Subject: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Georgiansilver Date: 17 Aug 04 - 05:45 PM Now we all know a Martin to be a first Class guitar and a Gibson too but a Martin/Gibson sounds sort of schitzophrenic...what do you think???? |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:18 PM I have three Martins and two Gibsons, but I'm most often found playing a Santa Cruz. By the way, Santa Cruz is a sometime contributor to the 'Cat, usually around Christmastime when he and his assistant, Elf Dude, sow discontent among the Christmas Tavern threads and the like. They are a surly drunken pair and are usually up to nothing vaguely resembling good. I wouldn't say that gives them common ground with Martin Gibson, but if you would like to draw such a conclusion, I won't try to stop you. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Wolfgang Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:21 PM I think that the schitsm of Christianity is the beginning of all evil. Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Georgiansilver Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:22 PM LOL |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: The Fooles Troupe Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:34 PM It's just all part of Globalisation and the takeover process, mate! |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Wolfgang Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:35 PM I think that the schitsm of Christianity is the beginning of all evil. Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: The Fooles Troupe Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:42 PM The Invention of Religion is the Root of all Evil. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Aug 04 - 07:00 PM Uh-uh. The invention of money (by bankers) is at the root of all evil. The root of all evil is fear and one of its nastier byproducts: greed. It is the love of money which lies behind virtually every destructive initiative taken on the planet. Religion is a small player in that equation, unless you recognize that the ruling religion worldwide is the worship of financial power. Religious fanatics kill a few thousand people. The search for limitless profit by a powerful few kills millions and impoverishes billions and ruins Nature while so doing. It is the greatest unholy thing that has ever scourged the face of this planet. It is the nemesis of life, human and otherwise. And money isn't real. It is an arbitrary invention. A fiction. An imagined thing that everyone agrees to believe in. Sounds like a primitive religion to me. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: s6k Date: 17 Aug 04 - 07:02 PM depends if you want an electric or an acoustic this is a martin/gibson thread not a religion thred! |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Aug 04 - 07:04 PM That's true. Okay...I heard of this crazy guy, a country player, who got a Takemine guitar, mainly for the pickup. He wanted it to be more of a "country" guitar, so he altered the head stock (crudely) so that it said "Gibson" on it, not Takemine! How's that? |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Georgiansilver Date: 17 Aug 04 - 07:08 PM A good friend of mine, baited his hook and cast it with the line into a lake full of fish but caught nothing all day. Sad to say that others do the same thing.... |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Aug 04 - 07:16 PM Was yon line attached to a fishing pole? If not, I think I know what his problem was. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: s6k Date: 17 Aug 04 - 09:41 PM if acoustic... id get a martin... mark knopfler plays martins on his solo albums for the more folk type songs. gibson reign supreme at the electric side with the les paul, SG, etc, i think a really expensive martin is far better than a gibson acoustic though |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Aug 04 - 09:43 PM I like most Martins better than most Gibsons. Gibsons sound too twangy to my ears. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Once Famous Date: 17 Aug 04 - 09:47 PM The standard of bluegrass is Martin. The standard of country is Gibson. The standard of folk music is Stella, the mid-60s versions with the painted on pickguards. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Big Al Whittle Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:45 AM I only ever had one Martin . It was a D35 and it sounded good in the shop. But it wouldn't stay in tune.Perhaps I am a complete fool, but I don't need an out of tune guitar to underline the point in public. Mr Yamaha for me since then. I never have had tuning problems with Yamahas. although I've bought most models - none have let me down on that point. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: HRH ted of hull Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:45 AM No idea, because I play nylon strung flamenco models. BUT I was recently given a Gibson Sonex 180 custom electric, which is currently stood propped up against a wall like an evil prescence! |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Roger the Skiffler Date: 18 Aug 04 - 04:34 AM I'm not a musician (as anyone who's heard me sing or play the washboard & kazoo will attest!) but I've always liked the LOOK of Gibson gutars. I hate the Fender pegs-on-on-side electric look but like the Les Paul or SG look. I've noted that many "pop" musos seem to prefer Gibson acoustics when they play unplugged...but St Lonnie of Donegan was an early proponent of Martins in the UK so I'd probably say Martin for the folkies and Gibson and National Steel for the bluesmen. As for me, I'll stick with the Hotpoint TwinTub (with sunburst finish)for stadium work and the Columbus Washboard Co Maidrite when unplugged. RtS (never allowing ignorance to stand in the way of an opinion) |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: bumstump Date: 18 Aug 04 - 04:37 AM What you want is my overpriced j160E pop model, or I will scream and scream until I am sick. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: GUEST Date: 18 Aug 04 - 06:49 AM HEY BUMSTUMP. HOW MANY THREADS DO YOU NEED TO SELL A CRAPPY GUITAR? |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Grab Date: 18 Aug 04 - 07:51 AM LH and Foolstroupe, you're both wrong - the invention of beetles is the root of all weevil... Graham. PS. If it's acoustic, I wouldn't want either - Lowden for me. Sounds better, and looks better too. Why have a soft'un when you can have a Lowden? |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Strollin' Johnny Date: 18 Aug 04 - 08:02 AM Grab, I've got a Martin J-40 and a Lowden O-25. Both look and sound equally good, not a hair between them, they're just 'different' (which is, of course, the point of having two different makes!). Wouldn't let either of them go. SJ :)0 |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Mooh Date: 18 Aug 04 - 08:43 AM Never owned a Martin but played lots and loved most of them. Had but one Gibson, completely refurbished it and sold it at a slight profit in order to buy food, unemployment not being as glamorous as it sounds. Will gladly accept donations of guitars on a trial or permanent basis, and they don't have to be Gartins or Mibsons. Cash is good too, to keep my guitars in the fashion they're accustomed to. Peace, Mooh. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: The Beast of Farlington Date: 18 Aug 04 - 09:22 AM I have a Yamaha - yah boo sucks |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: ToulouseCruise Date: 18 Aug 04 - 09:29 AM Steve or Mel? Well, Mr Martin is funnier but Mr Gibson is a better actor. I'll just go for Angelina Jolie and call it a draw. Brian. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Little Hawk Date: 18 Aug 04 - 10:58 AM I swore off Mel Gibson movies after "Signs". Even more than that I swore off M.Night Shyamalan movies. Most folkies prefer Martins to Gibsons, but country players love Gibsons. I guess it's that twangy sound they're after. Gibsons tend to be rugged too, which is handy if you play in a place that has barroom brawls and people throwing beer bottles at the stage and stuff like that. Stella's are even better for such places, but Kent are the ultimate cos they have a neck like a telephone pole. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Once Famous Date: 18 Aug 04 - 11:28 AM I have found that musicians or ones who think they are knock Martin or Gibson guitars because: A) they can't afford one and will try to brag all day that their Yamaha or nato back & sides Jasmine is just as good. B) really are pretty limited in their playing talents anyway. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Cluin Date: 18 Aug 04 - 11:57 AM Personally, I've found Martins to be twangier-sounding (hey look Ma, I made up a new word!) than Gibsons on the average. Gibsons generally are a sweeter sounding guitar. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 18 Aug 04 - 12:27 PM they... brag all day that their Yamaha... is just as good. As noted above, I own Martins and Gibsons as well as several other quality instruments and will say uneqivocally that my friend Robert's Yamaha sounds as good and plays as well as any of them. On the other hand, I've owned a few Yamahas myself and have not been all that pleased with them so his guitar may be an exceptional example. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Little Hawk Date: 18 Aug 04 - 01:19 PM I've got a $700 Yamaha and a $3,000 Martin. I actually like the Yamaha just a tad better. I've played $5,000 guitars that are a bit better than either one of them, but I don't really have any reason to spend that much on another guitar at this point. I mean, I could, but why would I? I already have 2 great guitars that are good enough to satisfy me. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Once Famous Date: 18 Aug 04 - 02:38 PM It's a question of what you will "settle" for. The materials and craftsmenship are like night and day, however I will admit that there can be a very occasional exception. Hand made out of selected materials vs. cookie cutter machine made with materials of appropriately priced quality. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Ebbie Date: 18 Aug 04 - 02:38 PM I've about decided that perception of quality is very subjective. For instance, Cluin believes that Gibson is sweeter than Martin- and I tend to believe the opposite. Martin, to me, has a very identifiable sound that I experience as 'sweet'. Gibson, to me, has a shallower, brighter sound. Buddy Tabor has fairly severe GAS. As a general thing, he prefers his Gibsons and has definite preferences for recording. He also has Martins, including a small sweet-voiced treasure that he likes but does not love. I think there is a good reason for it; Buddy's voice, while not actually harsh, is supported better by the Gibsons. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: kendall Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:44 PM You can not beat a top quality Martin, but I will put my Taylor 810 up against all but the very best Martin.And, for the difference in price I'll take the Taylor every time. And, it's not because I can't afford a Martin either, I've had every well known brand there is including a Gibson J-45 (1955) a Martin D-28, a Mossman and a Guild D-50. All fine instruments but I prefer the Taylor. Now, for an investment, a good Martin has no equal, they will always be worth more than you paid for them. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: GUEST,LilyFestre Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:50 PM I am a beginning guitar player and have myself a nice little Ibanez guitar. I have never played or held either of the guitars you are talking about. For the moment, as long as I have a guitar that fits me (my husband's guitar is just too dang big!), I'm happy. :) Michelle |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Once Famous Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:53 PM That's fine Guest, LilyFestre. but as you progress from a beginner, you will find that a better guitar will enhance your playing. both Martin and Gibson do make smaller body models. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Cluin Date: 18 Aug 04 - 05:49 PM Played a smaller bodied Taylor once in Steve's Music in Ottawa and fell instantly in love with it. If I had the bucks at the time I would have bought it then and there. In general (again) I've found Martins to be louder and fuller sounding than Gibsons of the same size, but my preference is for a guitar to sing along with and that's where the Gibsons shine for me. I I was playing primarily acoustic guitar instrumentals or in a bluegrass band, I'd go with a Martin dreadnought all the way. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: PoppaGator Date: 18 Aug 04 - 06:38 PM Is it fair to say that Martins -- big "D"s, anyway -- boom out more bass, while Gibsons tend to emphasize the treble a bit more? My nice old D-18 is a bit bottom-heavy, but I don't know if it fits any general rule. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: kendall Date: 18 Aug 04 - 07:45 PM My old Gibson J-45 was very bassy. The J body is bigger than the D body |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: GUEST,Kent Ovation Date: 19 Aug 04 - 05:27 PM And why is no one extolling the virtues of my 2 favorites? |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: GUEST,Maton Guild Date: 19 Aug 04 - 08:13 PM Or mine? |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: GUEST,Neither Date: 19 Aug 04 - 08:13 PM They're just names. There are better guitars out there |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Little Hawk Date: 19 Aug 04 - 08:20 PM I'd rather play a duck than an Ovation. Or a Kent either. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: GUEST Date: 19 Aug 04 - 08:22 PM Do they call it 'Ovation' because it is shaped like an egg? |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Don Firth Date: 19 Aug 04 - 08:48 PM I've had three Martins: a steel-string 00-18, and two classics, a 00-18-G and a 00-28-G. All three were very nice instruments. But when it comes to classics, which I favor, Martins, as good as they are, can't measure up to those by European luthiers. I've owned several guitars over the years, all Spanish-made classics or flamencos. I now own a José Oribé concert classic (actually, Oribé operates out of California, but his quality is up there with the best of the Spanish luthiers) and an Arcangel Fernandez flamenco (made in Madrid and now a collectors' item). I also own two travel guitars, both "Go" guitars, one nylon-string and one steel-string. Pending another GAS attack, I'm in good shape. Don Firth |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Once Famous Date: 19 Aug 04 - 09:53 PM Don Martins are not famous for classical guitars. They are most famous for D size cannons. But you probably order your corned beef sandwiches on white bread with mayonaise, also. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Cluin Date: 19 Aug 04 - 10:51 PM Willie's "Trigger" is a Martin classical. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Bobert Date: 19 Aug 04 - 11:06 PM I reckon it all depends on what sound you want and what kinda music you play. When I started playing seriously in the 60's I was playin' a lot of Dylan-ish songs and bought my D-18 new because a buddy told me they were great. Well, this particular guitar has served me well thru a musical journey of folks, country, blue grass and curently, prewar blues. I also own other instruments but I like the bass that I can get out of the Martin. Nothin' like it fir bass and tone... Of course, it isn't a mainstay in my blues playin' since I bought a decent playing reso off ebay... But my vote: Martin. Bobert |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: CarolC Date: 19 Aug 04 - 11:47 PM We've got a '64 Gibson J45, a Seagull Artist Series flame maple cutaway, a '74 Framus Texan, and a resonator of unknown origin. They're all good for different things. JtS uses the Gibson for blues and Rolling Stones type stuff. JtS says the Seagull is better for finger picking, and it has a sweeter, more bell-like tone than the Gibson, so it sounds better with softer and/or more mellow songs. People seem to like the Framus a lot. JtS says it's twangy and good for western and cowboy style songs. The resonator hasn't gotten much use yet, but it's good and funky and we like it for that reason. Of course, of all of the instruments we have, I like my little Italian accordion with the musette tuning best ;-) |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: GUEST Date: 19 Aug 04 - 11:55 PM I have a job I hate but it let me buy a Martin that I love. I have a Custom D-40 with Adirondack spruce and Brazilian Rosewood and there is nothing sweeter this side of heaven (except my wife).I've had 2 Gibsons,an Epiphone and still have two other Martins but none of them can touch this one. |
Subject: RE: BS: A Martin or a Gibson? From: Don Firth Date: 20 Aug 04 - 01:38 PM MG, Martins aren't famous for their classics now, but there was a time (about the time you were in diapers) when, if you couldn't afford to shuck out $700 to $1,000 for a Herman Hauser, a José Ramirez, or a Manuel Velazquez, you could count on a Martin classic to be a darn nice instrument. My first classic was a Martin 00-28-G, with a spruce soundboard, beautiful Brazilian rosewood back and sides, and an ebony fingerboard. $225 with hard-shell case (all prices have changed a bit since). Very good sound and nice to play. My Oribé is a better instrument by far, but I often wish I still had the Martin. It was a very good "living-room guitar." D-Models seem to be favored by bluegrass and country musicians, and with good reason. If you're playing in, say, a bluegrass group, they work well for rhythm or laying down a strong bass. But they're kind of specialized: bass heavy and light in the trebles. I wouldn't want to use one for accompanying solo voice, which is what I do most of the time. Thanks for the reminder. I haven't had a corned beef sandwich in a long time. White bread and mayonnaise? Don't be ridiculous! Don Firth |
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