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Lyr Req: Just Not Coping (Eric Bogle)


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Amergin 27 Jul 03 - 02:33 AM
Bob Bolton 27 Jul 03 - 07:27 AM
Bob Bolton 27 Jul 03 - 08:38 AM
Sorcha 27 Jul 03 - 11:09 AM
Amergin 27 Jul 03 - 03:41 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Just Not coping
From: Amergin
Date: 27 Jul 03 - 02:33 AM

Hi there...I was wondering if anyone had the lyrics to Eric Bogle's Just Not Coping....heard this song the other day...and it has stuck in my head since...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Just Not coping
From: Bob Bolton
Date: 27 Jul 03 - 07:27 AM

G'day Amergin,

It's in The Eric Bogle Songbook ... one of them ... in this case, the Music Sales MS1009 version (no date!). I don't have an OCR scan facility on this box ... I'll get around to installing one when I go off-line ... and, maybe I'll also key in the music and post it along with the song.


Bob Bolton

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: JUST NOT COPING (Eric Bogle)
From: Bob Bolton
Date: 27 Jul 03 - 08:38 AM

G'day again Amergin,

Here is the lyric, from The Eric Bogle Song Book:

Just Not Coping
Words and music © Eric Bogle

I'm glad that you can't see me darlin'.—
I'm glad you didn't write or call,
You would have seen how much I'm changing
I'm just not coping well at all.
Sorry if I hurt you darling —
Can't begin to explain it all —
In a spin with the devil driving —
I'm just not coping well at all.

They tell me life begins a t forty.
Well, if that's true I hope life crawls
For on the down-ward slide fro thirty
I'm just not coping well at all.
Dreams all gone and lovers leaving —
Battles lost beyond recall —
No heroes left I can believe in
I'm just not coping well at all.

3/Tthe house is quiet since you left me.
'Cause there's no love within its walls
Only the lonesome sound of empty
In to the silence falls.
Other men can lose their lovers —
Bounce back like a rubber ball —
I'm just not like those other —
I'm just not coping well at all.

4/ (Different part of tune)
Look at my life, it's turning away from me
And I've not become the man that I once hoped I'd be.
Look at my life — it's just an empty sham
All that trouble and pain just to be what I am.

Repeat Verse 3 to finish

And here is the tune rendered into Alan of Oz's MIDItext program, from which you can reconstitute a MIDI file (and read an ABC version of the notation).

MIDI file: notcopin.mid

Timebase: 240

TimeSig: 4/4 24 8

Tempo: 100 (600000 microsec/crotchet)


0120 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0696 0 62 064 0264 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 55 080 0768 0 55 064 0312 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 64 080 0192 0 64 064 0048 1 62 080 0576 0 62 064 0264 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 60 080 0768 0 60 064 0432 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 69 080 0696 0 69 064 0264 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0192 0 67 064 0048 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 64 080 0696 0 64 064 0384 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 72 080 0048 0 72 064 0012 1 72 080 0048 0 72 064 0012 1 74 080 0096 0 74 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0696 0 69 064 0264 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 60 080 0696 0 60 064 0744 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0288 0 69 064 0072 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0216 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0576 0 67 064 0504 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 64 080 0216 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 62 080 0576 0 62 064 0624 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 69 080 0216 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0576 0 67 064 1584 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0384 0 69 064 0096 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 71 080 0096 0 71 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0216 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 67 080 0576 0 67 064 0624 1 64 080 0192 0 64 064 0048 1 64 080 0192 0 64 064 0048 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 62 080 0192 0 62 064 0048 1 62 080 0384 0 62 064 0576 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 60 080 0384 0 60 064


This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:













Bob Bolton

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Subject: Lyr Tune Add: Just Not coping (Eric Bogle)
From: Sorcha
Date: 27 Jul 03 - 11:09 AM

Bob Bolton's post 27 Jul 03 - 08:38 AM this thread.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Just Not coping (Eric Bogle)
From: Amergin
Date: 27 Jul 03 - 03:41 PM

Thanks Bob! I appreciate it.

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