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1969 Martin D-18. Worth?

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Seamus Kennedy 24 Apr 09 - 12:24 AM
Peace 24 Apr 09 - 12:27 AM
Peace 24 Apr 09 - 12:28 AM
Peace 24 Apr 09 - 12:29 AM
Seamus Kennedy 24 Apr 09 - 01:01 AM
Peace 24 Apr 09 - 01:04 AM
mkebenn 24 Apr 09 - 01:09 AM
GUEST,jeff 24 Apr 09 - 02:53 AM
Peace 24 Apr 09 - 02:55 AM
Peace 24 Apr 09 - 03:16 AM
Midchuck 24 Apr 09 - 07:21 AM
Seamus Kennedy 24 Apr 09 - 11:52 AM
GUEST 24 Apr 09 - 11:59 AM
Peace 24 Apr 09 - 12:14 PM
Bill D 24 Apr 09 - 12:29 PM
Fortunato 24 Apr 09 - 01:54 PM
Ferrara 24 Apr 09 - 02:07 PM
GUEST,jeff 25 Apr 09 - 02:57 AM
Peace 26 Apr 09 - 02:50 AM
Seamus Kennedy 26 Apr 09 - 03:12 AM
Tyke 26 Apr 09 - 08:57 AM
catspaw49 26 Apr 09 - 09:55 AM
Peace 26 Apr 09 - 10:21 AM
Seamus Kennedy 26 Apr 09 - 02:00 PM
Mark Ross 26 Apr 09 - 02:09 PM
GUEST 27 Apr 09 - 06:56 AM
PoppaGator 27 Apr 09 - 12:23 PM
PoppaGator 01 Mar 10 - 03:10 PM
GUEST,jeff 01 Mar 10 - 05:01 PM
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Subject: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Seamus Kennedy
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 12:24 AM

A friend of mine is selling a 1969 Martin D-18 with some wear and tear but still playing well and sounding good.

I haven't seen the instrument, but I'd take his word

How would I find out what it's worth, other than taking it to a dealer of course?

I'm talking a ballpark figure.

Thankas for any help, 'Catters.


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 12:27 AM

MARTIN D-18 (1969)
VGC+ except for 2 repaired cracks under pickguard, spruce top, mahogany back and sides, 14-fret mahogany neck, 20-fret rosewood fingerboard with pearl dot inlays, rosewood peghead overlay, chrome Grover Rotomatic tuners, black body binding, w-b-w-b top purfling, 15-3/4" lower bout, 25.4" scale, 1-11/16" nut width, 3-7/8" to 4-7/8" body depth, replacement black pickguard, recent neck reset, refret and new bridge by our shop, plays and sounds great! With period arched-lid HSC (yellow lining), on consignment (SN:242911)
10U-5017 .. $2,650.00

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 12:28 AM

1969 martin d-18 - $2000 (oaks ok)

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-11, 3:35PM CDT

I have a 69 D-18 Martin I going to let go. Its in very good shape to be 50 years old. I also have a 1985 taylor 710E and a few shure mics. give me a call at 918 822 1054, also might do some trading.

Location: oaks ok
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1117958918

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 12:29 AM

4138    Martin    D-18    1969    #242909    Exc    hsc    $2100            

From a few places on the www.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Seamus Kennedy
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 01:01 AM

Bruce- thanks.
After I started the thread, I went to a couple of sites and got much the same things as your good self.

I shoulda oughtta thoughtta that before I posted, but thanks a million for your help, sir.

Maybe a JoeClone will delete this thread before all the smartasses come on and tell me to Google "Martin D-18" or to check E-bay.

Although it's probably too late for that.

I'll just have to take my lickin'. *G*


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 01:04 AM


No problem, Seamus--you are more than welcome.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: mkebenn
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 01:09 AM

Seamus, I've been a fan from afar for a while. If the instrument is sound, and plays well, I'd say 2 grand was a buy, but I'm a martin wonk, so take it with a grain, man. Mike

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: GUEST,jeff
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 02:53 AM

Upon aquisition take it to your most trusted luthier and have the bracing scalloped. Any Martins after 1968 had to have thicker bracing to maintain the 'lifetime' warranty. Then when CS&N hit the QC situation worsened. One would be MUCH better off finding a Gurian of that vintage...late 60s early 70s. Much better guitar for about the same money. I owned two of them and would stack them against any Martin I've ever owned or played. Very underrated and overlooked guitars.

That being said 2000.00-2500.00US is a fair price for a '69 Martin D-18 in decent condition.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 02:55 AM

Jeff, are Gurians still being made do you know? I've never seen one before.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 03:16 AM

S'ok. Found this on the 'net:

"Gurians were never built in large numbers, perhaps a few thousand from the late 1960s until the company's demise in 1981. They are now being sought after as excellent playing instruments. Their value is rising. This web page will present the history of the company, describe the models, and give starting points for serial numbers to date instruments."

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Midchuck
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 07:21 AM

If he has any money to spare, he should send it to New Mexico to be worked over.

It'll come back worth half again as much, but then he won't want to sell it. So maybe that's not a good idea...


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Seamus Kennedy
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 11:52 AM

Thank, gents! That Bryan Kimsey site is fascinating.
There's a thought....
I owned a Gurian years ago. Great guitar, but an odd-shaped body for someone used to a Dreadnought.
As usual, I thought I was trading up when I let it go.*G*

And not one smartass reply in the bunch.


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 11:59 AM


I owned a Telecaster with the original wiring back in 1962 or so. I traded up to a Framus acoustic.

Yup. We knew exactly what we were doin' back in the day. Yup.

Pleased to meet you.


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 12:14 PM

While my heart breaks, I figured I'd add to my misery and include a picture. The difference between the one shown and mine is that my case was gree on the inside. Now, I'm going away to cry.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Bill D
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 12:29 PM

Peace...if you could sneak down to Idaho, you 'might' be able to convince Norton1 (he hasn't posted recently) to let you play the Gurian my wife sold him a few years ago....he says it just gets better & better.

I think she let it go too cheaply.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Fortunato
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 01:54 PM

Here is a site that does a great job of breaking down the value or collectability. It's not as simple as bracing, really, and the rosewood bridge plate maybe the more critical factor.


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Ferrara
Date: 24 Apr 09 - 02:07 PM

Gurian went out of business when a fire destroyed all their equipment and seasoned woods (sniff....). I did let the guitar go too cheaply, but it went to someone who loves it. No regrets.

At this point I may have to sell my 1975 D-28 though, and I will aim for $. It has hand scalloped braces and a very nice action, the work was done by the previous owner who I was told was a luthier in Williamsburg, MD.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: GUEST,jeff
Date: 25 Apr 09 - 02:57 AM

Peace, I owned a Gurian S3M(Size 3 mahogany) and and S2M (size 2 mahogany). They 'didn't give it up' easily, but once one's hands adjusted they were magnificent sounding guitars and a 'soundman's dream' as one VERY particular, opinionated and experienced guy once told me at a gig. The size 3 was similar in size to a Guild F-30 but had a much more 'punchy and defined' bass response very similar to an Olsen. See Jonatha Brooke's video 'Lullaby' on youtube to get an idea of what a Gurian sounded like. She uses an Olsen, but it sounds just like my old Gurian.

The S2M didn't have the body capacity to be used as a vocal accompaniment guitar, but was an excellent 'lead' guitar and could be soft and mellow or bold and brassy as the song needed. They both miked incredibly well w/an AKG C1000 in combo w/an SM57.

Had a friend who had a Rosewood Jumbo can only say it was the LOUDEST guitar I've ever heard next to a Rainsong jumbo. The secret, I believe to the sound was that Michael Gurian used 'fan' bracing ala a classical guitar rather than the X or 'double X' bracing used on most steel string acoustics.

I COULD go on, but this IS a Martin thread, after all. Sorry about the hijack, Seamus.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 26 Apr 09 - 02:50 AM

Jeff, many thanks for that.


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Seamus Kennedy
Date: 26 Apr 09 - 03:12 AM

Bruce - when I think of all the instruments including tenor-banjos, mandolins and guitars, that I 'traded up' over the years, I could kick myself, as I'm sure many other 'Catters could.

Hey, there's a notion for another thread - Instruments I wash I hadn't traded.

Jeff- no worries. It wasn't a hijack at all.


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Tyke
Date: 26 Apr 09 - 08:57 AM

I did a search to find out the History of my Gurian Guitar my findings were interesting. Here is one link but a Google will find you more.

I bought mine in Leeds they had three for sale I bought the Jumbo and after Aliser Russle ( BattleFiels Band ) heard it sold his martin and Bought the other. I could never understand why I only had to pay in the early 80's £250 including the Hard case untill I read the History of Gurian Gutars.

I saw one advertised (the only one I have ever seen for sale) for £2750 about Five years ago. However I have no idea what it sounded like. At the time I bought mine I could see that these Hand Built Guitars were being sold cheap in an attempt to raise capital. My own thoughts are that I would be very unlikly to ever be able to buy any Guitar as good. The best of the best from top manufactures being reserved as loaners for the Top Artists.

I know that Bernie Parry spent weeks down a local stockist of Martin Guitars trying them all till he settled on one. He then spent hours in the shop playing that one and trying it out. Finaly having mad up his mind to buy it the Shopkeeper said OK and thinking he was doing Bernie a Favour I'll get you brand spanking new one out of the stock room. No! said Bernie this is the one I want.

Take your time don't rush and Good Luck that perfect parner is out there. They don't all grow on trees but who wants a plastic one.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: catspaw49
Date: 26 Apr 09 - 09:55 AM

Tell ya' what Bruce......Ya' gotta' look at things on the bright side. Sure, you were a moronic dumbfuck of a numbnuts for letting the Telecaster go but on the plus side remember the years of service you got from the Framus. Sure it was a half-assed guitar, but it was also a great field hockey stick! And as a door stop no finer was ever made. Many folks up your way bought two, a 6 and a 12 set, as they made wonderful snowshoes.   

I know a guy, name of Ulee, who used his as a hammer to construct an outhouse. He then let it hang there to use for a little practice and singing while he crapped. That caused more damage to that Framus than anything else I ever heard. It wasn't Ulee's playing that was a problem but the fumes off his shit corroded the strings and was real tough on the finish.


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Peace
Date: 26 Apr 09 - 10:21 AM


Warn a guy, will ya? Now I have to clean a keyboard.


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Seamus Kennedy
Date: 26 Apr 09 - 02:00 PM

I once traded a black Hagstrom for a Yamaha FG 180. That was one of my fw good trades.

Spaw, any good uses for a Hagstrom?


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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: Mark Ross
Date: 26 Apr 09 - 02:09 PM

Whatever happened to that lovely Martin O-18 you used to play?

Mark Ross

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
Date: 27 Apr 09 - 06:56 AM

I've seen two Gurians. One was a nice sound kinda like an old Gibson and the other sounded like the strings were old telephone wires. Hard, metallic and most unpleasant.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: PoppaGator
Date: 27 Apr 09 - 12:23 PM

My one-and-only guitar since I bought it new in 1969 is a D-18, s/n 245998.

I had the neck reset a few years ago, which indeed made it easier to play. I don't know that it made the sound any better; the sound has always been very nice, and if it's better than ever now, that might be entirely due to its enhanced playability. (If it's easier to play, it has to be easier to play well and take greater advantage of its potential.)

I had an appraiser look it over in early 2006, and he pegged the value at about $2400-2500. It was an "informal" appraisal in the sense that it was free and undocumented. (He would have typed up and signed a letter attesting to that value if I paid his price, but since I wasn't selling, only curious, I was happy with the no-charge verbal evaluation.)

After reading the info on that "" site linked above, I suppose that the neck reset might have enhanced the value a bit. Or perhaps it made no difference ~ but it couldn't have hurt.

I might add that my guitar shows a fair amount of wear-and-tear, mostly on the spruce top, so that 24-2500 figure is NOT based upon "mint condition."

I would think that Seamus' friend should ask $2500 or even a litle more, and then be willing to come down a couple hundred. An even two thousand is probably too low, and would present the buyer with a real bargain.

PS: The CF Martin script logo on my headstock, originally gold-colored, is now black and almost invisible. I'm wondering if this is typical, if anyone has ever bothered to replace or refurbish theirs, etc.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: PoppaGator
Date: 01 Mar 10 - 03:10 PM

I've just been searching through my "Tracer" for something else entirely, and opened this old thread out of curiosity. Almost a year since I made the last post...

I had thought that the $2500 valuation of my old D-18, which cost either $299 or $399 (can't remember) back in 1969, was pretty good ~ until I saw that a NEW one is listed at $3349!

Apparently, a nice "vintage" well-played-in guitar is NOT any more valuable than one fresh from the factory.

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Subject: RE: 1969 Martin D-18. Worth?
From: GUEST,jeff
Date: 01 Mar 10 - 05:01 PM

Didn't realize I'd posted to this thread. Sound a bit like a know-it-all re-reading it. Had a 57 Martin D-18 w/a serial # in the 150,000s. Can't even imagine what it'd be worth today. 3500-4000US, probably.

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