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Martin Backpacker delicious after all

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GUEST,KingBrilliant 12 May 00 - 05:55 AM
Mooh 12 May 00 - 08:38 AM
JedMarum 12 May 00 - 08:41 AM
Mooh 12 May 00 - 08:45 AM
GUEST,T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird) 12 May 00 - 09:21 AM
GUEST,KingBrilliant 12 May 00 - 10:47 AM
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Subject: Martin Backpacker delicious after all
From: GUEST,KingBrilliant
Date: 12 May 00 - 05:55 AM

I wanted a small instrument to take to this year's festivals suitable for just getting out & playing as & when - mainly to sing with. When I was investigating the idea I was almost dissuaded by the references found on mudcat. Although I agree with the downside of the thing, it's horses for courses - and as they say 'it does exactly what it says on the box [Brit TV ad reference]'. Then I went into the shop & bought one anyway & I really love it. Obviously it doesn't sound that great - but I don't need it to. Its small, stick shaped & very light & seems pretty robust - & I'll be able to carry it around without feeling cumbersome. So I'll get a lot more playing done, which should help with my playing on the 'real' one at home. I just wanted to put the positive point of view in case anyone else is considering one at the moment. I like the idea of being able to carry it around on the off-chance - which I don't find practical with a guitar-shaped guitar.


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Subject: RE: Martin Backpacker delicious after all
From: Mooh
Date: 12 May 00 - 08:38 AM

Does yours plug in? How does it sound? I'd be much more interested if I could plug it into a tiny amp sometimes. Just wondering. Mooh.

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Subject: RE: Martin Backpacker delicious after all
From: JedMarum
Date: 12 May 00 - 08:41 AM

congrats King! I have enjoyed playing the backpaker, and in fact have nearly worn it out! It does have diminished sound qualities for the lower strings, but as you say, it sreves the purpose well. I have actually 'rewired' mine to overcome the reduced sound from the bass. I put stirngs one octave higher on the bottom four, and play it often in an open tuning (D major).

My freinds tell me it sounds like a dulcimer with an attitude!

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Subject: RE: Martin Backpacker delicious after all
From: Mooh
Date: 12 May 00 - 08:45 AM

I bet it would be great for bottlenecking! Mooh.

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Subject: RE: Martin Backpacker delicious after all
From: GUEST,T in Oklahoma (Okiemockbird)
Date: 12 May 00 - 09:21 AM

I love my Martin Backpacker! (You can see a bit of my Classical Backpacker in the somewhat impressionistic picture at bbc's site) It's the best innovation in guitar-body design since the 1550s. I never cared for the Spanish shape, so I never cared for the guitar until I saw a backpacker. When I did, I said to myself, "self, there's the instrument for you." If the backpacker hadn't been invented (circa 1994, I think) I wouldn't now be a budding guitarist. Maybe some will therefore curse the luthier who devised the new shape. But I'm pleased.


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Subject: RE: Martin Backpacker delicious after all
From: GUEST,KingBrilliant
Date: 12 May 00 - 10:47 AM

Mine doesn't plug in - but can't you get pickup thingies for guitars? I wonder what that would do. Probably just louder but still the same proportion of loud per tone? What I also like is that its a really comfortable shape to play - being a short fat type the regular shape can be a bit uncomfortable after a while.

kris (can't wait to get back home & play)

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