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Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English

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Monique 31 Jan 23 - 06:22 PM
Monique 06 Feb 23 - 02:09 PM
Monique 13 Feb 23 - 02:13 PM
Monique 20 Feb 23 - 02:08 PM
Monique 22 Feb 23 - 03:38 PM
Monique 27 Feb 23 - 01:51 PM
Monique 06 Mar 23 - 02:19 PM
Felipa 06 Mar 23 - 07:21 PM
Monique 15 Mar 23 - 01:00 PM
Monique 27 Mar 23 - 02:13 PM
Monique 03 Apr 23 - 02:30 PM
GUEST,Grishka 05 Apr 23 - 06:30 AM
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Felipa 17 Apr 23 - 07:08 PM
Monique 18 Apr 23 - 12:43 PM
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Felipa 12 Jun 23 - 06:23 PM
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GUEST,Felipa 01 Aug 23 - 05:51 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 31 Jan 23 - 06:22 PM


Yo soy un pobre vaquero
Que no tiene ni alpargatas;
Pero me las voy a hacer
Con "pellejo 'e garrapatas"

Yo soy un pobre vaquero
Que no tiene ni alpargatas;
Pero me las voy a hacer
Con "pellejo 'e garrapatas", tan, tan

Que cantaba la rana, tan, tan
Que debajo del agua, tan, tan
Que cantaba la rana, tan, tan
Que debajo del agua.

Vaquerito, vaquerito
Pide mies al mayoral,
Que el ganado se te pierde
Que el ganado se te va.

Cada vez que te veo venir
Le digo a mi corazón
Qué bonita "piedrecita"
Para darme un tropezón

I am a poor cowboy
Who doesn't even have rope-soled sandals
But I'm going to make me some
With ticks' skin*

I am a poor cowboy
Who doesn't even have rope-soled sandals
But I'm going to do me some
With ticks' skin, tan, tan

The frog was singing, tan, tan**
Underneath the water, tan, tan
The frog was singing, tan, tan
Underneath the water.

Little cowboy, little cowboy,
Ask the head shepherd/farm manager for grain
For your cattle is getting lost
For your cattle is going away.

Every time I see you come,
I say to my heart
"What a pretty little stone
To stumble against!"
*"pellejo de garrapatas" this can be understood if you know a longer version of this song that you can listen to here sung by Óscar Chávez. The poor cowboy plans to make every item he's lacking with the hide/skin of any animal whose name rhymes with the name of said item.
** Reference to the chidren's song La rana cucú ("Cucú, cantaba la rana / Cucú, debajo del agua…")

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 06 Feb 23 - 02:09 PM

From the extract in English by Robert Paquin in Le testament du garçon empoisonné, un Lord Randal français en Acadie -the whole article is in French but there's an extract in English at the bottom of the document. Here is part of it...
"Versions of a French ballad collected on the east coast of Canada (Acadie) are compared to Child No. 12, Lord Randal. The French ballad, "Le testament du garçon empoisonné" is shown to be a popular translation resulting from the folk cultural exchanges that occurred in Canada, either in lumber camps or among mixed (i.e. French-English) families. This French ballad has no ancestor in France, but a French Lord Randal does exist among the displaced "Cajuns" of Louisiana. While it is impossible to identify a unique source for the French Testament, the Louisiana version seems to be the work of a literate craftsman whose source can be clearly traced to Child D version, first published in Scott’s Minstrelsy."

Où qu' t'as été hier au soir, Honoré, mon enfant ? (x2)
J'ai été voir les filles, Maman faisez mon lit
Car j'ai grand mal au cœur, je veux aller me coucher.

Mais où sont tes deux chiens, Honoré, mon enfant ? (x2)
Sont morts après souper, Maman faisez mon lit
Car j'ai grand mal au cœur, je veux aller me coucher.

Mais qu'as-tu donc mangé, Honoré, mon enfant ? (x2)
Un p' tit poisson salé, Maman faisez mon lit
Car j'ai grand mal au cœur, je veux aller me coucher.

Que laisseras-tu à ton père, Honoré, mon enfant ? (x2)
Ma terre et ma maison, Maman faisez mon lit
Car j'ai grand mal au cœur, je veux aller me coucher.

Que laisseras-tu à ta mère, Honoré, mon enfant ? (x2)
Mes habits, mon trousseau, Maman faisez mon lit
Car j'ai grand mal au cœur, je veux aller me coucher.

Que laisseras-tu à ton frère, Honoré, mon enfant ? (x2)
Ma selle et mon cheval, ma montre et mes souliers.
Car j'ai grand mal au cœur, je veux aller me coucher.

Que laisseras-tu à ta sœur, Honoré, mon enfant ? (x2)
Mon violon, mon archet, Maman faisez mon lit
Car j'ai grand mal au cœur, je veux aller me coucher.

Que laisseras-tu à ta belle, Honoré, mon enfant ? (x2)
Je lui laisserai la mer pour aller s'y noyer !
Elle l'a bien mérité : c'est elle qui m'a empoisonné !

Where did you go yesterday evening, Honoré, my child? (x2)
I went to see the girls*, Mother, make my bed
For my heart is very sick, I want to go and lie down.

Where on earth are your two dogs, Honoré, my child? (x2)
They died after supper, Mother, make my bed
For my heart is very sick, I want to go and lie down.

What on earth did you eat, Honoré, my child? (x2)
A small, salted fish, Mother, make my bed
For my heart is very sick, I want to go and lie down.

What will you leave to your father, Honoré, my child? (x2)
My land and my house, Mother, make my bed
For my heart is very sick, I want to go and lie down.

What will you leave to your mother, Honoré, my child? (x2)
My clothes, my outfit, Mother, make my bed
For my heart is very sick, I want to go and lie down.

What will you leave to your brother, Honoré, my child? (x2)
My saddle and my horse, my watch and my shoes.
For my heart is very sick, I want to go and lie down.

What will you leave to your sister, Honoré, my child? (x2)
My violin, my (violin) bow, Mother, make my bed
For my heart is very sick, I want to go and lie down.

What will you leave to your sweetheart, Honoré, my child? (x2)
I'll leave her the sea for her to drown in it!
She's well deserved it, she's the one who poisoned me!
* "aller voir les filles" literally "to go to see the girls" usually means "to go pay a visit to the prostitutes"

Recording by Robert le Diable, a band from Normandy.
A cappella recording by Gabriel Yacoub at 19:20

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 13 Feb 23 - 02:13 PM


El día de los torneos,
pasé yo por Morería,
y vi a una mora lavando
al pie de la fuente fría.

"Apártate, mora bella;
apártate, mora linda;
deja beber mi caballo
de esta fuente cristalina.

-No soy mora, caballero,
que soy cristiana cautiva;
me cautivaron los moros
día de Pascua Florida.
Siendo yo pequeña niña
y con apenas cinco años
De los brazos de mi padre
Los moros me arrebataron.

Me llevaron al desierto
Y allí me querían casar
Con un morito muy guapo
Y de mucho capital.

-Si te vinieras conmigo
aquí en mi caballo irías.
-Y los pañuelos que lavo,
¿dónde me los dejaría?
-Los de seda y los de Holanda,
sobre mi caballería;
y los que nada valieren
río se los llevaría.

-Y mi honra, caballero
¿dónde me la dejaría?
- Juro a los pies de mi espada,
que en el suelo está tendida,
de no hablarte ni mirarte
hasta los montes de Olías.".
Al llegar a aquellos montes
La mora llora y suspira.

"¿Por qué lloras, mora bella?
¿Por qué suspiras, mi vida?
-Lloro porque en estos montes
mi padre acá me traía
Cuando salía de caza
Con toda su cortesía
Y mi hermano Moralejo
Que me hacía compañía.

-¿Cómo se llama tu padre?
-Mi padre, Don Juan, él de Olías.
-¡Dios mío! ¿Qué es lo que dices?
¡Virgen sagrada María!

Abra usted, madre, la puerta,
ventanas y celosías
que aquí os traigo la niña
que buscabais noche y día.
Que el día de los torneos
pasé yo por Morería
Yo pensé traer mujer
y traigo una hermana mía."

On the day of the tournaments
I passed through the Moorish country,
And I saw a Moorish girl washing
At the foot of the cold spring.

"Move away, beautiful Moorish girl;
Move away, pretty Moorish girl;
Let my horse drink
From this crystalline spring."

"I am not a Moor, gentleman,
I am a captive Christian;
I was captured by the Moors
On Easter Day.
When I was a little girl
And only five years old
The Moors snatched me
From my father's arms.

They took me to the desert
And there they wanted to marry me off
To a very handsome Moorish young man
And with a lot of resources/assets."

"If you came with me
Here on my horse, you would go."
"And the linens* that I wash,
Where would I leave them?"
"Those of silk and those of Holland,
On my cavalry;
And those that'd be worthless
The river would take them away."

"And my honor, gentleman.
Where would I/you(?) leave/keep it?"
"I swear at the foot of my sword
That is lying on the ground,
Not to talk to you or look at you
Till the mounts/hills of Olías."
Upon reaching those mounts/hills
The Moorish girl cries and sighs.

"Why are you crying, beautiful Moorish girl?
Why are you sighing, my love?"
"I cry because in those mounts/hills
My father would bring me
When he went hunting
With all his entourage/retinue
And my brother Moralejo
Would keep me company."

"What is the name of your father?"
"My father, Don Juan, the one from Olías."
"My God! What are you saying?
Holy Virgin Mary!

Open the door, mother,
Windows and (window) lattices
Here I bring you the girl
You were looking for day and night.
On the day of the tournaments
I passed through the Moorish country
I thought I was bringing a wife
And I'm bringing a sister of mine."
*Pañuelos literally means "handkerchiefs" but more likely means "linens" here.

The Pan-Hispanic Ballad Project has collected 199 versions of this "romance" in different countries and communities. Many versions are said to be recited but there are a few scores posted on this page.
If you put any of the different Spanish titles in a search engine you'll come across a lot of sets of lyrics and videos.

After all, the video I took it from hasn't disappeared. So here is the version I sang sung by El Último Trovador
A very similar version though not exactly the same.

As sung by Alalumbre Folk
As sung by Nuevo Mester de Juglaría
A sung by Joaquín Díaz

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 20 Feb 23 - 02:08 PM


Donna lombarda, donna lombarda, donna lombarda
Tu vuoi venire al ballo con me, al ballo con me?

Io veneria ben volentieri, io veneria
Ma ho paura del mio marì, del mio marì.

Tuo marito l'è un uomo vecchio, un uomo vecchio,
T'ho da insegnare a farlo morir, a farlo morir

E vai nell'orto di tuo padre, e vai nell'orto
Là c'è la testa del serpentin, del serpentin

Lo prenderai, lo pesterai, lo prenderai
E nel buon vino lo metterai, lo metterai

E riva a casa suo marito, e riva a casa
Tutto sudato dal lavorar, del lavorar

Donna lombarda, donna lombarda, donna lombarda,
Vammi a cercare tu del buon vin, tu del buon vin

Tu lo vuoi bianco, tu lo vuoi rosso, tu lo vuoi rosso
Donna lombarda, come vuoi tu, come vuoi tu

E un bambino di nove mesi, e un bambino
Sta nella culla così parlò, così parlò

Oh mio padre, oh mio buon padre, oh mio buon padre
Se lo berrai tu morirai, tu morirai

E lui si mise la spada al fianco, la spada al fianco
Donna lombarda beva ste vin, beva ste vin

E ogni goccia che lei beveva, che lei beveva
Lei la diceva addio marì, addio marì,

Addio marito, addio per sempre, addio per sempre
Ci rivedremo là su nel ciel, là su nel ciel.

Dame Lombard, Dame Lombard, Dame Lombard
Will you come to the dance with me, to the dance with me?

I would willingly come, I would come
But I'm afraid of my husband, of my husband.

Your husband is an old man, an old man,
I have to teach you how to make him die, to make him die

Go to your father's garden, go to the garden
There is the head of the snake, of the snake

You'll get it, you'll crush it, you'll get it
And in good wine you will put it, you will put it

And her husband comes home, he comes home
All sweaty from working, from working

Dame Lombard, Dame Lombard, Dame Lombard,
Go and find me some good wine, some good wine

Do you want it white, do you want it red, do you want it red?
Lombard woman, as you wish, as you wish

And a nine-month-old baby, and a baby
Lies in the cradle and he spoke thus, he spoke thus

Oh my father, oh my good father, oh my good father
If you drink it you will die, you will die

And he put his sword to his side, his sword to his side
Dame Lombard, drink this wine, drink this wine

And every drop that she drank, that she drank
She said farewell husband, farewell husband,

Farewell husband, farewell forever, farewell forever
We'll meet again up there in the sky, up there in the sky.
Donna Lombarda -as sung by Giordano Dell’Armellina.
You’ll find 16 versions collected in “Canti popolari del Piemonte” by Costantino Nigra.
There are more in different Italian collections.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 22 Feb 23 - 03:38 PM

On Feb. 13th Lois sang...


Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment
Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie
        Tu m’as quittée pour la belle Sylvie
        Elle t'a quitté pour un autre amant

Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment
Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie

The Pleasures of love last but a moment
The Pains of love can endure your whole life through

You left me for la belle Sylvie
Then she left you for another
Who by chance came along

The Pleasures of love last but a moment.
The Pains of love can last your whole life long
        Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment,
        Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie.

Written in 1784, Jean-Paul-Égide Martini. Wikipedia Entry
A version by Joan Baez

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 27 Feb 23 - 01:51 PM

Léon Agel (1910-1999) / Émile Carrara (1915-1973)

Je ne sais pourquoi j'allais danser
À Saint-Jean, au musette
Mais il m'a suffi d'un seul baiser
Pour que mon cœur soit prisonnier

Comment ne pas perdre la tête,
Serrée par des bras audacieux
Car l'on croit toujours aux doux mots d'amour
Quand ils sont dits avec les yeux.
Moi, qui l'aimais tant,
Je le trouvais le plus beau de Saint-Jean,
Je restais grisée sans volonté sous ses baisers.

Sans plus réfléchir, je lui donnais
Le meilleur de mon être,
Beau parleur, chaque fois qu'il mentait,
Je le savais, mais, je l'aimais.

Comment ne pas perdre la tête,
Serrée par des bras audacieux
Car l'on croit toujours aux doux mots d'amour
Quand ils sont dits avec les yeux.
Moi, qui l'aimais tant,
Je le trouvais le plus beau de Saint-Jean,
Je restais grisée sans volonté sous ses baisers.

Mais hélas, à Saint-Jean comme ailleurs,
Un serment n'est qu'un leurre,
J'étais folle de croire au bonheur,
Et de vouloir garder son cœur.

Comment ne pas perdre la tête,
Serrée par des bras audacieux,
Car l'on croit toujours aux doux mots d'amour
Quand ils sont dits avec les yeux.
Moi, qui l'aimais tant,
Mon bel amour, mon amant de Saint-Jean,
Il ne m'aime plus, c'est du passé, n'en parlons plus.

I don't know why I was going to dance
To Saint-Jean to the musette*,
But all it took was one kiss
For my heart to be taken

How not to lose your head
Held tight in bold arms
For we always believe in sweet words of love
When they are said with the eyes.
I, who loved him so much,
I found him the most handsome in Saint-Jean,
I was left intoxicated, without willpower under his kisses.

Without thinking any more, I gave him
The best of myself,
Smooth talker, every time he lied,
I knew it, but I loved him.

How not to lose your head
Held tight in bold arms
For we always believe in sweet words of love
When they are said with the eyes.
I, who loved him so much,
I found it the most handsome in Saint-Jean,
I was left intoxicated, without willpower nder his kisses.

But alas, in Saint-Jean as elsewhere,
A pledge is only a ploy,
I was crazy to believe in happiness,
And to want to keep his heart.

How not to lose your head
Held tight in bold arms
For we always believe in sweet words of love
When they are said with the eyes.
I, who loved him so much,
My beautiful love, my lover of Saint-Jean,
He doesn't love me anymore, that's in the past, let's not talk about it anymore.
* Bal-musette is a style of French instrumental music and dance that first became popular in Paris in the 1880s. Although it began with bagpipes as the main instrument, this instrument was replaced with accordion, on which a variety of waltzes, polkas, and other dance styles were played for dances. (Wiki entry)

A first version of the song with different lyrics were first released in 1937 but the audience didn't like it so it was re-written in 1942 with the lyrics we know now.

Different translations on Lyrics Translate

Wiki entry about the song (in French)

Recording by Lucienne Delyle (1942)
Recording by Ginette Garcin (1962) -with traces of her southern accent!
Recording by Patachou (1966)
Recording of modern remake by Patrick Bruel with subtitles in both English and French. As the song is sung by a man the lyrics are a little different.
Live rendition by Patrick Bruel. Note the waltz was a "valse musette" so the dancers would turn around themselves regularly and FAST.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 06 Mar 23 - 02:19 PM

CECILA (Occitan)
Yves Rouquette (1936-2015) / Trad.

Cecila aviás vint ans en 1907 (x2)
Alavetz se levava nòstre pòble de muts
Per Narbona passavas, t’an tirat dessús

Cecila èra a Narbona en 1907 (x2)
Quand ton pòble s’acampa cossí èsser en lòc pus
De Cuxac arribavas, t’an tirat dessús

Es Carrièra del Pont en 1907 (x2)
Que de morre tombères amb quatre companhons
Caliá de sang al Tigre per matar vinhairons

Un ataüt de pèiras en 1907 (x2)
Los Narbonés faguèron, velhèron a l’entorn
Tres jorns òmes e femnas e los enfants pichons

Demandàvem de pan en 1907 (x2)
Es de plomb que donèron. "Nosaus governem-nos!"
Disián al cementèri los òmes en corroç

E res non a cambiat dempuèi 1907 (x2)
Ni pel sang de Cecila, ni pels crits de Ferroul
Son d’autres que nos govèrnan de son argent totjorn

Ni pel sang de Cecila en 1907
Ni pels crits de Ferroul en 1907
Los parla-plan barjacan e viram en redond
Al Païs d’Occitania, los òmes onte son ?

Cecile, you were 20 in 1907 (x2)
It was then that our dumb people arose
You passed by in Narbonne, they shot you

Cecile was in Narbonne in 1907 (x2)
When your people gather, how to be elsewhere?
From Cuxac you arrived, they shot you

It is in the Rue du Pont* in 1907 (x2)
That you fell on your face with four companions
The Tiger** needed blood to subdue the winegrowers

A coffin of stones in 1907 (x2)
The Narbonne people made, they held the wake around you
For three days, men and women and small children

We were asking for bread in 1907
They gave [us] lead. "Let's govern by ourselves! »
Were the angry men saying in the cemetery

And nothing has changed since 1907
Despite Cecile's blood, despite Ferroul's yelling
Others still rule over us by their money

Despite Cecile's blood in 1907
Despite Ferroul's yelling in 1907
The smooth-talkers prattle on and we go around in circles.
In the land of Occitania, where are the men?
* lit. "Bridge Street"
** Nickname of Georges Clémenceau, France prime minister from 1906 to 1909.

This song tells the story of Cécile Bourrel, a 20 year old girl who'd gone to Narbonne market in June 1907 during the winegrowers revolt and was shot by a stray bullet.
Postcard showing the tumulus Narbonne people built where she and a few others fell during the shooting.
Postcard showing her funeral.

To know more about the revolt of the Languedoc winegrowers in 1907, Wiki article

1975 recording by Maria Roanet (in French Marie Rouanet, Yves Rouquette's wife -now widow)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Felipa
Date: 06 Mar 23 - 07:21 PM

Fuigfidh Mise an Baile Seo (I will leave this town, Irish Gaelic)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 15 Mar 23 - 01:00 PM

On Monday, Jim sang "Ruben Ranzo/Ranzo Boys" in Swedish.

(from Sang Under Segel)

Hans namn var Ruben Ranzo.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
Å Ruben va' ingen sjöman.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

Han tjänt som skräddarlärling.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
Av juling fick han täring.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

Å Ranzo fick the notion
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
en dag to cross the ocean.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

Så från en Bond Street tailor
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
han shipped on board a whaler.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

En shilling blev hans hyra.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
Men åt han gjörde för fyra.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

Han slog för skepparns kärring,
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
en sur och saltad herring.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

Så ramlan ner från riggen,
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
så skorna tappa pliggen.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

På hundvakten om natten
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
han åts av svarta katten.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

Och när i brassar stramar
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
av alla kraftar jamar
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
(Jim's translation)

His name was Ruben Ranzo.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
And Ranzo was no sailor.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

He served as a tailor's apprentice.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
From beatings he got his learning.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

And Ranzo got the notion
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
one day to cross the ocean.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

So from a Bond Street Tailor
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
He shipped on board a whaler.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

A shilling was his pay,
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
But he ate enough for four.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

He got as the ships ration
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
a sour and salted herring.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

Then [he] tumbled down from the rigging,
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
So [his] shoes hit the deck.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

On the dogwatch in the night,
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
He was eaten by the black cat.
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!

And when you sweat (tighten) the braces,
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
with full power, shout
        Ranzo, boys! Ranzo!
Live rendition
Rendition by Jerzy Brzezinski

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 27 Mar 23 - 02:13 PM


Où allez-vous la belle avant soleil levé ? (x2)
Je m'en vais à la messe
L'avez-vous entendue sonner
Beau garçon jardinier

Attendez-moi la belle je vous y conduirai (x2)
L'a prise par sa main blanche
Au jardin il l'a emmenée
À l'ombre du rosier

Cueillez, cueillez la belle, la fleur que vous voudrez (x2)
La belle a pris la rose
Et puis elle s'est mise à pleurer
À l'ombre du rosier

Qu'avez-vous donc la belle, qu'a-vous à tant pleurer ? (x2)
Je pleure mon cœur volage
Galant, que vous m'avez volé
À l'ombre du rosier

Pleurez donc pas la belle je vous le renderai* (x2)
C'est pas une chose à rendre
Galant comme de l'argent prêté
Beau garçon jardinier

"Where are you going, beauty, before sunrise? (x2)
I'm going to mass,
Did you hear the bells ring (lit. "hear it ring")
Handsome gardener boy?"

"Wait for me, beauty, I'll take you there" (x2)
He took her by her white hand
In the garden he took her
In the shade of the rosebush

"Pick, pick, pretty, the flower you want" (x2)
The girl took the rose
And then she started crying
In the shade of the rosebush

"What's the matter with you, beauty, why are you crying so much?" (x2)
"I'm crying for my fickle heart
Gallant, that you stole from me
In the shade of the rosebush"

"Don't cry so much, beauty, I'll give it back to you" (x2)
"It's not a thing to give back
Gallant, like loaned money
Handsome gardener boy"
*The correct form is "rendrai".

Recording by Malicorne
Live rendition by Gabriel Yacoub

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 03 Apr 23 - 02:30 PM


En Sevilla a un sevillano siete hijas le dio Dios (x2)
todas siete fueron hembras
todas siete fueron hembras y ninguno fue varón.

A la más chiquita de ellas le llevó la inclinación (x2)
de ir a servir a la guerra
de ir a servir a la guerra vestidita de varón.

Al montar en el caballo, la espada se le cayó (x2)
por decir ¡maldita sea¡
por decir ¡maldita sea¡, dijo -maldita sea yo.

El rey que lo estaba oyendo, de amores se cautivó: (x2)
-Madre, los ojos de Marcos,
-Madre, los ojos de Marcos, son de hembra, no de varón.

-Convídala tú, hijo mío, a los ríos a nadar (x2)
que si ella fuese hembra,
que si ella fuese hembra, no se querrá desnudar.

Toditos los caballeros se empiezan a desnudar (x2)
y el caballero don Marcos
y el caballero don Marcos se ha retirado a llorar.

-¿Por qué llora usted don Marcos?.- ¿Por qué debo de llorar? (x2)
Por un falso testimonio
Por un falso testimonio que me quieren levantar.

-No llores alma querida, no llores mi corazón, (x2)
que eso que tú tanto sientes,
que eso que tú tanto sientes, eso lo deseo yo.

In Sevilla, God gave seven daughters to a Sevillian (x2)
All seven were female
All seven were female and none was male.

The youngest of them had a calling (x2)
for going to serve in the war
To serve in the war dressed as a man.

When she mounted the horse, her sword fell down (x2)
Instead of saying "Let it be cursed!"
Instead of saying "Let it be cursed!", she said "Let me be cursed!".

The King who was hearing fell in love: (x2)
"Mother, Marcos's eyes,
Mother, Marcos's eyes are a woman's, not a man's."

"Invite her, son, to swim in the river (x2)
As if she'd be female,
As if she'd be female, she won't want to undress."

All the horsemen/knights/gentlemen start to undress (x2)
And the horseman/knight/gentleman don Marcos
And the horseman/knight/gentleman don Marcos withdrew to weep.

"Why are you crying don Marcos?" "Why need I do cry? (x2)
Because of a false testimony
Because of a false testimony they want to take away from me."

"Don't cry, beloved soul, don't cry, my heart, (x2)
For what you're so sorry about,
For what you're so sorry about is what I wish.
"La doncella guerrera" by Joaquín Díaz

There are many versions in Spanish and Portuguese on the Pan Hispanic Ballad Project of the University of Washington

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: GUEST,Grishka
Date: 05 Apr 23 - 06:30 AM

Lovely lyrics altogether, many of them were unknown to me. Thank you and keep up the good work, Monique!

May I mention that "donna lombarda" means "lady from Lombardy" – a region that, from a Piedmontese perspective, has the reputation of being somewhat nouveau-riche, snobbish, and lacking true-blue italianità.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 10 Apr 23 - 02:18 PM

This version of the female warrior ballad has been collected in Jesi area in the Marche region of Italy. The first part that usually tells that the girl goes to war instead of her father/brother is missing.
LA RAGAZZA GUERRIERA (Italian dialect)

Mamma la mia mamma scolà m'hai da 'nsegnà'
un soldatò di guera m'ha fatto innamorà’

Fijo mio bel fijo portètela a ffa' 'l pà'
se ll'è una vera fija si llaverà lle mà'

Soldato mio bel soldato lavatevi lle mà'
Un soldatò di guera non si llavà lle mà'
solo che qualche volta co' 'l sangue dei cristià'

Fijo mio bel fijo cosà ci hai ricavà'
O mamma la mia mamma scola m'hai da 'nsegnà'

Fijo mio bel fijo portètela al giardì'
se ll'è una vera fija lo cojerà un fiorì'

Soldato mio bel soldato, coglietelo un fiorì
Un soldatò di guera non po' portare 'l fiorì
solo che qualche volta un bon bicchiere de vì'

Mamma la mia mamma scolà m'hai da 'nsegnà'
all'ombra di una fija m'ha fatto innamorà'

Fijo mio bel fijo portètela al gioiè'
se ll'è una vera fija lo scejerà un anè'

Soldato mio bel soldato scejetevi un anè'
Un soldato di guera non po' portare 'n'anè'
solo che qualche volta la spada e 'n bon bicchiè'

Fijo mio bel fijo cosa ci hai ricavà'
O mamma la mia mamma scola m'hai da 'nsegnà'

Fiji mio bel fijo portètela a ddormì'
se ll'è una vera fija non ce vorrà vvenì'

Soldato mio bel soldato andamocene a ddormì'
Ma mi è 'rrivata 'na lettera che me conviene a ppartì'

"Mom, my mom, tell me how to do it
A soldier in the war made me fall in love"

"Son, my handsome son, take her to make bread
If she's a real girl she will wash her hands"

"Soldier my handsome soldier, wash your hands"
"A soldier in war does not wash his hands
Only sometimes with the blood of Christians"

"Son, my handsome son, what did you get?"
"O Mom, my mom, explain to me how to do it"

"Son, my handsome son, take her to the garden
If she's a real girl she will pick flowers"

"Soldier, my handsome soldier, pick a flower"
"A soldier in war cannot carry a flower
Just sometimes a good glass of wine"

"Mom, my mom, tell me how to do it"
The shadow of a girl made me fall in love"

"Son, my handsome son, take her to the jeweler
If she's a real girl she will choose a ring"

"Soldier, my handsome soldier, choose a ring"
"A soldier in war cannot wear rings
Only sometimes the sword and a good glass"

"Son, my handsome son, what did you get?"
"Mom, my mom, tell me how to do it"

"Son, my handsome son, take her to sleep
If she's a real girl she won't want to come"

"Soldier, my handsome soldier, let's go to sleep"
"Well, I got a letter telling me to leave"
Recording by La Macina

Recording by Gastone Pietrucci & La Macina

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 12 Apr 23 - 05:47 PM

On Monday, Joan sang "Adir Hu" and "Mah Nishtanah" (below). Philippa sang Zog, Maran


Mah nishtanah, ha-laylah ha-zeh,
mi-kol ha-leylot

She-b'khol ha-leylot 'anu 'okhlin
chameytz u-matzah,
ha-laylah ha-zeh, kulo matzah

She-b'khol ha-leylot 'anu 'okhlin
sh'ar y'rakot,
ha-laylah ha-zeh, maror

She-b'khol ha-leylot 'eyn 'anu
matbilin 'afilu pa`am 'achat,
ha-laylah ha-zeh, shtey p`amim

She-b'khol ha-leylot 'anu 'okhlin
ushotin beyn yoshvin u-veyn m'subin,
ha-laylah ha-zeh, kulanu m'subin


Why is this night different
from all the other nights?;

That on all other nights we eat both
chametz and matzah,
on this night, we eat only matzah?

That on all other nights we eat
many vegetables,
on this night, maror?

That on all other nights we do not
dip vegetables even once,
on this night, we dip twice?

That on all other nights
some eat and drink sitting with others reclining,
but on this night, we are all reclining?

מַה נִּשְׁתַּנָּה

מַה נִּשְׁתַּנָּה, הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה
מִכָּל הַלֵּילוֹת

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין
חָמֵץ וּמַצָּה
הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה, כֻּלּוֹ מַצָּה

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין
שְׁאָר יְרָקוֹת
הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה, מָרוֹר

שבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אֵין אָנוּ
מַטְבִּילִין אֲפִילוּ פַּעַם אֶחָת
הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה, שְׁתֵּי פְעָמִים

שֶׁבְּכָל הַלֵּילוֹת אָנוּ אוֹכְלִין ושותין
בֵּין יוֹשְׁבִין וּבֵין מְסֻבִּין
הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה, כֻּלָּנוּ מְסֻבִּין

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 17 Apr 23 - 02:25 PM


As guerras se apregoaram
À porta de Dom Varão
"Ai de mim que já estou velho
-Ai tão linda-
Não as posso vencer, não"

“De sete filhas que tenho
-Ai tão linda-
Não ser um filho varão*"
Respondeu logo a mais nova
Com toda a discrição:
"Venham lá armas e cavalos
-Ai tão linda-
Quero ser seu filho varão"

"Filha tens os olhos muito lindos
Por eles te conhecerão"
"Quando olharem para mim
-Ai tão linda-
Eu olharei para o chão
Venham lá armas e cavalos
-Ai tão linda-
Quero ser seu filho varão”

"Filha tens os peitos muito altos
Por eles te conhecerão"
"Venham fardas bem apertadas
-Ai tão linda-
Que eles logo abaixarão
Venham lá armas e cavalos
-Ai tão linda-
Quero ser seu filho varão"

"Oh meu pai, Oh minha madre
Que me finou de paixão
Que os olhos de Dom Varão
-Ai tão linda-
São de mulher, de homem não!"

"Sete anos eu fui à guerra
Sete anos eu fui varão"
"Nunca me pôde enganar
-Ai tão linda-
O filho de Dom João"

The wars broke out
At the door of Dom Varão
"Woe is me, I am old
-Oh so beautiful-
I can't defeat them, no"

"Of the seven daughters I have
Oh so beautiful
None is an eldest son"
The youngest replied soon
Full of modesty:
"Come guns and horses
-Oh so beautiful-
I want to be your eldest son"

"Daughter you have very beautiful eyes
By them they will know you"
"When they look at me
-Oh so beautiful-
I will look down to the floor,
Come on guns and horses
-Oh so beautiful-
I want to be your eldest son"

"Daughter, you have very high breasts
By them they will know you"
"Come in very tight uniforms
-Oh so beautiful-
That they will soon go down
Come on guns and horses
-Oh so beautiful-
I want to be your eldest son"

"Oh my father, oh my mother
I'm dying of passion
For the eyes of Dom Varão
-Oh so beautiful-
Are a woman's, not a man's!"

"Seven years I went to war
Seven years I was an eldest son."
"He could never deceive/trick me,
-Oh so beautiful-
Dom João's son."
Recording by José Barros

Here is a long version re-written by Almeida Garrett (1799-1854) from older documents:
(Almeida Garrett)

Já se apregoam as guerras
Entre a França e o Aragão:
— Ai de mim que já sou velho,
Não nas posso brigar, não!
De sete filhas que tenho,
Sem nenhuma ser varão,
Responde a filha mais velha
Com toda a resolução:
— Venham armas e cavalo
Que eu serei filho varão.

—Tendes los olhos mui vivos.
Filha, conhecer-vos-ão.
— Quando passar pela armada
Porei os olhos no chão.

—Tendes los ombros mui altos
Filha, conhecer-vos-ão.
— Venha gibão apertado,
Os peitos encolherão.

—Tend’-las mãos pequeninas
Filha, conhecer-vos-ão.
— Venham já guantes de ferro
E compridas ficarão.

— Tend’ los pés delicados,
Filha, conhecer-vos-ão.
— Calçarei botas e esporas,
Nunca delas sairão.

— Senhor pai, senhora mãe,
Grande dor de coração,
Que os olhos do conde Daros
São de mulher, de homem não.

— Convidai-o vós meu filho
Para ir convosco ao pomar,
Que, se ele mulher for,
À maçã se há-de pegar.

A donzela, por discreta,
O camoês foi apanhar.
— Oh que belos camoezes
Para um homem cheirar!
Lindas maçãs para damas
Quem lhas pudera levar.

— Senhor pai, senhora mãe,
Grande dor de coração,
Que os olhos do conde Daros
São de mulher, de homem não.

Convidai-o vós, meu filho,
Para convosco jantar,
Que, se ele mulher for,
No estrado se há-de encruzar.
A donzela por discreta,
Nos altos se foi sentar.

— Senhor pai, senhora mãe,
Grande dor de coração,
Que os olhos do conde Daros
São de mulher, de homem não.

— Convidai-o vós, meu filho,
Para convosco feirar,
Que, se ele mulher for,
Às fitas se há-de pegar.

A donzela, por discreta,
Uma adaga foi comprar.
— Oh que bela adaga esta
Para com homens brigar!
Lindas fitas para damas:
Quem lhas pudera levar!

— Senhor pai, senhora mãe,
Grande dor de coração,
Que os olhos do conde Daros
São de mulher, de homem não.

— Convidai-o vós, meu filho,
Para convosco nadar,
Que, se ele mulher for,
O convite há-de escusar.
A donzela, por discreta
Começou-se a desnudar…

Traz-lhe o seu pajem[4] uma carta,
Pôs-se a ler e pôs-se a chorar.
— Novas me chegam agora,
Novas de grande pesar:
De que minha mãe é morta,
Meu pai se está a finar.

Os sinos da minha terra
Os estou a ouvir dobrar
E duas irmãs que eu tenho
Daqui as oiço chorar.

Monta, monta, cavaleiro,
Se me quer acompanhar.
Chegavam a uns altos paços,
Foram-se logo apear.

— Senhor pai, trago-lhe um genro,
Se o quiser aceitar;
Foi meu capitão na guerra,
De amores me quis contar…
Se ainda me quer agora
Com meu pai há-de falar.

Sete anos andei na guerra
E fiz de filho varão.
Ninguém me conheceu nunca
Senão o meu capitão;
Conheceu-me pelos olhos,
Que por outra coisa não.

The wars are already proclaimed
Between France and Aragon:
"Woe is me, I'm already old,
I can’t fight, no!
Of the seven daughters I have,
Without any being the eldest son."
The eldest daughter answers
With full resolution:
"Let weapons and a horse come
For I will be a male child (the eldest son)."

"You have very lively eyes.
Daughter, they will know you."
"When passing through the armada
I’ll lower my eyes."

"You have very high shoulders
Daughter, they will know you."
"Let a tight doublet come,
The breasts will shrink."

"You have little hands
Daughter, they will know you."
"Let iron gauntlets come now
And they will look long."

"You have delicate feet,
Daughter, they will know you."
"I’ll wear boots and spurs,
They will never come out."

"Father, Mother,
Great heartache [I have],
For the eyes of Count Daros
Are a woman’s, not a man’s."

"Invite him, my son,
To go with you to the orchard,
For if he is a woman,
He must take the apple."

The maiden, being discreet,
Went to pick the rough-skinned apple.
"Oh! what beautiful rough-skinned apples
For a man to smell!
Beautiful apples for ladies
Who could pick them."

"Father, Mother,
Great heartache [I have],
For the eyes of Count Daros
Are a woman’s, not a man’s."

"Invite him, my son,
To dine with you,
That if he is a woman,
He’ll sit down on the platform."
The maiden, being discreet,
Went to sit on the highs.

"Father, Mother,
Great heartache [I have],
For the eyes of Count Daros
Are a woman’s, not a man’s."

"Invite him, my son,
To the fair with you,
For if he is a woman,
He’ll pick up ribbons."

The maiden, being discreet,
A dagger went to buy.
"Oh, what a fine dagger this is
To fight with men!
Beautiful ribbons for ladies:
Who could take them!"

"Father, Mother,
Great heartache [I have],
For the eyes of Count Daros
Are a woman’s, not a man’s."

"Invite him, my son,
To swim with you,
For if he is a woman,
He’ll decline the invitation."
The maiden, being discreet
Started to undress…

Her page brings her a letter,
She began to read and began to cry.
"News reaches me now,
News of great regret:
My mother is dead,
My father is dying.

The bells of my land
I’m hearing them toll.
And two sisters I have
I hear them cry from here.

Mount, mount, rider,
If you want to follow me."
They reached some high places,
They soon dismounted.

"Father, I bring you a son-in-law,
If you want to accept him;
He was my captain in the war,
He wanted to tell me about love…
If he still wants me now
With my father he will speak."

Seven years I went to war
And I played the male child.
Nobody ever knew me
But my captain;
He knew me by/from/because of my eyes,
But for something else, he didn’t."
Some background and analysis in Portuguese here

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Felipa
Date: 17 Apr 23 - 07:08 PM

Tonight I sang a song in Irish "Tá Mé i Mo Shuí" (I am in my sitting, i.e. I am sitting up awake)
currently the thread title is "Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs"

On 20 March, I sang "Ainnir Dheas na gCiabhfholt Donn" (beautiful girl of the brown tresses)
thread title: Lyr Add: Ainnir Dheas na gCiabhfholt Donn (Irish)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 18 Apr 23 - 12:43 PM

Yesterday Casey sang Gesher Tzar Me’od (A Very Narrow Bridge) in Hebrew.

Lyrics 18th c. And this tune 20th c.
"I first encountered this song with Holly Huffnung at Portland Singtime 2019. Australian Gerry Myerson, a regular on Mudcat, provided the following info by email:
The dates for Rebbe Nachman of Breslov are 1772 to 1810. The Hebrew is his. The tune is by Rabbi Baruch Chait. On, his English Wikipedia page, he was born 23 February 1946." -Casey

GESHER TZAR ME’OD (Hebrew -transliterated)

Kol ha-o-lam ku-lo, gesher tzar me’od,
gesher tzar me’od, gesher tzar me’od.
Kol ha-o-lam ku-lo, gesher tzar me’od,
gesher tzar me’od.

V’ha-i-kar, v’ha-i-kar, lo l’fached, lo l'fached klal
V’ha-i-kar V’ha-i-kar, lo l'fached klal
V’ha-i-kar V’ha-i-kar, lo l’fached, lo l'fached klal
V’ha-i-kar V’ha-i-kar, lo l’fached klal

Kol ha-o-lam ku-lo, gesher tzar me’od,
gesher tzar me’od, gesher tzar me’od.
Kol ha-o-lam ku-lo, gesher tzar me’od,
gesher tzar me’od.

The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge,
A very narrow bridge, a very narrow bridge.
All of the world is a very narrow bridge,
A very narrow bridge.

And above all above all, is not to fear, not to fear at all;
And above all above all, is not to fear at all.
And above all above all, is not to fear, not to fear at all;
And above all above all, is not to fear at all.

The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge,
A very narrow bridge, a very narrow bridge.
All of the world is a very narrow bridge,
A very narrow bridge.
Kol ha-o-lam ku-lo gesher tzar me’od
all/whole world       bridge   narrow
V'ha-i-kar lo l'fached klal
   not to fear   at all

The whole world is a very narrow bridge;
the important thing is not to be afraid.
        -Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav (Ukraine)

Hebrew lyrics:

כל העולם כלו

כל העולם כלו גשר צר מאד
והעקר לא לפחד כלל

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 24 Apr 23 - 02:21 PM


La jeune demoiselle a perdu son amant
N'est-ce pas bien dommage dès l'âge de quinze ans ?
Elle s'en va l'attendre à l'ombre de ces bois
Mais elle a beau attendre son amant ne vient pas

Rossignolet sauvage rossignolet charmant
Apprends-moi des nouvelles de mon très cher amant
Oh ton amant la belle il est bien loin d'ici
À vingt-cinq jours de marche y a bien de quoi marcher

Habille-toi la belle habille-toi en guerrier
Tu marcheras sans doute trente-six jours entiers
Quand la belle fut en Prusse aperçoit son amant
Qui faisait l'exercice au beau milieu du rang

Si j'avais su, la belle, que tu m'aurais connu,
J'aurais passé en Flandre, jamais tu n' m'aurais vu.
Que je suis malheureuse d'avoir fait tant de pas
Pour un amant volage qui n' me regarde pas !

Ah dis-moi donc la belle qui t'a envoyée ici ?
Apprends-moi des nouvelles des garçons du pays
Les garçons du village ils sont tous mariés
Il y a que toi volage qui m'ait abandonnée.

Te chagrine pas la belle nous nous marierons
Dans un pays de France ou dans le Piémont,
Te chagrine pas la belle nous nous marierons
Dans un pays de France ou dans le Piémont.

The young lady has lost her sweetheart
Isn't that a pity at the age of fifteen?
She goes to wait for him in the shade of these woods
But no matter how much she waits, her sweetheart doesn't come

"Wild nightingale, charming nightingale
Tell me news about my dearest sweetheart "
"Oh your sweetheart, beauty, he is far away from here
At a twenty-five day walk, it's a long walk

Dress up, beauty, dress up as a warrior
You will probably walk thirty-six whole days"
When the beauty was in Prussia, she sees her sweetheart
Who was doing the exercise in the middle of the row.

"If I had known, beauty, that you would have known me,
I would have gone to Flanders, you'd never have seen me."
"How unhappy I am to have walked so many steps
For a flighty sweetheart who doesn't care for me!"

"Ah, tell me, beauty, who sent you here?
Bring me news from the boys from home."
The boys from home are all married
There's only you, fickle one, who abandoned me."

"Don't worry, beauty, we'll get married
In a region of France or in Piedmont
Don't worry, beauty, we'll get married
In a region of France or in Piedmont."
These lyrics originated in Savoy (Cf. Chansons populaires, recueillies dans les Alpes françaises (Savoie et Dauphiné) by Julien Tiersot, 1903 (1st version).
Malicorne retained the lyrics but the 4th verse and not the tune. They used the tune to Réveillez-vous, Picards, "an old Picard warrior song, currently the regional anthem of Picardy, and marching song of the 1st Infantry Regiment. It comes from the tune sung by Picard soldiers and mercenaries under the Burgundian States before 1479 and their attachment to the crown of France. The lyrics express their loyalty to Charles the Bold. According to Gaston Paris, this song was probably authored by a Picard in the service of Maximilian I." (French Wikipedia)

Recording by Malicorne

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 08 May 23 - 02:32 PM

VAQUÍ LO POLIT MES DE MAI (Occitan -Provençal)

Vaquí lo polit mes de mai
Que tot galant planta son mai
Ne'n plantarai un a ma mía      
Serà mai aut que sa teulissa

Cu li metrem per lo gardar
Un sordat de cada costat
Cu li metrem per sentinèla
Serà lo galant de la bèla

Quand ven l’ora de mejanueit
que lo galant s’endurmiguèt
S’endormiguèt, se somelhava
E lo gran mai se desplantava.

Aquò me facharià per tu
Si ta mía l'aviá vòugut
Ta mía n'aima quauqueis autres
Se trufarà ben de nosautres

Ièu sabi ben çò que farai
Me'n anarai, m'embarcarai
M'embarcarai drech a Marsilha
Pensarai plus d'aquesta filha

Quand de Marsilha revendrai
Davant sa pòrta passarai
Demandarai a sa vesina
Coma se pòrta Catarina

Catarina se pòrta ben
S'es maridada i a ben lòngtemps
Amb' un monsur de la campanha
Que li fai ben faire la dama

N'en pòrta lo capèu bordat
Ambé l'espasa a son costat
La noirirà mai sens ren faire
Que non pas tu, marrit cantaire

Here comes the beautiful month of May
When every gallant/suitor plants his May tree)
I'll plant one to my sweetheart
It will be higher than her roof.

Who will we put to keep it?
One soldier on each side
Who will we put as a sentry?
It will be the girl's gallant.

When midnight came
The gallant/suitor fell asleep,
He fell asleep, he was dozing,
And the great May was been pulled out.

It would make me sorry for you
If your sweetheart had accepted it.
Your sweetheart loves a few more ones.
She will laugh at us!

I know well what I will do
I will leave, I will embark
I will embark straight for Marseilles
I won't think about that girl anymore

When from Marseilles I return
I will pass in front of her door
I will ask her neighbor,
"How is Catherine doing?"

"Catherine is doing well
She got married a long time ago
With a well-respected man from the countryside
Who turns her into a lady

He wears the edged hat*
And a sword on his side
He'll feed her more without doing anything
Than you, bad singer."
* the edged hat meant he was a policeman (gendarme)

Provençal song from the 19th century inspired by the tradition of the suitors’ planting a May pole during the night in front of the girl they wished to woo. Sometimes, a rival could remove the pole while the first one was asleep -and even carry it in front of someone else’s door just for the fun of it! If the girl accepted the May pole the boy knew his feelings were shared and he could court her.

You'll note that in all the recordings below the 3rd verse is missing without which the 4th one can't be understood.
Recording by Gacha Empega.
Recording by Joan Maria Carlotti.
Live rendition by Fai Deli.
Recording by Brotto-Lopez

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Felipa
Date: 08 May 23 - 08:42 PM

An Mhaighdean Mhara (Irish language, the sea maiden)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 15 May 23 - 03:35 PM


Aicí ne'n ven tres aucelets (x2)
Sus un brancon d'oliva, vòla. (x2)

N'i a dos que cantan lo plaser (x2)
E l'autre lei saluda, vòla. (x2)

Aqueu que lei saluda tots (x2)
Lo fau portar a ma mia, vòla. (x2)

Ah! Tenètz, mia, un aucelet (x2)
Metètz-lo en gabiòla, vòla (x2)

Fasètz-l'i lo restar sèt ans (x2)
Sensa manjar ni beure, vòla (x2).

Quand lei sèt ans ne'n son passats (x2)
Lo rossinhòu s'envòla, vòla. (x2)

La dama li corre a l'après (x2)
Coma una frema fòla, vòla. (x2)

Arrèsta, arrèsta, rossinhòu, (x2)
Retòrna en gabiòla, vòla (x2)

Te farai manjar de pan blanc (x2)
Te darai de mon beure, vòla. (x2)

N'en vòle ges de ton pan blanc (x2)
E ni mai de ton beure, vòla. (x2)

Ieu manjarai d'erba de camp (x2)
De la pas caucigada, vòla (x2)

Ieu beurai d'aiga dau rocàs (x2)
De la pas trebolada, vòla (x2)

Ieu cantarai a mon plaser (x2)
Coma mei camaradas, vòla (x2)

Ame mai estre aucèu de camp, (x2)
Qu'un aucèu de gabiòla, vòla. (x2)

Here come three little birds (x2)
On a little branch of an olive tree, fly (x2)

There are two singing the pleasure (x2)
And the other one greets them, fly (x2)

The one that greets them all, (x2)
I have it brought to my sweetheart, fly (x2)

Ah, here you go, sweetheart, a little bird, (x2)
Put it in a cage, fly (x2)

Have it stay there for seven years, (x2)
Without food nor drink, fly (x2)

When the seven years are over, (x2)
The nightingale flies away, fly (x2)

The lady runs after it, (x2)
Like a crazy woman, fly (x2)

Stop, stop, nightingale, (x2)
Go back into the cage, fly (x2)

I'll give you white bread to eat (x2),
I'll give you some of my drink, fly (x2)

I don't want any of your white bread (x2)
Nor of your drink, fly (x2)

I'll eat field grass (x2)
The one that is not trodden, fly (x2)

I'll drink rock water (x2)
The one that is not clouded, fly (x2)

I'll sing at my leasure (x2)
Like my fellows, fly (x2)

I like better be a field bird (x2)
Than a bird in a cage, fly (x2)
Recording by MacCann duet concertina G. Carrère

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Felipa
Date: 17 May 23 - 09:03 PM

Thíos i dTeach an Torraimh (Irish Gaelic), Down at the Wake-House (a love song, the wakehouse is simply were the couple met)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 20 May 23 - 03:12 AM

On Monday, Steve sang

C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai
C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai

Salut, gens de cette assemblée
Nous sommes venus vous visiter
Longtemps nous a fallu marcher
Et nous sommes bien fatigués
Pour chanter...

C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai
C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai

Merci, gens de cette assemblée
D'être venus nous écouter
Et d'avoir bien voulu veiller
Jusqu'à la fin de la soirée
Pour chanter...

C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai
C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai

Salut, gens de cette assemblée
Voici l'heure de nous séparer
Mais en rentrant dans vos maisons
Vous emportez cette chanson
Pour chanter...

C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai
C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai

Mais qu'avez-vous à tant pleurer
À gémir et à soupirer
Sans mentir nous vous promettons
De revenir à la saison
Pour chanter...

C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai
C'est le mai, joli mai
C'est le joli mois de mai

It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May
It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May

Hi, people of this gathering
We've come to visit you
A long time we had to walk
And we are very tired
To sing...

It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May
It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May

Thank you, people of this gathering
For coming to listen to us
And to have kindly stayed awake
Until the end of the evening
To sing...

It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May
It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May

Hi, people of this gathering
It's time to part ways
But when going back to your homes
You take away this song
To sing...

It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May
It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May

But what's the matter for your crying so much,
Moaning and sighing
Without lying we promise you
To come back on the [same] season
To sing...

It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May
It's May, pretty May
It's the pretty month of May
Live recording by Malicorne
Live rendition by Malicorne on 2012-07-24 in Quimper (around 6:30)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 22 May 23 - 02:27 PM


C’était un petit matelot
Sur les flots de la mer indienne
C’était un petit matelot
Oh, oh, petit matelot.

Voguait de Brest jusqu’à Frisco
Sur les flots de la mer indienne
Un jour le temps se fit très gros
Oh, oh, petit matelot.

Serr’ les voiles tout le monde en haut
Sur les flots de la mer indienne
Tomb' de plus de vingt mètr's de haut
Oh, oh, petit matelot.

Et l’on mit la chaloupe à l’eau
Sur les flots de la mer indienne
Pour vite le tirer des flots
Oh, oh, petit matelot

Mais on n' sauva que son chapeau
Sur les flots de la mer indienne
Sa vieille pipe et ses sabots,
Oh, oh, petit matelot.

Peut-être bien qu' le p’tit matelot
Sur les flots de la mer indienne
Est dans le ventr' d’un cachalot
Oh, oh, petit matelot.

There was a little sailor
On the Indian sea waves,
There was a little sailor,
Oh, oh, little sailor.

He sailed from Brest to Frisco
On the Indian sea waves,
One day the weather went very rough
Oh, oh, little sailor.

Furl the sails, everybody high up
On the Indian sea waves,
Falls from more than twenty meters high
Oh, oh, little sailor.

And they launched the lifeboat
On the Indian sea waves,
To quickly pull him out of the sea
Oh, oh, little sailor.

But they only rescued his hat
On the Indian sea waves,
His old pipe and his clogs,
Oh, oh, little sailor.

Maybe the little sailor
On the Indian sea waves,
Is inside a toothed whale belly
Oh, oh, little sailor.
Live rendition by Les Couillons de Tomé

Rendition by Jean-Melchior Delpias

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Felipa
Date: 22 May 23 - 05:54 PM

Òran Beinn Lì (Scottish Gaelic) by "Màiri Mhòr nan Òran" (Big Mary of the Songs)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 26 May 23 - 01:45 PM

On May 1st, Joe Fineman sang part of "Moscow May"

Утро красит нежным светом
Стены древнего Кремля,
Просыпается с рассветом
Вся Советская земля.

Холодок бежит за ворот,
Шум на улицах сильней.
С добрым утром, милый город,
Сердце Родины моей!

Никем непобедимая
Страна моя,
Москва моя, —
Ты самая любимая!

Солнце майское, светлее
С неба синего свети,
Чтоб до выси мавзолея
Нашу радость донести.

Чтобы ярче заблистали
Наши лозунги побед,
Чтобы руку поднял Сталин,
Посылая нам привет.


Разгорелся день веселый,
Морем улицы шумят,
Из открытых окон школы
Слышны крики октябрят.

Май течет рекой нарядной
По широкой мостовой,
Льется песней необъятной
Над красавицей Москвой.


День уходит, и прохлада
Освежает и бодрит.
Отдохнувши от парада,
Город праздничный гудит.

Вот когда встречаться парам!
Говорлива и жива,
По садам и по бульварам
Растекается Москва.


Стала ночь на день похожей,
Море света над толпой.
Эй, товарищ! Эй, прохожий,
С нами вместе песню пой!

Погляди! Поет и пляшет
Вся Советская страна,
Нет тебя милей и краше,
Наша красная весна!


Голубой рассвет глядится
В тишину Москвы-реки,
И поют ночные птицы —
Паровозные гудки.

Бьют часы Кремлевской башни,
Гаснут звезды, тает тень...
До свиданья, день вчерашний,
Здравствуй, новый, светлый день!


The morning paints the walls
Of the ancient Kremlin with soft light
And the whole Soviet land
Wakes up with the sun

A cool breeze runs through the gate,
The noise increases in the streets
Good morning my dear city
The heart of my homeland.

Never defeated
My homeland,
My Moscow,
You are the most beloved.

May the sun of May
Be more powerful from the blue sky
To bring our happiness
Back to the mausoleum.

So that the banners of our victories
Shine more brightly,
For Stalin to raise his hand
And greet us


The joyful day dawns,
The streets rustle like the sea
And the cries of "oktiabriats"* can be heard
Through open school windows

May flows like a festive river
On the wide pavement
And it flows like an endless song
Above beautiful Moscow.


The day is fading
And the coolness is coming.
Having rested from the parade,
The city is humming

And now is the time for couples to meet
Talkative and lively.
Moscow spreads
In the gardens and on the boulevards


The night has become like the day
The sea of light over the crowd
"Hey comrade, hey passers-by
Sing the song with us."

Look at the whole Soviet country
Singing and dancing.
There is nothing sweeter and more beautiful
Than our beautiful spring


The blue dawn looks into
The calm of the Moskva river
And the night birds sing:
They are the sirens of the locomotives

The Kremlin tower clock strikes
The stars disappear
The shadows fade away
Goodbye yesterday, hello to a bright new day.

*The "oktiabriats" are the pupils between 7 and 9 years old, the pioneers between 9 and 14 years old
And then the komsomols between 14 and 17 years old and then it was the party card.

Recording (to get you in the mood). The lyrics and an English translation are below the video.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 05 Jun 23 - 02:33 PM


Pèr un dimenge de matin
Ai pres lei claus de mon jardin
Pèr n'en culhir la violeta
La blanca flor dau jaussemin
Pèr ne'n fair' un boque' a ma mia
Avans de sortir dau jardin

Quand lo boquet es estat fach
Sabiáu pas pèr cu lo mandar
L'i a 'gut lo rossinhòu sauvatge
Lo messatgier deis amorós:
"Pèr ieu, vòs-tu fair' un messatge
A ma mia, la Blancaflor?"

Lo rossinhòu a pas mancat
Dau jòli* bòsc s'es envolat
Sus la fenèstra de la bèla
Lo rossinhòu a fach tres torns:
"Revelhatz-vos la graciosa,
Vos aduse un boquet de flors!"

Que Dieu benisse* lei saluts
E mai aqueu que leis adutz
Ne'n ai bèn d'autres calenhaires
Ne'n ai bèn d'autreis amorós
Ne'n ai bèn d'autres calenhaires
Mai pèr aqueu, pòrta la flor.

"Bèla, quand siáu en quauqua part
Parle de vos, siáu jamai las,
Parle que de vòstrei "louangis*"
Ambé de vòstre bòn renom
Que siatz polida coma un "angi*",
Semblatz la filha d'un baron!"

On a Sunday morning
I took the keys of my garden
To pick up violets,
White jasmine flowers
To make a bouquet for my sweetheart
Before leaving my garden.

When the bouquet was made
I didn't know who to send it by,
There was the wild nightingale,
The lovers' messenger:
"Will you take a message for me
To my sweetheart, Blancaflor (Whiteflower)

The nightingale didn't fail,
He flew from the pretty wood
To the beauty's window
The nightingale turned three times,
"Wake up, you gracious one,
I bring you a bouquet of flowers!"

"May God bless the greetings
And also the one who brings them.
I do have other suitors,
I do have other lovers
I do have other suitors
But for this one, bring the flower."

"Beauty, when I am somewhere,
I talk about you, I'm never tired,
I talk only about your praises,
And about your good renown,
About your being pretty like an angel,
You look like a baron's daughter!"
*The words with an asterisk are provençalized French words

Collected by Damase Arbaud in "Chants populaires de la Provence", published in 1864 (or here.
Also published in "Cantam provencau, cançonier dau calen" in 1977 and 1994 by Luciana Porte-Marrou

Incomplete recording by Trobaritz d'Oc

Slightly different version by Renat Sette & Pierre Bonnet

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Date: 05 Jun 23 - 03:43 PM


Lyrics: Jaroslaw Tomczyk (Jaras) based on "Wave Over Wave" by Jim Payne
tune: "Quare Bungle Rye"

Ja jestem Able Rogers, marynarz i chwat
Mój szkuner trzymasztowy, jest dla mnie jak brat
Oplynalem juz ziemie w wzdluz poprzek i wszerz
Lecz na slonym pustkowiu najlepiej mi jest

Z wiatrem pod wiatr, za fala fala
Tak bardzo szczesliwy jak morze pozwala
Bo cóz dla zeglarza takiego jak ja
Wazniejsze niz morze, zaloga i jacht
Skorupa, maszty, zagle, to caly mój swiat

Robota jest ciezka, znój pot lzy i krew
Lecz rece mam silne i pewnosc mam ze
Gdy skonczymy charówe, przytuli nas port
W nim tance i spiewy, whiskey najlepszy sort

Z wiatrem pod wiatr…

Dziesiec miesiecy w roku o dom zona dba
By w kominku skrzyl ogien, dzieci rosly jak trza
I nie moze pojac jak to jest ze maz
Zamiast siedziec przy zonie, na morze gna wciaz

Z wiatrem pod wiatr…

Czterdziesci lat w morzu, przy linach za sterem
Czasami pomysle, ech rzuc to w cholere
Co mnie tutaj trzyma: ziab, deszcz czy brak snu (lecz)
Gdybym mógl dzisiaj wybrac, morze wybralbym znów

Z wiatrem pod wiatr, za fala fala
Tak bardzo szczesliwy jak moze pozwala
Bo cóz dla zeglarza takiego jak ja
Wazniejsze niz morze, zaloga i jacht
Skorupa, maszty, zagle, to caly mój swiat
lyrics \: Jim Payne

Me name's Abel Rogers, a shareman am I,
On a three-masted schooner from Twillingate Isle;
I've been the world over, north, south, east, and west,
But the middle of nowhere's where I like it best.

Where it's wave over wave, sea over bow,
I'm as happy a man as the sea will allow;
There's no other life for a sailor like me,
But to sail the salt sea, boys, sail the sea;
There's no other life but to sail the salt sea.

The work it is hard and the hours are long,
My spirit is willing, my back it is strong;
And when our work's over then whiskey we'll pour,
We'll dance with the girls upon some foreign shore.

Where it's wave over wave…

I'd leave my wife lonely ten months of the year,
She made me a home and raised my children dear;
But she'd never come out to bid farewell to me,
Or ken why a sailor must sail the salt sea.

Where it's wave over wave…

I've sailed the wide oceans four decades or more,
And many times wondered what I do it for;
I don't know the answer, it's pleasure and pain,
With life to live over, I'd do it again.

Where it's wave over wave, sea over bow,
I'm as happy a man as the sea will allow;
There's no other life for a sailor like me,
But to sail the salt sea, boys, sail the sea;
There's no other life but to sail the salt sea.
Sail the salt sea, boys, sail the sea;
There's no other life but to sail the salt sea.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 05 Jun 23 - 05:36 PM

Steve sang


Ta uninská rola černo pooraná
Zabil tam pacholka ujhéli z unína

Vy tetko doračko smutná neveselá
Vezem vám synáčka v halénečce z pola

Vy tetko doračko nic sa nelekajte
Na vašeho synka bielú plachtu dajte

Michale michálku kdo je ti příčina
Kdo by byl matičko ujhéli z unína

Pošlite matičko
Pro tých knězú kbelských
Já sa vyzpovídám svojich hříchú těžkých

A proč ty michálku
Kbelských knězú žádáš
Avšak ty michálku tolik hříchú nemáš

Jestli si já matičko tolik hříchú neměl
Však jsem já nejednu panenku podvédel

A ten kbelský cinter kolem malovaný
Leží tam michálek pěkně pochovaný

Na jeho hrobečku rozmarýn zelený
Těm kbelským pacholkom
Roste na znamení

Plowed black fertile ground of Unín
Young lad was killed there and they rushed from Unín

Aunty Dora, sad and gloomy
We are carying your son from the field

Aunty Dora, don´t be frightened
Cover your son with white cloth

Michal, my Mickey, who did that to you
Who would that be, mother, they rushed from Unín

Send, mama dear
For the priests from Kbely
I will make a confession of my heavy sins

And why, Mickey
Do you ask for the priests from Kbely
You haven´t commited that many sins

How could you tell I haven´t commited many sins, mama dear
When I cheated on so many maids

The painted cemetary of Kbely
Little Michal is lying there, buried nicely

Green rosemary on his grave
Is growing as a warning
to all the rascals of Kbely
Translation borrowed from Lyrics Translate

Recording by Čechomor
Live rendition by Čechomor

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 06 Jun 23 - 01:49 AM

On May29th Jim Lucas sang…
nr. 219 in Danmarks melodibog

|: O! den skønne, skønne Maj! :|
Rundt paa Mark og Høje
staa med aabent Øje
Blomster smaa paa hver en Vej.
|: O! den skønne, skønne Maj! :|
Herlig, herlig er den skønne Maj!

|: O, Natur, hvor skøn er du! :|
Træets Knopper svulmer.
Livet stille ulmer
i hvert lille Frøkorn nu.
|: O, Natur, hvor skøn er du! :|
Herlig, herlig, o, Natur, er du!

|: O, den friske Morgenluft! :|
Blomster, Græs og Blade
Duggens Perler bade,
rundt sig spreder søde Duft.
|: O, den friske Morgenluft! :|
Herlig, herlig kvæger Morgenluft!

|: Overalt er Jubelklang! :|
Fuglen muntert triller,
og mens hyrden spiller,
lyder Pigens glade Sang.
|: Overalt er Jubelklang! :|
Herlig, herlig toner Glædens Sang!
(May song)
English singable translation by Jim Lucas

|: Oh! the lovely, lovely May! :|
'Round the fields and heights
stand with open eyes
Little flowers on every way.
|: Oh! the lovely, lovely May! :|
Glorious, glorious is the lovely May!

|: O, Nature, how lovely you are! :|
Buds of the tree swell.
Life wakes that was still,
in every little seed there.
|: O, Nature, how sweet you are! :|
Glorious, glorious, O Nature, you are!

|: O, the fresh morning air! :|
Flowers, Grass and Leaves
Each dewdrop pearl bathes,
all around spreads fragrant air.
|: O, the fresh morning air! :|
Glorious, glorious blows the morning air!

|: Joyous cheers are everywhere! :|
The bird trills on its way,
and while the shepherd plays,
the girl sings a happy air.
|: Cheers are everywhere! :|
Glorious, glorious tones of the joyous song!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 07 Jun 23 - 08:31 AM

On Monday Jaras sang...

1. Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий,
Сердитий вітер завива,
Додолу верби гне високі,
Горами хвилю підійма.

2. І блідий місяць на ту пору
Із хмари де-де виглядав,
Неначе човен в синім морі,
То виринав, то потопав.

3. Ще треті півні не співали,
Ніхто ніде не гомонів,
Сичі в гаю перекликались,
Та ясен раз у раз скрипів.

1. The wide Dnieper roars and groans,
The angry wind howls,
Bending down the tall willows,
Rising mountain-like waves.

2. And the pale moon at that time
Peeks out from the clouds,
Like a boat in a deep-blue sea,
That rises and sinks.

3. The third rooster had not yet crowed,
No one was making any noise,
The owls in the grove were calling,
And the ash tree creaked now and then

Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyrokyy

Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyrokyy,
Serdytyy viter zavyva,
Dodolu verby hne vysoki,
Horamy khvylyu pidiyma.

I blidyy misyats' na tu poru,
Iz khmary de-de vyhlyadav,
Nenache choven v synim mori
To vyrynav, to potopav.

Shche treti pivni ne spivaly,
Nikhto nide ne homoniv,
Sychi v hayu pereklykalys',
Ta yasen raz-u-raz skrypiv.

You can find the whole Shevchenko's poem and an English translation on Lyrics Translate site

Sheet music
A choir rendition
Other videos: Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyrokyy YouTube page

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Subject: Lyrics: Los Laureles
From: Terry SoRelle
Date: 07 Jun 23 - 10:03 AM

At Monique's request. Here are the lyrics to 'Los Laureles'. It is a Mexican folksong and mariachi standard:
¡Ay, qué laureles tan verdes!
¡Qué rosas tan encendidas!
Si piensas abandonarme mejor quítame la vida
Alza los ojos a verme
Si no estás comprometido

Eres mata de algodón
Que vives en el capullo
Ay, que tristeza me da
Cuando te llenas de orgullo
De ver a mi corazón
Enredado con el tuyo

Eres rosa de Castilla
Que solo en mayo se ve
Quisiera hacerte un invite
Pero la verdad no sé
Si tienes quien te lo evite
Mejor me separaré

Por ahí va la despedida
Chinito por tus quereres
La perdición de los hombres
Son las benditas mujeres
Y aquí se acaban cantando
Los versos de los laureles
Oh, what green laurel trees!
What flaming roses!
If you are thinking of leaving me
Better to take away my life.
Raise your eyes to look at me
If you’re not promised to another.

Your are a little sprout of cotton
That lives in the bud,
How sad it makes me
When you get full of pride
To see my heart
Entangled with yours,

You are a rose of Castille,
That’s only seen in May,
I’d like to make you an invitation,
But, really, I don’t know,
If you have someone to prevent it,
Better that I leave.

Now comes the farewell,
Chinita for your love,
The downfall of men
Are the blessed women,
And here we end the singing
The verses of the laurel trees.
(Chinita is an affectionate word for a woman with Asian features)

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Subject: Lyrics: Maria Chuchena
From: Terry SoRelle
Date: 07 Jun 23 - 10:17 AM

This is a song from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. There are hundreds of different versions in practically every mexican idiom: Son Jorocho, conjunto, marichi, even cumbia.

This version if from an album by Krishnasol Jimenez, Maria Kiehr and Roberto Koch, 'Navigating Foreign Waters'. Their arrangments combine Spanish Baroque compositions with mexican traditional son. This one uses a tune for 17th Century composter, Santiago de Murcia

More information and liner notes download is at:

The song is about a fisherman who falls in love with the lovely Maria Chuchena who bathes at the mouth of the river near the sea. He calls to her to swim out to his boat so they can swim away. That's the whole story, the rest is birds, Butterflys, flowers, fragrances, a falling star and a non-sencical refrain about 'roofing your house' (go figure).
Spanish lyrics and translation follow:

Por aquí pasó volando
una linda chuparrosa
una linda chuparrosa
por aquí pasó volando,
y en su piquito llevaba
dos claveles y una rosa
que el viento le deshojaba
como blanca mariposa.

María Chuchena bótate al agua
junto a la proa de mi piragua
María Chuchena bótate al mar
a navegar y le decía:

María María
no techo tu casa
no techo la mía
no techo tu casa
no techo la mía
no techo la casa
de María García.

Lucero brillante hermoso
baja del quinto planeta
que yo pondré en tu peineta
un tulipán oloroso.

María Chuchena se fue a bañar
a orillas del río a orillas del mar
María Chuchena se estaba bañando
y el pescador la estaba mirando
y le decía

María María
no techo tu casa
no techo la mía
no techo tu casa
no techo la mía
no techo la casa
de María García.

Dime qué flor te acomoda
para írtela a cortar
azucena o amapola
o maravilla del mar
azucena o amapola
o maravilla del mar
para cuando estés tú sola
tengas con quien platicar.

María Chuchena bótate al río
junto a la proa de mi navío
María Chuchena bótate al mar
a navegar y le decía:

María María...

Ya me voy flor de sabana
perfumado amanecer
con el sol de la mañana
quisiera volverte a ver
con el sol de la mañana
quisiera volverte a ver
como rosa campirana
y no dejarte de oler.
María Chuchena se fue a bañar…

This way flew
a beautiful hummingbird,
a beautiful hummingbird
this way flew.
And it carried two carnations
and a rose in its beak,
whose leaves the wind stripped
like a white butterfly.

María Chuchena, jump into the water
by the prow of my canoe.
María Chuchena, jump into the sea
to sail away, and he told her:

María, María,
I don’t roof your house,
I don’t roof mine,
I don’t roof your house,
I don’t roof mine,
I don’t roof the house,
of María García.

Beautiful, bright star,
come down from the fifth planet,
for I will place in your comb
a fragrant tulip.

María Chuchena went to bathe
by the riverside, by the seaside.
María Chuchena was bathing,
and a fisherman looked at her,
and he told her:

María, María,
I don’t roof your house,
I don’t roof mine,
I don’t roof your house,
I don’t roof mine,
I don’t roof the house,
of María García.

Tell me what flower you like
so that I can gather it for you,
white lily or poppy
or wonder of the sea?
White lily or poppy
or wonder of the sea?
So when you are alone
you have someone to talk with.

María Chuchena, jump into the water
by the prow of my canoe.
María Chuchena, jump into the sea
to sail away, and he told her:

María, María…

I’m leaving now, flower of the plain,
fragrant dawn,
I would like to see you again
with tomorrow’s sun.
I would like to see you again
with tomorrow’s sun
like a rose from the fields,
and not stop smelling you.
María Chuchena went to bathe…

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 12 Jun 23 - 02:06 PM

La femme du Président (French sea shanty)

1. C'est dans la ville de Bordeaux
Qu'est arrivé trois beaux vaisseaux,
Les matelots, qui sont dedans,
Ce sont, ma foi, de bons enfants

Refrain :
Il est temps de prendre un ris
Le vent va souffler cette nuit !

2. Y a une dame dans Bordeaux
Qui est amoureuse d'un matelot,
"Ma servante, va me chercher
Un matelot pour m'assurer !"

3. "Beau matelot, mon bel ami,
Madame m'envoie vous accueillir,
Montez en haut, c'est au premier,
Collation vous y ferez".

4. "Madame que me voulez donc
Moi qui suis matelot tout du long ?"
"Monsieur entrez dans mon salon
La collation nous y ferons !"

5. La collation a duré
Trois jours, trois nuits sans décesser,
Mais au bout de trois jours passés,
Le matelot s'est ennuyé.

6. Le matelot s'est ennuyé,
Par la fenêtre a regardé :
"Madame, donnez-moi congé,
Il fait beau temps, j' veux m'en aller".

7. "Beau matelot, si tu t'en vas,
Bien mal de moi tu parleras,
Tiens voilà cent écus comptés,
Sera pour boire à ma santé."

8. Le matelot en s'en allant
Fit la rencontre du Président :
"Beau président je suis content,
J'ai eu ta femme et ton argent".

9. "Beau matelot, mon bel ami,
Répète-moi ce que t'as dit."
"Monsieur, je dis qu'il fait beau temps
Pour aller sur la mer voguant".

10. Le matelot, dans son vaisseau,
S' mit à chanter des airs nouveaux :
"Vive les dames de Bordeaux
Qui payent à boire aux matelots !"
The President's Wife

1. It's in the city of Bordeaux
That three fine ships arrived,
The sailors, who are inside,
They are, my faith, easy-going young men.

It's time to reef the sail
The wind is going to blow tonight!

2. There is a lady in Bordeaux
Who is in love with a sailor,
"My servant, fetch me
A sailor to belay me!"

3. "Handsome/fine sailor, my handsome friend,
Madam sends me to welcome you,
Go upstairs, it's on the first story,
A light meal you will have there".

4. "Madam, what do you want from me
Me who am a sailor all along?"
"Sir come into my living room
The afternoon tea we will have there!"

5. The afternoon tea lasted
Three days, three nights without ceasing,
But after three days,
The sailor got bored.

6. The sailor got bored,
Looked out the window,
"Madam, give me my leave,
The weather is good, I want to go".

7. "Handsome/fine sailor, if you go away,
Very badly of me you will speak,
Here are a counted hundred crowns,
It will be to drink to my health."

8. The sailor on leaving
Met the President:
"Fine president, I'm happy,
I got your wife and your money."

9. "Handsome sailor, my fine friend,
Repeat what you said."
"Sir, I say it's a fine weather
To go sailing on the sea ".

10. The sailor on his ship
Began to sing new tunes:
"Long live the ladies of Bordeaux
Who pay drinks to the sailors !"
This song was collected in Chansons nationales et populaires de France by Dumersan.
The comment before the song reads (translated) The memory of this song has been preserved by a clown from the Boulevard du Temple, named Rousseau, who paraded in front of the door of the Malaga high-rope dancer's show, around 1800, before the famous Bobèche. It is one of those songs of sailors which are sung at seaports, and which lack neither gaiety nor originality.

Version "located" in Saint-Malo
Another set of lyrics recorded by La Bricole on a different tune.
Another set of lyrics sung by Les Marins d'Iroise
Another set of lyrics sung by the group Nordet
This song is also known in Canada. Here is a version sung by the Quebec band Serre l'Écoute.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Felipa
Date: 12 Jun 23 - 06:23 PM

Éirigh Suas a Stóirin - Rise up my darling - Irish Gaelic

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Subject: ADD: L'Aquila (Lucio Battisti)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 28 Jun 23 - 07:06 PM

From Gayle on 26 June 2023

(Lucio Battisti)
Il fiume va
Guardo più in là
Un'automobile corre
E lascia dietro sé
Del fumo grigio e me
E questo verde mondo
Indifferente perché
Da troppo tempo ormai
Apre le braccia a nessuno
Come me che ho bisogno
Di qualche cosa di più
Che non puoi darmi tu
Un'auto che va
Basta già a farmi chiedere se io vivo

Mezz'ora fa
Mostravi a me
La tua bandiera d'amore
Che amore poi non è
E mi dicevi che
Che io dovrei cambiare
Per diventare come te
Che ami solo me
Ma come un'aquila può
Diventare aquilone
Che sia legata oppure no
Non sarà mai di cartone, no
Cosa son io non so
Ma un'auto che va
Basta già a farmi chiedere se io vivo
Basta già a farmi chiedere se io vivo

Il fiume va, sa dove andare
Guardo più in là in cerca d'amore
Un'automobile corre, non ci son nuove terre
E lascia dietro sé
Del fumo grigio e me
E questo verde mondo nel quale mi confondo
Indifferente perché
Da troppo tempo, ormai
Apre le braccia a nessuno
Come me che ho bisogno
Di qualche cosa di più
Che non puoi darmi tu
Ma un'auto che va

Basta già a farmi chiedere se io vivo
The river goes
I look further
A car runs
And leave behind
Grey smoke and me
And this green world
Indifferent because
For too long now
It opens its arms to no one
Like me who need
Something more
That you can't give me
A car that goes
It is enough to make me wonder if I live

Half an hour ago
You showed me
Your flag of love
What love then is not
And you told me that
That I should change
To become like you
That you love only me
But how an eagle can
Become a kite
Whether it is related or not
It will never be cardboard, no
I don't know what I am
But a car that goes
It is enough to make me wonder if I live
It is enough to make me wonder if I live

The river goes, knows where to go
I look further in search of love
A car runs, there are no new lands
And leave behind
Grey smoke and me
And this green world in which I get confused
Indifferent because
For too long, now
It opens its arms to no one
Like me who need
Something more
That you can't give me
But a car that goes
It is enough to make me wonder if I live
(automatic translation - corrected by Mudcatter Cattia Salto)

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Lucio Battisti / Mogol

And Martin Ryan sang Plaisir d'Amour

And Gerry Myerson sang Un Canadien Errant

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 03 Jul 23 - 02:31 PM

L'AMITIÉ (Sung by Françoise Hardy -1965)
Jean Max Rivière (1937 - ) / Gérard Bourgeois (1936 – 2016)

Beaucoup de mes amis sont venus des nuages
Avec soleil et pluie comme simples bagages
Ils ont fait la saison des amitiés sincères
La plus belle saison des quatre de la Terre

Ils ont cette douceur des plus beaux paysages
Et la fidélité des oiseaux de passage
Dans leurs cœurs est gravée une infinie tendresse
Mais parfois dans leurs yeux se glisse la tristesse
Alors, ils viennent se chauffer chez moi
Et toi aussi, tu viendras

Tu pourras repartir au fin fond des nuages
Et de nouveau sourire à bien d'autres visages
Donner autour de toi un peu de ta tendresse
Lorsqu'un autre voudra te cacher sa tristesse

Comme l'on ne sait pas ce que la vie nous donne
Il se peut qu'à mon tour je ne sois plus personne
S'il me reste un ami qui vraiment me comprenne
J'oublierai à la fois mes larmes et mes peines
Alors, peut-être je viendrai chez toi
Chauffer mon cœur à ton bois

Many of my friends came from the clouds
With sun and rain as mere baggage
They made the season of sincere friendships
The most beautiful season of the four of the Earth

They have this sweetness of the most beautiful landscapes
And the loyalty of passing birds
In their hearts is engraved an infinite tenderness
But sometimes in their eyes, sadness slips
So they come to warm up at my house
And you too, you will come

You'll be able to go back to the depths of the clouds
And to smile again to many other faces
To give around you a little of your tenderness
When someone else will want to hide their sadness from you

As we don't know what life gives us
I might in my turn not be anyone any longer
If I have a friend left who really understands me
I will forget both my tears and my sorrows
Then maybe I'll come to your house
To warm my heart to your wood
Live rendition on TV by Françoise Hardy

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Felipa
Date: 04 Jul 23 - 07:21 PM

Air an Somme, Scottish Gaelic poem/song about the Ballad of the Somme

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 05 Jul 23 - 01:05 PM

On Monday David sang "C'est l'aviron" (aka "M'en revenant de la jolie Rochelle")

M'en revenant de la jolie Rochelle,(x2)
J'ai rencontré trois jolies demoiselles.

C'est l'aviron qui nous mène, qui nous mène,
C'est l'aviron qui nous mène en haut.

J'ai rencontré trois jolies demoiselles (x2)
J'ai point choisi, mais j'ai pris la plus belle.


J'ai point choisi, mais j'ai pris la plus belle (x2)
J' l'y fis monter derrièr' moi, sur ma selle.


J' l'y fis monter derrièr' moi, sur ma selle (x2)
J'y fis cent lieues sans parler avec elle.


J'y fis cent lieues sans parler avec elle (x2)
Au bout d' cent lieues, ell' me d'mandit à boire.


Au bout d' cent lieues, ell' me d'mandit à boire (x2)
Je l'ai menée auprès d'une fontaine.


Je l'ai menée auprès d'une fontaine (x2)
Quand ell' fut là, ell' ne voulut point boire.


Quand ell' fut là, ell' ne voulut point boire (x2)
Je l'ai menée au logis de son père.


Je l'ai menée au logis de son père (x2)
Quand ell' fut là, ell' buvait à pleins verres.


Quand ell' fut là, ell' buvait à pleins verres (x2)
À la santé de son père et sa mère.


À la santé de son père et sa mère (x2)
À la santé de ses sœurs et ses frères.


À la santé de ses sœurs et ses frères (x2)
À la santé d' celui que son cœur aime.


On my way back from pretty La Rochelle city (x2)
I met three pretty young ladies.

It's the oar that leads us, that leads us,
It's the oar that leads us to the Upper Country*

I met three pretty young ladies, (x2)
I didn't choose but I took the prettiest.


I didn't choose but I took the prettiest, (x2)
I had her mount behind me on my saddle.


I had her mount behind me on my saddle, (x2)
I rode a hundred leagues without a word with her.


I rode a hundred leagues without a word with her, (x2)
After a hundred leagues, she asked for a drink.


After a hundred leagues, she asked for a drink,(x2)
I lead her to a fountain/spring.


I lead her to a fountain/spring, (x2)
When she was there, she didn't want to drink.


When she was there, she didn't want to drink,(x2)
I lead her to her father's dwelling.


I lead her to her father's dwelling, (x2)
When she was there, she drank many glassfuls.


When she was there, she drank many glassfuls, (x2)
To her father's and her mother's health.


To her father's and her mother's health,(x2)
To her sisters' and her brothers' health.


To her sisters' and her brothers' health,(x2)
To the health of the one her heart loves.

*The Upper Country, (Le Pays d'en Haut in French) was a vast territory west of Montreal including the Great Lakes and wherever the French had explored. It depended on Canada.

More information in this Mudcat thread and this one.

In "En roulant ma boule" Marius Barbeau has the same version with a different chorus (the same as Gagnon's version) but also a different last verse,"À la santé de sa sœur et son frère / Du beau galant qui l'a laissée pucelle" (To the health of her sister and her brother, and of the handsome young man who left her a virgin)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 06 Jul 23 - 12:14 PM

On Monday Barrie Mathers sang "Non ho l'età", 1964 Eurovision Song Contest Winner.
NON HO L'ETÀ (1964) (Italian)
Lyrics:Nisa (Nicola Salerno 1910 – 1969),
Mario Panzeri (1911 – 1991) & Gene Colonnello (1935-2011)
Music: Nisa & Colonnello

Non ho l'età, non ho l'età per amarti
Non ho l'età per uscire sola con te
E non avrei, non avrei nulla da dirti
Perchè tu sai molte più cose di me

Lascia ch'io viva un amore romantico
Nell'attesa che venga quel giorno, ma ora no

Non ho l'età, non ho l'età per amarti
Non ho l'età per uscire sola con te
Se tu vorrai, se tu vorrai aspettarmi
Quel giorno avrai tutto il mio amore per te

Lascia ch'io viva un amore romantico
Nell'attesa che venga quel giorno, ma ora no

Non ho l'età, non ho l'età per amarti
Non ho l'età per uscire sola con te
E non avrei, non avrei nulla da dirti
Perchè tu sai molte più cose di me

Lascia ch'io viva un amore romantico
Nell'attesa che venga quel giorno, ma ora no

Non ho l'età, non ho l'età per amarti
Non ho l'età per uscire sola con te
Se tu vorrai, se tu vorrai aspettarmi
Quel giorno avrai tutto il mio amore per te

Lascia ch'io viva un amore romantico
Nell'attesa che venga quel giorno, ma ora no

I'm not old enough, I'm not old enough to love you
I'm not old enough to go out alone with you
And I wouldn't, I wouldn't have anything to say to you
Because you know a lot more than me

Let me live a romantic love
Waiting for that day to come, but not now

I'm not old enough, I'm not old enough to love you
I'm not old enough to go out alone with you
If you want, if you want to wait for me
That day you will have all my love for you

Let me live a romantic love
Waiting for that day to come, but not now

I'm not old enough, I'm not old enough to love you
I'm not old enough to go out alone with you
And I wouldn't, I wouldn't have anything to say to you
Because you know a lot more than me

Let me live a romantic love
Waiting for that day to come, but not now

I'm not old enough, I'm not old enough to love you
I'm not old enough to go out alone with you
If you want, if you want to wait for me
That day you will have all my love for you

Let me live a romantic love
Waiting for that day to come, but not now
"Non ho l'età", lit. "I don't have the age" as in Romance languages we're not X years old, we have X years, so we "have" the age or not to do... whatever.

Live rendition by Gigliola Cinquetti Eurovision Song Contest Winner 1964 (the song begins at ~2:15)
Same video but colorized.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 10 Jul 23 - 02:21 PM

It's no masterpiece but my dad used to sing it (that's why I do tonight). I don't know how he learned it, when, where and from whom. There's nothing available about it on the internet.

Je viens sous ta finestrina
Pour une dernière fois
Car j'ai compris Carolina
Que tu te moquais de moi
Hier encore je le déclare
Je suis parti mécontent
Quand j'accordais ma guitare
Tu m'envoyas un agent
Et pour finir ma chanson
Il m'accompagna au violon

Pourquoi es-tu cruelle,
Oh Carolina belle ?
Pourquoi donc te montrer si rebelle ?
Oh Carolina, dis-moi pourquoi !

Je t'ai payé des caprices
Des Cinzanos au citron
Des choucroutes à la saucisse
Et des sandwichs au jambon
Des chapeaux à grand plumage
Qui m'ont couté plus de cent francs
Je t'en aurais fait davantage
Mais je n'avais plus d'argent
Pour toi j'ai été gentil
Tu ne m'as jamais dit merci.


Par une nuit presque sombre
Comme un ancien troubadour
Je me faufilai dans l'ombre
Espérant un peu d'amour.
Mais par la porte cochère
Je n'ai pas vu venir ton chien
Il m'a mordu au derrière
C'est quelque chose que j'ai craint,
Mon pantalon est déchiré
Je n'ai plus rien à te cacher.


I come under your little window
For one last time
Because I understood Carolina
That you were laughing at me
Yesterday again I declare it
I left unhappy
When I was tuning my guitar
You sent me a policeman
And to end my song
He accompanied me on the violin/to the prison cell*

Why are you cruel?
Oh beautiful Carolina,
Why do you show yourself so rebellious?
Oh Carolina, tell me why!

I paid you whims
Cinzano drinks with lemon,
Sauerkraut with sausage
And ham sandwiches
Hats with large plumage
Which cost me more than a hundred francs
I would have done you more
But I had no more money
For you I was nice
You never said thank you to me.


On an almost dark night
Like an ancient troubadour
I slipped into the shadows
Hoping for a little love.
But by the carriage entrance
I didn't see your dog coming
He bit my behind
It's something I didn't like,
My pants are torn
I have nothing more to hide from you.

*"violon" is violin but also slang for prison/prison cell

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 14 Jul 23 - 08:55 AM

On Monday Barrie Mathers sang...
1962 © Françoise Hardy (1944 - )

Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Se promènent dans la rue deux par deux
Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Savent bien ce que c'est qu'être heureux
Et les yeux dans les yeux et la main dans la main
Ils s'en vont amoureux sans peur du lendemain
Oui mais moi, je vais seule par les rues, l'âme en peine
Oui mais moi, je vais seule, car personne ne m'aime

Mes jours comme mes nuits
Sont en tous points pareils
Sans joies et pleins d'ennui
Personne ne murmure "je t'aime" à mon oreille

Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Font ensemble des projets d'avenir
Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Savent très bien ce qu'aimer veut dire
Et les yeux dans les yeux et la main dans la main
Ils s'en vont amoureux sans peur du lendemain
Oui mais moi, je vais seule par les rues, l'âme en peine
Oui mais moi, je vais seule, car personne ne m'aime

Mes jours comme mes nuits
Sont en tous points pareils
Sans joies et pleins d'ennui
Oh! quand donc pour moi brillera le soleil?

Comme les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Connaîtrai-je bientôt ce qu'est l'amour
Comme les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Je me demande quand viendra le jour
Où les yeux dans ses yeux et la main dans sa main
J'aurai le cœur heureux sans peur du lendemain
Le jour où je n'aurai plus du tout l'âme en peine
Le jour où moi aussi j'aurai quelqu'un qui m'aime

All the boys and girls my age
Walk down the street in pairs
All the boys and girls my age
Know what it's like to be happy
And gazing into each other's eyes and hand in hand
They go off in love with no fear of tomorrow
Yes, but I go alone through the streets, my soul in pain
Yes, but I go alone, because no one loves me

My days as well as my nights
Are totally the same
Joyless and full of boredom
No one whispers "I love you" in my ear

All the boys and girls my age
Make together plans for the future
All the boys and girls my age
Know very well what love means
And gazing into each other's eyes and hand in hand
They go off in love with no fear of tomorrow
Yes, but I go alone through the streets, my soul in pain
Yes, but I go alone, because no one loves me

My days as well as my nights
Are totally the same
Joyless and full of boredom
Oh, when will the sun shine for me?

Like boys and girls my age
Will I soon know what love is?
Like boys and girls my age
I wonder when the day will come
When gazing into each other's eyes and hand in hand
I'll have a happy heart with no fear of tomorrow
The day when my soul will no longer be in pain
The day when I too will have someone who loves me
1962 Original recording
1964/09/28 TV show by Françoise Hardy

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: GUEST,Felipa
Date: 01 Aug 23 - 05:51 PM

in Irish (Gaelic): Cad é sin don té sin?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: GUEST,diplocase
Date: 03 Aug 23 - 10:05 PM


Written by: JULIO NUMHAUSER of Chile
Made famous by Argentine folk singer Mercedes Sosa d. 2009

Julio Numhauser, a Chilean singer/song writer, left Chile in 1973 due to the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. In 1975 he moved to Sweden where he still is living today. There, in 1982, he composed this song dedicated to his country and the Chilean people.
© 1982 Julio Numhauser (1940 - )

Cambia, todo cambia (2x)

Cambia lo superficial
Cambia también lo profundo
Cambia el modo de pensar
Cambia todo en este mundo

Cambia el clima, con los años
Cambia el pastor su rebaño
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Cambia, todo cambia (2x)

Cambia el más fino brillante
De mano en mano, su brillo
Cambia el nido el pajarillo
Cambia el sentir un amante

Cambia el rumbo el caminante
Aunque esto le cause daño
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Cambia, todo cambia (2x)

Cambia el sol en su carrera
Cuando la noche subsiste
Cambia la planta y se viste
De verde en la primavera

Cambia el pelaje la fiera
Cambia el cabello el anciano
Y así como todo cambia
Que yo cambie no es extraño
Cambia, todo cambia (2x)

Pero no cambia mi amor
Por más lejos que me encuentre
Ni el recuerdo ni el dolor
De mi pueblo, y de mi gente

Y lo que cambió ayer,
Tendrá que cambiar mañana,
Así como cambio yo
En estas tierras lejanas
        Cambia, todo cambia (x2)

Pero no cambia mi amor
Por más lejos que me encuentre
Ni el recuerdo, ni el dolor
De mi pueblo, y de mi gente

Y lo que cambió ayer
Tendrá que cambiar mañana
Así como cambio yo
En estas tierras lejanas
        Cambia, todo cambia (x2)
English translation by Casey (non-singable)

          It changes, everything changes (2x)

That which is superficial changes
Also that which is profound
One’s habit of thought changes
Everything in this world changes

The climate changes with the years
The shepherd alters his flock
and thus, since everything changes,
It’s not so strange that I should change
             It changes, everything changes…(2x)

The glitter of a fine diamond
Changes from one hand to the next
the little bird changes its nest
The feelings of a lover also change

The traveler changes course
Though it do him only harm
and thus, since everything changes,
It’s not so strange that I should change
          It changes, everything changes (2x)

The sun changes its course
so long as night persists
The plant changes, and decks itself
In green when spring is come

The wild things change their winter coat
the hair of an old person changes
and just as everything changes
It’s not so strange that I should change
          It changes, everything changes (2x)

But my love doesn't change
no matter how far away I find myself
neither the memory nor the pain
of my nation and of my people

Whatever changed yesterday
will have to change tomorrow
In just the same way, I change
Here in these far-away lands
       It changes, everything changes (2x)

But my love doesn't change
no matter how far away I find myself
neither the memory nor the pain
of my nation and of my people

What changed yesterday
will have to change tomorrow
In just the same way, I change
Here in these far-away lands
       It changes, everything changes (x2)
Live rendition by Mercedes Sosa
New version by Julio Numhauser and his son Maciel -2016 official video clip with English subtitles
Recording by Quilapayún (with pictures from the late 60's/early 70's and nowadays'. All changes indeed! -Monique)
Todo cambia YouTube page

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 07 Aug 23 - 01:55 PM

Traditional -before the 18th century
(Children's song)

Il était un p'tit homme
Qui s'appelait Guilleri, carabi
Il s'en fut à la chasse
À la chasse aux perdrix, carabi

Titi, carabi, toto, carabo *, compère Guilleri
te laisseras-tu, te laiss'ras-tu, te laiss'ras-tu mouri**?

Il s'en fut à la chasse
À la chasse aux perdrix, carabi
Il monta sur un arbre
Pour voir ses chiens couri**, carabi


Il monta sur un arbre
Pour voir ses chiens couri**, carabi
La branche vint à rompre
Et Guilleri tombit***, carabi


La branche vint à rompre
Et Guilleri tombit***, carabi
Il se cassa la jambe
Et le bras se démit, carabi


Il se cassa la jambe
Et le bras se démit, carabi
Les dam's de l'hôpital
Sont arrivées au bruit, carabi


Les dam's de l'hôpital
Sont arrivées au bruit, carabi
L'une apporte un emplâtre
L'autre de la charpie, carabi


L'une apporte un emplâtre
L'autre de la charpie, carabi
On lui banda la jambe
Et le bras lui remit, carabi


On lui banda la jambe
Et le bras lui remit, carabi
Pour remercier ces dames
Guill'ri les embrassit***, carabi


Pour remercier ces dames
Guill'ri les embrassit***, carabi
De cette belle histoire
La morale la voici, carabi


De cette belle histoire
La morale la voici, carabi
Elle prouve que par les femmes
L'homme est toujours guéri, carabi


There was a little man
Who was called Gulleri, carabi
He went a-hunting
A-hunting partridges, carabi

Titi, carabi, toto carabo, fellow Guilleri
Will you let, will you let, will you let yourself die?

He went a-hunting
A-hunting partridges, carabi
He climbed up a tree
To see his hounds run, carabi


He climbed up a tree
To see his hounds run, carabi
The branch happened to break
And Guilleri fell down, carabi


The branch happened to break
And Guilleri fell down, carabi
He broke his leg
And dislocated his arm, carabi


He broke his leg
And dislocated his arm, carabi
The ladies of the hospital
Arrived because of the noise, carabi


The ladies of the hospital
Arrived because of the noise, carabi
One brings a plaster
Another brings shredded linen, carabi


One brings a plaster
Another brings shredded linen, carabi
They bandaged his leg
And set up his arm, carabi


They bandaged his leg
And set up his arm, carabi
To thank these ladies
Guilleri kissed them, carabi


To thank these ladies
Guilleri kissed them, carabi
Of this nice story
Here's the moral, carabi


Of this nice story
Here's the moral, carabi
It proves that by the women
Man is always cured, carabi

* meaningless words
** mouri, couri, instead of mourir, courir –it was the way to pronounce the infintives in "-ir" until the18th century
*** tombit, embrassit instead of tomba, embrassa, to keep the rhyme.

Mama Lisa's World page with lyrics, translation, midi, recording and score.

Recording 1
Live rendition by a children's choir
1958 recording by Les Quatre Barbus

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 14 Aug 23 - 02:25 PM

This song started as a cabaret song. Now it's known as a children's song.
Normally each line should be repeated.
LE SIRE DE FRAMBOISY (French) - 1855
Ernest Bourget (1814-1864) Laurent de Rillé (1828-1915)

C'était l'histoire du Sire de Framboisy,
Avait pris femme, la plus belle du pays.

Et tra, et tra, et tra la la la
Et tra, et tra, et tra la la la (1)

La prit trop jeune, bientôt s'en repentit,
Partit en guerre, afin qu'elle murît.

Revint de guerre après cinq ans et d'mi
N' trouva personne de la cave au chenil.

App'la la belle trois jours et quatre nuits,
Un grand silence, hélas, lui répondit.

Le pauvre Sire courut dans tout Paris
Trouva la dame, dans un bal à Clichy.

Corbleu, princesse, que faites-vous ici,
Voyez, je danse, avecque mes amis

Dans son carosse la r'mène à Framboisy.
Il l'empoisonne avec du vert-de-gris.

Et sur sa fosse il sema du persil,
De cette histoire, la morale, la voici :

À jeune femme il faut jeune mari,
À jeune femme il faut jeune mari.

It was the story of the Lord of Framboisy,
He'd taken as wife the most beautiful girl in the country.

And tra, and tra, and tra la la la
And tra, and tra, and tra la la la

[He] Took her too young, [he] soon regretted it
[He] Went to war so that she could mature.

[He] Returned from war after five years and a half,
[He] Found nobody from cellar to kennel.

[He] Called the lady fair during three days and four nights,
A wide silence, alas, answered him.

The poor Lord ran throughout Paris,
[He] Found the lady in a ball in Clichy.

"Egad, princess, what are you doing here?"
"See, I'm dancing with my friends."

In his coach, brings her back to Framboisy.
He poisons her with verdigris.

And on her grave he sowed parsley,
Here is the moral of this tale:

To a young woman, a young husband is needed,
To a young woman, a young husband is needed.
You can find the lyrics, an English translation, a recording and a sheet music on our Mama Lisa's World page

Recording by
René Quequignon with Jacques Lesprit, Lucette Arsonval, Jackie Lacour, Charles Raynald, Marcel Féru>. In this version, he came back from war after 15 years and a half(!!!!!).
Recording by Les devanautes (children)
Another recording sung by Aude Husson Patru

You can read the version below on the BNF website
Avait pris femme, le Sire de Framboisy
La prit trop jeune, bientôt s'en repentit

Partit en guerre pour tuer les ennemis
Revint de guerre après sept ans et demi

Dans son domaine tout le monde était parti
Que va donc faire le Sire de Framboisy

Chercha sa femme trois jours et quatre nuits
Trouva Madame dans un bal à Paris

Cordieu Madame, que faites-vous ici ?
J' dans' la polka avec tous mes amis

Cordieu Madame, avez-vous un mari ?
Je suis, Monsieur, veuve de cinq ou six

Corrrrdieu, Madame, cette vie_là va finir !
Qui êt's vous doncques pour me parler ainsi ?

Je suis lui-même… le Sire de Framboisy
La prend, l'emmène au château de Framboisy

Lui tranch' la tête d'une ball' de son fusil
Lui creus' une tomb' avec le bout de son parapluie

De cette histoire, la morale la voici :
À jeune femme il faut jeune mari.
The Lord of Framboisy had got himself a wife,
He took her too young, he soon regretted it.

He went to war to kill ennemies
He came back from war after seven years and a half.

In his estate, everybody had left.
What will the Lord of Framboisy do then?

He looked for his wife three days and four nights,
He found Milady in a ball in Paris.

"Gadzooks, Milady, what are you doing here?"
"I'm dancing the polka with all my friends."

"Gadzooks, Milady, do you have a husband?"
"I am, Sir, a widow of five or six of them."

"Gadzooks, Milady, this life is going to end!"
"Who are you to talk to me this way?"

"I am himself… the Lord of Framboisy"
He takes her away to the Framboisy castle,

He cuts her head with a shotgun ball,
He digs her a grave with the tip of his umbrella.

Here is the moral of this tale:
To a young woman, a young husband is needed,
A blog post about the story and a recording on Dastum 44 (in French)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 26 Aug 23 - 09:00 AM

On Monday Heather Preston sang….

Borrowed from website, a very resourceful site on Hawaiian music and culture.

On their Hanohano_Hanalei page you'll find a link to a music clip and this…

Source: Na Mele O Hawaiʻi Nei - This song was composed about 1924. Manuʻakepa is a bright green seaweed, Molokama, a series of streams that flow thru Hanalei Valley, and Mamalahoa, a mountain peak. Alfred Unauna Alohikea (1884-1936) was born in Waipi`o Valley on the big island, but spent most of his life in Hanalei, Kauaʻi where he composed most of his music. A natural musician, he played by ear and could neither read nor write music. He was famous for his baritone voice and performed with the Royal Hawaiian Band, made one tour of the mainland (1901-02) and played ukulele, guitar, stand-up bass and saxophone. Music clip by Gippy Cooke
Alfred Unauna Alohikea (1884-1936)

Hanohano Hanalei i ka ua nui
E pakika i kahi limu o Manuʻakepa
I laila hoʻi au i ʻike iho ai
I ka hana huʻi konikoni i ka ʻili

Aloha kahi one o pua rose
I ka hoʻopē ʻia e ka hunakai
ʻAkahi hoʻi au a ʻike i ka nani
Hanohano Hanalei i ka ua nui

Kilakila kahi wai nā Molokama
I ke kau ʻia mai hoʻi e ka ʻohu
He ʻohu hoʻi ʻoe no ka ʻāina
A Hanalei a e haʻaheo nei

Kilohi i ka nani Māmalahoa
I ka hoʻopē ʻia e ke kēhau
ʻElua wale iho nō māua
ʻEkolu i ka hone a ka ʻehu kai

The glory of Hanalei is its heavy rain
Slippery seaweed of Manuʻakepa
There I felt
Tingling cool sensation of the skin

Greetings, o sand and rose flowers
Drenched by sea spray
Never have I seen such splendor
The glory of Hanalei is its heavy rain

Majestic streams of Molokama
Mist covered
You are the mist of the land
That Hanalei cherishes

Behold the beauty of Mamalahoa
Drenched by the dew
She and I are two
Three with the rustle of sea spray
Recording by South Sea Islanders

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 28 Aug 23 - 02:06 PM

Michelle Senlis (1933-2020) / Jean Ferrat (1930-2010)

Les belles étrangères qui vont aux corridas
Et qui se pâment d'aise devant la muleta*
Les belles étrangères, sous leur chapeau huppé
Ont le teint qui s'altère à l'heure de l'épée

Allons, laissez-moi rire, on chasse, on tue, on mange
On taille dans le cuir des chaussures, on s'arrange
Et dans les abattoirs où l'on traîne les bœufs
La mort ne vaut guère mieux qu'aux arènes le soir

Les belles étrangères, quand montent les clameurs
Se lèvent les premières en se tenant le cœur
Les belles étrangères se jurent à jamais
De chasser Ordóñez** de leurs rêves secrets

Allons laissez-moi rire, quand le taureau s'avance
Ce n'est pas par plaisir que le torero danse
C'est que l'Espagne a trop d'enfants pour les nourrir
Qu'il faut parfois choisir la faim ou le taureau

Les belles étrangères, végétariennes ou pas
Quittent leur banc de pierre au milieu du combat
Quittent leur banc de pierre au milieu du combat.

The beautiful foreign ladies who go to bullfights
And who swoon over the muleta
The beautiful foreign ladies, under their classy hats
Have their complexion that alters at the hour of the sword

Come on, let me laugh, we hunt, we kill, we eat
We cut the shoes in the leather, we make do with it,
And in the slaughterhouses where the oxen are dragged
Death is hardly better than in the arenas in the evening

The beautiful foreign ladies, when the clamor rises,
Are the first to rise, holding their hearts
The beautiful foreign ladies vow to forever
Drive Ordóñez out of their secret dreams

Come on, let me laugh, when the bull comes forward
It is not for pleasure that the bullfighter dances
It's because Spain has too many children to feed them
That sometimes you have to choose hunger or bull

The beautiful foreign ladies, vegetarians or not,
Leave their stone bench in the middle of the fight
Leave their stone bench in the middle of the fight.
*muleta: the stick with a red cloth hanging from it that is used in the final third and obscures the sword
**Ordóñez: Antonio Ordóñez Araujo (6 February 1932 – 19 December 1998): a Spanish bullfighter

Recording by Jean Ferrat
1966 live rendition by Jean Ferrat
Live rendition by Dupont et Pondu

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 25 Sep 23 - 02:10 PM


Celles qui vont au bois, c'est la mère et la fille,
La mère va chantant et la fille soupire

"Qu'a vous à soupirer, Marguerite mon amie ?
J'ai grande peine en moi, et je n'ose le dire

- Je suis fille le jour et la nuit blanche biche
Et mon père le roi, il est à me poursuivre."

"N'y allez plus chasser, sire, je vous en prie,
J'ai rêvé cette nuit que vous perdiez la vie."

Le roi y est bien resté sept ans sans courre la biche
Au bout de sept années, il lui en prie l'envie.

"Qu'on selle mon cheval, je m'en vais courre la biche."
Il l'a si bien courue qu'au point du jour l'a prise.

Quand fallut dépouiller, ne savait plus que dire
"Elle a les cheveux longs et le sein d'une fille."

Et quand vint le souper, "Où donc est Marguerite ?"
- N'est pas bien loin d'ici, elle est dans la cuisine.

Son sang est répandu dans toute la cuisine,
Et dessus les fourneaux, ses pauvres os y grillent."

Those who go to the woods are the mother and the daughter,
The mother goes singing and the daughter is sighing

“What are you sighing about, Marguerite my dear?
I have a great pain within me and I don't dare say it

- I am a girl by day and a white hind by night
And my father the king is hunting me."

"Don't go hunting again, sire, I beg you,
I dreamed last night that you lost your life.”

The king stayed for seven years without hunting the hind
After seven years, he fancied to do so.

"Saddle my horse, I’m going to hunt the hind."
He hunted her so well that at daybreak he caught her.

When it was time to skin, didn't know what to say
"She has long hair and a girl’s breast."

And when suppertime came, "Where is Marguerite?"
"She's not very far from here, she's in the kitchen.

Her blood is spilled all over the kitchen,
And on the stoves, her poor bones are roasting."
The tune is from the LP "Le Roi Renaud - Ballades Françaises Jean-Loup Baly, Jean-François Dutertre, Yvon Guilcher, Dominique Regef – Le Chant Du Monde – LDX 74568 – 1975"

Mudcat thread about it
A few versions collected in Canada (in MASSIGNON, Geneviève ; DELARUE, Georges. Trésors de la chanson populaire française. Autour de 50 chansons recueillies en Acadie. New edition [online]. Paris: Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1994 (generated 25 septembre 2023). Available on the Internet: . ISBN: 9782717725933. DOI:

There are many versions of this song 1, Riccardo Venturi's Italian website

Recording by Pierre Bensousan (different tune)
Recording by Tri Yann (1974) (different tune)
Variations of the tune just above:
Recording by Malicorne
Recording by Eric Montbel
"Complainte de la blanche biche YouTube page

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Felipa
Date: 27 Sep 23 - 12:21 PM

On 25 Sept 2023, the day before the first Tuesday of autumn, I sang an Irish Gaelic song, "An Chéad Mháirt de Fhómhair"*
(*"the first Tuesday of autumn")

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