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Lyr Req: Parlami d'amore Mariù (Italian)


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GUEST 10 Dec 10 - 11:29 AM
Q (Frank Staplin) 02 Dec 10 - 08:53 PM
Monique 02 Dec 10 - 06:08 PM
GUEST,Grishka 02 Dec 10 - 03:06 PM
GUEST 02 Dec 10 - 02:09 PM
GUEST,Linda 15 Aug 10 - 11:36 AM
GUEST,bob 23 Jul 06 - 10:28 PM
Ferrara 09 May 06 - 01:13 PM
GUEST, 09 May 06 - 10:20 AM
Q (Frank Staplin) 15 Jul 05 - 08:38 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 15 Jul 05 - 08:29 PM
GUEST,cd 15 Jul 05 - 07:05 PM
Jim Dixon 20 Feb 05 - 09:12 AM
Jim Dixon 18 Feb 05 - 10:06 PM
GUEST 17 Feb 05 - 05:35 PM
GUEST, 15 Nov 04 - 03:23 PM
GUEST 22 Mar 04 - 01:16 AM
Ezio 03 Apr 99 - 10:43 AM
Ezio 03 Apr 99 - 02:24 AM
Margo 02 Apr 99 - 09:15 PM
Joe Offer 02 Apr 99 - 07:31 PM
Ezio 10 Dec 98 - 01:55 AM
Joe Offer 09 Dec 98 - 01:33 PM
Joe Offer 09 Dec 98 - 01:04 PM
Ezio 09 Dec 98 - 10:27 AM
Joe Offer 08 Dec 98 - 02:29 PM
Joe Offer 07 Dec 98 - 10:36 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Parlami d'amore Mariù (Italian)
Date: 10 Dec 10 - 11:29 AM

Ho bisogno di PAROLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Parlami d'amore Mariù (Italian)
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 02 Dec 10 - 08:53 PM

Several versions on youtube. I liked di Stefano; less 'forced' than some of the others.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Parlami d'amore Mariù (Italian)
From: Monique
Date: 02 Dec 10 - 06:08 PM

From there:
"Ho un'amica sarda che si chiama Maria ma tutti la chiamano Mariù." = "I have a Sardinian friend called Maria but all call her Mariù" (short for Mariuccia, pet form of Maria)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Parlami d'amore Mariù (Italian)
From: GUEST,Grishka
Date: 02 Dec 10 - 03:06 PM

It must be a female first name in a southern dialect, because "bella" applies to female nouns only. In particular, it is not the male Mario. "Marion" may be a French equivalent known in English too.

Note that the rest of the lyrics is standard Italian, so that the song can be described as pseudo-southern.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Parlami d'amore Mariù (Italian)
Date: 02 Dec 10 - 02:09 PM

Does Mariu' translate to "little Marie "??
Please send answer to

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Italian song: 'Parlami d'amore Mariù'
From: GUEST,Linda
Date: 15 Aug 10 - 11:36 AM

Jimmy Roselli sings this song   beautifully however,   he has Famme Sunna   in the song lyrics which I cannot find anywhere   and the version he sings doesn't have the same lyrics as I can tell.   Can anyone help. I have been listening to Jimmy Roselli since i was a child and I love to sing however, I dont' speak Italian Fluently   as my parents   have and can onlyunderstand   more than speak it...   Can anyone help out there??

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Parlami d'Amore, Mariu (Italian)
From: GUEST,bob
Date: 23 Jul 06 - 10:28 PM

I need the chords to the song

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Italian song: 'Parlami d'amore Mariù'
From: Ferrara
Date: 09 May 06 - 01:13 PM

Have added some great information on "cella luna" or "Lazy Mary" to

this thread.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Italian song: 'Parlami d'amore Mariù'
From: GUEST,
Date: 09 May 06 - 10:20 AM

I would like the lyrics and translation to cella luna!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Italian song: 'Parlami d'amore Mariù'
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 15 Jul 05 - 08:38 PM

Here are Neapolitan songs: Canzone Napoletana

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Italian song: 'Parlami d'amore Mariù'
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 15 Jul 05 - 08:29 PM

Several songs here:

There is a Neapolitan site, but I will have to search for it.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Italian song: 'Parlami d'amore Mariù'
From: GUEST,cd
Date: 15 Jul 05 - 07:05 PM

does anyone know where I can go to find lyrics to italian songs? i tried the 'international lyrics' site listed above, but it's all in german. (i think). thank you!!!!!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Italian song: 'Parlami d'amore Mariù'
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 20 Feb 05 - 09:12 AM

Here's another English translation, but I don't know if it's meant to be sung. Copied from The Lied and Art Song Texts Page:

How beautiful you are, more than ever this evening, Mariù!
A smile is twinkling like a star in your blue eyes.
Even if the fates should be contrary tomorrow,
Today I am with you; why be sad?
Do not think about it!

Speak to me of love, Mariù!
I live only for you!
Your lovely eyes shine brightly;
They flash with a dreaming fire!
Tell me that this is no illusion;
Tell me that you are all mine!
Here in your arms I suffer no more.
Speak to me of love, Mariù!

Your lovely eyes shine brightly, etc.

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Subject: Lyr Add: PARLEZ-MOI D'AMOUR MON AMOUR (French)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 18 Feb 05 - 10:06 PM

allmusic lists 48 recordings of PARLAMI D'AMORE MARIÙ.

Words, Ennio Neri. Music, Cesare Andrea Bixio (1896-1978)

You can see sheet music at this Argentinian tango website, where it is translated into Spanish as HABLAME DE AMORES MARIÚ.

There is a midi file on this page.

There are French lyrics here: PARLEZ-MOI D'AMOUR MON AMOUR


Parlez-moi d'amour mon amour
Redis- moi les mots de toujours
Même si les mots ont bien changé
Ils ne semblent pas si démodés
Tant que le ciel existera
On dira toujours ces mots-là
Tant qu'il y aura des amoureux
On échangera des aveux

Comme les chalands n'en finiront jamais de passer
Les goélands n'en finiront jamais de voler
Comme le printemps fait toujours refleurir les lilas
L'amour m'a mis dans tes bras ah ah ah

Même si les mots ont bien changé
Ils ne sont pas si démodés
Ils ont fait des peines aux parents
Ils feront rêver nos enfants
Tant que la terre tournera
Parle-moi d'amour, mon amour

(Ennio Neri / carlo-Andrea Bixio / Pascal Sevran) - 1976

Lyrics copy-pasted from the link cited above.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
Date: 17 Feb 05 - 05:35 PM

Please does enyone knows where can i download that song?????????

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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: GUEST,
Date: 15 Nov 04 - 03:23 PM

I have no informations for you,but I would like to know the music.I FELL IN LOVE IN THIS SONG while watching ''Terra speranza''(which is great with Reynaldo Gianecchini and Priscila Fantin).I would like to have it in CD,so if anyone can elp me please write to me at this e-mail thanks!!!!

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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
Date: 22 Mar 04 - 01:16 AM

wonderful songs!

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From: Ezio
Date: 03 Apr 99 - 10:43 AM

Dear Joe, here you are the exact lyrics (100% sure!) of the song as sung by Pavarotti in the file you sent.
I've replaced the accented wovels by the wovel followed by the ' character, to avoid problems due to keyboard layouts on different machines.
I'm sorry if I missed and did not answer to some previus threads, but I'm hard-pressed by work and I've little spare time now. Therefore, that I can haunt the Forum irregularly - much less than I would...



Cesare Andrea Bixio (1896-1978)

Come sei bella piu' bella stasera Mariu'
Splende un sorriso di stella negli occhi tuoi blu
Anche se avverso il destino domani sara'
Oggi ti sono vicino, perche' sospirar, non pensar...

Parlami d'amore Mariu'
Tutta la mia vita sei tu
Gli occhi tuoi belli brillano
Fiamme di sogno scintillano.

Dimmi che illusione non e'
Dimmi che sei tutta per me
Qui sul tuo cuor non soffro piu'
Parlami d'amore Mariu'.

Gli occhi tuoi belli brillano
Fiamme di sogno scintillano.
Dimmi che illusione non e'
Dimmi che sei tutta per me
Qui sul tuo cuor non soffro piu'
Parlami d'amore Mariu'.


Come sei bella piu' bella stasera Mariu'
How you are beautiful - more beautiful - tonight Mariu'

Splende un sorriso di stella negli occhi tuoi blu
A star smile shines in your blu eyes

Anche se avverso il destino domani sara'
Even if tomorrow the destiny will be adverse

Oggi ti sono vicino, perche' sospirar, non pensar...
Today I'm near you, why sigh, do not think...

Parlami d'amore Mariu'
Tell me of love Mariu'

Tutta la mia vita sei tu
You are all my life

Gli occhi tuoi belli brillano
Your beautiful eyes shine

Fiamme di sogno scintillano.
Dream flames twinkle

Dimmi che illusione non e'
Tell me it is not illusion

Dimmi che sei tutta per me
Tell me that you are all for me

Qui sul tuo cuor non soffro piu'
Here on your heart I do not suffer anymore

Parlami d'amore Mariu'.
Tell me of love Mariu'

Gli occhi tuoi belli brillano
Your beautiful eyes shine

Fiamme di sogno scintillano.
Dream flames twinkle

Dimmi che illusione non e'
Tell me it is not illusion

Dimmi che sei tutta per me
Tell me that you are all for me

Qui sul tuo cuor non soffro piu'
Here on your heart I do not suffer anymore

Parlami d'amore Mariu'.
Tell me of love Mariu'

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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: Ezio
Date: 03 Apr 99 - 02:24 AM

Joe, I'm sorry about the bad e-mail address. I can't remember which address I gave you. Probably it's one I've discontinued. I'm sending you a personal message with a good address. Looking forward to hear from you - and glad to give my little help!



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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: Margo
Date: 02 Apr 99 - 09:15 PM

Joe, I can't help with the exact lyrics, but I can help with pronunciation if you want. (I suppose we'd have to do that on the telephone.) And I still have my ditzionare Italiano for questions about meaning.


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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: Joe Offer
Date: 02 Apr 99 - 07:31 PM

Anybody who can give me the exact lyrics for this song? I tried to e-mail Ezio, but the address he sent me didn't work.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: Ezio
Date: 10 Dec 98 - 01:55 AM


the lyrics seems quite good, but they are very short. If you want be sure that they're complete, please send me the Pavarotti's song. I'm VERY GLAD to help you. You're welcome

(I'm sending you my e-mail address via e-mail)



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Subject: Lyr Add: PARLAMI D'AMORE MARIU' (Cesare A Bixio)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Dec 98 - 01:33 PM

Say, for an international song, maybe I should have looked at the International Lyrics Server. You won't believe how much time I wasted looking for these lyrics. Do they seem to be correct, Ezio?
-Joe Offer, sheepishly-



Cesare Andrea Bixio (1896-1978)

Come sei bella pi— bella stasera Mari—
Splende un sorriso di stelle sugli occhi tuoi blu
Anche se avverso il destino domani sar…
Oggi ti sono vicino perchŠ sospirar.

Parlami d'amore Mari—
Tutta la mia vita sei tu
Gli occhi tuoi belli brillano
Come due stelle scintillano.

Dimmi che illusione non Š
Dimmi che sei tutta per me
Qui sul tuo cuor non soffrir• mai pi—
Parlami d'amore Mari—.

Parlami d'amore Mari—...

Parlami d'amore Mari—
Tutta la mia vita sei tu
Gli occhi tuoi belli brillano
Fiama di sogno scintillano.

Dimmi che luzione non Š
Dimmi che sei tutta per me
Qui sul tuo core non soffro pi—
Parlami d'amore Mari—.

I'm not sure which version is correct, and my e-mail to Ezio got sent back, so I wasn't able to check with him. Haven't heard from him lately.

The composer and songwriter Cesare Andrea Bixio (1896-1978), early proved to be a very talented entrepreneur as well as a refined artist and founded the publishing Group that goes by his name back in the 20s. After scoring his first hits, among which the soundtrack of the first Italian talking movie, La Canzone dell'Amore, he worked intensely gathering around him a group of young talented artist which were to become the forefront of the renewal of the Italian song. Year after year, Gruppo Bixio has made its presence felt in the world of music with a repertoire ranging from the famous songs of the past to Italy's best known soundtracks, down to pop and Sanremo hits.

-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: Joe Offer
Date: 09 Dec 98 - 01:04 PM

Hi, Ezio - if you do come up with lyrics, let me know. I'll get what my friend has next week, and maybe you can help me correct what I have. I do have a CD with Pavarotti singing the song, but I can't make out the lyrics. If I e-mailed you a RealAudio recording, might that help? Click on my name if you want to e-mail me.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: Ezio
Date: 09 Dec 98 - 10:27 AM

Joe, I know this song, it is very popular in Italy among elder people (I'm nearly 50 so I put myself among them). It was written by a songwriter named Bixio back in 1932. I can't help you with the lyric as I can remember only sparse verses.

If you search the web, you will find several interesting sites. I jus had a look at some of them, and found three with WAV or RA file, but no lyric yet. The web at the present is so sloooow here, so I can't search deeper. Maybe you could have more luck.

This is IMPORTANT: the exact spelling of the song is:

Parlami d'amore Mariù

Please note that Parlami it a whole word and Mariù should have accent on the u (maybe the search could yeld good results also with a non-accented u)

If you search Altavista with "Parlami d'amore Mariù" you will get 24 hits. Please note the quotes - they force Altavista to search for the 'exact phrase'

The following pages have a link to a sound file:



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Subject: RE: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: Joe Offer
Date: 08 Dec 98 - 02:29 PM

I found out that it's listed as "Parlami d'amore, Mariu" on one of the Three Tenors CD's, but I don't happen to have that CD. Anybody happen to have the CD, and does it have printedlyrics you can post for me? I found a recording on a Reader's Digest CD, but no lyrics - and I can't quite make out the whole song. Supposedly, it's a Sicilian folk song.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Help!!! Italian song: Parla mi d'amore, Mariu
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Dec 98 - 10:36 PM

I'm supposed to play Italian tenor and learn a song somebody remembers from her grandmother. It's called "Tell Me that You Love Me" in English, and I have a fairly clear copy of the English version. The Italian lyrics are the ones my friend want me to sing, though, and all I have is her vague memory of what her grandmother used to sing, close to 50 years ago. All I can remember is that first line, which is also the last line, and it sound like that I've put in the thread title, "Parla mi d'amore, Mariu." Then there's words like "tutta" and "brilliano." Can anybody help? thanks.
-Joe offer-

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