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New Songs for 9-11-2001

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wysiwyg 12 Sep 01 - 01:15 PM
Amergin 12 Sep 01 - 01:19 PM
GUEST 12 Sep 01 - 01:22 PM
wysiwyg 12 Sep 01 - 01:22 PM
GUEST,Genie 12 Sep 01 - 01:32 PM
katlaughing 12 Sep 01 - 01:33 PM
Mrrzy 12 Sep 01 - 02:00 PM
Sorcha 12 Sep 01 - 02:10 PM
Amergin 12 Sep 01 - 05:39 PM
GUEST,Sonja 12 Sep 01 - 05:48 PM
GUEST,Genie 12 Sep 01 - 05:54 PM
wysiwyg 12 Sep 01 - 06:08 PM
McGrath of Harlow 12 Sep 01 - 06:33 PM
Sorcha 12 Sep 01 - 06:36 PM
wysiwyg 12 Sep 01 - 06:50 PM
McGrath of Harlow 12 Sep 01 - 09:34 PM
wysiwyg 12 Sep 01 - 11:00 PM
Amergin 13 Sep 01 - 06:29 PM
Rich(bodhránai gan ciall) 14 Sep 01 - 12:17 AM
MMario 14 Sep 01 - 11:25 AM
MMario 14 Sep 01 - 11:37 AM
Jeri 14 Sep 01 - 02:05 PM
Rich(bodhránai gan ciall) 14 Sep 01 - 06:11 PM
wysiwyg 14 Sep 01 - 07:15 PM
Charley Noble 15 Sep 01 - 12:17 PM
GUEST,KT 15 Sep 01 - 09:37 PM
Jeri 15 Sep 01 - 10:55 PM
ScottyG 15 Sep 01 - 11:04 PM
wysiwyg 15 Sep 01 - 11:23 PM
The Shambles 16 Sep 01 - 04:04 AM
Jeri 17 Sep 01 - 07:41 PM
GUEST,Jeanene 18 Sep 01 - 07:10 AM
GUEST,Scorpio 18 Sep 01 - 09:08 PM
wysiwyg 18 Sep 01 - 11:43 PM
GUEST,Jeanene 19 Sep 01 - 01:52 AM
GUEST,Jeanene 19 Sep 01 - 03:00 AM
Calach 19 Sep 01 - 05:21 AM
MMario 19 Sep 01 - 09:04 AM
jeffp 19 Sep 01 - 09:27 AM
GUEST 19 Sep 01 - 10:14 AM
Jeri 19 Sep 01 - 12:17 PM
GUEST,Jeanene 19 Sep 01 - 10:59 PM
Charley Noble 20 Sep 01 - 01:25 PM
Charley Noble 21 Sep 01 - 09:14 AM
GUEST 21 Sep 01 - 10:07 AM
GUEST,PeteBoom (at work) 21 Sep 01 - 10:23 AM
GUEST,Sonja 22 Sep 01 - 02:17 AM
GUEST,Jeanene 22 Sep 01 - 03:01 AM
GUEST,Harry the Hat 22 Sep 01 - 09:20 AM
McGrath of Harlow 22 Sep 01 - 01:29 PM
GUEST,Tinker 22 Sep 01 - 05:15 PM
wysiwyg 23 Sep 01 - 12:55 AM
Charley Noble 23 Sep 01 - 11:19 AM
CapriUni 23 Sep 01 - 10:14 PM
CapriUni 23 Sep 01 - 10:24 PM
GUEST 25 Sep 01 - 02:16 AM
GUEST,Genie 25 Sep 01 - 03:48 AM
GUEST,Genie 25 Sep 01 - 03:51 AM
CapriUni 25 Sep 01 - 11:32 AM
GUEST,Mugwa 26 Sep 01 - 01:17 AM
GUEST,Mugwa 26 Sep 01 - 01:22 AM
GUEST 26 Sep 01 - 01:22 AM
GUEST,Bitsy 28 Sep 01 - 07:26 PM
GUEST 30 Sep 01 - 02:43 AM
wysiwyg 30 Sep 01 - 03:45 AM
GUEST,Jeanene 30 Sep 01 - 02:55 PM
wysiwyg 30 Sep 01 - 03:02 PM
GUEST,Mugwah 30 Sep 01 - 03:21 PM
CapriUni 01 Oct 01 - 01:38 AM
CapriUni 04 Oct 01 - 05:15 PM
Charley Noble 04 Oct 01 - 05:42 PM
Jeri 06 Oct 01 - 10:13 AM
GUEST,Arjay 06 Oct 01 - 09:23 PM
Paul G. 06 Oct 01 - 09:55 PM
Paul G. 06 Oct 01 - 11:17 PM
Charley Noble 07 Oct 01 - 09:55 AM
Charley Noble 07 Oct 01 - 10:04 AM
GUEST 08 Oct 01 - 05:05 PM
Genie 28 Oct 01 - 02:35 PM
Genie 28 Oct 01 - 02:49 PM
Genie 28 Oct 01 - 02:54 PM
Trapper 31 Oct 01 - 04:16 PM
Tinker 01 Nov 01 - 01:55 PM
GUEST,Arjay 04 Nov 01 - 04:20 AM
Genie 06 Nov 01 - 09:29 PM
Jeri 06 Nov 01 - 10:05 PM
Genie 07 Nov 01 - 12:02 AM
The Shambles 10 Nov 01 - 04:26 AM
Tweed 10 Nov 01 - 03:01 PM
Amergin 28 Feb 02 - 04:09 PM
CapriUni 28 Feb 02 - 04:38 PM
Genie 01 Mar 02 - 04:40 AM
GUEST 01 Mar 02 - 06:54 PM
GUEST, 01 Mar 02 - 08:34 PM
Amergin 09 Mar 02 - 02:28 AM
Genie 10 Sep 07 - 09:27 PM
Genie 11 Sep 07 - 01:59 AM
ard mhacha 11 Sep 07 - 04:26 AM
Genie 11 Sep 07 - 01:54 PM
Genie 12 Sep 09 - 06:53 AM
sing4peace 12 Sep 09 - 10:23 PM
katlaughing 12 Sep 09 - 11:08 PM
oldhippie 13 Sep 09 - 08:48 PM
Genie 24 May 11 - 12:03 AM
saulgoldie 22 Jul 11 - 09:53 PM
saulgoldie 25 Jul 11 - 08:17 PM
maeve 25 Jul 11 - 08:37 PM
Bert 25 Jul 11 - 08:50 PM
Genie 10 Sep 11 - 10:41 AM
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Subject: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:15 PM

Is there already a thread for these? I didn't see one.

Amergin and I just wrote one. He started it-- they are mostly his words, and I will be doing a tune. A slow waltz.

It needs a title, so maybe someone can supply one. I'm posting the verses and then Amergin will post the chorus.



Last night as I lay dreaming,
I saw a blue New York sky.
I heard hundreds of people screaming
As they ran and passed me by
From the tall burning building
A-tumbling to the floor.
And then the news hawkers cried
They were "casualties of war."

Then I began to wonder,
As the planes crashed on down
Into the giant skyscrapers
And made a loud and ugly sound;
I heard the cries of the passengers
When they found they would die
In the midst of the fireballs
That lit up the morning sky.

Some jumped from the windows
To escape the raining death
Burns wracked broken bodies
As they shrieked their last, charred breath
Now what went through their minds?
They realised they were going to die
From some madman's unholy cause...
Destruction, poured from the sky.

I saw bystanders out on the street
Crying in shock and horror,
Revulsion shining in their eyes
With each teardrop on the floor.
The dust had began to sink;
The smoke had filled the sky.
Hundreds stood around weeping
Asking, "Oh my God, please, why?"

I woke with a start from the dreaming
In the light of the morning sun.
Relief settled in my bones,
As I turned the television on.
Manhattan was but a jungle
Of smoke and terrified screams!
The tears streamed down my cheeks
For I knew this was no dream.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Amergin
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:19 PM

Here is the chorus that Susan wrote...:

Suddenly I felt a warm, wet drop land
On the back of my pleading, outstretched hand
It was the tears of God; He said, "I don't understand.
I gave you such gifts-- not the least was free will.
Yet you use it in anger, you use it to kill.
You want to know why I allow this to be?
That answer should come from you, to Me."
With the gift of free will

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:22 PM

I hope the tune's better than the words... jeez

Leave it at least three months before you write anything else, it's just to soon

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:22 PM

Should read:

Here is the chorus that Amergin AND Susan wrote...:

Suddenly I felt a warm, wet drop land on the back of my pleading, outstretched hand
It was the tears of God; He said, "I just don't understand.
I gave you such gifts-- not the least was free will.
Yet you use it in anger, you use it to kill.
You want to know why I allow this to be?
That answer should come from you, to Me."


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Genie
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:32 PM

This is not a new song, and I don't want to distract the thread, but I can't help but think of Phil Och's lines:
"Show me the country where the bombs had to fall,
Show me the ruins of the buildings once so tall,
And I'll show you, young [one], with so many reasons why,
That there but for fortune go you and I, ... ."

I guess we've taken our good fortune for granted while terrorism racked other countries.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: katlaughing
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 01:33 PM

Beautiful, but it is too soon for me to even think about a song. Thanks for sharing, though.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Mrrzy
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 02:00 PM

Songs should begin now, while hearts are most full. This one is tragic, and should be sung forcefully, not slowly as a dirge. I have been thinking of that Phil Ochs line too... Amergin, Susan, good going. Let's have more.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Sorcha
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 02:10 PM

Transferred from Part III:

My 18-year-old stepdaughter wrote this in response to today's events and asked me to share it with you.

by Emily Pennington, 2001

Words nor sayings ain't nothin'...
The world will continue frontin'
Sh*t, we livin' in our last days -
It don't matter what nobody says or will say.
Our destinies are chosen
Still we need to stay strong and keep focus
Regardless, life can be hard... Don't dare let that tear us apart.
Even though, every day we strive
Keep hope alive.
I beg of you - don't give up yet.
For one day, justice we shall get...
Faith may be the only true investment.
Motha' f*ckers ain't truly ready for this testin'...
But realize life is precious -
As much as lust bein' lucious...
Give up,
Then we're all stuck.
God's in control
So let life go on and roll.
Remember, play every day
And never let a moment slip away....

God bless all of us...

Just one young person's view on things. For your consideration.

jeffp God help us all.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Amergin
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 05:39 PM

good piece of work, Emily Scorch.....

I hope that more are coming...though I would understand if they do not....

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Sonja
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 05:48 PM

Here's a first draft of a new song based on Woody Guthrie's "The Sinking of The Reuben James" (which tune was based on Wildwood Flower). Feel free to change or add lyrics or verses. I don't have a title for it.

Have you heard of the towers destroyed by those planes?
Were you there when the Pentagon burst into flame?
They flew the hijacked passengers all to their doom
And where buildings and fields were now stand only tombs.

What were their names, tell me what were their names?
Did you have a friend who went down in those flames?
What were their names, tell me what were their names--
The loved ones who died from fanatacsism's game?

'Twas September 11 in two thousand and one
That the terrible attack of the terrorists were done.
Four planes left to fly to the West Coast from the East;
All were brought down byterrorism's hateful, mad disease.


How many dear ones perished we may never know,
But the Land Of The Free has been dealt a mighty blow.
Three buildings lay in rubble, four planes were crashed that day
And the lives of untold thousands were cruelly laid to waste.



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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Genie
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 05:54 PM

How about a new verse to "Wasn't That A Time?"
Let me work on one and post it later. Maybe someone else will, too.< BR>


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 06:08 PM

BTW, the song Sorcha posted is a paste from JEFFP about HIS gal.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 06:33 PM

Too soon for a new song for me anyway. But this one by Ian Campbell from years ago seems strangely appropriate in many ways."The sun is burning"

Especially the last verse:

Now the sun has disappeared
All is darkness, anger, pain and fear
Twisted sightless wrecks of men
Go groping on their knees and cry in pain
And the sun has disappeared

I pray it's not prophetic as well.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Sorcha
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 06:36 PM

Thanks, Susan, I guess I didn't really make that clear. All I did was move it from another thread. Thought more would see it here, than buried in the AmericansIII.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 06:50 PM

I think we are all reading and writing with half a brain these days, bes/bud.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 09:34 PM

When the towers fell,
and the world stood still,
all that we could see
was a cloud of dust
that covered all we could see.
And in our head we heard the cries
of the dead and dying,
but the screen was silent.

And nothing can ever be the same again,
since the towers fell,
and the world stood still,
and all that we could see
was a cloud of dust
that covered all we could see.
And in our head we heard the cries
of the dead and dying,
but the screen was silent.

And now we wait, hardly breathing,
until once more we see
the towers fall,
and the world stand still,
and all that we will see
will be a cloud of dust
that covered all we could see.
And in our head we will hear the cries
of the dead and dying,
and the screen will be silent.

And nothing will ever be the same again.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 12 Sep 01 - 11:00 PM


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Amergin
Date: 13 Sep 01 - 06:29 PM

The title of mine and Susan's song is Unholy Cause.....

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
Date: 14 Sep 01 - 12:17 AM

This is actually a story I wrote for homework in Irish Class. My teacher assigned this before last week before the tragedy occurred, but it took a real turn when I finally put it on paper on Wednesday. Translation below.

Mo Lá Saoire Foirfe

Nuair a thug tú an tasc seo a scríobh duinn, cheap mé faoí chuairt a thug mé ar Chicago le cultúir difríoch ansin. Cheap mé faoin fhéile pobail i bPittsburgh le rinceoirí, bia, ceol agus ealaín ó moran naisiúntachta. Ba mhaith liom dul go féile pobail an-mhór le ceoltoirí as gach naisiún ag seinm le chéile. Bhéadh moran teanganna ansin ach thuigfimis na miongháireacha ar a chéile! Bhéadh an fhéile ag áit éigin le aimsir bog ach d'eireodh sé fuar go leor san oiche mar sin bheadh tine ag teastáil uainn. D'inseoimis scealta timpeall an tine agus chodloimis faoi na realtaí. Ar maidin, snamhaimis i lochanna chomh geal le criostal. D'itheoimis bricfeasta le chéile agus téadh gach duine go gniomhartha difríocha. Ritheadh deich urlair le banna cheoil tar eis banna cheoil eile agus mhuineadh muid faoina gcultúir agus ba mhían linn foghlaim!

Ach tháinig an Mháirt seo agus chuir an lá i gcuimhne dom de ar acmhain le aghaidh fuath. Níor fhéidir linnse an fhéile seo a dhéanadh. Anois, ba mo lá saoirse foirfe an Luan seo!

Risteard Rayburg

My perfect holiday

When you gave us this assignment to write, I thought of a visit I paid to Chicago with it many cultures together. And I thought about the folk festival in Pittsburgh with Dancers, food, music and art from many nationalities.
I would like to go to a folk festival with musicians from every nation playing together. their would be many languages, but we would understand the smiles on each other. It would be at a place with mild weather, but it would get cold enough at night, that we would need a fire. We would tell stories around the fire and sleep under the stars. In the morning we would swim in crystal lakes. We'd eat breakfast together and then everyone would go to different activities. Ten stages would run with band after band. We would teach about our cultures and we would want to learn.

But then this Tuesday came and the day reminded me of our capacity for hatred. It would not be posible for us to such a festival. So now, my perfect holiday would be this Monday.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: MMario
Date: 14 Sep 01 - 11:25 AM

...our capacity for hatred. It would not be posible for us to such a festival.

Rich - the possiblility that this will become a true statement is the true horror of tuesday's events.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: MMario
Date: 14 Sep 01 - 11:37 AM

Twin towers stood in the city, so tall to pierce the sky
Two monuments, some said, to arrogance and pride
But neither gods nor nature would cause the two to fall
But the hand of man in treachery that would destroy them all

Many nations traded within the shining walls
And tens of thousands labored for the benefit of all
The world around was watching, as the towers fell
A cloud of smoke arising, the harbinger of hell

Hours pass and days, and still we cannot tell
The number or duration of the tolling bell
In honor of the innocents, who with the towers came
Tumbling down, as did their hopes, in dust, debris and flame.

Yet who are we to finger point, or to assign the blame
Based on religion, origin, or the sound of someone's name?
Let Justice, not revenge or hate, rule now in heart and mind
And woe to those who trust that Justice shall be blind!

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Jeri
Date: 14 Sep 01 - 02:05 PM

I've had verses popping into my head and popping out just as quickly all day. There is just too much! Perhaps it's a sign of my weirdness that I see things related that aren't. My mind is working in metaphor mode today, and trying to tie everything together.

In the first pale light of morning as I woke from fitful sleep
I heard a cold rain softly fall, and the heavens seemed to weep
I thought the rain would wash the soot of burned out lives away
And then remembered all those gone - it wouldn't be today

I looked outside on a day so bleak it mirrored my own heart
And I saw just one red flower, color setting it apart
One bit of joy in all that grey, one hope outside my door
A reason to believe where there's one bright spot, there'll be more

Went to the TV, turned it on, and saw a photograph
Three solemn firemen raised a flag upon a sturdy shaft
And that symbol stood against the ruin of all the steel and stone
And the message was "We're here for you - no one mourns alone."

I'd like to think that those who've died, won't have died in vain
Nor be a reason to inflict more suffering and pain
I'd like to think compassion that makes the tears of strangers fall
Will be the flower, the flag, the thing, that matters most of all

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
Date: 14 Sep 01 - 06:11 PM

Jeri, I'm in tears with a lump in my throat. That's absolutely beautiful.

Why can't we get together like this for something good?

Glad to read all of these, as much as it hurts.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 14 Sep 01 - 07:15 PM

Lot of good things here. Thank you.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Charley Noble
Date: 15 Sep 01 - 12:17 PM

Thanks, Jeri, MMario, and McGrath. The "Springhill, Nova Scotia" tune is the one that has been haunting my mind.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 15 Sep 01 - 09:37 PM

Thanks, everyone. These are wonderful, and I'm sure there will be many more to come. Jeri, I'm afraid yours is going to cause my keyboard to short out from the tears. That is incredible. Have you a tune? KT

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Jeri
Date: 15 Sep 01 - 10:55 PM

Thanks folks.

KT, I could write a tune, but I think I'd rather leave folks to find a one they know already and like, and sing it to that.

It would work to The Star of the County Down or The Lakes of Ponchartrain. These are just some ideas - the words should fit into many waltz (3/4) or march (4/4) tunes.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: ScottyG
Date: 15 Sep 01 - 11:04 PM

I just read these, and I'm sitting here sobbing, as I have so many times this past week. You're all a great bunch, and I'm proud to be among you, if only through this medium. Here's my song contribution to this thread. Thanks for the inspiration.
We were all singing patriotic songs around the piano last night. The lump in my throat made singing difficult, so I stopped to listen to people sing through the verses of "America the Beautiful." And while they sang, words just seemed to leap into my mind. As they were finishing the last verse, I signaled Joe at the piano to keep playing, and with tears streaming down my face, I managed to sing:

Oh beautiful for fierce resolve against a cruel foe,

Those callous men with hate-filled hearts,

God's wrath they soon shall know!

America! America! The world will stand with thee,

In your brave fight for Mankind's right

To peace and liberty.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 15 Sep 01 - 11:23 PM

That is REALLY GOOD. You should copyright that, Scotty.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: The Shambles
Date: 16 Sep 01 - 04:04 AM

More here Responding in song/11th September

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Jeri
Date: 17 Sep 01 - 07:41 PM

A lament
It's not typical of a lament. There's too much anger about this for a typical lament. There's also too much strength of will required of those left behind.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Jeanene
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 07:10 AM

When I Can See Through These Tears. (Jeanene Pratt©2001)

We were well on our way to the promised land,
When we were vilely set upon by an evil, outlaw band.
Somehow I survived it, but so many fell that day,
Many sisters, many bothers perished in the fray.

We were ambushed, we were beaten, left there for dead;
And my vision was blurred;I couldn't see the road ahead.
I could sense it was a crossroads but the paths were not so clear.
I had no sense of direction, couldn't see through my tears.

How can I keep my eyes on the prize?
How can I go on with these tears in my eyes?
When I can feel more than this hate,
Will my vision be clear
When I can reach beyond my rage,
When I can see through these tears?

This rage could drive me onward faster than the wind
But with no sense of direction where would I begin?
Each path that that I might travel holds perils of its own
And my zeal could be my downfall if I take the wrong way home. 
How can I keep my eyes on the prize?
How can I go on with these tears in my eyes?
When I can feel more than this hate,
Will my vision be clear
When I can reach beyond my rage,
When I can see through these tears?

I'm still weeping for my countrymen, for those who have been lost.
And my passion drives me onward--who cares about the cost?
Yet I have to get my bearings, I must regain my sight
Lest I plow ahead blindly and be lost without the light.

I know I must keep my eyes on the prize?
It's hard to go on with these tears in my eyes.
When I can feel more than this hate,
My path will be more clear
When I can reach beyond my rage,
When I can see through these tears.
When I can reach beyond my rage,
When I can see through these tears.

[I don't know how to post the tune, but it's in a moderate 2/4 time and a pretty simple folk/country-western type chord progression.]



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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Scorpio
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 09:08 PM

There are two other links like this. Can someone do the blue clicky things to connect them?

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 18 Sep 01 - 11:43 PM

I would not worry too much about linking all the similar threads-- Katlaughing has worked up an index of all the 9/11 threads she could find, and that one can be bookmarked to find all the others.

Her index is here:



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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Jeanene
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 01:52 AM

New verse for America The Beautiful.

Oh, beautiful, for stern resolve to fight for liberty,
For those who give the last full ounce of their humanity.

America, America! May you always be
A land for those who've loved and chosen peace and harmony!

New verse by Jeanene Pratt ©2001

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Jeanene
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 03:00 AM

Thanks, WSYWIG.


BTW, What does WSYWIG stand for, if I may ask? Just curious.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Calach
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 05:21 AM

I'm not usually into this kind of thing, but was moved to write this questioning of faith.

The Light Of Heaven

I don't know where to go for the light in heaven
I'm waiting for someone to show me the light in heaven
I'm looking for some spiritual releif
Because there's happenings here on earth beyond beleif.
And I hope that you can feel our grief, up there in heaven

I can say, I've lost my way, to the path to heaven
I'm cut astray, drifting away, from the path to heaven.
I'm trying very, very hard to understand
But for the life of me I cannot see the plan
So I await an explanation from the man, up there in heaven.

Images assaulting on my mind
But there's no sanctuary here that I can find
I'm almost wishing that I'd lost the sense of sight
Because the TV hypnotises me each night

My faith's not gone, just held in scorn, my dream of heaven.
I'll hold on, and feel the thorns in my dream of heaven
I know the way is written in the book
But my eyes are filled with tears and I can't look
And I hope that your foundations shook, up there in heaven.

My thanks for reading this.
Calach (Edinburgh).

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: MMario
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 09:04 AM

jeanene - (W)hat (Y)ou (S)ee (I)s (W)hat (Y)ou (G)et

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: jeffp
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 09:27 AM

Thanks, Sorcha for copying Emily's poem here. She has written several poems about the "events," because she can't not write. Here's another one.

What is war???
Years of unexplained torture…
Souls are lost,
Such a highly priced cost.
Lord, why are we so ungrateful??
It disgusts me we're so hateful.
Damn, everything could be gone with the blink of an eye.
Still, it's hard to understand why.
At the same time we continue to live our lives in such sin and lies.
While, slowly, this pain kills us inside.
How can we be so evil?
These feelings are too deceitful.
Knowin' damn well you don't want to murder another human.
We keep repeating these destructive actions again and again.
This world is so full of sin.
While innocent others just got born into this.
And generation after generation still focus on revenge.
Lord, we are too close to the end.
And eventually nothing will matter.
With no remorse we have seen our own kind's brains splatter.
You think this would definitely change us.
But, it only made everyone worse.
Can't you see,
What we are doing to all human beings.
All the bloodshed -
The innocent dead.
Yet, we still wanna rebel.
Knowing we're falling closer and closer to Hell.
Shit, all we can do is pray -
And beg for another peaceful day……….

by Emily Pennington

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 10:14 AM

Look here.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Jeri
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 12:17 PM

I may not comment on the poems/songs, but I read each one and value them all for the voice they give your, and often my, feelings.

I copied this from the In Memorium 9-11 thread.
by I,hurricane (Dan Kelly)

The moon rose over the harbor
and was confused by what he saw
"those enormous buildings, down yonder
I looked but I don't know where they are."

They were new they were shiny and friendly
I enjoyed how they reached for the stars
they twinkled and glimmered most brightly
With the dreams I could feel from afar

Oh! spotlights and workers and mourners
They've fallen like many before
I'll miss them like all of the thousands
Who once thought to knock at my door

Keep building my friends for I thank you
For thinking of me all the time
Wall-builders, pharoahs and caliphs
Forever you stay in my mind

I was loney before all your dreaming
Built greetings meant only for me
I know you will never stop building
Your gifts though they fall to the sea.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Jeanene
Date: 19 Sep 01 - 10:59 PM

MMario, I feel like I should say, "Duh!"
Thanks for cluing me in.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Charley Noble
Date: 20 Sep 01 - 01:25 PM

The "Light of Heaven" above encouraged me to dig up one of my mother's old songs; now I should say that mother was never one to find any comfort in the newer gods. She respects nature and has fought to protect the environment, and sometimes she communes with the older, some one say, pagan gods:

(Words by Dahlov Ipcar, Circa 1975 Tune: The Falcon by Richard Farina)

The archangels we meet all carry spears
And have an angry look as if to say,
"Though God's been dead in Heaven these long years,
Don't be trying to put us away!"


The lessor angels form protective bands,
They dare not go out late at night;
They speak in whispers of "trouble" in this land,
They, no longer seek the light.

Our prophets say He was a God of Love,
And speak of a freedom we never knew;
But by their every action seem to prove
That God was a tyrant and a bigot too.


The lessor angels form protective bands,
They dare not go out late at night;
They speak in whispers of "trouble" in this land,
They, no longer seek the light.

Final (spoken):
Lucifer smiles as patiently he waits,
Until the day we open wide the gates.

I especially liked hearing the President's diatribe in the Washington Cathedral last night on "West Wing;" I only wish I could understand his Latin as well.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Charley Noble
Date: 21 Sep 01 - 09:14 AM

Another friend of mine sent this Dr. Seuss parody which I have the bad taste to post here:

"Perhaps better than a lot of current rhetoric."
>>Every U down in Uville liked U.S. a lot,
>>But the Binch, who lived Far East of Uville, did not.
>>The Binch hated U.S! the whole U.S. way!
>>Now don't ask me why, for nobody can say,
>>It could be his turban was screwed on too tight.
>>Or the sun from the desert had beaten too bright
>>But I think that the most likely reason of all
>>May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
>>But, Whatever the reason, his heart or his turban,
>>He stood facing Uville, the part that was urban.
>>"They're doing their business," he snarled from his perch.
>>"They're raising their families! They're going to church!
>>They're leading the world, and their empire is thriving,
>>I MUST keep the S's and U's from surviving!"
>>Tomorrow, he knew, all the U's and the S's,
>>Would put on their pants and their shirts and their dresses,
>>They'd go to their offices, playgrounds and schools,
>>And abide by their U and S values and rules,
>>And then they'd do something he liked least of all,
>>Every U down in U-ville, the tall and the small,
>>Would stand all united, each U and each S,
>>And they'd sing Uville's anthem, "God bless us! God bless!"
>>All around their Twin Towers of Uville, they'd stand,
>>and their voices would drown every sound in the land.
>>"I must stop that singing," Binch said with a smirk,
>>And he had an idea--an idea that might work!
>>The Binch stole some U airplanes in U morning hours,
>>And crashed them right into the Uville Twin Towers.
>>"They'll wake to disaster!" he snickered, so sour,
>>"And how can they sing when they can't find a tower?"
>>The Binch cocked his ear as they woke from their sleeping,
>>All set to enjoy their U-wailing and weeping,
>>Instead he heard something that started quite low,
>>And it built up quite slow, but it started to grow--
>>And the Binch heard the most unpredictable thing...
>>And he couldn't believe it--they started to sing!
>>He stared down at U-ville, not trusting his eyes,
>>What he saw was a shocking, disgusting surprise!
>>Every U down in U-ville, the tall and the small,
>>Was singing! Without any towers at all!
>>He HADN'T stopped U-Ville from singing! It sung!
>>For down deep in the hearts of the old and the young,
>>Those Twin Towers were standing, called Hope and called Pride,
>>And you can't smash the towers we hold deep inside.
>>So we circle the sites where our heroes did fall,
>>With a hand in each hand of the tall and the small,
>>And we mourn for our losses while knowing we'll cope,
>>For we still have inside that U-Pride and U-Hope.
>>For America means a bit more than tall towers,
>>It means more than wealth or political powers,
>>It's more than our enemies ever could guess,
>>So may God bless America! Bless us! God bless!
>>author unknown

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 21 Sep 01 - 10:07 AM

Remember me,
The voices sigh,
As dusky autumn moves across the land.
As breezes cool and light begins to fade,
Remember me.

Remember me,
The fathers call.
Recall my strong embrace that stopped your fall,
The stories shared, the secret pacts we made.
Remember me.

Remember me,
The mothers cry.
My smiles will light your dreams
and warm the nights.
My love will keep you safe when you're afraid.
Remember me.

Remember me,
The children say.
When seasons turn and turn again, and
young things grow.
We'll be in every tender leaf and blade.
Remember me.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,PeteBoom (at work)
Date: 21 Sep 01 - 10:23 AM

Some quite good stuff here - rather liked Sonja's reworking of Reuben James. I've one that was finished that I'm now reworking after last week (the message would be too easily misinterpreted).

The chorus is going to stay the same -

We'll stand and we'll fight and we'll never give in - Tho' the world stands against us, our freedom's no sin! We'll fight for the future, remember the past - And a voice like a trumpet cries "This I'll defend!"

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Sonja
Date: 22 Sep 01 - 02:17 AM

Pete, I would like to see your complete revision of Reuben James when you have it finished. Can you post it here?

Is the "We'll stand and we'll fight," part your last verse or is that the chorus? If you are keeping Woody's chorus, what are you substituting for "on the good Reuben James?" Please clarify.

BTW, I love the last verse which was added to Woody's song by Lee Hays, I think. You could update that verse, something like this:

Many (or "Six thousand") lives were lost when the towers went down,
And you never saw more courage than we saw in New York town. We know we will rebuild, but still I wonder why The worst of us must fight and the best of us must die.

That's just a rough draft, like my first submission was. I do want to see what you do with the song.



There is another new song that should be connected to this thread.You can find it in the forum under this heading:

Subject: New song from downtown NYC From: InOBU
Date: 18-Sep-01 - 12:19 PM
(I don't do clickies.)

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Jeanene
Date: 22 Sep 01 - 03:01 AM

This is a revision of the song I posted above, with a new verse and new first chorus. The song/poem, as a reaction to the events of the past 10 days, is evolving.

When I Can See Through These Tears. (Jeanene Pratt © 2001)

We were travelling through a garden, rich beyond compare--
Some called it the promised land and wanted to stay there.
But the garden with its bounty was not shared alike by all
And among us there were many who heard tomorrow's call.

Yes, many there among us envisioned what could be,
And they said, "Let's push onward till the world can all agree
That till everyone can share it, there is no promised land
And freedom's just an empty word till tyranny is banned."

"Sisters, brothers, keep your eyes on the prize.
We need to go on, though there be dust in our eyes.
Though the journey before us may take many years,
Before us lies the promised land worth all our toil and tears."

We were well on our journey to the promised land,
When we were vilely ambushed by an unseen outlaw band.
Somehow I survived it, but so many fell that day,
Many sisters, many brothers perished in the fray.

We were terrorized and beaten, left there for dead;
And my vision was blurred; I couldn't see the road ahead.
I could tell it was a crossroads; beyond that it was not clear.
I couldn't find my direction through the smoke and my tears.

How can I keep my eyes on the prize?
How can I go on with these tears in my eyes?
When I can feel more than this hate, will my vision be clear
When I can reach beyond my rage, When I Can See Through These Tears?

This grief and rage could drive me onward faster than the wind
But with no sense of direction where would I begin?
Each path that I might travel holds perils of its own
And my zeal could be my downfall if I take the wrong way home.

How can I keep my eyes on the prize?
How can I go on with these tears in my eyes?
When I can feel more than this hate, will my vision be clear
When I can reach beyond my rage, When I Can See Through These Tears?

I'm still weeping for my countrymen, for those who have been lost.
And my passion drives me onward--who cares about the cost?
Yet I have to get my bearings, I must regain my sight
Lest I plow ahead blindly and be lost without the light.

I know I must keep my eyes on the prize.
It's hard to go on with these tears in my eyes.
When I can feel more than this hate, My path will be more clear
When I can reach beyond my rage,
When I can see through these tears,

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Harry the Hat
Date: 22 Sep 01 - 09:20 AM

I wrote this the other day, I hope you enjoy it Harry

I watched it on tv, and saw the billowing smoke
And I listened intently as the reporter spoke.
He said a plane had hit the tower a few minutes ago
Why had this happened, they just did not know.
As they were talking, I couldn't believe the screen
Another plane hit the other tower, man what a scene
A ball of flame shot in the air and smoke filled the sky
It was a senseless act, and all I can ask is why
Panic filled the streets while ashes covered the ground
And as we watched one tower came tumbling down.
My heart sank in my chest as I watched the devistation
Yet the emergency personel rushed in without hesitation
Then to add the horror the second tower also collapsed
This was so much more than any person could grasp
People were falling with the building, it saddened me so
To see life taken away, this was not the way to go
But still the nightmare wasn't over, another bulletin came on
It seems as though a third plane, had flown into the Pentagon
More fire and more smoke, and yes even more death
Tears filled my eyes, while the loss had taken my breath
Who could do such a thing, as to hijack a passenger plane
And fly it to their own death, they'd have to be insane
At this point we thought it was over, but wait another alert
A plane crashed in Pennsylvania, but no one on ground was hurt
A total of 266 people had perished just in the planes alone
Would the people behind all this terror ever become known
America has been attacked, and I don't mean just a few
I mean every American that ever stood up for the red white and blue
We have to do what we could, this is a threat to our lives
Our kids, our parents, our brother and sisters, our husbands and wives
Everyone is involved, not only New York and Washington DC
We as a nation were attacked, a nation we fight for to stay free
So do what you can to help fellow Americans, in this time of grief
And pray to God above to help us all to find some kind of relief

Line breaks - <br> - added. --JoeClone

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 22 Sep 01 - 01:29 PM

Here's a song quarried from that poem I put in earlier:

When the towers fell, and the world stood still,
all we could see was a cloud of dust.
A cloud of white dust, a cloud of white dust,
When the towers fell in a cloud of dust.

A cloud of white dust, a cloud of white dust,
And it covered the world in a cloud of dust,

When the towers fell, and the world stood still,
All we could hear was a silent screen.
A silent screen, a silent screen,
All we could hear was a silent screen.

In our heads were the cries of the dead and the dying,
But all we could hear was a silent screen.

And now as we wait, can we breath at all
As we wait and we wait for the bombs to fall.
And we wait and we wait, and we wait once more,
And we wait and we wait for the bombs to fall.

And when the bombs fall, and the world stands still,
all we will see is a cloud of dust.
A cloud of white dust, a cloud of white dust,
When the bombs fall in a cloud of dust.

A cloud of white dust, a cloud of white dust,
As it covers the world in a cloud of dust.

And when the bombs fall and the world stands still,
All we will hear is a silent scream.
A silent scream, a silent scream,
All we will hear is a silent scream.

In our heads are the cries of the dead and the dying,
But all we can hear is a silent scream.

And since the towers fell, and the world stood still
Nothing can ever be quite the same
The world is changed, and come what will,
nothing can ever be quite the same.

22nd September.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Tinker
Date: 22 Sep 01 - 05:15 PM

I've been away from the 'Cat for a while and after three tries still can't get my cookie straight, but this has been haunting me for a couple of days. I went to the original as something to help me cheer and this is where it ended up. It doesn't have the quality that other posts here do but I needed to post.

Fireman's Lassie

Can be sung to Fisherman's Lassie with a very slow lament quality

I'm a ramblin' tamballiin fal the do me day
I'm a ramblin tamballin lassie
I'm a ramballin tambalin fal the do me day
And they call me the Fireman's Lassie

My Johnnie was a Fireman fine
You'd never find anyone bolder
He wore his boots up over his knees
And his straps upon his shoulders

One sunny day a call went out
Just like so many others
But then the world just fell away
And he's gone now with his brothers

Oh I hide down at the station house
And sit amongst his brothers
And in their eyes my pain relects
Mirrored by so many others

Two small hands they cling to me
Grieving too for Johnnie
I search for each step day by day
Yet I know he loved me bonnie

I dress my self in my Sunday best
I go forth day by day now
Unbent, unbowed I will go on
For my Johnnie loved me bonnie

Good to be back


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 23 Sep 01 - 12:55 AM

I hope you all create tune files to send to the Mudcat MIDI page, eh? See me if you don't know how.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Charley Noble
Date: 23 Sep 01 - 11:19 AM

Good work, Tinker!

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: CapriUni
Date: 23 Sep 01 - 10:14 PM

During a phone interview on September 15th, on National Public Radio's program "Weekend Edition: Saturday", E. L. Doctorow made the following comments in regard to the terrorist attacks on September 11:

". . . we don't have the answers yet . . . the story's not finished. If the universe is the possibility being reported, there's no end in sight, yet, for the variable genious of human character, and the full expression of human capacity."

He then went on to say:

"It is inconceivable, in any society where the answer's already given, and the rules of life are inflexible, and where all true authority for all thought and writing is the ruling party, it's inconcievable that free expression and the multiplicity of witness can be anything but an abomination and danger ..."

Those words inspired me to write the following 4-part round (The line breaks show where each new singers enter)


Ev'ry life: a tale to tale -- all those songs to sing! For ev'ry hero yet unsung, we'll help Love and Freedom spread their wings.

(I'll try to have the midi ready by tomorrow...)

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: CapriUni
Date: 23 Sep 01 - 10:24 PM

OOpsie! Somehow, I left out the line breaks... moral of that story, folks, is "if you're posting lyrics, don't multi-task"


Ann Magill

Ev'ry life: tale to tale --
*all those songs to sing!
*For ev'ry hero yet
*unsung, we'll help Love and
*Freedom spread their wings.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 02:16 AM

WYSIWYG (Susan),

Here is the (I think) final version of the song I posted above ("When I Can See Through My Tears"), along with the chords. I changed the chorus and title, among other things.

If you can help me learn how to do a midi, I'd really appreciate it. You can post instructions here or email me. (I have a Mac and I have itunes, but I don't know if it can make sheet music.) If necessary, I will just post the notes for each word.

The tempo is moderate and the beat is 4/4. Anyway here's the song:

Through The Valley Of the Shadow. (Jeanene Pratt © 2001)

[G]Movin' on our [F]journey [C]to the promised [D7] land,
[G]We were vilely [Em]ambushed by an [C]unseen outlaw [D]band.
[Em] Most of us survived it, but so [Am]many fell that day,
Many [D]sisters, many [D7]brothers [Am7]perished [D7]in the [G]fray.

[G]In our shock and [F]anguish, terror[C]ized and filled with [D7]dread,
Our [G]vision was so [Em]blurred we couldn't [C]see the road a[D]head.
We [Em]knew it was a crossroads; beyond [Am]that it was not clear.
We couldn't [D]find our dir[D7]ection through the [C]smoke [D7]and our [G] tears.

Could we [G]make it Through The [F#]Valley Of the [G]Shadow?
Could we [G]#move ahead in [G]spite of all our [D7] fears?
Could we [Em]feel beyond the hate, could we [Am]see our way clear
Could we [D]reach beyond our [D7}rage, See the [C]way [D7]through our [G]tears?

We'd been [G]travelling through a [F]garden, [C]rich beyond com[D7]pare--
Some had [G]called it the [Em]promised land and [C]wanted to stay [D7]there.
But the [Em]bounty of the garden [Am]was not shared by all;
There had [D]been those a[D7]mong us who'd [Am7]heard to[D7]morrow's [G]call.

Yes, [G]many a[F]mong us had en[C]visioned what could [D7]be;
They had [G]said, "We must push [Em]onward till the [C]world can all a[D]gree
That there [Em]is no promised land when there is [Am]want outside the wall
And [D]freedom's just an[D7]other word till [C]justice [D7]is for [G]all."

They said, [G]"Even Through The [F#]Valley Of the [G]Shadow,
We'll [G#]move ahead in [G]spite of all our [D7]fears.
Though there be [Em]dust in our eyes, keep your [Am]eyes on the prize,
The [Bmin]promised land worth [D]all our [D7]toil and [G]tears."

Then our [G]world came crashing [F]down as from a [C]terrible earth[D7]quake
And it [G] seemed our faith might [Em]shatter like the [C]buildings in its [D7]wake.
[Em]Some of us were cowering, [Am]frozen in our tracks;
Many [D]shouted out for [D7]vengeance;" Some [Am7]said we must [G]turn back.

[Em]Grief and rage could [F]drive us [C]faster than the [D7]wind
But with [G]no sense of di[Em]rection, [C]where would we be[D]gin?
Each [Em]path held its own perils, some fore[Am]seen and some unknown
And our [D]zeal could be our [D7]downfall if we [C]took the [D7]wrong way [G]home.

Could we [G]make it Through The [F#]Valley Of the [G]Shadow?
Could we [G#]move ahead in [G]spite of all our [D7]fears?
Could we [Em]feel beyond the hate, could we [Am]see our way clear
Could we [D]reach beyond our [D7]rage, See the [C]way [D7]through our [G]tears?

We're still [G]grieving our com[F]panions, [C]those who have been [D7]lost.
And our [G]passion drives us [Em]onward--who [C]cares about the [D]cost?
Yet we've [Em]got to get our bearings, we [Am]must regain our sight
Lest we [D]plow ahead [D7]blindly and be [C]lost without the [G]light.

Can we [G]make it Through The [F#]Valley Of the Shadow?
Can we [G#]move ahead in [G]spite of all our [D7]fears?
Can we [Em]feel beyond the hate, Can we [Am]see our way clear
Can we [D]reach beyond our [D7]rage, See the [C]way [D7]through our [G]tears? (repeat chorus)

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Genie
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 03:48 AM

There's a good song by Len Wallace posted at Here:

"Song lyrics for the tragedy, Sept. 11"

(Let's see if the clicky works)


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Genie
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 03:51 AM

It worked! (Doing handsprings by my keyboard.)


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: CapriUni
Date: 25 Sep 01 - 11:32 AM

Here's the mid2text of the round I posted the other day ("Every Life" -- repeated here without the typos). I've tried singing it as a round (with the computer singing the other parts in midi ;-)), and it's a challenge, but the rhythm and harmonies are surprising -- almost dance-y.


Timebase: 192

Text: By Ann Magill
Copyright: Copyright © 2001 by Ann Magill
Tempo: 130 (461538 microsec/crotchet)
Key: C
TimeSig: 4/4 24 8
0096 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0336 0 62 000 0048 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 65 110 0624 0 65 000 0144 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 69 110 0336 0 69 000 0048 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 65 110 0336 0 65 000 0048 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 60 110 0336 0 60 000 0048 1 60 110 0160 0 60 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 60 110 0160 0 60 000 0032 1 59 110 0160 0 59 000 0032 1 57 110 0478 0 57 000

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the latest version of MIDItext and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:



Ann Magill

Ev'ry life: a tale to tale -- *all those songs to sing! *For ev'ry hero yet *unsung, we'll help Love and *Freedom spread their wings.

(note: The asterisks mark where each new part enters. If you want to layer the midi tracks to hear how it sounds as a round, each line is two measures long)

CapriUni (Ann Magill)

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Mugwa
Date: 26 Sep 01 - 01:17 AM

ONE TIN SOLDIER (Dennis Potter and Brian Lambert.)

Listen, children, to a story that was written long ago 'Bout a kingdom on the mountain and the valley folk below. On the mountain was a treasure buried deep beneath a stone, And the valley people swore they'd have it for their very own.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend. Do it in the name of heaven, you can justify it in the end. There won't be any trumpets blowin' come the judgment day On the bloody morning after one tin soldier rides away.

So the people of the valley sent a message up the hill, Asking for the buried treasure, tons of gold for which they'd kill. Came an answer from the kingdom, "With our brothers we will share, All the secrets of the mountain, all the riches buried there."

Now the valley rose in anger, "Mount your horses, draw your swords," And they killed the mountain people, so they won their just reward. Now they stood beside the treasure on the mountain, dark and red, Turned the stone and looked beneath it, "Peace on earth," was all it said.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Mugwa
Date: 26 Sep 01 - 01:22 AM

cross reference with

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 26 Sep 01 - 01:22 AM

cross reference with

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Bitsy
Date: 28 Sep 01 - 07:26 PM

Refreshing this thread to invite more new songs.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 30 Sep 01 - 02:43 AM

Click here

Click here

Click here

Click here

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 30 Sep 01 - 03:45 AM


Making a MIDI is easiest (IMO) in Noteworthy Composer. But I don't know if it is Mac-friendly. How about you try visiting their site and see if you can download the free evaluation version of the Composer and the Player--

Then let's talk in e-mail. We can toss tunes back and forth if you can run Noteworthy.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Jeanene
Date: 30 Sep 01 - 02:55 PM

Good idea, Susan. I'll email you my email address. Thanks for the refere ce to Noteworthy.
Meanwhile, I am trying to learn ABC. (If nothing else, I can snail mail you a tape of the "Valley of the Shadow" song. That might be faster than waiting till I learn a new program.)

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: wysiwyg
Date: 30 Sep 01 - 03:02 PM

I'll look forward to hearing from you J!


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Mugwah
Date: 30 Sep 01 - 03:21 PM

Broken Tuesday
Quoted text from "Mortal City" by Dar Williams

I wish for time but it just passes me by-
eaten up by plans for tomorrow,
little mundane things of no consequence,
or reading books to write the papers for school.
Eaten up by illness and worries- what tomorrow?
As the president pronounces from the TV screen-
statements the blare as headlines in the media-,
I wonder if, and then were, he'll have to go.
Before I wished he didn't have to go at all,
though I was glad it wasn't Macedonia.
Now I hope they'll send him soon, to Kosovo.
Let him keep the peace of that troubled nation
instead of fighting the troubles of our own.
I just want him to always come home.
His country should not ask of him
the things that may be asked of him,
to kill innocents for the sake of revenge.
How far must the pain of Tuesday spread?
I was lucky enough to have lost no one,
though I had two close friends in New York.
For what should I, and so many million
mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives,
grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles,
cousins, best friends, girlfriends, boyfriends,
lovers, and life partners join the suffering?
Is the pain of millions hurting not enough?
For millions of hearts already broken
have left millions of souls crying.

"I think I have a special kind of hearing tonight"
If we retaliate they will only strike again.
"I hear the neighbors upstairs"
Most are innocents, our neighbors, our brothers.
"I hear my heart beating"
Their hearts beat the same as ours, and they suffer
"I hear one thousand hearts beating at the hospital"
as do innocents from America to Northern Ireland,
"And one thousand hearts by their bedsides waiting"
while loved ones feel their hearts slowly break.
"Saying that's my love in the white gown,"
They suffer because they love someone.
"We are not lost in the Mortal City"
Where there is love there is hope.
"We are not lost in the Mortal City"

America does not have to ask my friend
to slaughter innocents in her name.
America does not have to sacrifice
her manhood in the name of justice.
The pain of Tuesday can stop were it rests,
and leave only the suffering already caused.
We are better than the terrorists
and we can be the big man this time.
Let us lay to rest what has happened.
Allow America time enough to heal.
We should talk of overcoming,
not of subduing and retribution.
If we must display American might,
do not ravage an already leveled country,
instead defend the second class citizens
in Northern Ireland and across the globe.
Send peacekeeping forces to Kosovo
and were ever else they might serve.
We are stronger than the terrorists;
we do not have to be more violent.
Still we rush forth, seeking revenge
against the terrorists and their nations,
before we have had time to begin to heal.
I wish for time but it just passes me by
eaten up by plans for tomorrow,
little mundane things of no consequence,
or reading books to write the papers for school.
Eaten up by illness and worries- what tomorrow?
What tomorrow?

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: CapriUni
Date: 01 Oct 01 - 01:38 AM

Re: Noteworthy Composer

I just downloaded that program a couple of weeks ago, and I'm having more fun with it than is sensible. :-)

I highly recommend it. The download is a good deal, too -- free for 30 days with about 99% of the features enabled. So you can really tell if it works for you.

And if you decided to register it, it's only $39, which is very resonable, as software goes...

Still using it to tweak my round "Every life" (it's now a five-parter, instead of four.. I'll try to post it here tomorrow)

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: CapriUni
Date: 04 Oct 01 - 05:15 PM

Refreshing this thread, and posting the "Tweaked Version" of my round "Every Life" -- a round for five voices. (each voice enters on the odd measures: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. There are 10 measures in all)

If folks can find enough singing partners, I'd love some feedback on how this round "works". I've played with it as a NWC file, and as a .wav file, but both formats are innacurate in certain ways. Sometimes, I love the way it sounds, then I hear it again and it sounds "off"

Does it work with fewer than 5 voices? If so, do you divide parts up differently?

I've just started to write rounds, and I'd love the feedback of more experienced ears.

Anyway, without further ado:


By Ann Magill

Ev'-ry life is a tale to tell.
Each has a song to sing.
For ev'-ry her-o yet un-sung
We'll help Love and Free-dom
Spread their wings


Timebase: 192

Name: every life -- a round for five voices
Text: By Ann Magill
Copyright: Copyright © 2001 by Ann Magill
TimeSig: 4/4 24 8
0000 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0002 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 65 110 0094 0 65 000 0002 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0336 0 62 000 0048 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 65 110 0528 0 65 000 0240 1 65 110 0094 0 65 000 0002 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 60 110 0336 0 60 000 0048 1 60 110 0160 0 60 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 60 110 0336 0 60 000 0048 1 59 110 0336 0 59 000 0048 1 60 110 0528 0 60 000 0240 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0002 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 65 110 0094 0 65 000 0002 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0336 0 62 000 0048 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 65 110 0528 0 65 000 0240 1 65 110 0094 0 65 000 0002 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 60 110 0336 0 60 000 0048 1 60 110 0160 0 60 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 60 110 0336 0 60 000 0048 1 59 110 0336 0 59 000 0048 1 60 110 0528 0 60 000

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the latest version of MIDItext and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:

T:every life tweaked for mudcat

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Subject: LYR.ADD.:The Dead Water
From: Charley Noble
Date: 04 Oct 01 - 05:42 PM

Here's another old Chinese poem to recycle from THE WHITE PONY; I sometimes like to look into old dismal swamps and marvel at the raw beauty that I see there. I really haven't messed with this poem much but since it's a translation I thought I might make some small word changes. The poet was unfortunately executed by the Nationalist Chinese in the final days of their civil war.

(Words by Wen Yi-Tuo (1898-1946) Translated in The White Pony, pp. 298 Adapted by Charlie Ipcar)

Here is a ditch of dead and hopeless water;
No breeze can raise a ripple on its surface;
Best to throw in scraps of rusty iron and corroded copper,
Pour in all the refuse of meat and soup.

Perhaps the copper will turn green like emeralds,
Perhaps the iron will assume the shape of peach blossoms;
Let grass weave a layer of silky gauze
And bacteria puff up patches of clouds and haze.

So let the dead water ferment into green wine,
Littered with floating pearls of white foam;
Small pearls crackle aloud and become big pearls,
Only to burst like gnats and to rob the vintage.

So this ditch of dead and hopeless water
May boast a touch of brightness;
If the frogs cannot endure the deathly silence,
The water may burst out singing.

Here is a ditch of dead and hopeless water,
A place where beauty can never stay;
Better abandon it to evil –
Then, perhaps, some beauty will come of it.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Jeri
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 10:13 AM

Les Barker has one at his page entitled "Who Are Your Heroes." Click here, then click on the scrolling text "A tribute to the rescue workers of New York."

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Arjay
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 09:23 PM

In case the thread above has an expiration date, here is the tribute to the rescue workers of NY.


Tell me now who are your heroes?

Tell me which have stirred your heart,
How they live and breathe and function;
Tell me what sets them apart.

Tell me; are they brave and handsome?
Are they in the public eye
Or common folk, and merely mortal?
Tell me do they fear to die?

Tell me now who are your heroes?
Some, I know, would canonise
Those whose deeds entangle others
In their own self sacrifice;

Those who meet their fates believing
Human lives are not so dear,
Meeting death with pride and purpose,
Seeking out what others fear.

Tell me now, are these your heroes?
Those who fear and yet still dare;
When we all would flee to safety
Here's the one who climbs the stair;

Here's the one who meets the danger,
Facing death for workman's wage;
Facing death for friend or stranger,
Unremarked by history's page.

Tell me now, are these your heroes?
Decent working folk who fought
And died in fire and dust and debris,
Whatever hell some fool has wrought.

Brave beyond romance or beauty;
Brave whatever brings the day;
Time to live or die for duty,
Do the job and go away.

PO Box 95, South District Office, Manchester M20 4LB, England.
From Mrs Ackroyd's Kennelpage
A tribute to the rescue workers of New York

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Paul G.
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 09:55 PM

A quick related note...National Public Radio has selected the 10 songs listed below for a program titled "Songs of Hope" with plans to air on 10/11. I am most proud to say that Ron Litschauer, who wrote and performed one of the selected songs is a dear friend and the producer of both of my CDs. Here they are:

Songs of Hope ­ Songs Listing

September 11, 2001 ­ Julie Gold New York City 911 ­ Dan Bern Guitar and Vocals: Dan Bern

Spirit of Flight Nine-Three ­ Darryl Matson/Atz Kilcher Vocals: Atz Kilcher

My Heart ­ Tommy Sands Guitar and Vocals: Tommy Sands

A Song for America ­ Fish Altieri Performed by B.O.S.S. (Bronx Organization of Singer Songwriters (Fish Altieri, Flip Hernandez, Sal Scoca, & Chris Hendon)

Eye for an Eye ­ Pat Surface Guitar and Vocals: Pat Surface

Rise Up ­ Dave Stancliff Guitar and Vocals: Dave Stancliff

Eagle Flying High ­ Golana Golana: Native American Flute Scott Hartley: Piano David Chamberlin: Guitar

Come Home ­ Amanda Hill Vocals: Amanda Hill Arranged by: Rick McDonald

Gift in the Rubble - Cara Cohn All instruments and vocals: Cara Cohn P.O. Box 264 - 6574 N. State Road 7 - Coconut Creek, FL 33073

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Paul G.
Date: 06 Oct 01 - 11:17 PM

These two didn't make the last post -- sorry: Paul

A Dance in Time ­ Ron and Bari and the Roadside Revue Ron Litschauer: Guitar and Vocals Bari Litschauer: Mandolin Dawn Dewitt ­ Upright Bass Stan Geberer: Harmonica

There Are No Words ­ Kitty Donohoe Kitty Donohoe: Guitar and Main Vocal Rachel Alexander: Cello Doug Berch: Whistle William Hamilton: Bagpipes David Mosher: Fiddle & mandolin Voices: Glenn Brown, Wanda Degan, Kim Ellinwood, Regina Fry, Bob Lewis, Pat Madden-Roth, Emery Max, Laurence Max, Diane McNeil, Joe McNeil, David Mosher, Karrie Potter, Sally Potter, Pat Power, Chuck Riley, Mark Schoen, Renae Slaton, Sticker, Kathleen Stockman, Rick Ward, Matt Watroba Roheen Records, P.O. Box 3070, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3070

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Charley Noble
Date: 07 Oct 01 - 09:55 AM

Love to get the words to "There are No Words" by Kitty Donohoe and the Lansing, Michigan gang. Maybe I'll access Kitty's website.

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Subject: ADD: There Are No Words (Kitty Donohoe, 2001)
From: Charley Noble
Date: 07 Oct 01 - 10:04 AM

Back again from Kitty's website where you can download her song, backed up by all our old Elderly Instrument friends. Here's what she says about her song, its production, and the lyrics:


Like many other songwriters around the country, I found myself writing a song about the horrible events that shook the nation on September 11th. I had no particular agenda in writing the song, I just kept thinking "I'm a songwriter, I should write something"...then my next thought was always "there are no words or song that could possibly address this horrible thing", and those words eventually became the song itself.

Joel Mabus and Pat Power (of the Ten Pound Fiddle Coffeehouse in East Lansing, Michigan) organized a benefit concert for the Friday of that week, September 14th, and I performed the song then, singing the words from the paper I had written it on. The audience response was overwhelming and I was urged to record it so, on Thursday, September 20th, about 25 great friends and musicians assembled at Glenn Brown's studio in East Lansing and we put down the entire thing, finishing at about 2:00AM.

Something truly magical happened that night; there was an energy that wouldn't have been there if we had taken a week to plan the session out. Everybody involved donated their voices, time, and expertise and it was a community experience in the best sense of that word.

Any profits that may accrue from the sale of the CD will be donated to the relief efforts in New York City.


(from Elderly Records)

(Download, 5.3megs) (no charge)

(Kitty Donohoe, 2001)

there are no words there is no song
there is no balm that can heal these wounds that will last a lifetime long
and when the stars have burned to dust
hand in hand we still will stand because we must

in one single hour in one single day
we were changed forever something taken away
and there is no fire that can melt this heavy stone
that can bring back the voices or the spirits of our own

all the brothers all the lovers all the friends that are gone
all the chairs that will be empty in the lives that will go on
can we ever forgive though we never will forget
can we believe in the milk of human goodness yet

we were forged in freedom we were born in liberty
we came here to stop the twisted arrows cast by tyranny
and we won't bow down we are strong of heart
we are a chain together that won't be pulled apart

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 08 Oct 01 - 05:05 PM

new song here

click here

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 28 Oct 01 - 02:35 PM

This song was posted above, and I hope Joe (or a clone) can remove the earlier posting(s). I have shortened the song and made some other changes to the lyrics, as well as correcting errors in the chords posted. (I also hope the formatting survives transmission.

Valley Of the Shadow.  (Jeanene Pratt © 2001)

[G]...... [F]..........[C]...................... [D7]
On our journey to the promised land,
We were vilely ambushed by an unseen outlaw band.
Most of us survived it, but so many fell that day,
Many sisters, many brothers perished in the fray.

In shock and anguish, terror and dread,
Our vision blurred, we couldn't see the road ahead.
We knew it was a crossroads; beyond that it was not clear.
We couldn't find our direction through the smoke and our tears.

Could we make it Through The Valley Of the Shadow?
Could we move ahead in spite of all our fears?
Could we feel beyond the hate, could we see our way clear
Could we reach beyond our rage, See the way through our tears?

We'd been living in a garden, rich beyond compare--
Some had called it the promised land and wanted to stay there.
That there is no promised land when there is want outside the wall
And the dream is of liberty and justice for all."

So we said, "Even through the Valley Of the Shadow,
We'll move ahead in spite of all our fears.
Though there be dust in our eyes, keep your eyes on the prize,
The promised land worth all our toil and tears."

F] [C] [F] [G]*
Then the sky was filled with fire and we heard the thousands scream,
And we saw the buildings crumble with so many hearts and dreams!**
Now some of us are cowering, frozen in our tracks.
Many cry for vengeance! Some say we must turn back,

Can we make it through the Valley Of the Shadow?
Can we move ahead in spite of all our fears?
Can we feel beyond the hate, can we see our way clear
Can we reach beyond our rage, see the way through our tears?

Now, once again we're moving, our anger justified,
Assured in all our ardor that God is on our side,
But have we got our bearings enough to comprehend
Just where it is we're going, where it all might end?

Is the garden now the valley of the shadow?
Will tomorrow be hostage to fear?
Are we guided more by hate or by all that we hold dear?**
Can we channel this rage, see the way through our tears?

Yes, "Even Through The Valley Of the Shadow,
We'll move ahead in spite of fears.
Though there be tears in our eyes, keep your eyes on the prize,
The promised land, the dream of all the years."
Though there be tears in our eyes, keep your eyes on the prize,
The promised land, the dream of all the years."

*All choruses use the same chord pattern;the chord progression is the same on all verses, except for the first line of verse four.

**Alternate lyrics:

Verse four: "Then our world came crashing down, as from a terrible earthquake, And it seemed our faith might shatter like the buildings in its wake."

Next to last chorus: "Are we greater than this hate? Will the dream again be clear?**

As soon as I figure out how to do the MIDI, I will post it (or send it to Joe, so, hopefully, the MIDI can be posted with the lyrics here).

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 28 Oct 01 - 02:49 PM

There is another thread about how to post chords with lyrics. Good thing people are working on alternative methods, because the above post illustrates a common problem. I posted from a Word document with the chords right above the words where chord changes occur. I used the HTML "
" code, but my chords ended up way out of 'sync,' after I posted it!

Here's where the chords should be: ...... ................................ [G]On our [F]journey [C]to the promised [D7]land,
[G]We were vilely [Em]ambushed by an [C]unseen outlaw [D7]band.
[Em] Most of us survived it, but so [Am]many fell that day,
Many [D]sisters, many [D7]brothers [C]perished [D7]in the [G]fray.
Could we [G]make it Through The [F]Valley Of the [G]Shadow?
Could we [G#]move a[G]head in spite of all our [D7]fears?
Could we [Em]feel beyond the [Am]hate, could we see our way clear?
Could we [D]reach beyond our [D7]rage, See the [C]way [D7]through our [G]tears?

... Then the [F]sky was filled with [C]fire and we [F]heard the thousands [G]* scream,


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 28 Oct 01 - 02:54 PM

That big gap at the beginning of the post was where I typed in the HTML code for "preformat". Duh! OF COURSE, it didn't show up on the post! What I was saying is that I had used the preformatting HTML code when I posted chords above lyrics, but, despite that, the chord postitions shifted in transmission.
Maybe I'll have to try Amos's suggestion of composing in Netscape Composer first and then posting it. Maybe that will solve the formatting problems.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Trapper
Date: 31 Oct 01 - 04:16 PM

Oops... didn't see this thread.

- Al

Words and music by Al Boyce, (c) 10/25/2001

Don't hit your brother
You know that it's wrong
Be nice to your sister
And try to get along.
It's a hot day, and a long trip
And we're a family
We need to take care of each other
And live in harmony.

On vacation in the Badlands
Driving down the Interstate
Four kids, a dog and my parents
In my dad's brand new V-8
After hours and hours of riding
And as nerves began to fray
We'd scrap with one another
My dad would reach around and say:

"I have a dream", he told us
As his voice pealed through the mall
Dr. Martin Luther King had seen
Peace and freedom for us all.
Though his sermon's words were different
More eloquent by far
My father's words came back to me
From the backseat of our car:

God returned last Tuesday
As the second Tower fell
On September the Eleventh
A day we know too well.
He saw brothers fighting brothers
He looked around and shook his head.
"Did you people ever listen
To a single word I said?"

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Tinker
Date: 01 Nov 01 - 01:55 PM

Had a wonderful conversations with Caroline Paton, Big Mick and others at Getaway about so many current issues and feelings. Left with with just as many unanswered questions, but with a surer feeling that if answers there be, they are still to be found in questions...

I WONDER tune: John Jacob Niles--I Wonder as I Wander

I wonder as I wander out under the sky
How so many people did come for to die
Just ordinary people like you and like I
I wonder as I wander out under the sky

"Twas just any morning out under the sun
As mothers and fathers to work they did run
When out of the sky with a crash and a flame
And the world that we know now will n'er be the same

I wonder as I wander out under the stars
How hatred so vile did travel so far
Choosing targets by chance, they were not known by name
And I wonder as I wander, just who is to blame

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,Arjay
Date: 04 Nov 01 - 04:20 AM

How about an update of "Bless 'Em All" dedicated both to our armed forces and to the wonderful firefighters and medical personnel who gave their lives in NYC trying to save the folks in the towers?


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 06 Nov 01 - 09:29 PM

I really like your lyrics, way above in this thread. Can you post a MIDI of the tune?

Jeri, I'm toying around with melodies for yours.

From the post, "Songs of Hope ? Songs Listing." here are some clickies

September 11, 2001 ? Julie Gold New York City 911 ? Dan Bern Guitar and Vocals: Dan Bern here

Spirit of Flight Nine-Three ? Darryl Matson/Atz Kilcher Vocals: Atz Kilcher here

My Heart ? Tommy Sands here

A Song for America ? Fish Altieri here

Eye for an Eye ? Pat Surface here

Rise Up ? Dave Stancliff here

Eagle Flying High ? Golana Golana: here

Come Home ? Amanda Hill here

Gift in the Rubble - Cara Cohn here

A Dance in Time ?

There Are No Words ? Kitty Donohoe here

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Jeri
Date: 06 Nov 01 - 10:05 PM

I would still love to have the tune for Remember Me, posted by GUEST above.

Genie, the tune that seems to best fit the one I wrote is Three Score and Ten. I've never sung it, and it seems to be past its shelf life at this point, anyway. This one's probably better, but I still don't think anyone's ever going to sing it. (More about the start of the war than the terrorist attacks.) Here's the tune - "harmony" notes indicate indecisivenes as to the melody, not really an attempt at harmony.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 07 Nov 01 - 12:02 AM

You do that, too, eh, Jeri? (cf the "harmony" notes)
Thanks for the post.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: The Shambles
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 04:26 AM

Hiders In Holes

These hiders from light
Talk boldly of fight
They tell an unconvincing story

These hiders in caves
Send young men to their graves
To die, they believe in glory

What is this cause?
These holy wars!
You may choose to pay the ultimate price
But do the misused?
Have the right to choose?
Those who will share their sacrifice?

These hiders in holes
These sellers of souls
These market dealers in doom

Hiders behind skirts
They nurture their hurts
With arms that reach out from the gloom

Why the cry?
An eye for an eye!
That retribution be both swift and ruthless?
Is it the master plan?
That each and every land
Be filled with the blinded and the toothless?

These hiders can lie
The dark blinding their eyes
Safe from those that would kill them

These hiders may hide
They're safe inside
Let them have their holes……and then fill them

Roger Gall 2001

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Tweed
Date: 10 Nov 01 - 03:01 PM

Here's what came outta me the day after the attack. It's badly recorded and don't mind the coughing in the middle as I was gettin' over pneumonia that week.

Tweed's 911

It opens with window media for me but I'm not sure about the others. It's a little sad sounding but it was a real sad day.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Amergin
Date: 28 Feb 02 - 04:09 PM

Not exactly a song but here goes....

Daddy, I turned 6 today

Hello, Daddy, I turned six today
We had a party and Jimmy and Tommy were there
We had strawberry cake and chocolate ice cream
Uncle John sang Happy Birthday on his guitar
I got a bicycle and a red fire engine
But the thing I wanted most I did not receive
For when the two towers came tumbling down
You gave all that you had to give

Hello, Daddy, I graduated today
You should have seen us in the robes of black
As we sauntered down the theater aisles
Tassles swinging back and forth with each step
Arm and arm with my partner in life, Mary
I saw your shadow sitting by mom, hand upon her arm
As I looked up to see mom with tears in her eyes
Wishing that you could have been there in flesh
Wishing that hose towers never fell from the skies

Hello, Daddy, I got married today
To red headed Mary my partner for life
Her smile glistened encased in white lace
As the Father stood before us, making her my wife
Mom sat right up there in front of the crowd
Next to an empty chair where you should have been
But I knew you were there with us, watching
Shouting congratulations! upon the summer wind

Hello, Daddy, you're a grandfather now
Fine young boy that we named after you
He is a good 8 pounds and six ounces
He can scream louder than an engine, too
I think he will grow to be a fine man
Strong of heart and soul he will be
He will wear the badge of the fireman
Like his old man, and my father before me

Line breaks added. --JoeClone

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: CapriUni
Date: 28 Feb 02 - 04:38 PM

Wow! Amergin, that was beautiful!

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 01 Mar 02 - 04:40 AM

Great poem, Amergin!

I'm glad this thread has been refreshed by your entry. I would hate to see folks stop writing new songs about 9-11 or the ones that folks wrote at the time forgotten just because some time has passed.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
Date: 01 Mar 02 - 06:54 PM

On Orders from God (only verse 2 relates to 9/11)

1. When they cut off the world
Couldn't blame them at all
'Cause it made 'em feel cheap
And it made 'em feel small
But the voice that they heeded
It was just someone's pride
And a little boy suffered
Little Samuel died
CHORUS: Won't you give 'em a sign?
Bring sight to their eyes
Show them that love
Is the light of your way
Please do it soon
Awwh, why not today?
They're saying a baby was starved on orders from God.
2. Lynn was just twenty-five
On a flight to L A
She and Sean dreamed of sunshine
But they flew on the wrong day
September eleventh
In year twenty-oh-one
Young loves tossed in fire
When the horror was done
CHORUS: Give Osama a sign
Bring sight to his eyes
Show him that love
Is the light of your way
Please do it soon
Awwh, why not today?
He's saying the innocents died on orders from God.
On orders from God
On orders from God
The devil, I say, when he tells me his orders're from God.
3. Hear God's voice in the breezes
In the roar of the sea
In the pulse of our heartbeats
In the buzz of a bee
It don't ask for killing
It don't ask for strife
It's a hymn to existence
It's the mystery of life
CHO: Won't you give me a sign
I'm so tired of madness posing as orders from God.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: GUEST,
Date: 01 Mar 02 - 08:34 PM

I just have a little one, based on maxims...the tune is somewhat like Where am I to go..

Love is in the air dear people love is in the air
I feel it everywhere dear people feel it everywhere

Hope is on the rise dear people hope is on the rise
I see it in your eyes dear people see it in your eyes

Faith will pull us through dear people faith will pull us through
There's so much left to do dear people so much left to do

Things are on the mend dear people things are on the mend
I hear it in the wind dear people hear it in the wind

Time will heal our wounds dear people time will heal our wounds
It might take many moons dear people might take many moons

Spring will come again dear people spring will come again
It's as it's ever been dear people as it's ever been


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Amergin
Date: 09 Mar 02 - 02:28 AM

OOPS! thanks JoeClone for fixing my line breaks....I must have forgotten them...oh well...but thank you!

and thanks to Genie and Capri for your kind words....

Mary and Guest...those were wonderful!

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 10 Sep 07 - 09:27 PM

I thought it would be interesting to revisit the various songs we wrote back in late Sept. and the fall of 2001 now, 6 years later.

The dust has cleared somewhat, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 11 Sep 07 - 01:59 AM

For what it's worth (which is not much), this thread has various preliminary forumulations of a song I was writing in response to the 9-11-01 attacks, but not the final version. That finished song is here:


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: ard mhacha
Date: 11 Sep 07 - 04:26 AM

Would some of you wonderful people now pen a poem or song for the thousands of Iraqi innocents who died in a unnecessary war.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 11 Sep 07 - 01:54 PM

Since Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks on 9-11-07, ard mhacha, how about a separate thread for songs dealing with the tragedy of this invasion and occupation of their country?


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Subject: video: Valley Of The Towering Shadows
From: Genie
Date: 12 Sep 09 - 06:53 AM

The tune for my 9-11-01 song can be found at YouTube now. (It's a lousy video, but it does show basically how the song should sound (except for one word in the last chorus which I sang wrong). The title is "Valley Of Towering Shadows."

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Subject: LYD ADD: Not Another Mother's Son/Father's Daughte
From: sing4peace
Date: 12 Sep 09 - 10:23 PM

I wrote this song in tribute to the women and men of a group called September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows ( and in memory of a young man named Michael Andrade who was the first Rhode Islander to die in Iraq. It was written to describe the "World Says No To War" marches that happened in over 670 cities around the world on February 15, 2003 preceding the US invasion of Iraq.

By Joyce Katzberg c) White Rose Music

It was early in the morning
when the sound of people marching
broke my slumber and my dreaming
with this song that they were singing...

Chorus: Not Another Mother's Son
Not Another Father's Daughter
In the name of all that's holy
put an end to all this slaughter
not another mother's son
not another father's daughter.

Before my eyes and in my ears
the images and pleadings
of those who've seen the horror
of the human family bleeding
they were marching one by one
but together they were millions
from the hills and from the valleys
and the song that they were singing...

Chorus: not another mother's son...

Some were old and some were older
some wore gold and some wore rags
some with babies some with banners
many nations many flags
all the colors of the rainbow
were reflected on their faces
in unison and harmony
they kept right on with singing...

Chorus: Not another mother's son...

It was early in the morning
when the sound of people marching
broke my slumber and my dreaming
with a song that they were singing
this march goes on and on
with no end and no beginning
for an end to endless war
join this song that we are singing...

Not another mother's son
not another father's daughter
in the name of all that's holy
put an end to all this slaughter
not another mother's son
not another father's daughter.

There is a live version of this song at

Your sister in hope and song,

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: katlaughing
Date: 12 Sep 09 - 11:08 PM

Joyce, thanks for sharing. BEAUTIFUL and very powerful and I love the message. What a beautiful, powerful voice you have to go with those lyrics, too! Perfect. Well complimented by your picking, too. May all who hear it, agree and join in hope, song, and perseverance.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: oldhippie
Date: 13 Sep 09 - 08:48 PM

Don't know if its a relatively new song about 9-11 or just new to me,- "Flight 93" by Leslie Fish.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: Genie
Date: 24 May 11 - 12:03 AM

This video is a very informal recording. Rather sloppy, in fact. (The last chorus should say "... tears in our eyes .., " not "dust in our eyes," for example.)
But it does show how the melody and lyrics fit together.

The lyrics posted earlier in this thread represent an earlier stage in the evolution of this song.

Video: "Valley Of The Towering Shadows"

(R. Jeanene Pratt © 2001, 2002

On our journey to the promised land, /
Ambushed by an unseen outlaw band, /
Most of us survived, but so many fell that day, /        
Many sisters, brothers perished in the fray. /

In shock, anguish, terror and dread, /
Vision blurred -- couldn't see the road ahead -- /
We knew it was a crossroads; nothing more was clear. /
Couldn/t find our way through the smoke and our tears. /  

Could we make it through the Valley of the Shadow? /
Could we move ahead in spite of all our fears? /
Could we feel beyond the hate?  Could we see our way clear? /                
Could we reach beyond our rage,  see the way through our tears? /

Wed been living in a garden, rich beyond compare. /
Some had called it the promised land and wanted to stay there. /                           
But there is no promised land when there is want outside the wall  /             
And the dream is "liberty and justice for all, /      

So we said, "Even through the Valley Of the Shadow, /
Well move a-head in spite of fear--  /      
Dust in our eyes, eyes on the prize,   /        
The promised land worth all our toil and tears."/         
Then the  skyline on fire, the smoke and the screams,  /            
Buildings crumbling with untold hearts and dreams!   /   
Some of us were cowering, frozen in our tracks. /  
Many cried for vengeance!    Some   said we   must turn back. /         

Through The Valley Of the Towering Shadows, /
Could we move ahead in   spite of all our fears? /
Could we feel beyond the hate?  Could we see our way clear, /  
Reach beyond our rage,  See the way through our tears? /

Now, once more we're moving, anger justified, /         
Assured that God is   on our   side, /                
But have we got our bearings enough to comprehend /
Just where we're going, where it all might end? /

Is the garden now the Valley Of The Shadow?   /    
Will tomorrow be hostage to fear?  /     
Are we guided more by hate or by all that we hold dear? /
Can we channel this rage, see the way through our tears? /

Yes,  even through The Valley Of The Shadow, /
We'll move ahead in  spite of fears.  /      
Tears in our eyes,  eyes on the prize, /          
The promised land, the   hope of all the years. /
Tears in our eyes,  eyes on the prize,   /              
The promised land, the hope   of all the years. /     Valley Of The Towering Shadows YouTube recording, with one mistake in the lyrics of the last verse.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-01
From: saulgoldie
Date: 22 Jul 11 - 09:53 PM

I want to learn "There Are No Words." Does anyone have the chords? Thanks.


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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-2001
From: saulgoldie
Date: 25 Jul 11 - 08:17 PM

No one?

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-2001
From: maeve
Date: 25 Jul 11 - 08:37 PM

Saul, I see the lyrics for "There Are No Words" here:

May I suggest that you send a PM to Charley Noble, who appears to have posted it originally? Sometimes it takes quite a while for the appropriate people to see a request such as yours when hidden n a longer thread like this.

Good luck,

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-2001
From: Bert
Date: 25 Jul 11 - 08:50 PM

I just found this thread.

Just after 911 you couldn't buy a flag anywhere and a family across town made one of their own.

Here is my song about it. The tune is pretty much 'Home on the Range' bent a bit to fit the meter.


The Flag with a thousand stars.

Our country has been through some times that are sad
Our President said we should all fly the flag
but in this town of ours, not a flag can be had,
a flag with the stripes and stars.

A family that lives out on Route 29
Although they'd been searching for such a long time
in all of the county not a flag could they find
that bore the stripes and the stars.

A white sheet from the closet they couldn't go wrong
Scarlet ribbons they stole from an old Christmas song
But even though they searched hard and long
They couldn't find any stars.

'Till at last in a store in an old remnant pile,
They found a remnant that made them all smile
The thing they'd been searching for all of the while
some cotton all covered with stars.

Now the stars were too small, but they thought it might do
It was just the right size and the cotton was blue
So they sewed it together and hung it in view,
A flag with a thousand stars.

Now if Route 29's on your daily commute
Look out for that flag it's really quite cute
and as you drive by, don't forget to salute
The Flag with a Thousand Stars.

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Subject: RE: New Songs for 9-11-2001
From: Genie
Date: 10 Sep 11 - 10:41 AM

Wondering if there are any new new songs for 9-11 -- for the 10th anniversary retrospective.

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