Subject: Lyr Req: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: Genie Date: 31 Dec 02 - 12:24 AM This is a PermaThread™, maintained by Genie. Feel free to post to this thread, but be aware that all messages in this thread are subject to deletion and editing. Along with Lin from Kansas, I am working on the liner notes for this CD and will be posting them here in printable form as they are available. HERE ARE THE SMALL PRINT ROSE LINER NOTES TO DATE: CLICK Many contributors have already submitted liner notes, and they are complete for some songs, but there are still lyrics and some credits missing. If each contributor to the Rose CD would submit the following info in this sequence, it would make the editor's job a lot easier:* Song Title Composer(s)' full name and copyright date (use "©" if possible) Artists: (Please do not post these INITIALLY as JUST a link.* That makes an extra step in the editor's job. OK to post it as a link if you ALSO show the HTML address.) in Member Photos and Info. Lyrics (or link to lyrics in DT, forum, or website) Genie |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Printable liner notes From: Genie Date: 31 Dec 02 - 12:37 AM Mudcat CD Rose Index: 1. Nazareth Pilgrim Blues (Kaye) - JustaPicker (Michael Kaye) - 5:39 Down by the salley gardens, my love and I did meet. In a field by the river, my love and I did stand 3. Fill One Room (McCormack) Midchuck, Mrs. Midchuck (Woodchuck's Revenge)
____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The Grey Funnel Line (Cyril Tawney, © Gwyneth Music) Artists:Radiano, with "Out Of The Rain" (Suzanne Friend - lead vocal; Marla Fibish - harmony vocal; The Grey Funnel Line is the last song Cyril Tawney wrote before leaving the Royal Navy in 1959. You can Don't mind the rain or the rolling sea. / The weary night never worries me, The finest ship that sailed the sea / Is still a prison for the likes of me, There was a time my heart was free / Like a floating spar on the open sea, Each time I gaze behind the screws / It makes me long for St. Peter's shoons. Oh, Lord, if dreams were only real, / I'd have my hands on that wooden wheel, I'll pass the time like some machine / Until blue water turns to green, ____________________________________________________________________________________ lyrics: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Chorus:A city so silent and lone, Maggie, / Where the young and the gay and the best, In polished white mansions of stone, Maggie, / Have each found a place of rest, Is built where the birds used to play, Maggie, / And join in the songs that were sung; For we sang as gay as they, Maggie, / When you and I were young. They say I am feeble with age, Maggie, / My steps are less spritely than then. My face is a well written page, Maggie, / But time alone was the pen. They say we are aged and grey, Maggie, / As spray by the white breakers flung, But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie, / When you and I were young. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. It's Been Quite A Ride ("The Spring I was Six" or "The Tornado Song) W & M: Áine (Anne Cooke). McGrath of Harlow (Kevin McGrath) - guitar, vocals This is based on a true story that happened during the tornado that moved through Fort Worth and Arlington, G C D Em
Em Rick's version has some minor differences from the original This one's the dreamer; this one's looking for the heart of the matter; This one's the immigrant drawin' a map from the lines on his face Chorus: This song's a coal dust voice, the lumberjack's laugh that topples the forest, Chorus This one's the Canadian. This one's young & free & raw & reckless, ____________________________________________________________________________________ "I wrote this about a week after Sept. 11. A fiddler (Artie) & I went over to the firehouse to play a few tunes Flashing lights & no sirens, all emergencies over, / The motorcade passes, with the heroes who fell, Who e'er can forget those grey ash-covered engines / Coming back from the alarm like no other before? Chief Downey, Father Mike, First Deputy Feehan, / Peter Ganci & many, too many to tell, Remember Tim Stackpole, how he prayed in the wreckage / In that terrible fire that took two of his friends. So, now to acknowledge just one of the many -- Engine 33, Ladder Company 9. Remember Ken Pfeifer(sp?), Mike Boyle & Keith Maynard, / Jeff Walz, Brian Bilcher, Robert King, Dave Arce, And though we mourn them, they're still on the job now. / Though they have fallen, they're still standing tall. So tell all your children to tell all their children, / "Never pass a firehouse without a brief pause, ____________________________________________________________________________________ [I have] been a busker and entertainer in Europe for over twenty years. I want to sing a love song to cut right through the gloom. I want to sing a love song to tell you why I'm here, I want to sing a love song, but time is slipping fast.
____________________________________________________________________________________ lyrics:
Was Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII of England, a witch & adultress or a victim of court More info on When I was a young girl, I lived overseas, / All by the advice that my father gave me. Then the king of all England paid court in his place / & showered gifts on me of jewels and brocades. He said, 'You've made your bed, and there you must lie, / No matter how many young men catch your eye. A child grew within me; the king he was glad. / A fine son he wanted, more than all that he had, The rumours soon started; they said the young queen / Consorting with gentlemen, she had been seen, But I've made my bed, and there I must lie / While they say there were many more men caught my eye. The five hapless young men, unjustly accused, / Were convicted of treason and sentenced to die. My date of execution is the nineteenth of May. / My friends and my brother have been dead these two days, But I've made my bed, and there I must lie / While they say there were many more men caught my eye. I'll never be old, nor wear widow's gowns. / I will not see my daughter grow to a fine queen. For I've made my bed, and there I will lie, / Remembering the young men who loved me and died. "Rainbow is a sort of lullaby for the Peace and Love Generation. It came to me nearly complete in a dream, ____________________________________________________________________________________
I first heard this traditional song at a Folkworks weekend in Darlington,UK, in 2001. Our tutor, Alyth McCormack, taught it to us. ... Since then, I've found more versions and some fascinating information on Mudcat. When I sing it now I use 'Lang hast thou lane alane' for the second line of the chorus. - Willa Lang hae we parted (perted) been. laddie ma dearie, ____________________________________________________________________________________ A lament of sorts for a best friend gone before his time. At least gone before I was willing to let him go. - Don M. Chorus: We talked of the old ways that soon would be passing He told me the fighting was quite far from Kerry, When he died in the night, he was dreaming of Ireland Chorus twice 0, my luve is like a red, red rose that's newly sprung in June. As fair thou art, my bonnie lass, so deep in luve am I, Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, & the rocks melt wi' the sun! And fare the weel, my only luve! And fare the well awhile! I live near the Mississippi River in Eastern Ontario, a tributary of the Ottawa River. Used to have a My key: D I think I hear that damn dog barking. / Sounds so near to be out of sight. I used to live in a big old city. / It had its charms, but the times got tight. 'Cause spring on the Mississippi seems to come a little bit sooner here. Now I've heard there's another Mississippi / Flows to a town called New Orleans. One of these days I'm gonna see that city, / Learn a Cajun waltz called the "Jolie Blon'," 'Cause spring on the Mississippi... .
____________________________________________________________________________________ |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: The Grey Funnel Line From: radriano Date: 31 Dec 02 - 12:18 PM 4. THE GREY FUNNEL LINE (Cyril Tawney, © Gwyneth Music) Artists:Radiano, with "Out Of The Rain" (Suzanne Friend - lead vocal; Marla Fibish - harmony vocal; Radiano (Richard Adrianowicz) - harmony vocal) The Grey Funnel Line is the last song Cyril Tawney wrote before leaving the Royal Navy in 1959. You can feel that suspended feeling of waves and Lyrics: Don't mind the rain or the rolling sea. The finest ship that sailed the sea There was a time my heart was free Each time I gaze behind the screws Oh, Lord, if dreams were only real, I'll pass the time like some machine |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Laddie, Lie Near Me From: Willa Date: 31 Dec 02 - 04:09 PM 15. Laddie, Lie Near Me (Robert Burns ?*) Sung by Willa I first heard this traditional song at a Folkworks weekend in Darlington,UK, in 2001. Our tutor, Alyth McCormack, taught it to us. - Willa Lyrics: Lang hae we parted (perted) been, laddie ma dearie, All that I hae endured, laddie ma dearie, Say that you'll aye be true, laddie ma dearie, If in love's bower we meet, laddie ma dearie, ------------------------------------------------- The Official Burns website gives this: Song: "Twas na her bonie blue e'e" *Tune: "Laddie, lie near me." * and the words ae completely different. 'TWAS na her bonie blue e'e was my ruin, Sair do I fear that to hope is denied me, Chloris, I'm thine wi' a passion sincerest, |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Firelight - Alanabit From: alanabit Date: 03 Jan 03 - 05:13 AM 10. Firelight (words & music by Alan Moorhouse © 2000) Alanabit (Alan Moorhouse) - vocals, guitar; Markus Apitius (producer) - other instrumentals (From the CD "Small Voice Crying" - Schubert Records) [I have] been a busker and entertainer in Europe for over twenty years. I want to sing a love song to cut right through the gloom. I want to sing a love song to tell you why I'm here, I want to sing a love song, but time is slipping fast. ------------------------------------------------------- |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: alanabit Date: 03 Jan 03 - 05:30 AM I should have added to the above that acoustic guitar and vocals are by Alan Moorhouse and that all other instruments are played by the producer, Markus Apitius. Alan Moorhouse has been a busker and entertainer in Europe for over twenty years. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: GUEST,singout.Penny Date: 03 Jan 03 - 08:24 PM Could we put the chords in with the lyrics? If folks will include them (e.g., in embedded form), I'll include them in the final formatted version of the liner notes.<br> |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: It's Been Quite A Ride From: Genie Date: 03 Jan 03 - 09:09 PM 7. It's Been Quite A Ride (The Spring I was Six or The Tornado Song) words & music by Áine (Anne Cooke). McGrath of Harlow (Kevin McGrath) - guitar and vocals This is based on a true story that happened during the tornado that moved through Fort Worth and Arlington, Texas in March 2000. Áine sent me a copy when she was working on it, and I made a couple of suggestions; and then when she sent me a sound file of it I made a couple more minor changes - she thought it was a bit long and cut some verses and I put them back in because I liked them, and that kind of thing. And I made it the Daddy back from the Great War in verse one, instead of an Uncle, because I thought that balanced the story better, even if it might not have been the way it happened exactly. The spring I was Six, my Mamma took a picture D C e D Of me and my Daddy, just home from the war. G D a e I took all my pennies, and I bought a Red Scrapbook. a C D G I stuck in that picture, and I left room for more. C D e And the spring I was Eight, my Daddy took a picture D C e D Of me on my pony, my birthday surprise. G D a e I sat up there a-grinning, a real cowboy at last. a C D G And you could just see the joy in my eyes. C e F C I'd sit and I'd look through my pretty Red Scrapbook, a e F D With all of those sweet precious mem'ries inside. G D a e But Time has its way of carrying you onward, C a D G And I have to say, it's been quite a ride. And the spring I was Sixteen, my Mamma took the picture Of me and my Kathy, at the graduation dance. My hair was all slicked back, her dress was blue chiffon. And I knew we'd get married, if she gave me the chance. And the spring I was Twenty, a man took that picture Of me and my Kathy, my sweet brand-new bride. Sure we had no money, and the times they were hard then - But we had each other, our love and our pride. And the year I turned Thirty my wife she took a picture Of me in a uniform - to the war I was bound. But safe in my pocket was a picture of my Kathy, And the two boys she'd be raising, with me not around. (I knew) she'd sit and she'd look through that pretty Red Scrapbook, With all of those sweet precious memories inside. But Time has its way of carrying you onward. And I have to say, it's been quite a ride. And the year I turned Sixty my son took a picture As I laid yellow roses on the grave of my wife. We'd shared all the joys that this old world can give us, And now she was gone - and so was part of my life. And the year I turned Eighty, a friend took a picture Of me and my sons, and their children and wives. And they threw a big party, with a cake with eighty candles, And I thanked them for being a part of my life. And this spring I was nearing my Ninetieth birthday, And I looked out a window, there's one more surprise. The sky had turned green, there was a big wind a-blowing, And it carried my house off, in front of my eyes. Well, I sat in the hospital, counting my stitches, And thanking the Lord that I still was alive. But along with my old house went mt pretty Red Scrapbook, With all of those sweet precious mem'ries inside. Well, there's sorrows and there's joys in this life we are given. But just now and then, you know, things turn out right. When a lady from TV said she wanted to see me, I thanked here and said "I don't feel like dancing tonight" - but then the door opened, and in come the cameras, taking my picture for the whole world to see. And there were two shy young fellas, a-grinning and a-laughing - And they handed my scrapbook of pictures to me. And I sat and I looked through that pretty Red Scrapbook, With all of those sweet precious memories inside. Don't Time has its way of carrying you onward - Well, I have to say, it's been quite a ride. ------------------------------------------------- And here's what I wrote about it on my website: This is a song by Aine Cooke who lives in Texas, and I know her though the Mudcat. She sent me the sound file of her singing it that included here, along with my version. I changed a few lines, but she said that was all right. The words here are more or less the way I sing it. It's based on something that really happened out in Texas. But when I sang it the first time in the Half Moon in Bishops Stortford someone said "Is that about that old boy in Sawbridgeworth?" So maybe something like this happened near here too. One thing I really like about ths one is the way the history of the Twentieth Century is dorpped neatly into the background, just references - First World War, Depression, Second World War. A sense of time passing. It's a bit like a Frank Capra movie. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: Genie Date: 15 Jan 03 - 02:44 PM alanabit, you don't HAVE to have your lyrics included in the liner notes,of course, if you don't want to. Just say so, and we'll un-include them in the liner notes. Genie PS, If you choose to omit them, though, you run greater risk of being "mondegreened." (You don't want folks singing, "I seem to pet the birds wrong, in my bed's a soggy deer," do you?) ;-D |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: alanabit Date: 15 Jan 03 - 02:56 PM You are quite right of course Genie. Include them by all means. (Mind you - I think your parody is coming along nicely!) |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: Genie Date: 15 Jan 03 - 05:04 PM Best examples of desired formatting: ¥ "It's Been Quite A Ride" - (above) If you don't know how to make the chords come out above the right words and you want to include chords, please embed the chords -- (C), (D) -- within the words ¥ "Letter From Lilac Acres" (Orchid CD) - Excellent example, because it includes links to photos and profile - is here: |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: radriano Date: 15 Jan 03 - 05:35 PM Calling Joe Clone, calling Joe Clone! I need an edit in my post on this thread for the song "Grey Funnel Line." The second to last line in the third verse should read: It comes to rest at my real love's door Thanks! Radriano |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: Genie Date: 19 Jan 03 - 06:24 AM 5. Searching for Lambs (trad.; from the singing of Maddy Prior) Peg (Peg Aloi) - vocals; Gregor Harvey - guitar lyrics:
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Down By The Sally Gardens From: Genie Date: 20 Jan 03 - 03:35 PM 2. DOWN BY THE SALLEY GARDENS (Words: William Butler Yeats; tune: The Maids of Mourneshore (Herbert Hughes?) Margaret Vetare - guitar and vocal (Recorded by Bill Ochs in my living room in September, 2002. Thanks to Jim Keyes for the loan of his guitar. Listen closely and you will be rewarded by September crickets.) Lots of people find this song corny or too much in the "parlor song" idiom for their liking. For me it communicates a deep sense of loss and regret, and conjures up clear visual images. I don't know how I learned it, which adds a bit of mystery. - Margaret Down by the salley gardens, my love and I did meet; In a field by the river, my love and I did stand; |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Fill One Room - Midchuck From: Genie Date: 21 Jan 03 - 04:23 PM 3. Fill One Room (McCormack) Midchuck, Mrs. Midchuck (Woodchuck's Revenge)
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: GUEST,Margaret V at work Date: 21 Jan 03 - 04:31 PM Genie, please feel free to copy my notes from the original "Rose" thread into this thread in whatever format you think best. Thanks.Margaret Margaret, please take a look at the notes for your song in this thread and let me know if there are additions or corrections. Thanks, Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Deni-C Date: 22 Jan 03 - 05:44 AM 13. There I Must Lie (Deni Couch ©2000) Deni Couch - vocal & treble recorder; Ned Couch - National Steel resonator guitar Was Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII of England, a witch and adultress or a victim of court intrigue? After just three years of marriage, during which time she gave birth to the future Queen Elizabeth I, she was convicted of high treason and beheaded in May 1536. King Henry was betrothed to Jane Seymour the day after his wife's execution. More info on When I was a young girl, I lived overseas, Then the king of all England paid court in his place He said, 'You've made your bed, and there you must lie, A child grew within me; the king he was glad. The rumours soon started; they said, the young queen But I've made my bed, and there I must lie The five hapless young men, unjustly accused, My date of execution is the nineteenth of May. But I've made my bed, and there I must lie I'll never be old, nor wear widow's gowns. For I've made my bed, and there I will lie, |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: Genie Date: 23 Jan 03 - 03:56 AM |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Rainbow (Lonesome EJ) From: Genie Date: 23 Jan 03 - 03:36 PM 14. Rainbow (Johnson © ??) Lonesome EJ - vocals, instruments? "Rainbow is a sort of lullaby for the Peace and Love Generation. It came to me nearly complete in a dream, and I woke up at 4 AM to scribble the jist of it in the dark." - LEJ lyrics: |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Spring On The Mississippi -Bill C. From: Willie-O Date: 23 Jan 03 - 04:14 PM 18. Spring On The Mississippi - Lyrics & music by Bill Cameron ©1994 Bill Cameron ( - vocal, guitar; Richard Bova - Dobro: MP3 or CD ("Always Time For Anachronism") available from: I live near the Mississippi River in Eastern Ontario, a tributary of the Ottawa River. Used to have a barky dog. Now I have another even more barky dog. In the cold depths of winter you wonder why the hell you're here, but in mid-March the sap runs and everyone wakes up and gets busy making maple syrup and generally things get happy. I start looking for a chance to put a canoe or kayak in the water, and long ago discovered that you can go paddling in the Mississippi River directly downstream from where the brave and foolhardy are still ice-fishing on Dalhousie Lake. But you want to pull out well above Sheridan's Rapids. - Bill C. My key: D I think I hear that damn dog barking. I used to live in a big old city. Cause spring on the Mississippi seems to come a little bit sooner here Now I've heard there's another Mississippi One of these days I'm gonna see that city, Cause spring on the Mississippi... . |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Photographs - Don Meixner From: DonMeixner Date: 23 Jan 03 - 05:08 PM 16. Photographs words & music: Donald R. Meixner © 2001 ( From The Flyin' Column CD "Finally" Recorded and mixed at SubCat Studio in Skaneateles, NY. Winter 2001 Don Meixner - Guitar (Guild F-30), lead vocal; James Flynn - Ovation Accoustic Bass, harmony vocal; William Delaney - Guitar (Ovation Accoustic), harmony vocals; Mike White - Mapex drum kit; Joseph Davoli Jr. - Violins; Ron Keck - Producer, Director, and Studio Ace. A lament of sorts for a best friend gone before his time. At least gone before I was willing to let him go. - Don M. Chorus: We talked of the old ways that soon would be passing, He told me the fighting was quite far from Kerry, When he died in the night he was dreaming of Ireland Chorus twice |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: DonMeixner Date: 23 Jan 03 - 05:09 PM Ofcourse the chords are in the wrong places on Photographs. Can someone direct me to the right way of marking chords so they stay put? Don |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 23 Jan 03 - 07:58 PM Folks, if you just embed the chords within the words, I can post them above the words without them migrating.
Or post (or send me) a HTML address for the website (or thread) where they are posted properly, and I can transfer them here. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: DonMeixner Date: 24 Jan 03 - 11:32 AM Here you go Genie, Normally I send chords and lyrics this way. Can't tell you why I didn't this time. Thanks for the help. Don Photographs He was ho(G)me to Ne(D)w York from the we(G)st coast of Ir(C)eland Chorus Wa(C)lk with me no(D)w round the bri(G)ght ring of Ker(Em)ry, |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 24 Jan 03 - 02:10 PM No problem, Don. Your embedded chord post is a good illustration of the safest way to communicate your chord positions. If you post them the other way, folks, please check them after posting to make sure your chords haven't 'played musical chairs' among your lyrics. Genie |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Nazareth Pilgrim Blues-JustaPicker From: Genie Date: 26 Jan 03 - 02:33 PM 1. Nazareth Pilgrim Blues: Originalcomposition, played [guitar], produced & arranged by moi. (Inspired by a gathering I was to attend this past summer in Nazareth, PA, to visit the Martin Guitar factory and meet up with other Martin affectionados [sic]. At the last minute, my trip had to be cancelled for business I wrote the tune to console myself.) Includes some very tasty mandolin and dobro courtesy of Brother [Rick] Fielding. - JustaPicker Editor's Q: JP, do you want your real name and/or email address, website address, etc., included? |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 27 Jan 03 - 12:25 AM |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: liner notes From: Genie Date: 28 Jan 03 - 01:30 AM |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: St. Somebody's Song From: Genie Date: 28 Jan 03 - 01:33 AM 11. Saint Somebody's Song (Jorday/Johnson) - 2:45 Susan from California & Keith
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Palace Grand - Kendall From: Genie Date: 28 Jan 03 - 01:36 AM 12. Palace Grand (trad.) - 2:37 Kendall Morse lyrics:
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 28 Jan 03 - 01:38 AM I copied these lyrics from the DT. Are they the same as on the Rose CD? Genie 17. My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose (Robert Burns) - 3:05 0, my luve is like a red, red rose that's newly sprung in June. As fair thou art, my bonnie lass, so deep in luve am I, Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, & the rocks melt wi' the sun! And fare the weel, my only luve! And fare the well awhile! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 29 Jan 03 - 01:05 AM PRINTABLE LINER NOTES FOR VIOLET CD DONE!! This is what the printable liner notes will look like: Those notes are formatted to be printable as they are. When cut, they should fit into a CD case. The notes for the Violet CD are almost done, and Strawberry is close. I won't do any more formatting like that for any of the other CDs until we get all the notes collected. (Too tedious to edit and re-edit.) Let's see how quickly we can garner the missing pieces for all the CD liner notes, so folks who buy (or show) the CDs can have a lovely insert addition for the CD case. If your liner note comments are extensive, you may want to condense them for the compact liner notes. (There's no reason to do that for the larger version, as in the other posts in this thread.) If your comments can be condensed or cut (for stuffing inside the CD case), please PM me the edited version. Thanks, Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 29 Jan 03 - 11:28 PM |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: This One's The Dreamer - Rick F. From: bradfordian Date: 30 Jan 03 - 04:30 PM This One's the Dreamer - © Norm Hacking, words & music (SOCAN) Rick Fielding - vocals, guitar Rick's version has some minor differences from the original This one's the dreamer; this one's looking for the heart of the matter; This one's the immigrant drawin' a map from the lines on his face Chorus: This song's a coal dust voice, the lumberjack's laugh that topples the forest, Chorus This one's the Canadian. This one's young & free & raw & reckless, Chorus then repeat last 2 lines |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Engine 33 - InObu (Sorcha Dorcha) From: bradfordian Date: 30 Jan 03 - 06:32 PM Awe, go on then, just one more. :o) 9. Engine 33 (The Firefighters of September 11th, 2001) (Words: Lorcay Otway © 2001; Tune: "Bold Robert Emmett" - trad.?) - -5:16 InObu (Lorcan Otway), with "Sorcha Dorcha" "I wrote this about a week after Sept. 11. A fiddler (Artie) & I went over to the firehouse to play a few tunes to lighten up the evening, as the fellows were sitting in an empty firehouse, both trucks being damaged when the towers fell, killing a quarter of their comrades. In the time since then, I have kept up with the men and women of this company, & watched how they continue to serve in spite of the pain, in a way that is epic & heroic. So, this song is about this company, Engine 33, Ladder 9, but also about fire fighters every where who are a special kind of people. I hope no one on this planet ever takes them for granted." - Larry (InObu) Flashing lights & no sirens, all emergencies over, / The motorcade passes, with the heroes who fell, Who e'er can forget those grey ash-covered engines / Coming back from the alarm like no other before? Chief Downey, Father Mike, First Deputy Feehan, / Peter Ganci & many, too many to tell, Remember Tim Stackpole, how he prayed in the wreckage / In that terrible fire that took two of his friends. So, now to acknowledge just one of the many -- Engine 33, Ladder Company 9. Remember Ken Pfeifer(sp?), Mike Boyle & Keith Maynard, / Jeff Walz, Brian Bilcher, Robert King, Dave Arce, And though we mourn them, they're still on the job now. / Though they have fallen, they're still standing tall. So tell all your children to tell all their children, / "Never pass a firehouse without a brief pause, (Repeat first verse.) |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 01 Feb 03 - 12:13 AM NOTE: The lyrics for "Engine 33" above were first transcribed and posted by Bardfordian. Then InObu (Larry Otway) PM'd me the lyrics. There were a few discrepancies between the two, and for the most part I went with Larry's post. It would be nice to have the lyrics verified as being the ones sung on the CD though. So I'll await Larry's confirmation of that. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 01 Feb 03 - 05:51 AM Brad, you're an angel! Thanks so much. Genie |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: bradfordian Date: 07 Feb 03 - 04:51 PM Rose CD lyrics wanted :- Fill One Room Saint Somebody's Song Rainbow |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Margaret V Date: 07 Feb 03 - 07:24 PM Hi, Genie. I believe the best way to attribute "Down by the Salley Gardens" is as follows. "Words: William Butler Yeats; Tune: Traditional. Yeats' poem, published in the collection "Crossways" in 1889, appears as a song set to the air "The Maids of Mourne Shore" in "Irish Country Songs Collected and Arranged by Herbert Hughes," Vol. I (London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1909)." This is embarrassing to admit, but I don't know how to make italics in these postings. Book titles should of course be italicized and not in quotation marks, so if you are able to put "Crossways" and "Irish Country Songs..." in italics and remove the quotes I'd be grateful. Quotes around "The Maids of Mourne Shore" are fine. The rest of my credits etc. are fine as is, though perhaps you could take out the parentheses around "Recorded by Bill...crickets" since parentheses always seem to imply that whatever's in them is somehow dispensible. Picky, picky, I know! Thanks. Margaret |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 07 Feb 03 - 11:00 PM Thanks, Margaret. For the liner notes, I've been using italics for the credits and contributor comments, to set them apart from the song title (underscored) and lyrics. So in this context, quotation marks (or underscoring) seem best for book or song titles referenced within the italicized section. BTW if you want to italicize something for posting just put an "i" in the pointy brackets ("<>") at the beginning and "/i" within the brackets at the end of whatever you want italicized. Since these liner notes will be printed out by you folks for yourselves, you can, of course, change the formatting any way you like. Genie PS CHECK OUT the "VIOLET" thread to see what the compact, insertable liner notes will look like, |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 21 Feb 03 - 12:38 AM refresh |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: Small Print Liner Notes From: Genie Date: 01 Mar 03 - 06:04 AM Mudcat CD Rose Index: 1. Nazareth Pilgrim Blues (Kaye) - JustaPicker (Michael Kaye) - 5:39 2. Down By The Salley Gardens (Yeats) - Margaret V (Margaret Vetare) - 2:40 3. Fill One Room (McCormack) - Midchuck, Mrs. Midchuck (Woodchuck's Revenge) - 3:25 4. Gray Funnel Line (Tawney) - Radriano (Richard Adrianowicz) & Friends - 4:52 5. Searching For Lambs (trad.) - Peg - 3:35 6. When You And I Were Young (Johnson/Butterfield) - Sandy Paton & Friends - 5:18 7. It's Been Quite A Ride (Cooke) - McGrath Of Harlow (Kevin McGrath) - 6:18 8. This One's The Dreamer (Hacking) - Rick Fielding - 3:10 9. Engine 33 (Otway) - InOBU (Sorcha Dorcha) - 5:16 10. Firelight (Moorhouse) - alanabit - 4:07 11. Saint Somebody's Song (Jorday/Johnson) - Susan from California & Keith - 2:45 12. Palace Grand (trad.) - Kendall Morse - 2:37 13. There I Must Lie (Couch) - Deni - 5:17 14. Rainbow (Johnson) - Lonesome EJ - 4:07 15. Laddie Lie Near Me (trad.) - Willa - 4:02 16. Photographs (Meixner) - Don Meixner (The Flying Column) - 5:47 17. My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose (Burns) - Seamus Kennedy - 3:05 18. Spring On The Mississippi (Cameron) - Willie-O (Bill Cameron) - 3:40 19. The Song (Reprise) (Andrews) - Harvey Andrews _____________________________________________________________ 1. Nazareth Pilgrim Blues Original composition, played [guitar], produced & arranged by moi [Michael Kaye]. (Inspired by a gathering I was to attend this past summer in Nazareth, PA, to visit the Martin Guitar factory & meet up with other Martin affectionados [sic]. At the last minute, my trip had to be cancelled for business I wrote the tune to console myself.) Includes some very tasty mandolin and dobro courtesy of Brother [Rick] Fielding.--JustaPicker _____________________________________________________________ 2. Down By The Salley Gardens (W: William Butler Yeats; M: The Maids of Mourneshore Margaret Vetare - guitar, vocal; recorded by Bill Ochs in my living room in Sept., 2002. Thanks to Jim Keyes for the loan of his guitar. Listen closely & you will be rewarded by September crickets.) Lots of people find this song corny or too much in the "parlor song" idiom for their liking. For Down by the salley gardens, my love and I did meet. In a field by the river, my love and I did stand 3. Fill One Room (McCormack) Midchuck, Mrs. Midchuck (Woodchuck's Revenge)
_____________________________________________________________ 4. The Grey Funnel Line (Cyril Tawney, © Gwyneth Music) Radiano, with "Out Of The Rain" (Suzanne Friend - lead vocal; Marla Fibish - harmony vocal; Radiano (Richard Adrianowicz) - harmony vocal) Recorded live in concert at the Musician's Coffeehouse, Walnut Creek, CA, 9/86. The Grey Funnel Line is the last song ... Tawney wrote before leaving the Royal Navy in 1959. You Don't mind the rain or the rolling sea. / The weary night never worries me, The finest ship that sailed the sea / Is still a prison for the likes of me, There was a time my heart was free / Like a floating spar on the open sea, Each time I gaze behind the screws / It makes me long for St. Peter's shoons. Oh, Lord, if dreams were only real, / I'd have my hands on that wooden wheel, I'll pass the time like some machine / Until blue water turns to green, lyrics: _____________________________________________________________ Chorus: And now we are aged and grey, Maggie, / And the trials of life nearly done; In polished white mansions of stone, Maggie, / Have each found a place of rest, Is built where the birds used to play, Maggie, / And join in the songs that were sung; For we sang as gay as they, Maggie, / When you and I were young. They say I am feeble with age, Maggie, / My steps are less spritely than then. My face is a well written page, Maggie, / But time alone was the pen. They say we are aged and grey, Maggie, / As spray by the white breakers flung, But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie, / When you and I were young. _____________________________________________________________ 7. It's Been Quite A Ride ("The Spring I was Six" or "The Tornado Song) (W & M: Áine (Anne Cooke). McGrath of Harlow (Kevin McGrath) - guitar, vocals This is based on a true story that happened during the tornado that moved through Fort Worth & When I sang it the first time in the Half Moon in Bishops Stortford someone said "Is that about G C D Em D C Em D C D Em D C Em D Rick's version has some minor differences from the original This one's the dreamer; this one's looking for the heart of the matter; This one's the immigrant drawin' a map from the lines on his face Chorus: The wider your rivers, I will cross them. / The longer your highways, I will ride. This song's a coal dust voice, the lumberjack's laugh that topples the forest, This one's the Canadian. This one's young & free & raw & reckless, "I wrote this about a week after Sept. 11. A fiddler (Artie) & I went over to the firehouse to play a Flashing lights & no sirens, all emergencies over, Who e'er can forget those grey ash-covered engines Chief Downey, Father Mike, First Deputy Feehan, / Peter Ganci & many, too many to tell, Remember Tim Stackpole, how he prayed in the wreckage So, now to acknowledge just one of the many -- Engine 33, Ladder Company 9. Remember Ken Pfeifer(sp?), Mike Boyle & Keith Maynard, And though we mourn them, they're still on the job now. So tell all your children to tell all their children, _____________________________________________________________ 10. Firelight (W & M: Alan Moorhouse © 2000) Alanabit (Alan Moorhouse) - vocals, guitar; Markus Apitius (producer) - other instrumentals (From the CD Small Voice Crying - Schubert Records) [I have] been a busker and entertainer in Europe for over twenty years. "Firelight" ... is a I want to sing a love song to cut right through the gloom. I want to sing a love song to tell you why I'm here, I want to sing a love song, but time is slipping fast. lyrics:
Was Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII of England, a witch & adultress or a victim of court More info on When I was a young girl, I lived overseas, / All by the advice that my father gave me. Then the king of all England paid court in his place He said, 'You've made your bed, and there you must lie, A child grew within me; the king, he was glad. / A fine son he wanted, more than all that he had, The rumours soon started; they said the young queen But I've made my bed, and there I must lie The 5 hapless young men, unjustly accused, Were convicted of treason & sentenced to die. My date of execution is the19th of May. / My friends & my brother have been dead these 2 days, But I've made my bed, and there I must lie I'll never be old, nor wear widows'gowns. / I will not see my daughter grow to a fine queen. For I've made my bed, & there I will lie, Remembering the young men who loved me & died. "Rainbow is a sort of lullaby for the Peace and Love Generation. It came to me nearly _____________________________________________________________ 15. Laddie, Lie Near Me (trad.) - 4:02 Willa - vocal I first heard this trad. song at a Folkworks weekend in Darlington UK in 2001. Our tutor, Alyth Lang hae we perted been, laddie, ma dearie. Noo we are met again. Laddie Lie Near Me. If in love's bower we meet, laddie, ma dearie, My joy will be complete. Laddie Lie Near Me. A lament of sorts for a best friend gone before his time--At least before I was willing to let him go.-Don M. Chorus: We talked of the old ways that soon would be passing / & the small boats that fished the cold western seas He told me the fighting was quite far from Kerry, / But it shown in the faces of the people you'd see, When he died in the night, he was dreaming of Ireland / & the beauty in the places & the people he'd see. Chorus twice 0, my luve is like a red, red rose that's newly sprung in June. As fair thou art, my bonnie lass, so deep in luve am I, Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, & the rocks melt wi' the sun! & fare the weel, my only luve! & fare the well awhile! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 19 Mar 03 - 03:12 AM Rose is bringing up the rear, as it were. *G* Still need lyrics and/or other liner notes for: Fill One Room (McCormack) - Midchuck, Mrs. Midchuck (Woodchuck's Revenge) - 3:25 Searching for Lambs (trad.) - Peg - 3:35 Saint Somebody's Song (Jorday/Johnson) - Susan from California and Keith - 2:45 Palace Grand (trad.) - Kendall Morse - 2:37 Rainbow (Johnson) - Lonesome EJ - 4:07 Laddie Lie Near Me (trad.) - Willa - 4:02 |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Willa Date: 19 Mar 03 - 12:43 PM Genie Laddie Lie near me I posted my notes on 5th Nov 02. Please PM me and let me know what else you need. Thanks for all your work! |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 20 Mar 03 - 12:22 AM Got it, Willa. It was in the earlier thread ("Mudcat CD Series: Rose"). Thanks. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Margaret V Date: 20 Mar 03 - 08:20 AM Hi, Genie, it's looking good. Thanks for doing this job! Would you be able to change the spelling of "Salley" in the index and individual track title so that it has the "e" in it? I'm sure it could be either way but that's how Yeats spelled it. Also, I think you may as well delete the red "Herbert Hughes." Again, thanks. Margaret |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 27 Mar 03 - 09:58 PM Will do, Margaret. I just reformatted the small print liner notes. I hope they'll fit into the CD case better, and I've reserved the italics for book titles, CD titles, etc. Still need lyrics and/or other liner notes for: |
Subject: Mudcat CD Rose: St. Somebody's Song - Susan of CA From: Susan from California Date: 09 Apr 03 - 01:22 AM St. Somebody's Song ( lyrics:Sue Jordan; music: Sue Jordan & Keith Johnson ©2000) Susan of California (Sue Jordan) - vocals; Keith Johnson - guitar; Dan Riddle - harmonica This song is based on an old prayer, "The Breastplate of St. Patrick." We heard it on a short lived TV show called Nothing Sacred. I messed around with the main lyrics, Keith messed around with the echo, & we both came up with the music. I very much like the son/ sun part. I also like the weaving of the two parts, & how we switch back and forth. I hope people like the song! - Susan (Jordan) from California ( I bind myself today to the virtue of love, in obedience of angels, (God's power to guide me) I bind myself today to the prediction of prophets, the faith of confessors, (God's might to uphold me ) I bind myself today to the power of heaven, (God's wisdom to teach me) The light of the sun. (God's eye to watch over me) I bind myself today, to the bright moon, the splendor of fire, (God's eye to watch over me) I bind myself today, to the flash of lightning, the swift wind, (God's ear to hear me) I bind myself today, to the stable earth, (God's words to give me speach) The depth of the sea. Christ with me and before me. Christ behind me and within me. Christ to the right of me, Christ to the left of me. Christ above me, Christ beneath me. Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me. Christ in the eyes of everyone who sees me. Christ in the ears of everyone who hears me. I bind myself today to the virtue of love, (God's power to lead me) The light of the son. (God's wisdom to teach me) |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Susan from California Date: 09 Apr 03 - 01:30 AM Oh--Guitar is Keith Johnson, harmonica is Dan Riddle. |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 10 Apr 03 - 08:58 PM Mudcat CD Rose Index: 1. Nazareth Pilgrim Blues (Kaye) - JustaPicker (Michael Kaye) - 5:39 2. Down By The Salley Gardens (Yeats) - Margaret V (Margaret Vetare) - 2:40 3. Fill One Room (McCormack) - Midchuck, Mrs. Midchuck (Woodchuck's Revenge) - 3:25 4. Gray Funnel Line (Tawney) - Radriano (Richard Adrianowicz) & Friends - 4:52 5. Searching For Lambs (trad.) - Peg - 3:35 6. When You And I Were Young (Johnson/Butterfield) - Sandy Paton & Friends - 5:18 7. It's Been Quite A Ride (Cooke) - McGrath Of Harlow (Kevin McGrath) - 6:18 8. This One's The Dreamer (Hacking) - Rick Fielding - 3:10 9. Engine 33 (Otway) - InOBU (Sorcha Dorcha) - 5:16 10. Firelight (Moorhouse) - alanabit - 4:07 11. Saint Somebody's Song (Jorday/Johnson) - Susan from California & Keith - 2:45 12. Palace Grand (trad.) - Kendall Morse - 2:37 13. There I Must Lie (Couch) - Deni - 5:17 14. Rainbow (Johnson) - Lonesome EJ - 4:07 15. Laddie Lie Near Me (trad.) - Willa - 4:02 16. Photographs (Meixner) - Don Meixner (The Flying Column) - 5:47 17. My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose (Burns) - Seamus Kennedy - 3:05 18. Spring On The Mississippi (Cameron) - Willie-O (Bill Cameron) - 3:40 19. The Song (Reprise) (Andrews) - Harvey Andrews _____________________________________________________________ 1. Nazareth Pilgrim Blues Original composition, played [guitar], produced & arranged by moi [Michael Kaye]. (Inspired by a gathering I was to attend this past summer in Nazareth, PA, to visit the Martin Guitar factory & meet up with other Martin affectionados [sic]. At the last minute, my trip had to be cancelled for business I wrote the tune to console myself.) Includes some very tasty mandolin and dobro courtesy of Brother [Rick] Fielding.--JustaPicker _____________________________________________________________ 2. Down By The Salley Gardens (W: William Butler Yeats; M: The Maids of Mourneshore Margaret Vetare - guitar, vocal; recorded by Bill Ochs in my living room in Sept., 2002. Thanks to Jim Keyes for the loan of his guitar. Listen closely & you will be rewarded by September crickets.) Lots of people find this song corny or too much in the "parlor song" idiom for their liking. For Down by the salley gardens, my love and I did meet. In a field by the river, my love and I did stand 3. Fill One Room (McCormack) Midchuck, Mrs. Midchuck (Woodchuck's Revenge)
_____________________________________________________________ 4. The Grey Funnel Line (Cyril Tawney, © Gwyneth Music) Radiano, with "Out Of The Rain" (Suzanne Friend - lead vocal; Marla Fibish - harmony vocal; Radiano (Richard Adrianowicz) - harmony vocal) Recorded live in concert at the Musician's Coffeehouse, Walnut Creek, CA, 9/86. The Grey Funnel Line is the last song ... Tawney wrote before leaving the Royal Navy in 1959. You Don't mind the rain or the rolling sea. / The weary night never worries me, The finest ship that sailed the sea / Is still a prison for the likes of me, There was a time my heart was free / Like a floating spar on the open sea, Each time I gaze behind the screws / It makes me long for St. Peter's shoons. Oh, Lord, if dreams were only real, / I'd have my hands on that wooden wheel, I'll pass the time like some machine / Until blue water turns to green, lyrics: _____________________________________________________________ Chorus: And now we are aged and grey, Maggie, / And the trials of life nearly done; In polished white mansions of stone, Maggie, / Have each found a place of rest, Is built where the birds used to play, Maggie, / And join in the songs that were sung; For we sang as gay as they, Maggie, / When you and I were young. They say I am feeble with age, Maggie, / My steps are less spritely than then. My face is a well written page, Maggie, / But time alone was the pen. They say we are aged and grey, Maggie, / As spray by the white breakers flung, But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie, / When you and I were young. _____________________________________________________________ 7. It's Been Quite A Ride ("The Spring I was Six" or "The Tornado Song) (W & M: Áine (Anne Cooke). McGrath of Harlow (Kevin McGrath) - guitar, vocals This is based on a true story that happened during the tornado that moved through Fort Worth & When I sang it the first time in the Half Moon in Bishops Stortford someone said "Is that about G C D Em D C Em D C D Em D C Em D Rick's version has some minor differences from the original This one's the dreamer; this one's looking for the heart of the matter; This one's the immigrant drawin' a map from the lines on his face Chorus: The wider your rivers, I will cross them. / The longer your highways, I will ride. This song's a coal dust voice, the lumberjack's laugh that topples the forest, This one's the Canadian. This one's young & free & raw & reckless, "I wrote this about a week after Sept. 11. A fiddler (Artie) & I went over to the firehouse to play a Flashing lights & no sirens, all emergencies over, Who e'er can forget those grey ash-covered engines Chief Downey, Father Mike, First Deputy Feehan, / Peter Ganci & many, too many to tell, Remember Tim Stackpole, how he prayed in the wreckage So, now to acknowledge just one of the many -- Engine 33, Ladder Company 9. Remember Ken Pfeifer(sp?), Mike Boyle & Keith Maynard, And though we mourn them, they're still on the job now. So tell all your children to tell all their children, _____________________________________________________________ 10. Firelight (W & M: Alan Moorhouse © 2000) Alanabit (Alan Moorhouse) - vocals, guitar; Markus Apitius (producer) - other instrumentals (From the CD Small Voice Crying - Schubert Records) [I have] been a busker and entertainer in Europe for over twenty years. "Firelight" ... is a I want to sing a love song to cut right through the gloom. I want to sing a love song to tell you why I'm here, I want to sing a love song, but time is slipping fast. lyrics:
Was Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII of England, a witch & adultress or a victim of court More info on When I was a young girl, I lived overseas, / All by the advice that my father gave me. Then the king of all England paid court in his place He said, 'You've made your bed, and there you must lie, A child grew within me; the king, he was glad. / A fine son he wanted, more than all that he had, The rumours soon started; they said the young queen But I've made my bed, and there I must lie The 5 hapless young men, unjustly accused, Were convicted of treason & sentenced to die. My date of execution is the19th of May. / My friends & my brother have been dead these 2 days, But I've made my bed, and there I must lie I'll never be old, nor wear widows'gowns. / I will not see my daughter grow to a fine queen. For I've made my bed, & there I will lie, Remembering the young men who loved me & died. "Rainbow is a sort of lullaby for the Peace and Love Generation. It came to me nearly _____________________________________________________________ 15. Laddie, Lie Near Me (trad.) - 4:02 Willa - vocal I first heard this trad. song at a Folkworks weekend in Darlington UK in 2001. Our tutor, Alyth Lang hae we perted been, laddie, ma dearie. Noo we are met again. Laddie Lie Near Me. If in love's bower we meet, laddie, ma dearie, My joy will be complete. Laddie Lie Near Me. A lament of sorts for a best friend gone before his time--At least before I was willing to let him go.-Don M. Chorus: We talked of the old ways that soon would be passing / & the small boats that fished the cold western seas He told me the fighting was quite far from Kerry, / But it shown in the faces of the people you'd see, When he died in the night, he was dreaming of Ireland / & the beauty in the places & the people he'd see. Chorus twice 0, my luve is like a red, red rose that's newly sprung in June. As fair thou art, my bonnie lass, so deep in luve am I, Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, & the rocks melt wi' the sun! & fare the weel, my only luve! & fare the well awhile! I live near the Mississippi River in Eastern Ontario, a tributary of the Ottawa River. Used to have a |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Wolfgang Date: 06 Sep 04 - 11:37 AM Rainbow Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Wolfgang Date: 06 Sep 04 - 11:47 AM Palace Grand (several versions, though not necessarily Kendall's) Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Wolfgang Date: 06 Sep 04 - 12:06 PM Searching for lambs (M. Prior singing with Steeleye Span) Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Mudcat CD Rose: Liner Notes PermaThread From: Genie Date: 09 Sep 07 - 05:24 PM I do need to take some time and 'clean up' this thread, but it would still be nice to have the few missing song lyrics (as sung on the CD) and any other missing info like songwriter or performer credits. Genie |
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