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Martin 1235 guitar

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Allan Dennehy 05 Apr 05 - 03:33 PM
Wesley S 05 Apr 05 - 04:07 PM
Wesley S 05 Apr 05 - 04:08 PM
jeffp 05 Apr 05 - 04:09 PM
Once Famous 05 Apr 05 - 04:32 PM
Bee-dubya-ell 05 Apr 05 - 04:55 PM
open mike 05 Apr 05 - 09:22 PM
cobber 05 Apr 05 - 09:42 PM
open mike 06 Apr 05 - 01:27 AM
Allan Dennehy 06 Apr 05 - 07:23 AM
Allan Dennehy 06 Apr 05 - 05:02 PM
Lanfranc 06 Apr 05 - 06:20 PM
Scotus 06 Apr 05 - 10:50 PM
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Subject: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Allan Dennehy
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 03:33 PM

Hi folks, long time since Ive been on the forum, but here goes.
Friend of mine here in Denmark was looking at a 1968 B1235 today. He said the sound was incredible. Only minus was that it got a crack on the bottom that was well repaired. However theres practically no info on the internet about this guitar. Found one site where 3 owners gave it top marks. SO Im asking, anybody out there owns one, knows a bit about them. Especially how would you value it?

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Wesley S
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 04:07 PM

Allen - That number doesn't sound like any Martin number I've ever heard of. Could you be mistaken about that ? Are you sure it's a Martin ?

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Wesley S
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 04:08 PM

Could it be a "D" 35-12 ?? A D-35 as a 12 string perhaps ?

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: jeffp
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 04:09 PM

Do you mean D-12-35?

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Once Famous
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 04:32 PM

A B45-12 is a Gibson, FYI, just to add to the confusion.

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Bee-dubya-ell
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 04:55 PM

Yeh, "B" represents an acoustic bass guitar in Martin's system. So a B12-35 would be a 12-string bass guitar with a D-35 style appointments. A not impossible, but pretty darned unlikely beast. Probably supposed to be a D12-35.

I played a D12-35 that belonged to Scott Boyer while it was in a friend's music shop waiting to be picked up after having been repaired. It sounded great, but it was in the shop, which seems to be where a lot of Martin 12's made before they started using adjustable truss rods seem to spend a lot of their time. If you want a 12-string from that era, look for a Guild.

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: open mike
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 09:22 PM

perhaps it is a D-35? a D could be mis-read as a 1 and a 2.
i believe 35 denotes a 3 piece back

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: cobber
Date: 05 Apr 05 - 09:42 PM

I played a D35 12 string for a couple of years that I bought new in Australia in 1967. It was a beautiful instrument and if I remember rightly it was called a "New Yorker" which I think related to the fact that it was a short neck model, joining the body at the twelth fret. This was supposed to allow it to be tuned up to concert pitch and for normal use this was fine. When I got out on tour however, it couldn't take the Australian conditions and joints began to open up. I believe it was the type of glue they used in those days that couldn't take extreme heat and in those days we did a lot of outdoor festivals in the fierce Australian sun. Anyway, we were halfway through recording an album when the bridge lifted right off. I rang Chris Ffinch, who was at Maton at the time and he lent me one of their 12s while he fixed it. I liked the Maton so much, I offered a straight swap and they sold it for the cost of the Maton plus the repair. Anywhere other than Australia, if I saw another of those, I'd grab it.

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: open mike
Date: 06 Apr 05 - 01:27 AM

so i have a martin with the "s" in the name
and i thought it stood for slot style tuners
but it designates the 12 fret fingerboard..

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Allan Dennehy
Date: 06 Apr 05 - 07:23 AM

Very sorry about that.

Yes it is a D 12 35, sorry about the confusion. So I guess its a 12 string version of the D 35. Does the fact that its from 1969 mean that it should be made of better wood that a new one (if they made them today which they dont)? If it was a 6 string model of the same year how would you value it?

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Allan Dennehy
Date: 06 Apr 05 - 05:02 PM

Anyway he bought it today. The strings look as old as the guitar but it still sounds great. He paid 11000 danish kroner for it (about 1000 Eng. pounds) and I think hes probably done a good deal.

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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Lanfranc
Date: 06 Apr 05 - 06:20 PM

He did a good deal!

A friend bought a D28-12 of similar vintage some years ago for around GBP 1500 (DKR 16500), and D35s are usually at a premium to D35s.


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Subject: RE: Martin 1235 guitar
From: Scotus
Date: 06 Apr 05 - 10:50 PM

I have a 1974 D35 six string and it's always been great. Bought it second hand round about 1983 for £500 plus a yamaha FG 160 and a Gibson with a twisted neck and have never regretted it!

Jack beck

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