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Non-music: God Bless America (Sept 2001)

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Ringer 12 Sep 01 - 03:50 AM
GUEST,FRENCH GUEST 12 Sep 01 - 07:45 AM
Mrrzy 12 Sep 01 - 09:46 AM
Biskit 12 Sep 01 - 01:03 PM
catspaw49 12 Sep 01 - 01:16 PM
Paul from Hull 12 Sep 01 - 01:29 PM
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Subject: God Bless America
From: Ringer
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 03:50 AM

Grant comfort to her bereaved, hope to her grieving, wisdom to her leaders. I don't know what else to say.

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Subject: RE: God Bless America
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 07:45 AM

You summed it up well, bald eagle.

We all have a deep thought for the Americans.

Yesterday, on tv we could see Extremists' happiness in front of such an awful event. I was totally shocked and scared at the same time.

Now what will be the consequences for the world?

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Subject: RE: God Bless America
From: Mrrzy
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 09:46 AM

Let's leave all the gods out of this, they've already caused enough trouble. The only reason for this "event" as it's being called is religious beliefs not being reconciled. And who can say that anyone's imaginary friend is more right than another's?

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Subject: RE: God Bless America
From: Biskit
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:03 PM

God Bless America, Land that I Love, Stand Beside Her, and guide Her through the night,with the light from above. From the moutains, to the prarie, to the oceans white with foam. God Bless America my home sweet home, God Bless America my home sweet home. I quit having imaginary friends when I was 5,..dear. -Biskit-

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Subject: RE: God Bless America
From: catspaw49
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:16 PM

Let's remember that Woody wrote "This Land" in an angry response to this very song. I'm with Woody.


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Subject: RE: God Bless America
From: Paul from Hull
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:29 PM


Its not so much Religion, as the things those claiming to be Religeous do, in its name... its what those 'invisible friends' are whispering in their ears, or what they CLAIM they are getting whispered to them.

Religion can draw a line between two people, or between two Peoples......if you see what I mean. Then it becomes easier for them, to see the people on the other side of that line as 'less' in whatever way, than themselves...

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