gangsang?

What a gang, I swan....well, I not really Swann, he works with Fielding, I think in the Layabout trade....I Amos. Or that's what they tell me anyway :>)

Thanks, Rick! Thanks, Callie, LEJ, Rollo, and everyone else who's chiming in -- this is going to be terrific stuff, a kinda of historic milestone you can pass on to your great grandkids, if they can figure out how to play a CD!! :>)


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Áine
Date: 15 May 02 - 11:05 PM

Dear BardoftheFam,

Being the big hockey fan that I am (even though the Stars pooped out of the playoffs this year), I can't believe that I'm beginning to resent the Stanley Cup Playoffs -- I'm having to sit through Game 7 of San Jose vs. Colorado (a plague on both their houses!!) -- when Dear Hubby should be 'producing' the songs I recorded to send you for the MC CD.

Still hoping that he'll get 'em together to send to you this weekend . . . Though it may require a stern phone call from yourself to correct the situation (hahaha).

-- Áine

Go Toronto!!!!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 16 May 02 - 12:21 AM

That's a good strategy, O Goddess -- always root for the possible! LOL!! I'll call him up and whine at him Friday night, right in the middle of the game, huh? Think that'll do it??? :>)


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: wysiwyg
Date: 16 May 02 - 08:27 AM

Duh!!!!!!!!!! You already HAVE our tape! "Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior," not that whistling thing! Use the band name, The Good News-Goodtime Band, spelt and hyphenated just like that.



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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 16 May 02 - 09:58 AM

Well, dearest Wizz, I will have to go looking around to see what I have of yours cuz it has been a long time. See, if you'd kept that Mac ya coulda made an MP3 right on the spot!! Tsk..... :>)

Love ya,


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: wysiwyg
Date: 16 May 02 - 11:49 AM

Last seen in the "music in your cars" thread.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 16 May 02 - 08:42 PM

WOW! A tape from mmm-mmy-my buddy Mmmmario!! And Steve-O!!! And Martin Ryan!! All the way from Eire!!

My evening is rich,. Notr only that I got recitations from Amergin to boot!.

Whew!! I'm gonna be working me little anvils and tympanis to the bone!!

Thanks guys!! I LOVE it when a plan comes together, and this one is marching ahead handsomely.

Warmest regards,


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Celtic Soul
Date: 16 May 02 - 10:08 PM

Amos! Do tell, do tell! What's the playlist look like so far??? What songs have been selected for the project, and by whom???

I am so excited I could bust! :D

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 17 May 02 - 02:08 PM

BTW, in case nobody has said this yet, "Thankyou, Amos, for the time and work that you have put into this!!!" I'm certain that the end product of you labor will be something of which we can all be proud.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: MMario
Date: 17 May 02 - 02:27 PM

I keep waiting for the



Now I have all these wonderful recordings and you people don't!"

But Amos is probably too nice to do that. Or at least Barky wouldn't let him.

but I could be wrong.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: khandu
Date: 17 May 02 - 05:56 PM

Hey, Amos! I may just get in by a nose, but I am sending some recordings!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: RolyH
Date: 17 May 02 - 06:07 PM

Just be beware if Amos leaves a forwarding address in Northern England!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Áine
Date: 17 May 02 - 06:28 PM

Hey Amos -- you went and wasted your 'stern phone call' money talking to me a little while ago -- ya should've saved it for the game tonight (hahaha). Don't worry 'bout Dear Hubby wasting any more time with the hockey this weekend -- the black birthday lingerie is under his pillow, and it's 'produce or die' time, now. ;-)

I'd say to start watching your email for a Mydocs email about this time tomorrow (gotta let the boy rest up, don't ya know!).

Luv ya, TGG

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 17 May 02 - 06:49 PM

You guys are a crack up!!

CS: the playlist isn't FINISHED yet!! Burt there's a beautiful recording of Mingulay on it, if that's what you're asking.

Let me say again that at this stageI am trying to include at least one cut from everyone who sends candidates.

I may not be able to stick to this intention if the economics don't work out. there was some discussion of using MP#.COM's "Burn and Ship on Demand" service, which is a lot cheaper to get in to, but the back-end costs are a base fee plus 50%, so I am not sure which way would bring the most dough in to the Mudcat. And that is the whole purpose here.

Anyway, I will publish the playlist after I have cleared it with McGrath and alice as I agreed to do earlier (I think that was in thread 1).

And I already said I was enjoying the fringe benefit of listening to all these wonderful CDs and tapes!! How could I make a secret out of that!!!

If anyone really wants their CD back, after the selctions and master are done, I will return it and pay for the postage back, which I guess would only be fair.

RolyH: Northern England in May would be most wonderful, if I could get allthese tapes and CDs through the Customs guys!!! LOL!!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Celtic Soul
Date: 17 May 02 - 09:58 PM


Nah, I could care less which one of ours you use. I am *very* interested in knowing what *else* there will be, however! I realize the play list is not complete...I just thought I might be able to worm the short list outta you anyway. ;)

Can't blame a gal for trying! :D

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: WyoWoman
Date: 17 May 02 - 10:51 PM

Oh, goodie. Just got a note from LEJ and he says he's sent you a tape of the Magical Night in Colorado when we jammed with Sables and Allan on their World Domination Tour. Can't wait to hear that and all the other frabjous 'Catters' contributions.



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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Cappuccino
Date: 18 May 02 - 02:51 AM

I see that we can now get music-quality recordable CDs which have up to 80 minutes on, instead of the usual 74 minutes.

That extra six minutes is a great relief for someone who submitted a 6-minute song...!!!!

All the best, Amos, just in case I forgot to say 'thanks' for the effort.

- Ian B

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 18 May 02 - 03:01 AM

Thanks, gang.

The reason the schedule up above is so genrerous is I can only do this part time so Ihave to pad the timeline accordingly; plus I think I have learned that any job swells up to fill any time available for it. Funny how that works!

Yes!! LEJ's session tape came today and Ihave been out all afternoon so i haven't even played it yet, but tomorrow for breakfast!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: hesperis
Date: 18 May 02 - 03:11 AM

*Mental picture of Amos EATING the tape rather than putting it in the stereo...*

Oh, god... catfish eating a blue reflecting CD with knife and fork in fins... and a dashing knapkin tied at the throat... Mudcat Cafe: Blue Plate Special...

Am I weird? Or is it just this place doing things to my brain? rotfl!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 18 May 02 - 12:17 PM

Amos, you're only part-time on this? What kind of dedication is that? Better give notice at your day job. Tell 'em you're on your way to becoming the Phil Spector of the New Folk Movement.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 18 May 02 - 02:53 PM

Well, okay LEJ, but ya better send me one of those "geek wannabe counter-boy" applications for afterwards. "Employer of last resort" kinda thing. Used to be the Post Office when ABC's was the standard of minimum knowledge; but in the Information Age, it's volts and bytes, and Radio Shack! :>)


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: MartinRyan
Date: 18 May 02 - 06:22 PM


Let me know if that MD is OK, please.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 18 May 02 - 07:10 PM

Sorry, Amos. I just don't think you're Radioshack material. (You should definitely see that as a compliment)

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 18 May 02 - 08:40 PM


I have been overwhelmed by honeydew this weekend but should be able to get it to it tomorrow, okay?


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Llanfair
Date: 19 May 02 - 06:30 AM

Amos, are you going to post a list of CD's that you've got so far? Then those of us a long way away can make sure you get a replacement if it's lost in the post.

And you really are doing a grand job!!! I can't wait to get my copy of the CD/s.

Cheers. Bron.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: wysiwyg
Date: 19 May 02 - 04:09 PM

That Amos will never make a worthy layabout. I tried to teach him but to no avail!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
Date: 19 May 02 - 05:43 PM

I've been reading these threads, on and off, for a while, and I think it's a great idea.

Without wanting to be a prophet of doom, you need to be very careful about copyright for this project.

It's not enough to say that the contributors 'should take care of it' themselves.

Mudcat will also be vicariously liable if any copyright infringement occurs.

I don't want to spoil the party, but do check these things out.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 19 May 02 - 10:24 PM

I slipped schedule this weekend, guys, due to a sudden burst of demand from the house itself for deferred maintenance -- replacing ten feet of non-standard size planking that had been rotted by moisture and by termites over the decades. A much longer job than Ihad anticipated.

Bron, I'll get a comprehensive list of items received out. If you sent something not yet acknowledged, please

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 19 May 02 - 11:21 PM


Your Minidisc works perfectly!! A loverly voice hast thou, I will say!! I love "Henry Joy" especially! That is one of its kind that I had never heard before. Great stuff.

Thanks so much!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 20 May 02 - 07:37 PM


Got it!! Your group is really sweet, ma'am!! I like it a BUNCH!

I love that "Waltzing With Bears!" LOL!!

Thanks so much!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 02:29 PM


Your CD "Songs from Ashdale" just arrived!! I am tearing it open with my teeth as I type. Can't wait to hear it!!

Warmest rergards,


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: greg stephens
Date: 21 May 02 - 02:58 PM

Amos, give us a hint how many contributions have arrived so far. Seems to me your ambition to put one track on from every contributor is not likely to be realisable, given the interest the project is generating. You can only get about 25 standard length tracks on a CD...surely you must have had 25 submissions already? Or are we talking a double CD? Mine is on the way, incidentally.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 21 May 02 - 03:12 PM

Well, A, as far as I can tell you've received approximately 80 tapes and Cds. That equates to roughly 4 days of 24-hour listening sessions from which to glean about one hour of music.

Not that I would be in any way capable of doing it, but boy am I glad its you and not me! :>}

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: greg stephens
Date: 21 May 02 - 03:21 PM

I don't it'll be quite such a hard job. I imagine I'm not the only one who has given a preferred track.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Mudlark
Date: 21 May 02 - 03:26 PM struggling with mike nervousness, but whether or not I can get a tape to you just wanted to send you a GIANT thank you for doing this...if your schedule slips by a year I still think you are doing a great job. And I, for one, would be happy to pay for a double CD, tho you might not be so happy to produce one!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: greg stephens
Date: 21 May 02 - 03:28 PM

if Lonesome EJ's estimate is correct we're talking quadruple CD.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 03:59 PM

Yeah, you guys are looking right at the teeth of the problem. If we go with's service we can lower the entry costs dramatically in exchange for reduced margins, disk robustness and revenue stream; but also gaining a simplified logistics model.

Max and Dick will be chatting about all of it soon.

I am still assembling the table of all received stuff, and it isn't small. Just the stuff I have processed so far adds up to 45 tracks, about 2.5 hours. There's a little room for thinning there but none I like! So we may have to find a path more to our liking. I'd love to produce a 4-disk boxed set but the cost of starting the operation would be quite high.

More as it develops, gang. Thanks so much for all that great support and those wonderful songs. Ya gotta love this communitym don't ya just??

LEJ did I tell you your Wyo tape (Dee Hoal Gangsang and the Play Sex Ploadeds) arrived?? I'm listening to it tonight!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: GUEST,Wes
Date: 21 May 02 - 04:04 PM


Could you not go halfway: have tracks from everyone on (or something similar) and a 'Best Of' on CD?

Sure, you might upset the people who didn't make the 'Best Of' but that's life.

Just a thought


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: greg stephens
Date: 21 May 02 - 04:31 PM

Well, Amos, from your information you and the selectors are going to have to make some difficult decisions that won't give you any pleasure. But do remember that every one of us who shove our music in front of the public will hae received both acceptance and rejection before, and will hopefully have figured out some mechanisms to cope with both. So don't get in a state about it! My Consideration Facilitation Contribution will arrive shortly in used fivers in a brown envelope.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Lonesome EJ
Date: 21 May 02 - 04:32 PM

Amos said "If we go with's service we can lower the entry costs dramatically in exchange for reduced margins, disk robustness and revenue stream; but also gaining a simplified logistics model."

I don't have a clue what it means, but man I dig that kinda talk!

Good to go,


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 04:48 PM

Means its easier, man, but it makes less dough!! LOL!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: MMario
Date: 21 May 02 - 04:49 PM


[tech mode off] it will cost less, but yield less profit per CD, the CD's won't be as sturdy; and the overall revenue will be less. but it would make life simpler [tech mode on]

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Áine
Date: 21 May 02 - 05:11 PM


Dear Amos - May I humbly suggest that we go ahead with 'in-hand' CDs; but, spread the wealth, so to speak, with three or four issues (i.e., Vols. 1, 2, etc.). Not only would that method make more money for the Mudcat, it would also spread out the drains on your time, energy, etc.

Just a suggestion from She Who Still Waits For Dear Hubby To Produce . . . ;-)

Luv ya, TGG

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 05:16 PM

Dang, Tex, you're a helluva lot smarter than the average Californian. No wonder Ah loves ya!! :>)) Thanks for the good advice!

MM -- good translation, man!! Dju gedda MBA somewhere?? LOL!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: GUEST,Wes
Date: 21 May 02 - 05:21 PM

Aine, agree with you totally regarding the preferability of an 'in hand' CD.

The only problem with your suggestion is that, say, Amos did Volume 2 in a years time, there would then be many more submissions vying for attention, and Amos would have the same problem, and would get no sleep, and get cranky, and....

I thought my suggestion above was pretty good, but I don't have a cookie, so no-one much listens


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Sorcha
Date: 21 May 02 - 05:30 PM

Yes! Great Idea! (an'btw, ah doan kar a snit ifn' ah doan make the kut)There are a LOT of folks here who are way better than I am............takes quite a lot to get my knickers in a knot anymore.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 05:36 PM


Aww, I'm sorry!! I had just had the same thought a few minutes before I opened up the thread so I thought I was seeing a reflection!! LOL

It's a good idea; we have to see how El Max feels about the MP3 idea. It's his decision because it involves a relationship between his site and a commercial organization, even though soemwhat indirectly. And not everyone loves -- references available on request! :>)

I like you even without a cookie!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 05:53 PM


About the knots in your knickers...I'm not worried about getting them IN! does one get them out (without breaking a finger or something)?

Aw, geeze -- I'm going outside!! LOL!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Sorcha
Date: 21 May 02 - 06:13 PM

Aaaaaammmoooooos----let's not go there, OK?

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 06:16 PM

ROTFLMAO, Sorch; okay, okay, your knots are safe with me!!! LOL!!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Tweed
Date: 21 May 02 - 06:23 PM

How about stopping the incoming cd's at 75 entrys, making a three disc trilogy set and then taking advance orders and payment for them? This could perhaps offset the initial production costs and at least get them made as well as get an idea of how many to make this time out. Just a thought but could work. Max has enormous advertising capabilities on this site and many of us out here have small sites running and the word could be gotten out that way beyond the Cafe.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
Date: 21 May 02 - 06:37 PM

Tweed, So what your suggesting is:

"Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!" "Come and get your Mudcat CD set!" "Unknown amateur musicians!" "Oh Yeah" "Pay now, maybe get it later" "Oh Yeah"

Hardly going to work, is it?

Quite where you get the idea that Max has "enormous advertising capabilities" is beyond me, too.

The market for a Mudcat CD is (at most) the couple of hundred people who regularly come here. That's about it.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Tweed
Date: 21 May 02 - 07:23 PM

I don't think Max or anybody else here is countin' on making a bundle off of this venture, GUEST PESSIMIST. To my own cashew sized brain it seems mainly for the folks who frequent the place and would like to hear what the others are playing. I'm pretty sure that Amos doesn't expect to top the sales of "O Brother Where Art Thou" with this venture. If there's 300 members then make enough cd's to cover 150 the first time around then see what happens. Prepayment would work here as this ain't the real world.

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 08:04 PM

Let me add one thought here, guys. THis project is not about "better" or "slicker" than anyone else. It is about the hundreds of real voices behind the letters on your monitor. It's not about "slick", it is about "real".

So don't lemme hear any self-abnegation coming from anyone, hear me? Anyone on the list qualifies in spades by this criteria.

When we solve the mechanics we'll see what goes where.

Bear in mind as well: ordering from MP3 is kinda like ordering from Amazon -- you place the order, t hey ship a real genuine plastic silvery CD!! :>) It isn't "download your choices" although they also offer that route.

Very best regards,

Amos A

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Midchuck
Date: 21 May 02 - 08:52 PM

On the Flatpick-L list, where I spend my time when I'm not here (Real world? Hasn't it gone away yet?), we've done an annual collection of members' output ("Plectrology") for several years. The first one was two cassettes; the most recent, no. VI, was 6 CDs, in three double jewel cases. AFIK, they've always broken even on production and manufacturing costs, not counting the labor contributed by the members who put them together. Of course, the musical tastes of the membership over there are more uniform, so a large proportion of the members buy at least one set. Some buy more than one, and give them as gifts to friends who really never wanted to hear that much guitar music.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Art Thieme
Date: 21 May 02 - 08:57 PM

The track I'd prefer you use is "Chicagotown Blues" --- one of three songs I've written that I ever bothered to learn. What did I send you--six songs? I don't even remember-------except one was "The Scottish Soldier" with the 5-string. Whatever. I'm anxious to hear what comes o' this.


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 21 May 02 - 09:05 PM


Ya got it!! I'll use that one for sure -- yes, i think there were six on the tape. I might use two!! (I refuse to be constrained by the phsyical universe limts of CDs! :>))

Thanks so much!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: hesperis
Date: 21 May 02 - 11:53 PM

Well, if we have that much material, then going on might be worth it.

Normally I'd advise against because of it's corporate policies, BUT... that much material, and the mudcat CD could get a pro membership, and probably get paid some from listens as well as from people buying the CD. I have a few radio stations (sadly neglected), and so do other catters (not so neglected!).

However, if we put stuff on they will require permission from the artists to use all the tracks, since it's recorded by various people. So we'd need to talk to them about that before uploading anything.

And some people haven't been paid by if they get "too" popular (as defined by Though that's not likely to happen with folk! lol!

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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 22 May 02 - 01:02 AM

Good points, Hesperis!!

The exciting news of the evening is that we are going to have Sandy Paton AND Margaret MacArthur on the CD as well as Rick Fielding and maybe kytrad to boot!! Tell ya what -- this may end up drawing more interest than we reckoned! Ya never knows, Olive -- wouldn't it be a hoot if it ended up making a stir??? LOL! Great oaks from little emails grow, I guess! :>)

Onward, gang!! Gates are still open, and the end of the collection phase is drawing nigh!!

Sing it out, wrap it up, and ship it!!

Thanks again!


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Subject: RE: MUDCAT CD V: Gems in the Hourglass....
From: Amos
Date: 24 May 02 - 05:56 PM

The continuation of this great thread can be found over here. Keep them rolling!


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