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Lyr Req: Chanukka: 'the light burning low'

DREMLEN FEYGL (Drowsing Birds)

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Subject: RE: Hebrew/ Yiddish/ Ladino songs
Date: 11 Dec 99 - 01:49 AM

Looking for a hanakah song for my brownie's has " the light burning low " in it please help want to have a rounded caroling

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Subject: RE: Hebrew/ Yiddish/ Ladino songs
From: emily rain
Date: 11 Dec 99 - 03:23 PM

dear k.l.,

welcome to the mudcat! the best way to get a good response to your question is to start a new thread. go to the link that says "create a new thread". select "lyric request" from the common prefixes, then type in what you know of the song you're looking for as the title of the thread. after that you can put in a detailed request in the first message.

i've taken the liberty of starting your "light burning low" thread for you.

good luck!


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Subject: Chanukka: 'the light burning low'
From: emily rain
Date: 11 Dec 99 - 03:24 PM

Subject: RE: Hebrew/ Yiddish/ Ladino songs From: Date: 11-Dec-99 - 01:49 AM

Looking for a hanakah song for my brownie's has " the light burning low " in it please help want to have a rounded caroling

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Chanukka: 'the light burning low'
From: Áine
Date: 11 Dec 99 - 04:07 PM

I think there's a song here that might fit the bill.

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Hebrew/ Yiddish/ Ladino songs
From: Áine
Date: 11 Dec 99 - 04:08 PM

Dear k.l.,

I think there's a song here that might fit the bill. It also has a midi file you can play.

-- Áine

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Chanukka: 'the light burning low'
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 11 Dec 99 - 05:18 PM

Aine, you beat me to it, with music, no less. Chanukah (or Hanukka, or any variation you like) ends today December 11, but Emily, I think it's great that you're doing a Chanukah song with your caroling. Last year our son was in 6th grade in a Catholic school (choices being limited in a small town), and each grade had to pick a country to use as a theme for their part of the school Christmas pageant. Ben's class picked Israel, and we taught them to dance the hora and they sang that song, Chanukah O Chanukah. Happy holidays to all.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Chanukka: 'the light burning low'
From: katlaughing
Date: 11 Dec 99 - 07:29 PM

From a friend of mine, on his Hanukah postcards this year:

Grant unto all men and nations
the blessingsof
liberty, justice, peace.
Let injustice and oppression
everywhere cease, and
hatred, cruelty and wrong
pass away.

- Hanukah prayer -

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Chanukka: 'the light burning low'
From: Philippa
Date: 12 Dec 99 - 08:29 AM

Don't forget the Zemerl site for Jewish songs in various languages. It's very comprehensive

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Subject: RE: Hebrew/ Yiddish/ Ladino songs
From: Genie
Date: 06 Jan 10 - 11:27 PM

I don't think anyone answered k.l.walker's question.   I think the song referred to is probably "O Hanukkah!" (or "O Chanuka!" depending on how you want to transliterate).
There are links to this song at the top of this page.

But here, basically, are the lyrics, in English (with a couple Hebrew or Yiddish words tossed into various verses).

O Hanukkah, o Hanukkah, come light the menorah!
Let's have a party, we'll all dance the hora!
Gather 'round the table, we'll give you a treat.
S'vivonim* to play with, levivot** to eat.

And while we are playing the candles are burning low,
One for each night; they shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago.
One for each night; they shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago.

*or "dreidls" (Yiddish) or "spinning tops"
** or "latkes" (Yiddish) or "pancakes"

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