Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: catspaw49 Date: 13 Mar 02 - 03:09 PM All that aside, I was less than impressed too with the light show and found the TV pictures almost didn't show it. I DO agree with you all on the Sphere......That one really needs to stay! It has a certain "Down but not out" quality about it, Phoenix-like if you will. I haven't watched much of the 9/11 replay things til watching the documentary the other night and regardless of what it showed of the disaster, it showed far more into the minds and mindset of firefighters everywhere. I was grateful for removal of the scenes that were felt too gratuitous but also thankful it was left so "raw" in language and many images. Really an excellent piece of work. Spaw |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: SharonA Date: 13 Mar 02 - 02:48 PM Hmmm, well, the Gulf War didn't guarantee Pappy a second term in office. We can only hope that the same is true of Dumbya and the terrisses. |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: Blackcatter Date: 13 Mar 02 - 02:38 PM True, but he didn't have a snowball's chance until 9-11. Just like his pappy and the Gulf War. |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: SharonA Date: 13 Mar 02 - 12:19 PM Blackcatter: Actually, since his inauguration day... |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: Blackcatter Date: 12 Mar 02 - 10:50 PM The computer representation of the lights was much more impressive than the actual thing. Why anyone thought that lights that aren't the same width of the towers would be a good idea is beyond me. Reminds me of the pathetic attempts to be a real president Dumbya has been making since 9-11. pax yall |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: SINSULL Date: 12 Mar 02 - 11:49 AM I can watch the replays now and even comprehend the disaster. It is time to move on, not forget, but get on with rebuilding. I am out of NYC now but see this light show as a somewhat tacky and pathetic attempt at a memorial. The sphere has more meaning. The sphere to me represents the strength and endurance of the city and the country. |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: RichM Date: 12 Mar 02 - 11:13 AM The idea of using lights as a memorial is inventive; and certainly we should all remember this horrible event. But I'm not a NewYorker, so I can't say what it feels like to live with these lights each night. I do know that I can't watch video replays of the's just too disturbing, too painful. Rich McCarthy |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: InOBU Date: 12 Mar 02 - 10:38 AM I completely agree and would like to see the Sphere be a permanent memorial. Funny enough, it was so perfect in it's form that about a week before the 11th, I was standing in the plaza looking at it, maybe because of the movie A I, I was thinking about what the passing years would do to it, would it outlast the towers and be some erroding knick nack in some corner of a future city, rediscovered by a historian who would say it once stood in front of the largest buildings of it's day. So, a few days after the 11th, I found my self wondering about it, crushed no doupt under the rubble, and well, here it is. The fact that it was so bright and smooth and perfect, makes it a very touching memorial. Cheers, Larry |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: SharonA Date: 12 Mar 02 - 10:01 AM At least it's temporary (it's only supposed to be turned on nightly for a month or so). The better temporary monument IMO is the battered-but-still-standing Sphere (the statue that used to be at the WTC), currently displayed in Battery Park. |
Subject: RE: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: Mrrzy Date: 12 Mar 02 - 09:10 AM Also, isn't it a bit shoving-down-the-throat? Ought it not be something people could CHOOSE to go see, rather than having to see just by stepping outside? I've been reading complaints from New Yorkers... |
Subject: WTC memorial lights in NYC From: InOBU Date: 12 Mar 02 - 07:39 AM Well folks... the seach light memorial was lit last night. I was hopeful that it would be impressive, but, in reality, the proportion is troubling, the light collums are two thin for the hight, so instead of evoking the trade center's place in the skyline, it just reminds me of search lights during war. Oh well, it seems to me more troubling than comforting. Larry |
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