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Lyr Add: Erev Shel Shoshanim

DREMLEN FEYGL (Drowsing Birds)

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RS 19 Sep 97 - 01:23 AM
rechal 22 Sep 97 - 09:28 PM
GUEST 30 Nov 07 - 02:15 AM
GUEST,Volgadon 04 Feb 08 - 09:08 AM
maeve 04 Feb 08 - 09:32 AM
Fliss 04 Feb 08 - 05:28 PM
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Subject: Lyr/Chords Add: EREV SHEL SHOSHANIM
From: RS
Date: 19 Sep 97 - 01:23 AM

"Erev Shel Shoshanim" has been on my hard drive since February ... it took a specific request (on the Hebrew / Yiddish / Ladino songs thread) to get me finally to post it!

I originally transcribed this for a song circle with the theme of "Songs through the Day" - this of course being one of the Evening Songs. It is such a favourite that I included it again on my "Women's Song Evening" songsheet, in the category of Love Songs.


Music: Joseph Hadar

Text: Moshe Dor


Erev shel shoshanim, neitsei nah el habustan
Mor b'samim ul'vonah, 1'ragleich miftan.

Lailah yoreid l'at, v'ruach shoshan noshvah
Havah elchash lach shir balat, zemer shel ahavah.

Shachar, homah yonah, rosheich malei t'lalim
Pich el haboker shoshanah, ekt'fenu li.

English Translation (non-singable):
[from NFTY Chordster]

It is an evening of roses.
Let us go out to the grove.
Myrrh, spices and incense
are a carpet for you to tread.

The night comes upon us slowly,
and a breeze of roses is blowing.
Let me whisper a song to you quietly,
a song of love.

It is dawn, a dove is cooing.
Your hair is filled with dew.
Your lips are like a rose in the morning.
I'll pick it for myself.



From NFTY [National Federation of Temple Youth] Shiron Chordster - page 27
and identical version in National Jewish Leadership Convention Shiron 1996 - page 72
and different chords from NFTY's Fifty - page 53
and different chords & translation from BBYO Sings - page 1
and different translation from Torah Corps Shiron - page 28


Am Dm - Am / C G - Am /
Am Dm - Am / Dm AmF G Am / [from NFTY Shiron]
[Note: chords in chorus are correct if you use a slightly different tune than I am used to].

Am Dm G Am / Am G E Am /
Am Dm G Am / Am G E Am / [from BBYO Sings]

Am Dm - Am / C G - Am /
Am Dm - Am / Am G E Am / [my preference, a blend of the two]

Dm Gm - Dm / F C Am Dm /
F Gm C7 F / Gm DmBflat Gm6Am Dm/ [from NFTY's Fifty]

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Subject: RE: Erev Shel Shoshanim - Lyric Addition
From: rechal
Date: 22 Sep 97 - 09:28 PM

Oh thank you thank you -- I love this song so much

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Subject: RE: Erev Shel Shoshanim - Lyric Addition
Date: 30 Nov 07 - 02:15 AM

The definitive rendition is by the folk duo the Paravarim. It also appears on many compilations.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Erev Shel Shoshanim
From: GUEST,Volgadon
Date: 04 Feb 08 - 09:08 AM

The Paravrim singing it

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Erev Shel Shoshanim
From: maeve
Date: 04 Feb 08 - 09:32 AM

I am in your debt! I have loved this song and sung it since I was ten years old. Now I can correct misheard words. Thank you!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Erev Shel Shoshanim
From: Fliss
Date: 04 Feb 08 - 05:28 PM

The Spinners sang it.. I have it on one of their Albums.

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