Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: GUEST,AliUK Date: 11 Sep 01 - 02:09 PM all flights to and from the US here in Brazil have been cancelled or recalled. The US Consulates are shut and the Bi-National centre I work at is thinking of beefing up security a bit. I'm frightened, these attacks were obviously coordinated by Bin Laden and his cohorts in the Taliban, who knows what they will do next. I think this was just a warning. I pray and hope that my fears about Bush are unfounded and he suprises us all. All the time I keep thinking of those poor bastards in the WTC and how they have died, my prayers go with them and their souls go straight to heaven. My thoughts go out to their families and loved ones who will now be forever marked by the actions of a group of madmen. |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: SharonA Date: 11 Sep 01 - 02:10 PM Naemanson: What are Jersey barriers? Pseudolus said, "As much as I agree with the thought 'For the sake of the children', I can't help but picture those same children dancing in the streets celebrating the deaths of our own." Please, let's not forget that children live what they learn. These children are dancing because the adults around them are dancing. I'm sure they don't understand what or why they are celebrating; all they know is that there's a party goin' on. Any rhetoric that they spout is simple parroting of what the adults are saying. The adults alone are responsible for what they say AND for what they are teaching their children to repeat. I concur with those who advocate finding out who committed these atrocities FIRST before we speak of revenge on one nation or race or class. But when we DO know who did this, by all means they should be punished to the fullest extent possible. |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: catspaw49 Date: 11 Sep 01 - 02:15 PM Let's take it to another thread.... Please use the new thread......Tragic day. Spaw |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: TamthebamfraeScotland Date: 11 Sep 01 - 02:18 PM Another thing that I've got to say is this that when the IRA were killing people in Northern Ireland a lot of Americans were clebrating their deaths and even were making up songs about these murdring bastards, and yet when it happens to you I'veto feel sorry for you. Tell the people of Northern Ireland that you'll pray for them the 3,000 that were murdered by terrorist supporters in America ie: NORAID what about them. And yet America has over the years supported Israel in killing Palestines, and no one cared or prayed about them. I wonder how many Israelies have used wepons from America to kill children, men and women in palestine. I wonder how you feel now that you are targets for terrorists. However I don't support terrorists unlike some Americans do.
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: lady penelope Date: 11 Sep 01 - 02:34 PM My prayers, my tears and also the joy of knowing of those who are fine. The main emotion I feel apart from great sadness is disgust. In London we've ahd major terrorist attacks, but never anything like this willfull distruction of human life. But I beg those of you affected not to condemn muslims out of hand. A good muslim does not take the life of another and certainly not in the name of the creator. This is the work of fanatics and only fanatics, as any other terrorist action is taken by. Blessed be.
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: Eric the Viking Date: 11 Sep 01 - 02:37 PM There is little to say except that you are in my thoughts,I don't pray, but I do feel for you and your countrymen as you would feel for me and I hope all human beings. I watched with horror the unfolding events in the US today, it was just the same feeling, though I am many years older now as when kennedy was killed, an unbelievable surreal feeling. But not a race, a religion nor a whole nation is responsible for this.I suspect that at sometime in our histories, countrymen of all nationalities have struck their blow for freedom, or in the name of their cause and killed innocents.( I had hoped that as we moved into the 21st Century we would be wiser, but alas not)and our people celebrated at the black acts. I understand how you wish to destroy and hurt back at those who did this, and probably I would too, but among those who will be retaliated at there will be innocents, like the many killed today. But that will not be the province of Mudcatters, except perhaps a few who have to work for the agencies involved, if that is so please keep safe. A knee jerk reaction is probably the most dangerous of reflexes. Better to spend the immediate future caring for the injured and dying, helping those who have lost so much today. Peace and sympathy Eric |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie) Date: 11 Sep 01 - 02:51 PM We're all safe here, but could see the terrible smoke and dust across the bay, earlier. We're in deep shock. There are no songs for this, only tears. |
Subject: Boston report and Blood Drive From: GUEST, Date: 11 Sep 01 - 02:53 PM Heather reports that Joy Bennett is OK "but has many friends in WTC." Matt Bram also fine. Deb Cowan reports Evy Mayer checked in. No news yet from the Milners or other NY chanteyfolk; let me know if you hear anything. Ivan Berger offers "if you, or anyone you know, is stuck on the Jersey side and can't get home, have them contact me and I'll try to put them up -- pick them up, if necessary." Ivan Berger Fanwood 908-889-5818 Cellphone 908-553-7477 (I will be out of the house a lot today, but reachable) Boston local news confirms the Boston-based flights were United #175 (65 aboard) and American #11 (92 aboard). Logan is closed indefinitely, being evacuated and searched. Massport is holding its first news conference as I post, but no word yet on how the terrorists got on board. There were 220 planes departing/arriving Logan between 7 and 9 am (106 departures), and only these two unaccounted for. Both planes were 767s with relatively few passengers (2200 capacity). Suggestion: there is a national blood shortage, and they're calling for volunteers tomorrow, not today. I will invite Boston-area musicians to go donate together, then ask at the hospital if we may sing for the other donors. If you're in Boston and want to join, contact me offline at Hope other cities may want to do something similar. |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: GUEST,Jerry Epstein Date: 11 Sep 01 - 03:16 PM Thanks for many messages and calls of concern. Clarice and I are fine. It is all impossible to describe, however. |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: Big Phil Date: 11 Sep 01 - 03:40 PM So sorry to see the events unfolding on our American friends. May your God be with you all........Phil* |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: HelenJ Date: 11 Sep 01 - 04:24 PM Sorry - with 'Seed' in this. HelenJ. |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: GUEST,alison kelley Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:36 AM My friend Darren Bohan is missing. He was on the 102nd floor of I believe the South Tower. Darren is a regular at Fredy's Old Timey Jam in Brooklyn and lives in Queens. I don't know how to reach his family or other friends. Any info or news please call me 718-636-6341 or email Please ask everyone you know!!!!!!! Alison Kelley |
Subject: RE: AMERICAN ATTACKS--PART TWO From: GUEST,suzie.leevickers Wiltshire, UK Date: 12 Sep 01 - 09:42 PM Our hearts go out to you - the Television pictures have been horrifying enough - but in the aftermath don't let hatred and anger take over, if it does then THEY have won Love and Light These are the threads in the series on the World Trade Center Tragedy. Please post only to the most recent thread in the series. The others are closed because they are too long for some browsers to open. There is no need to "refresh" old threads in this series. These links should be sufficient. Thanks -Joe Offer-
This thread is closed. Please do not post any more messages in this thread. Additional messages will be deleted. |
Subject: Incredible resource for WTC missing/lost From: katlaughing Date: 19 Sep 01 - 07:17 PM From Berkeley in California, comes this incredible compilation of everything which must be related to finding, listing, mourning, comforting all involved in last Tuesday's tragedy. They have it set up to update every 60 seconds from some of the other sites, for which they have links. If you scroll down, the links they have are incredible. Please click here. Even if you don't need the service, please take a moment to let them know what you think. They are looking for feedback and deserve it, imo. I was sad to see Derran Bohan is still listed as one of the missing. Thanks, kat |
Subject: RE: Incredible resource for WTC missing/lost From: GUEST, Date: 19 Sep 01 - 10:12 PM Great website...I was confused when this first happened that they were putting out phone numbers instead of web sites. Do we have something in place for various tragedies and waves of refugees in the world? I thought during Bosnia we needed this. It would help reunite so many people. I sort of assumed it was done by Red Cross or some agency like UN, but maybe not. mg |
Subject: RE: Incredible resource for WTC missing/lost From: katlaughing Date: 21 Sep 01 - 06:44 PM Good question, mary. This website was started by one college student with help from a couple of frineds. They ahve now added anothe compilation of links to sites with Opnions & Comments having to do with peace, as I'd suggested a list of links to all of the peace website would be good, too. Thanks, kat |
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