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Mudcat CD's on WFDU

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Ron Olesko 13 Jan 03 - 10:36 AM
Sorcha 13 Jan 03 - 10:51 AM
Amos 13 Jan 03 - 10:52 AM
Winters Wages 13 Jan 03 - 01:36 PM
Stephen L. Rich 13 Jan 03 - 01:44 PM
Ron Olesko 13 Jan 03 - 01:45 PM
katlaughing 13 Jan 03 - 01:46 PM
Amos 13 Jan 03 - 02:49 PM
katlaughing 13 Jan 03 - 03:39 PM
MMario 13 Jan 03 - 03:50 PM
khandu 13 Jan 03 - 06:38 PM
Tweed 13 Jan 03 - 07:58 PM
Amos 13 Jan 03 - 08:09 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 13 Jan 03 - 10:25 PM
dick greenhaus 13 Jan 03 - 10:34 PM
Janie 13 Jan 03 - 10:37 PM
khandu 13 Jan 03 - 10:41 PM
Amos 13 Jan 03 - 10:44 PM
Tweed 13 Jan 03 - 11:21 PM
katlaughing 14 Jan 03 - 12:09 AM
Ron Olesko 14 Jan 03 - 09:48 AM
treewind 14 Jan 03 - 10:00 AM
Tweed 14 Jan 03 - 10:14 AM
Ron Olesko 14 Jan 03 - 10:18 AM
Amos 14 Jan 03 - 10:20 AM
Tweed 14 Jan 03 - 10:21 AM
Ron Olesko 14 Jan 03 - 02:37 PM
Amos 14 Jan 03 - 05:12 PM
Margaret V 14 Jan 03 - 08:29 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 14 Jan 03 - 09:07 PM
Mudlark 14 Jan 03 - 09:30 PM
Amos 14 Jan 03 - 09:53 PM
Genie 14 Jan 03 - 11:24 PM
Tweed 15 Jan 03 - 12:16 AM
Nigel Parsons 15 Jan 03 - 09:28 AM
khandu 15 Jan 03 - 09:39 AM
Amos 15 Jan 03 - 09:48 AM
Tweed 15 Jan 03 - 11:45 AM
Ron Olesko 15 Jan 03 - 12:11 PM
Stephen L. Rich 15 Jan 03 - 01:12 PM
Amos 15 Jan 03 - 01:25 PM
Ron Olesko 15 Jan 03 - 01:26 PM
MMario 15 Jan 03 - 01:33 PM
Amos 15 Jan 03 - 01:33 PM
Genie 15 Jan 03 - 02:17 PM
Bobert 15 Jan 03 - 02:26 PM
Ron Olesko 15 Jan 03 - 02:35 PM
Rustic Rebel 15 Jan 03 - 02:47 PM
Amos 15 Jan 03 - 02:58 PM
Amos 15 Jan 03 - 05:11 PM
katlaughing 15 Jan 03 - 05:32 PM
khandu 15 Jan 03 - 06:03 PM
Amos 15 Jan 03 - 06:09 PM
Stephen L. Rich 15 Jan 03 - 08:36 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 15 Jan 03 - 08:43 PM
Amos 15 Jan 03 - 09:54 PM
Tweed 15 Jan 03 - 10:50 PM
Bobert 16 Jan 03 - 11:10 AM
bflat 16 Jan 03 - 12:16 PM
Amos 16 Jan 03 - 12:36 PM
Bobert 16 Jan 03 - 01:17 PM
Ron Olesko 16 Jan 03 - 01:27 PM
Stephen L. Rich 16 Jan 03 - 02:08 PM
Genie 16 Jan 03 - 03:01 PM
Ron Olesko 16 Jan 03 - 03:34 PM
Bobert 16 Jan 03 - 05:59 PM
khandu 17 Jan 03 - 01:01 PM
Ron Olesko 17 Jan 03 - 01:16 PM
khandu 17 Jan 03 - 01:20 PM
Tweed 17 Jan 03 - 01:27 PM
Ron Olesko 17 Jan 03 - 01:29 PM
Bobert 17 Jan 03 - 01:53 PM
Ron Olesko 17 Jan 03 - 01:56 PM
khandu 17 Jan 03 - 02:03 PM
Genie 17 Jan 03 - 03:02 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 17 Jan 03 - 07:10 PM
khandu 17 Jan 03 - 07:21 PM
khandu 18 Jan 03 - 01:50 AM
Amos 18 Jan 03 - 10:50 AM
Tweed 18 Jan 03 - 01:41 PM
khandu 18 Jan 03 - 04:29 PM
Tweed 18 Jan 03 - 07:50 PM
Bobert 18 Jan 03 - 09:45 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 18 Jan 03 - 10:40 PM
Margaret V 19 Jan 03 - 10:23 AM
Tweed 19 Jan 03 - 10:55 AM
GUEST 19 Jan 03 - 01:33 PM
michaelr 19 Jan 03 - 01:48 PM
katlaughing 19 Jan 03 - 04:03 PM
GUEST 19 Jan 03 - 04:22 PM
Tweed 19 Jan 03 - 04:46 PM
GUEST 19 Jan 03 - 04:50 PM
GUEST 19 Jan 03 - 04:53 PM
Amos 19 Jan 03 - 05:03 PM
Tweed 19 Jan 03 - 05:10 PM
Amos 19 Jan 03 - 05:15 PM
Amos 19 Jan 03 - 05:30 PM
Jeri 19 Jan 03 - 05:41 PM
katlaughing 19 Jan 03 - 05:50 PM
Amos 19 Jan 03 - 05:51 PM
Jeri 19 Jan 03 - 05:57 PM
michaelr 19 Jan 03 - 05:57 PM
Amos 19 Jan 03 - 05:58 PM
Tweed 19 Jan 03 - 06:13 PM
GUEST 19 Jan 03 - 06:35 PM
Amos 19 Jan 03 - 06:38 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 19 Jan 03 - 07:54 PM
Micca 19 Jan 03 - 08:10 PM
khandu 19 Jan 03 - 08:24 PM
Amos 19 Jan 03 - 09:09 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 19 Jan 03 - 09:22 PM
Amos 19 Jan 03 - 10:16 PM
khandu 19 Jan 03 - 10:40 PM
Tweed 19 Jan 03 - 11:00 PM
Margaret V 20 Jan 03 - 01:27 PM
GUEST,bri at the dome 13 Sep 06 - 12:43 PM
GUEST 13 Sep 06 - 12:45 PM
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Subject: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 10:36 AM

This coming Sunday, January 19, Amos Jessup will be my guest as we discuss and share samples from the new Mudcat Blue Plate Special CD samplers.

The interview will air during the 5pm Eastern Time hour of WFDU-FM's TRADITIONS, which can be heard in the NYC area over 89.1FM. You can also listen in via the internet through our website - .

Unfortunately, one hour does not give us nearly enough time to sample all the treasures on this amazing 5 CD set.   What we have accomplished is a program that will alert our listeners to this project and hopefully bring a few new folks into the Mudcat and maybe sell a few CD's to help support this site. Amos eloquently discusses the history of the project and introduces a few selections from the CD's.

Even though we aren't able to squeeze everyone into this one hour "special", I can tell you that this CD series will be a treasured resource for my program. I have already begun including cuts into my playlist. I am astounded at the spirit and quality of the cuts. While some cuts may sound more "polished" than others, ALL the selections reflect a love for the music and sharing of the tradition. As I said to Amos, I really feel that this set could eventually be of historical importance, in a similar way that Harry Smith's anthology helped inspire a folk revival, I feel that the Mudcat CD's also reflect a continuance of the tradition and hopefully will inspire others to sing the songs.

Thanks to Amos and everyone for making these CD's possible, you have done an amazing job!

Ron Olesko

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Sorcha
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 10:51 AM

THANK YOU RON!!! What more can I say??

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 10:52 AM

Wow!! That's a review worth circulating to the other folkways in the world! :>) Made mah day, Ron!!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Winters Wages
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 01:36 PM

Love your show Ron. I listened in on tie internet.Even though the host was Bill Hahn, the show was great. It is nice to have a radio station that supports the "people" and not just polished commercial type music (if you get my drift.) We used to have that type of programing out here on the West coast but it seems to have vanished. Again thanks. I shall be listening. WW

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 01:44 PM

Thank you, Ron.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 01:45 PM

Thanks for listening Lloyd!    Bill and I alternate weeks on the air. I started the program back in 1980 and when my kids were born I needed some time off and luckily Bill was available.

We both feel that music doesn't have to be polished and commercial, in fact that literally goes against the definition that most people have of folk music. This is music that is meant to be sung by "folks" and I think both Bill and I try to remember that when we choose songs.

You are right, radio has changed on both coasts as well as those in between. There are fewer and fewer shows like ours, but we are still out there. I urge EVERYONE to support their local public, community and/or non-commercial stations.

Sorry for my soapbox!   Thanks again for listening, and I hope many of you will tune in this Sunday to hear Mudcat on the air!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: katlaughing
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 01:46 PM

That's wonderful, Ron, thanks for letting us know!

I still think we need to add one more so we can get people like Dick Greenhaus and Susan DT, SDShad, and a few others included. Was Joe Offer on any of these five? I can't remember. Oh, also Escamillo and Skarpi, too!

I think they could be of great historical significance, too, not just in the field of music, but also the internet. Simply amazing that ya'll pulled it off.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 02:49 PM


I'm sorry to say that none of those you mention sent in any candidate material. I will make a point of tracking them down and squeezing them until music pops out if and when a Disk VI project is planned. I think if you review the threads during the submissions phase of the project you will see that this occurred despite more caterwauling and demanding and PRing and yip-yipping and calling for submissions than it takes to move a herd the length of the Chisholm Trail.:>)

But perhaps they were waiting for the precedent, eh?


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: katlaughing
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 03:39 PM

In the case of some it seems they were up to their necks in other stuff and just couldn't get to it or chose not to for other reasons. Max is another one who is not on there. I know it wasn't due to any lack of getting after them. Also, you've already done so much, I had thought maybe someone else could take it on, esp. if it wasn't such a rush.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: MMario
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 03:50 PM

you were herding "cats" after all!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 06:38 PM

Marvelous!! Thank you, Ron, and thank you, Amos! My ears shall be attuned!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 07:58 PM

WFDU is goin' on my World's Finest List. Can't wait to hear the interview! This surely must be a sort of history in the making.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 08:09 PM


Sure -- that would be swell, too!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 10:25 PM

World's Finest?? I better go back and edit out all my mistakes!! :)

Thanks to all of you for your enthusiastic response!   I just finished listening to the interview and Amos did a great job talking about the project. I just wish we had more time to play all the cuts! I guess in the weeks to come we will!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 10:34 PM

Would this apocryphal sixth CD be Lemon?

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Janie
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 10:37 PM


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 10:41 PM

Better check out those on Tweed's "World Finest" List before you get too excited. The boy is somewhat weird and a bit strange. But, if you have listened to "Mudcat Wimmin" on the CD, you already know that!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 10:44 PM

I was thinking more along the lines of Kumquat, or Avocado, or perhaps Parsley? :>)


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 13 Jan 03 - 11:21 PM

Don't listen to nothing Khandu sez, az he's mad az a March Hare and also is from Mississippi and ....well I don't need to say anymore.

PS. Why in the world would we want to let Amos get outta doin' all that work and abuse? He did the first five, I'd think he oughta finish out the rest of this collection of musical misfits! You won't find a more energetic PR man anywhere!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: katlaughing
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 12:09 AM

I just thought to spread it around a bit, Tweedster, after all that he did do; didn't say anything about letting him outta the PR thing, though.

Dick, for the record, I've been lobbying for "Tangerine." :-)

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 09:48 AM

I think the next CD should be Impatiens - sounds like everyone can't wait for it!



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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: treewind
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 10:00 AM

At least "Parsley" makes the choice of the next three obvious...

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 10:14 AM

Dere Mr.Olesko,
Me an' the Bobert iz on thet Plum cd an' don't keer much ef you play ar stuff on the Sunday show, but we hav put ar minds togevver an' come up wif an ideer thet may bee of sum interess to you. We ar prepeared to offur you an' yore fambly a all ekspensed paid vacashon an' toor package in beautimus Wildcat Holler, WestVirginia. You will be wined an' dined by yore hosts Rufus and his 450 pound wife at thar comodious guest trailer an' enjoy watchin' thar cable TV and hav full acksess to any of the four Nintendo game paks. Also included wud be a tour of the menny local distillerys an lively converstashun wif the operators there.
What's the catch you may axe? All this AND $25 dollarz mad munny for just one 24 hour Bobert/Tweedzer-a-thon, wherin all thet WFDU playz fer a day an'nite is me and Boberdz mos' peculiar musick. I think this sorta thing wirked perty good some yearz back but them DJ's wuz careless an' let the cat outta the bag somehow an' got therselfs caught. Pleze use the PM sistum to make yore reply (az I am doin'here...don't want nobobby's to git wind of this scheme az it cud go hard on us ef the pedant's in har new what we hav cooked up.)

Yerz truly,
Tweedzr and Boberdz

PS. Remember use thet PM thang. Mum's the word!

PPSS.Here's whar you'll be enjoying yore stay. I know, I's an offer you cain't hardly refuse;~) *Deluxe Accomodations*

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 10:18 AM

What, or rather who is in the oil drum in the picture?

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 10:20 AM

LOL, you rednecked bohunks!!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 10:21 AM

Dere Mr.Offer,
The danged PM machine iz messed up someway. Disregard enny of that nonsense above. Boberdz, we is in the fan now...sorry buddy, it waz worth a try.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 02:37 PM

Maybe future volumes could be organized by state flowers! Imagine a 50 volume set of the U.S., then we can have countless CD's from around the world with flowers native to the region.   Think of the possiblities! Think of the work!! Are you up for it Amos?

I can also program my show for years to come!!!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 05:12 PM

What a vision!! I love it!!

Here's what we do Ron -- in your copious spare time, you start working the MacArthur Foundation until we get the funding we need to really do this right. I am not about to sully such a vision by proposing that anything less than full-time dedicated focus would do it justice. I wouldn't dream of doing it the disservice! And, well, there are these college bills and mortgage statements that people keep sending me when I would much prefer to be able to focus all my attention on fulfilling the potential of your compelling strategy! So we have a few preliminary targets that need to be met if we are to ensure success!

Do let me know what the MacArthur people say!! I am ready to pack.



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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Margaret V
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 08:29 PM

Amos, the MacArthur folks called me today and said to tell you everything's all set, go ahead and begin work. The check's in the mail.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 09:07 PM

Good one Margaret!!!   :)

I only wish there were a foundation that supports folk music as it does other genres. Coca-Cola is giving Lincoln Center several million dollars to build a concert hall for jazz.

Where are the large patrons for folk music? Why is it always dependent on grass roots and individuals to support?   Hmmm. Maybe it isn't such a bad relationship after all!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Mudlark
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 09:30 PM

Wish I could hear this Mac is so dodgy I'm afraid to download anything on it for fear of losing the whole shebang. But I can't imagine a better spokesperson for your show, Ron, than Amos. The man is a downright inspiration...

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 09:53 PM


Having head you sing, and having realized you have a sense of humor to match, I am oved to ask if you are doing anything important next lifetime!! :>)

Ron, if you wrote to the MacArthurs, you know, you could make an argument about the vital ingredient our grass roots music provides to the culture, enabling poeple to know their history in ways they never could otherwise, and thus become a wiser and better informed citizenry. I'll bet you a dollar George W never heard a folk song in his life. Probably elected by a buncha raplovers. Anyway, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I don't come cheap but it'd be less than Pavarotti for a year, I am sure! :>)

(Nancy, you know I melt when you talk like that!! :>) Thank you!). Your Mac could handle the streaming audio, I think.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Genie
Date: 14 Jan 03 - 11:24 PM

Well, I've never tried to listen to net radio broadcasts, unless you count listening to Prairie Home Companion's archives. But I'll sure try to tune in next Sunday and hear ol' Amos and the CD sample cuts. Having bought and listened to all ca. 110 songs, though, I'd hate to have the job of picking a few for broadcast. There are so many gems.

As for the next CD color, my vote is for Cumquat!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 12:16 AM

Deer Mr. Olesko,
Thet drum in the brochur pitcher wuz lef thar in boberdz keer by sum swarthy gents from Nyew Jersey some years ago. We have not been able to tell whut's in it just yet. Thought it might be coal erl but it don't burn so gud and smells powerful bad. Not to worry tho, az it will be covered with a shower curtain and cud serve az a buffet table fer the big barbecue that's bein' planned fer yore West Ginny adventchur. Az an added sweetner to this deal I'm prepared to offer you a hand built scale model railroad bridge built entirely from 3/32" balsa wood sticks an' capable of supportin' at least twice it's own waite!

Pleze let us know sumwhat in advance of yore disision so we kin kill the fatted calf, or mebbe even a couple of Boberdz possums that he haz caged out in the school bus. He wuz raisin' them things for thar fur but we found out hit was not too PC to do that these days so now they are for eatin' only.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Nigel Parsons
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 09:28 AM

Refresh: we need to keep this thread current until Sunday:


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 09:39 AM

Ever since I was a young boy, I have tooted the horn for Badly Recorded Blues. Fo rmany a year, I have been the lone voice that spoke out to the multitudes of the wonders of Tweed's BRB. I have suffered indignity and dishonor at the hands of thos who had no musical taste, who laughed in my faceat my mention of Tweeds BRB.

My land was taken from me, my house, my car, my kids, my wife...all gone. My face was put up on billboards with large letters written across it-THIS MAN IS A NUT!. The Governor of Mississippi derided me in his annual State of the State message.

But I remained firm in my message, adamant in my stance. I did not falter, I did not fail. I continued to tout Tweed's BRB.

To this day, I have remained a lonely voice crying in the wilderness "Hear, oh people, Hear the Badly Recorded Blues of Tweed!"

Now, I read Tweed's bribery above. I am bereft, undone.

He did not mention that I, khandu, was also on Plum, nor did he include my name in the bribery.

Yet, I will continue my mission. I remain faithful and loyal. I will tell everyone about the low-down dirty dogfaced self-serving swine-snouted, back-stabbing, egg-sucking, riff-theiving weasel Tweed and his BADLY RECORDED BLUES.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 09:48 AM

Awwww khandu!! Everyone knows you have two of th finest cuts on the Mudcat CDs!!! Cheer up -- ol' Tweed just got carried away because of Bobert's influence, y'see? The prospect of a possum barbecue just brung it out in him.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 11:45 AM

Dere Mr.Olesko,
It aperes thet some feelings haz been trampled upon and I wuld like fer you to pleze add the King of Missississi to tha 24 hour airplya in cwestyun. He iz mos adept also at hiz singin an plyain an woud be a perdy good addition to yore show inspite of hiz inbred propensity to whine and kick his feet when he don get hiz way.

Of corse this fly in th udder balm woud not go unrewarded and we hav contacted them fellers from New Jersey who hav assured us they can convince Amos to do all 50 state flower CD's for you an not to worry about no grants or enny of that paperwork nonsense. They sed that after a cupple phone calls Amos wud be callin' beggin' fer the additional work. Also they sed it would be no problem to have sum of thar buddies stand around yore station's door in case sum folks try to storm the place. They are reel nice guys and seemed anshus to do you this "favor" fer some reason.

I reckon we'll need to change the telethon name to sumthin to reflek the new member or pore khenneth will raize holy hell about that too. What with him bein' royalty an all I assumed he had other meanz of promotin hizzelf but I see now that hiz deals must have fallen throuh after his cousin/uncle/brother-in-law/niece stepped down from bein' king of senators. I will leave the renaming of this gala event in Khandu's capable hans az he is good at that sort of thing and will have to abide wif whatever he chooses and it will spare us enny more of his danged hissy fits.

I am finding out how difficult theze creative people iz to deal wif and commend you on stayin with the biz this long.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 12:11 PM

It looks like we are seeing both sides of the Tweed!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 01:12 PM

Ron,This is a grass roots music. where else would support come from?

Stephen Lee

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 01:25 PM

ROTFLMAO. Boy, them Southrons shure do carry on when they gets their grits in a knot. Dang. You boyz need to learn a leedle of thet Northern RE-straint, is whut. Lookit ole Ron fer example. He NEVER kicks his feet nor holes his breath. He stays as nice and cheerful as mah Aunt Dahlia's dustcovers, the ones with the flars on'em, whut she got special from K-Mart? You guys shud larn to be more like thet thar.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 01:26 PM

As we were saying above Stephen, from corporations and foundations.

We like to refer to ourselves as "grass roots", but realistically most art enterprises are "grass roots". The Coca Cola's of the world will give money to groups whose profile is just as high, but they tend to avoid anything labeled "folk".   I realize this is a very generic statement and there are probably exceptions, but whenever you see a "folk" festival the sponsor's tend to be a Ben & Jerry's or a Land's End. These are good companies, but they are not the Fortune 500. Also, the larger endowment grants "seem" to be given to fund jazz or dance programs.

Perhaps it is just better organization on the part of these other groups. I don't think I will ever see the day where GE sponsors the Newport Folk Festival. Then again, I doubt our audience would want to support a GE Folk Festival!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: MMario
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 01:33 PM

So - what about asking for a grant to preserve "Ethnic Heritage Music"?

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 01:33 PM

Hell,'s electric! :>)


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Genie
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 02:17 PM

Ron, I think the mega corporations are loate to fund "folk" music because we folkies have a reputation for being non-materialistic, even anti-materialistic (read "cheap").

Folk music's reputation for being "anti-establishment" doesn't endear folkies to "the establishment."

That said, NW Folklife Festival in Seattle manages to draw corporate sponsors for various sound stages (much to the chagrin of many performances and visitors who see the big corporate logo above the stage as a sellout).


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Bobert
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 02:26 PM

Well, danged, Tweezer! Now look what you've gone an' did? First of all, ya' stix a pichure of the Tweedsburg WMD in der barrel and now yer gonna get ol' Rufus and Rether Mayz butts blowed half way up! Well, tell der Bushman hez gonna need one dem extree strneth bombs fir der Rether Mayz. And 'tween you an' me, I thinkz der ol' gal be closer ta 5 hundurt pondz den the 450 on her drivin' paperz.

An secon, ya' got poor ol' khanny with his tummee all twistercated from wahdever yo said 'bout hem er din't say 'bout hem 'an Iz feelz jus terrible about dat since khanny ain't haff bad feller an' all.

An thirdlee, I thought we'z was gonna play at haff tiem at der Stupor Bow and Iz din't get no contrax en der mail or no tickex or nuthin'.

An forthlee, I don evin want mah song on no raydeeo 'cause it din't come out no good on der CeeDee...

An' fiftilee, I ain't cookin' up no homegrowed possum fir deese folks 'cause, well, I'z down to two an' der P-Vine says dat it takes two to make mo possums and well the ol' gal purdy danged smart 'bout them farmy typz thengs... Plus, deese two is like famblee. Day eat wid the catz and so I callz one of dem Kibbles and der udder one Bits likez on der cat foood bag and well, I guess youz gonna find out anyway, well... wez been lettin' sleepz in der bed wid us since day got potty traned and all. But, now sinz you done promixed these fine fokz possum Iz been keepin' my good eye out fir 'em on the der side of der road but all I'z got right now in der freezer is a skunk, two groun hogs and a kioteee dat some 'en runned over...

An' lasslee, Tweezer. I tought we had a deal 'bout not doin' no more permotins 'til ol' Rufus had gotten over dat little little bout of boilz dat gotz on der boy. Man, dem things ooooze did yellerish green goo all day and all nitez. Nastee. An I keep tellin' der boy dat don't do no good lickin' 'em... No good...

Well, dats et from Possum Holler, Wse Ginny.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 02:35 PM

Genie, Mmario & others,

I didn't mean to draw this conversation off on a tangent with my personal observation about funding.    As I jokingly said in my initial comment, I don't think we want to be "beholding" to large corps.    The corporations that you see sponsoring "folk" events tend to be the Ben & Jerry's, Land's End and other companies that supposedly have a moral approach to business.   These are not Fortune 500 companies.   I may be wrong, but I don't think Microsoft is sponsoring NW Folklife. Coca Cola is building a jazz concert hall for Lincoln Center mainly so that there logo will be scene by the faces that attend the event. Corporations and endowments tend to support the high profile projects.

Personally, I prefer the grassroots support. On a personal note, I have a responsibility to the listeners who donate $ to support my radio station.   I would rather be answerable to my listeners as opposed to Burger King.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Rustic Rebel
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 02:47 PM

I missed out too. I sure would like to be on the next one. I guess a prerequisite is to have a cd of your own made already?
I will try to listen in though, maybe. I have a set coming, but they ran out so I have been waiting patiently and maybe I will wait to hear the whole thing when it comes. What ever I do I can't wait to hear it!
Peace, Rustic

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 02:58 PM


No such prerequisite. The candidates were sent in on home-made tapes, MiniDiscs, .mp3 files by e-mail, home-made CDs as well as commercial CDs. Only thing I drew the line at was singing to me over the phone, just on account of the sound quality, and wax cylinders on account I can't find that old Edison player I thought I had balanced up among the garage ceiling beams.    :>)


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 05:11 PM

ALl joking aside, I hope you'll pass the word about Ron's show around the folkways of the world. The more exposure it gets, the more orders Dick gets. And we all want to flood Dick, don't we???!!! :>)


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: katlaughing
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 05:32 PM

FWIW, I've got a set up which allows for decent quality recording to cassette tape, over the phone.

She is all they claim
With her eyes of night and lips as bright as flame
When she dances by
Senoritas stare and caballeros sigh
And I've seen
Toasts to Tangerine,
Raised in every bar across the Argentine
Yes, she has them all on the run
But her heart belongs to just one
Her heart belongs to Tangerine,

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 06:03 PM

Tweedster and Bobert, just from reading the posts of Ron Alaska, I gather he is not a man to take a bribe, no matter how enticing it is. So don't spect no under the table dealings with this man. He comes across as a most honorable, upright, decent, honest sort of fellow. I am sure he could not be bribed even if I, the King of Mississippi, offered him First Dukeship. Hmmmmm....The First Duke of Mississippi, Duke Alaska. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think. Almost as nice as the "Mudcat CD Featuring the Two Submitted Songs of King khandu Hour" on the radio! Hmmmm....

Of course, being the First Duke has a lot of Fringe Benefits. He would get to ride in the official First Dukemobile, driven by an official First Duke Buxom Tart. Of course, there are the official 1st Duke Massage Parlors, maintained by the brest, er, Female massage therapists available.

That is just a wee sample of what the First Duke gets.

Not that I am offering the First Dukedom to Mr Otasco for the radio time. I just wanted to let him know what he could have if such a deal were made.

King khandu

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 06:09 PM

Whew! Fer a minute there I thought khandu was up to something. Sorry for being suspicious, k!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 08:36 PM

Ron, I agree. evidently my attempt at sarcasm fell flat. All of this does raise another question, however. Do we really WANT major corporate sponsorship? Grants from outfits like Exxon-Mobil tend to have an awful lot of strings attached.

Stephen Lee.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 08:43 PM

Good point. As I said early, I doubt any of us would want to attend a GE Folk Festival.

Perhaps it is not the corporations, perhaps it is just the organizations that aren't pursuing the $$ from the corporations.   You may have hit on the answer!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 09:54 PM

Wonderful hint there, Kat~ I think I got it, if you're not being too subtle for me...which is always a possibility!!

I have no objections to the name.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 15 Jan 03 - 10:50 PM

Deer Mr.Olesku,
After sum thout and considerable mental abuse I've come to the reelzation thet I may hab finally crost the bownds of good taste in makin' these obfused overchurs on me an my cohords' behalves. I kno now thet to try and tempt you wif these psaltry and meeger payoffs I hav only sallied the movement and beg yore forgibness. I hav ben in contak wif both of my idjit frends and they concur an agree it mite be bes for us to ease up wif this high preshurr approach to self agrandmiserment and just go with the flow wherever that may take us.

No need to worry about the fellers from Noo Jersey showin'thar faces either az I have contacted them boys and called the whole thing off. They iz agreed to leave off from phoning pore Amos and will stay clear of yore station, but seemed perdy positiv thet now I owed them a favor of sum sort. I don't know how they come up wif that ideer but mebbe customs up that way iz different than in these parts. We'll see how thet develops later on, I'm shore.

We would like to wish you grate sucess fer the show on the 19th ob the monph coming up and we assure you thet we will be lissenin to you over the wireless down at Rufus' doublewide on the big nite.
Of corse Wildcat Holler iz too dang far away fer normal reception but we got together and have devized a plan to build a radio tower of considerable hite from 3/32" diameter balsa wood strips. Me an Boberdz ar mixin' the concreke now fer the footers and King Khandu of corse is jest standin' there as iz his wont, givin' orders to all who hav ears to hear. He iz a king after all, I reckon, he sez anyhow, but I sumtimes wonder about thet clame. Personaly I think ef he were enny sort of royalty at all he'd tak hiz lazy bohonkuss down to one of the local distilleries and brang back sum refrashment.   

Ennywaz, we will be tuned to 89.1 on Januwery 19 to WFDU and hope thet thez other Catters will be tuned in thar too. You are all invited down to the doublewide ef you need to plug into the tower when its done. I cain't wait get the airplane warnin' lites wired up an' wirkin. Hit shud be a perdy thang to behold.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Bobert
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 11:10 AM

Small probelm there, Tweezer. Sum of der Jersee boyz din't get der message an' well... 'tween me an you, ahh... well, you know..


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: bflat
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 12:16 PM

I'll tune in for the chance to hear Amos.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 12:36 PM

Aw, thanks, bflat!! You southern boys are a real crackup! Prolly cuz you spend too much time kissing the grass, or sompn, huh? LOL!!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Bobert
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 01:17 PM


Yeah, sompn...

But no grass kissin' in my parts. We ain't got no grass. 'Cept in der flour potz in der closet wid the growed lites an all... An' we donz kiss dat stuff neider. No sir...


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 01:27 PM

Can we drop these terrible attempts at Southern accents?? Jeesh!! (At least I'm assuming that is what everyone is trying to do!) The joke is no longer funny!!! I'm reminded of the scene in Austin Powers where he keeps coming up with bad puns and is finally told to shut up!! We get it!!!!

Speaking of bad accents, I'm from NJ and when anyone meets me and finds out where I'm from they always say "How youse doin?"    I've lived here for 45 years and never heard anyone talk like that! Actually our lives are more closely related to the TV show "Ed" instead of the Sopranos. Ed actually shoots in the neighborhood and I drive by Stuckey Bowl each day.

Okay, I've gone off on a meaningless tangent and it is time I get back to work. I hope that many of you will join us this Sunday!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Stephen L. Rich
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 02:08 PM

There's nothing wrong with meaningless tangents, Ron. besides, it didn't happen until we had all digressed anyway.*G*

Stephen Lee

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Genie
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 03:01 PM

Ron, I just realized the show will be broadcast right in the middle of a jam session some of us hold on Sundays at a local coffeehouse. (So I won't have internet access while you're broadcasting.)

Will the broadcast be archived so it can be listened to on the net later? (I hope that's not a dumb question, but I'm a novice when it comes to internet radio.)


It's not the music I need to hear -- I have all 5 of the CDs -- but the interview, with Amos telling the story of the project and your comments, etc.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 03:34 PM


WFDU does not archive programs.   I have talked with Max and he is hoping we can archive it hear on Mudcat. There have been some issues with the server but we have our fingers crossed! I will let you know if it works.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Bobert
Date: 16 Jan 03 - 05:59 PM

Well, gol-danged, Tweezer. Now look whad youz done to poor ol Ron? Got hem wantin to throw der Enklish book at us and dat's bad, bad, bad.

Yo Ron: Nice thing about the Catbox is that little mousey thing and, hey, if ya' don't like someone's style, ya' just scroll on past it. As fir the few of us who mess around with the language, I'd suugest that Mark Twain wouold not have been as interesting to read if he had written in *high* English.

The stories that we tell are enhanced, at least to us, by the language. Actually, I live in West Virginia (Wes Ginny) and I have picked up a comfortable mountain dialect which suits me for certain situations. Especially when telling stories.

And its not like their a bunch of us. It's just Tweezer, Spawzer, khandu, Amos and myself so it ain't like the entire joint has been sucked into HeeHaw-dom.

Now, come on Ron. Just throw us a "shucks", 'er a "danged", 'er an "ain't" and all will be wonderful. And you'll feel this sense of freedom. Your Toyota will get better gas mileage. Your wife will start looking at you differently... ahhhh... strike that one.

Give me an "ain't", bro...


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 01:01 PM

Mr. Bobert,

As the honorable King of Mississippi, I am rather dismayed at the inclusion of my name in your list of miscreants. Perhaps, had you omitted "Spawzer", I would not have taken offense. Nonetheless, My Royal subjects are not as refined as their King, and upon reading the erroneous post, they may develop an inaccurate idea.

Howbeit, the deed is done. Therefore, I make a request. In future mentionings. I prefer that you refer to me as "King khandu", His Royal Highness, khandu" of something along those lines; someting bearing the dignity of my position.

I trust you will attend to my request!

However, if'n you doant, I'z gonna git my roffle down, lode it up and start faring it in yore drekshin. And I ain't gonna quit til I'z seein' blud poring frum yore arse!!!

And doant fergit to lizzen to WFUD Sundy!!!



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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 01:16 PM

I'm just teasing Bobert.    But you have to admit, it gets a little stale after awhile. At least Mark Twain was clever and funny!!

Dialect is very tricky to do well and I've never been a big fan of using it. It is very easy to make it sound like mockery and fall into sterotypes. But you are right, it can add color and make a story interesting when done right.

Hmmm... my wife drives a Toyota and I drive a Nissan. I also love good BBQ, which you can't find here in NJ!!   Maybe I've been living a lie all these years!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 01:20 PM

I did not see the first "heck", "danged" or "ain't" in that post!!

Seriously, thank you, Ron, for the support of our Mudcat CD series. If only there were a few thousand more like you!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 01:27 PM

Deere Mr.Oleskew,
We ar not smart men az yoo may hav imagined but we dew no thet thar iz no sucha thing az bad pubisity, tharfore we (me and the other two idjits, boberzd & that Khenny who thinks he iz a King fer some reason) must implode you to seeze an desert this holy unwarnted attak on us, who ar yore mos staunchest supportorz. Summhow you hab misconcerted ar attempts at keepin this thread alive an in the top forty or fifty all the time. By ar palpitations yoo are gonna hav mor ears glued to yore broadcast nex Sunday thne at any other time in yore show'z history an we ar doin ar part to help you out az best we air able. But enuff of serus and kwarlsome talk an on to mor constrictive areas of converzion.

Az wuz fomerly reported the Boberzd, King Khandu an myself are building a antena to beat all antena's entirely from 3/32" balsa wood strips so thet the peeples here in Wildcat Holler ar able to lissen in on thar Zeniths. Most fokes hab comperterz donated by the county but they ain't got much in the way of lectericity ore even a foneline so they ar fairly useless cept to block up the vista cruiser over at Rufusez doublewide and are summwhat lighter than cement blocks to carry, so they are gude in that way I reckon.

We ar happy to report thet the tower iz coming along reel gude. Me an the boberzdz, an Khandu, ef you want to count him az help, fineshed up the footers for it late last nite and hab almos compleeted the first section which iz about level wif the double wides baffroom winder. I had to come down after inadversity gettin a good look at Retha May az she took her shower az it wuz fairly troublesum to my constitushun. She might dress out at about 650 but iz a good cook so I reckon thatz how them two stays together so long.

Anyhow, Khandu sed it wouldn't bother him none so he went up thar perty quick an we got a little wirk outta hiz lazy no-good self. He of corse spent much time hollerin down at us below to git more this an that and whar's the hammer etc.

Lately hiz condishun haz worsened an he's taken to wearin' one o' them Cherokee headresses all the time. Th local inspektor showed up this afternoon an wanted to see ar buildin' permit fer the thing and me and boberzd tole him to go ax the feller in the feathers 'cause he thinks he'z the chief, so I reckon it iz a good thing in that way az we were at a loss fer wordz. An I don need to tell yoo thet me an boberzdz had a gud chuckle over it too! Hiz Lordship tole the inspekert some nonsense an' that man walked backwardz clear to hiz car, which waz parked consedrably fur don the rode. I kin only hope thet nothin' awful comes from all of this in spite of ar gud intenshunz.

Thet's about all the nooz for now, so I will close wif yet another plug fer the station an' a plee to all wif ears to hear to
remember to set aside sum time an lissen to Mr. Ron's program and heer Amos talk and Mudcatters sang on it, either on this internet ore at the Doublewide in the Holler cawz thet anteana shud be able to pick up publik radio from here to Kingdomkhan when hitz finshed.

Yerz in gud fathe,
PS. WFDU Mudcat Special Sunday the 19th at 5:00PM EST (US) be there or be square.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 01:29 PM

Thanks Ken!

Heck, if there were only a few thousand more Mudcatters like you and the folks on the CD's!!!!   Danged if you ain't the ones that are keeping this music that we love alive!

I have to go find a Moon Pie and an RC cola.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Bobert
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 01:53 PM

Now, din't that feel good, Ron? Come on and give it up, brotha. Dat felt good and you know et! Welcomez to der gang an' yer memmershep kard ez in der mail.

Yo, Tweezer, me an der Rufe went down to der Sweet Springs fir a six pak of Iron City an' when we got back, der royel heiney hisseff was gone but I amember passin der Jeffisin Countee Chariffz car on der way in der driveway....

Nver you mindz, we gotta dis atenner up fir der big shoow in Sunderday by 5:00 Easter Time in der pm. Ahhh, whadz pm stan fir, Tweezer? Is dat like diet pms ir pms Lite? Ef so, why would no womanz want to do pms whend day could jus do pm? Answer me dat one, will ya!

'Zactly whad is WFDU an' is Johnny Asscroff gonna sing dat rousing version a "Onwhard Christan Soldeerz"?

Now everybody bee shure ti lizzen, ya hear..


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Ron Olesko
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 01:56 PM

Bobert - You Canadians crack me up! You have a different word for everything!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 02:03 PM

As King, I am privy to info the common fellers don't have.

I got it on good 'thority that WFDU stands fer "We'z Fer Dem Underdogs". That purty well splainz it.

Bobertz, I thank you have dun a good thang. Ole Ron'll never be the same.He done said "dainged" ain't" "heck" "moon pi" and "RC" in the same perrygraff.

Since you helped to turn the boy around, I withdraw my Royal kermand and say you kin use mah name in any list you wantto!

Y'all be shore to lissen. WFDU Sundy!

King k

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Genie
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 03:02 PM

Good, Ron. I hope it will be archived (or taped) by someone, so those of us who have to be off-net on Sunday afternoon can hear it later.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 07:10 PM

We are working on getting it archived. I will keep you posted!

Thanks again to everyone!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 17 Jan 03 - 07:21 PM

Excellent!! Thanks to you, Max and everyone involved!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 18 Jan 03 - 01:50 AM


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 18 Jan 03 - 10:50 AM

Hey -- it's gonna be tomorrow!



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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 18 Jan 03 - 01:41 PM

And we got the raddio tower finished rite on time too.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 18 Jan 03 - 04:29 PM

I explained to the good officer who I was so he apologized and let me go. I am tickled that the tower is working now, even though I was not available at the completion.

You did the King and The Mudcat Cafe proud, Second Duke Tweed!!!

King khandu (looking forward to tomorrow!)

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 18 Jan 03 - 07:50 PM

Thank you Your Majesty. It is done and I am now struggling to regain my former "only semi-illiterate fool" status before I slip into "fullblown illiterate fool" character permanently.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Bobert
Date: 18 Jan 03 - 09:45 PM

Yeah, let's be good fir a few days, Tweezer. Poor ol' Ron's got that look on his face like maybe he's reconsdierin' fillin' out the application and mecomin' a member. And, heck, ain't oo many of us so we can't afford to scare none off. Right? That's why I looked up every work in this post in the Wes Ginny dictsunary, an all. And didn't dangle no corpusules either.

Ahhh, You sure this antenna gonna work? And can I come down now?


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 18 Jan 03 - 10:40 PM

Wow! I'm very impressed Tweed! You can do some work on our tower in Alpine, NJ when you get to our neck of the woods.   In fact it is in the middle of the woods with lots of deer, racoons, possum and a few skunks running around. Hmm, sounds like a buffet!!

Incidently, WFDU's tower is the historic Armstrong tower where Majore E.H. Armstrong invented FM radio. All these years later we are doing our best to make his idea work!   There is a famous picture of Armstrong climbing up the tower - legend has it he was up there installing our antenne, which is still in use!   If you would like to see the tower, there is a picture on our website - .

Don't forget, you can listen to the show from that same website - 5pm Eastern Time!

Thanks again Tweed for your effort! It is really nice!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Margaret V
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 10:23 AM


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 10:55 AM

Our pleasure Ron and on behalf of the rest of the cast and myself, we thank you kindly for getting some airplay and hopefully more sales for the MudCat Sampler. Our next project in the works involves salvaging the surplus computer/carblocks and building a super server for Max to use in storing the enormously valuable Digital Tradition files, but more on that later.

Today's the day folks. Stay close to your homesets and tune into WFDU at five PM EST for good music and the play by play from our MainMan Amos who went the distance and then beyond.

Here's a **World Timeclock** for the folks who aren't in the US and are wondering what time 5:00 PM EST translates to in their fair lands.

Also you'll need Windows Media player to listen in and here's a link just in case some of you don't have it loaded.
**Free Windows Media Download at Microsoft**


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 01:33 PM

Could someone confirm the transmission time for this in the UK?


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: michaelr
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 01:48 PM

Guest -- that would be 10 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: katlaughing
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 04:03 PM

Just listening, early, now and it sounds great! Just heard a live promo of the Mudcat CD, etc. Wonderful, Ron, thanks!!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 04:22 PM

Thanks, michaelr

I'm listening now, and have 'Total Recorder' ready to catch the whole thing.

Just hope everything holds up...

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 04:46 PM

Gettin' close now! Feller called Robert Hill just went absolutely wild on Long Black Train. Darn good stuff, even if he ain't a Catter;~)
Who else is tuned in?

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 04:50 PM

That's WFDU, not WFMU -

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 04:53 PM

The internet feed here in the UK is starting to get a little 'stuttery' A lot better than nothing, but still a shame

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:03 PM

Sounding good, Ron -- like your style!!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:10 PM

Yow! Yore right guest, but the link was okay. Thanks!
Sounding good on there Amos!! YAHOO!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:15 PM

There goes that beautiful Margaret!! Jaysus, I do love it so!!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:30 PM

There's Jeannie's "Deep Shady Grove", and that sterling Skipper Morse rolling through with "Rolling Home"!!

Holy Moly, it sounds so sweet to hear these gems coming back!! Wheeoooo!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Jeri
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:41 PM

Amos, you're posting AND talking on the phone! Ooh - and now you're singing! It's magic...

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: katlaughing
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:50 PM

Thanks so much, Ron. Great show. I can't wait to hear all of the other Mudcatters on your show from time to time.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:51 PM

Closing out with Sandy and Caroline doing "All the Good People", Ron, what a kick!! Thanks for a nice show!!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Jeri
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:57 PM

Ron, wonderful!

To tell you the honest truth, I don't think I took the CDs all that seriously. It was a nice little project to raise money, and I thought most of the people who would hear and buy the CDs would be Mudcatters. I never dreamed they'd be getting airplay on a NYC radio show. If I had, I would have been too chicken to send anything.

And Rick Fielding's closing the show!!!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: michaelr
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:57 PM

Lovely show! Thanks, Ron, for airing the Mudcat CDs on your show, and thanks to Amos for explaining it all.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 05:58 PM

I hope he plugs the CAMSCO distro. I've refreshed the thread on Ordering in case any newcomers wander in looking for the information.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 06:13 PM

FANTASTIC! A perfectly perfect radio program. Great job and high fives to Ron and Amos for providing the best hour in radio listening that I've had the pleasure of enjoying in a long time.
Fine job and well done fellers!

PS. Flood Mr. Greenhouse;~)

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 06:35 PM

Excellent, and thanks to 'Total Recorder' I have it archived.

Much appreciation to all involved. Heck, I might even buy a CD! *big grin*

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 06:38 PM

For what it is worth, i have also written to National Public Radio's "All Songs Considered" department describing the CDs and the Cat and Ron's program, to see if they'd be interested in following up on the story.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 07:54 PM

Thank you all for listening and for your kind words. Amos was a wonderful guest, he spoke eloquently about Mudcat and this CD project.

I want to say it again, I really think this CD project captures the spirit of an old-fashioned sing.   Everyone coming together to share new songs and sing old favorites. I truly see this set as being a great "tool" to help perpetuate folk music, much in the same spirit as the Harry Smith anthology had in the 1950's. Granted that was a different animal, it served as an introduction to folk music for many people.   The Mudcat set is a living "document" that shows folk music is alive and well and there are great songs in each of us waiting to be shared.

I can't wait for Vol. 6!!!

Thanks again to everyone! It was wonderful to know that many of you were listening in today. It was an honor to present this program.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Micca
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 08:10 PM

Thanks Ron, and Amos, I very much enjoyed the programme, and any UKers that missed it, I have it archived and can probably make a tape for you . just PM me,(if thats Ok with you. Ron?)i will try ar some more of your programme in the future Ron!!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 08:24 PM

Excellent program! Ron and Amos did an impressive job! Thanks.

I was very impressed with the featured musicians. My hat's off to all of you!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 09:09 PM

Should anyone wander through looking for ordering information, it can be found by clicking here. Because WFMU WFDU is a non-commercial station they had to be very conservative about pointers to sales sites, even though this is a legitimate non-profit purpose.

At the top of this thread you will find links to all prior discussions on the subject of the Mudcat Sampler CD Series, also known as the Blue Plate Special.



corrected by joe clone

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 09:22 PM

WFDU Amos! WFMU is another local station. WFUV is also in the area.   Too many stations with W, F and U in the call letters! (No FU jokes please!)

We do have a link to CAMSCO as well as Mudcat on our Traditions webpage.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Amos
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 10:16 PM

Apologies hastily tendered, Ron!! Guess its getting late or sompn! Of COURSE I meant WFDU!!

I'm just a tad OAFU, myself!! :>) (old and ....)


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: khandu
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 10:40 PM

It's been a long evening. I have spent the last several hours trying to talk ole Tweedster down from the top of the Tower. After hearing the webcast, he climb up there screamin' "I doan wann live enymoar", (but I noticed he stopped a few minutes on the first section to see if Retha May was taking another shower!)

We tried bribery, blackmail and deceit, but that didn't have much effect. It was only after ole Bobert told him that Ron Otasco played "Mudcat Wimmin" after the program went of the air that he finally calmed down. But he still refused to come down, until I used my Kingly authority and commanded him to come down.

Bobert and P-Vine are with him now, talking smooth and sweet to him and slipping him a few mickeys.

I think he will be Okay by tomorrow.

If he has anymore fits, we are going to ship him to Amos!


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Tweed
Date: 19 Jan 03 - 11:00 PM

Dere Mr.Olaskew,
Pay no attention to that fool Royal madman's ramblings az I finally got to heer Kendall sing an' that made me reel happy inside. I ain't one for sea shantys but if they all sing az good az Kendall can, I guess shanty music is alright by me.

The boys and me wuz purdy tore up for a while from not gettin' to heer arselfs on the radio, but az some wizend person sed, "Necessity iz the mother of all evil" or sumthin close on to that, and we are gonna see about switching ar new antenaae over soze it kin Broadcast instead of jest recieve. This way we kin send out Khandu/Boberzd/Tweedathon music 24 hours a day. Yore inspiration haz changed ar lives forever and we thank you mightily fer it and feer not az we'll only trouble yew in the future for some polaroids of th wirin' at yore transmitter so we kin get an idee of how that works afore we dive in this thing willy nilly.

Yerz faithfuly,

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: Margaret V
Date: 20 Jan 03 - 01:27 PM

Ron and Amos, it was a lovely program (and I was very honored to be a part of it). From the articulate descriptions you both provided, I think listeners could gain a good sense of what Mudcat is about and what it can provide. Ron, your questions for Amos about the CD series were just the sort of questions people would be curious about. Bravo!

I had two friends over. Since I'm about ten miles out of listening range (where I am, 89.1 pulls in a station from God-knows-where all about fishing--honest!), we gathered around the ol' laptop and had ourselves a nice time just listening. It felt very traditional, despite the newer technology. Thanks.


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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
From: GUEST,bri at the dome
Date: 13 Sep 06 - 12:43 PM

m, i have a sick cd about what is going on in the war on terror. it evolved out of a letter to bin laden that i wrote. it soon will be uplifted to my web-site, but can send you a cd if i only had your address. had nephews that went the ram way but i'm an iona college alumnus from way back when we stole your ram - 60's - you always beat us in football even whjen we were undefeated in our league. brian cullen

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Subject: RE: Mudcat CD's on WFDU
Date: 13 Sep 06 - 12:45 PM

FDU teams are the Knights, not the Rams. Never have been anything else.

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